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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given all opportunities, even those who are offered no movement. the decision to call the elections home , taking a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with voting on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, i greetings. dear friends, on our
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next new release of our author’s program besagon tv, it will be called, the devil is in the details. i hope you understand why we named our program this way? our previous program on youtube, on the russia-24 channel, was collectively watched by more than 3.5 million people, which, in general, once again... confirms that what we are talking about is interesting to people, important, necessary, what it is makes them want to understand the problem, and therefore try to solve it, i want to consult with you, even without to consult, well, just observations are quite interesting, it seems to me, look , please, how a plus becomes a minus, how a minus becomes a plus, how... black
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becomes white on the contrary, look, these are caricatures that were in my youth, childhood, yes already in adulthood, all sorts of newspapers, magazines , propaganda cartoons were dotted with them, to which we , as a rule, young people treated, so to speak, nihilistically, but again this is all, yes, but nevertheless, time has passed, now imagine on a second, what are these caricatures, that we see them...
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another thing is important, but look how long this mocking, condescending, dismissive, derogatory attitude of the civilized world towards us has been going on, here is boris akunin about ivan the terrible, we talked about this at one of our pesagons . for example, the king loved to punish a person through passion as a kind of warning. his relatives, he also ordered many women to be hanged on the gates of their houses, and their husbands had to pass under these bodies every day and this is not to show what happened to them, the taub cruises report. shlechteng writes that the king ordered a certain woman to be hanged over the table where her husband and family usually ate, and for a long time did not allow the body to be removed. and here is a caricature of catherine i. or
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, for example, 1903, in an american magazine the caricature is called russia on the court of world contempt, and look at how arrogantly the spirit of civilization is indicated, that is, this spirit of civilization, it does not allow the aztegian, indian civilization , great or chinese or russian civilization, in general there’s not even a conversation about what kind of russian civilization is it? he despises us, why? for the fact that we live, for the fact that we are like this, that we are different, that we don’t want this, we want this, that we love dumplings and not a hamburger, well, well, for what, which is easier, to understand or to hate , to hate, in order to understand, you need to spend your time, not only to... to understand
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, you also need to have a desire to understand the other, look how the cup... pesov changes its balance, here are today's caricatures, today's caricatures of the civilized world, on us , those who should be put on trial this civilized world. for example, here is a cartoon in the notorious magazine charlie abdo, it is dedicated to our president, vladimir putin, here’s another, or this, or this.
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because of the terrible stench they came up with perfumes, in russia they came up with a bathhouse, think about how amazingly accurate it is, when a russian preferred to wash himself, put on clean, fresh underwear, on top there might not be a very rich suit, but that suited him, then the suit, boots, and tie were important . toad or whatever, judging by the time, and the fact that the underpants have not been washed, it would no longer matter, they are not visible , this is not visible, that is, roughly speaking, russia prefers to wash with soap, and the west
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prefers to scent itself with perfume, and they have achieved great success there, the perfume there is wonderful, but this is not resolved. march 1568, that's 450 years ago. polish king segismund, he writes to queen elizabeth of england. we see that muscovite is not only a temporary enemy of our kingdom, but a hereditary enemy of all
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free peoples. thanks to the recently established navigation, it is abundantly supplied not just weapons. estimate the scale of hatred, this is 450 years ago, damn it, we generally understand the depth of it all, if nothing has changed during this time, in
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fact, what was formulated 450 years ago is what is being said directly today, the enemy, the enemy, not a temporary enemy. a constant enemy who cannot be allowed to breathe, cannot, he must be kept in this cage in which he is kept, when he is judged by the court of history, the court of civilization, but what now? so we say that it has not changed, no, it has changed, it has worsened, i would say, not only do we they announce sanctions, not only are tens , hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the fight against us, and the most important thing is that they are not only given, they are taken, and not only taken, they are worked off, this is fundamentally important, well... don’t it’s a long way to go, i’ll just say it casually, completely casually, the nobel peace prize, who received it there,
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martin luther king, dalima, well, it was received by people who, risking their lives in general, in one way or another made their contribution to making peoples understand each other friend, it was probably fair, but then this prize gradually ceases to have its meaning, after which, relatively speaking , gorbachev receives the reward for what for the collapse?
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we can congratulate dmitry muratov, he consistently works according to his ideals , he is committed to his ideals, he is talented, he is brave, and of course, this is a high assessment, this is a high assessment, we congratulate him, when we talk about courage, what is this courage, this is courage in the fact that you can publish more than 100 fake articles with dutch money, which prove that the malaysian boeing was shot down by the russians, and yours
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courage, you know for sure that you will do it, and nothing will happen to you for it, well, listen, if we talk about courage, let’s remember about sanzha, well, he’s not a nobel prize laureate at all, he’s in prison, he’s a why? but because asange does not reveal, does not reveal the putrid ulcers of the bloody regime of the russian government, he talks about another regime, he reveals those ulcers, and no one needs this, no one is interested in knowing this, and it should be noted that this courage is not only nothing not threatening, but she's still and apparently it pays very well, for example, what... writes the famous blogger rustem adagamov, who is difficult to suspect
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of great love for our fatherland and power, maybe that’s why he has to, as i heard, live somewhere abroad , this is what he writes: i would never have thought that the struggle for freedom and democracy in russia could bring such tangible income, allowing me to buy real estate in new york, an excellent area, a nice house and a very nice apartment in it for... on us you work well, and we thank you for it we pay well, market relations
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, fairly, of course, they gave me the work , i did it, i was paid, who orders such work, how is it done, we have a lot of materials on this subject, a lot, for example, i recently received an eye like this an interesting document, it’s called the general work plan of the embassy...
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the rule of law, well, what’s noble, how does the project implement this change? answer: we plan to increase our coverage and representation in the regions of russia. key activities. answer. create a youtube channel, such things, for attracting a wide audience with the film and the release of the documentary series inside out, which examines the problem of russia as a country. ranking third in the world in terms of hiv prevalence, launch a monthly magazine, such affairs, establish regional offices, such affairs in different regions of russia, we expect an increase in the number of views of our audience articles by 20% annually on the website, by 20% annually in social
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networks, we strive to increase fundraising for ngo projects by 10%. here are the risks, i’m also saying this selectively, although today we rely solely on our private investments as a source of funding, if the amount of money donated by individuals may decrease, we are going to compensate for this decrease by increasing the number of our patrons, then there is a financial report by year, in total... from 2020 to 2023 it is planned to spend 201 million rubles for this project, this is just one example, one, here among the recipients, just again at a glance, to make it clear, among the recipients of british funding for promotion of western values, internet project the voice of a lawyer, almost one and a half
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million dollars, interethnic information center in yekaterinburg - charitable foundation for the protection of lgbt people in the caucasus 240,000 pounds sterling. memorial society and human rights center memorial £1.6 million. hope crisis center in grozny - £243,000. support for a network of lgbt centers - 380,000 pounds. media zone portal - 100,000 pounds annually. lgbt center in yekaterinburg 2.23 million rubles. please note what a gigantic support namely the lgbt movement. available on the website,
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supported by the british embassy. on the cover gives information that from a certain moment today , relatively speaking, there are no more women, there is no such thing as a woman, there are bodies with a vagina, and this is on the cover of the last issue, or... while remaining a physical minority, how the pluses change, like a minority , as it were , is turning into the majority in terms of its influence
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and aggression, of course, we can laugh at it, tease it, but this has ceased to be the case. and gender minorities, they are satisfied competitions, games in different sports, sports - what is this, is this youth, sports - what is this? there are children, this is not propaganda, this is not an influence on children , this is not an influence on young people, stop lying, this
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is a violation of the constitution and this forces us to finally talk about this directly from the podium, as for parent number one, parent number two, i already i once said publicly, i will repeat again, as long as i am president, we will not have a parent. there will be dad and mom, not only that, at this big meeting of women in st. petersburg, when they were representatives of more than 100 countries, maria zakharova was forced to say this, on an equal footing, everything is not so bad, there are problems with gender, as many as there were 10 years ago, and five more, there were two. man and woman, how many are there today, you represent different countries , in your countries, in neighboring countries, in the countries of your region, look what is happening, in
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some states the number of genders reaches eighty, this is not only a challenge to women, look what is happening with children, this very concept is now beginning spread in relation to children, not just minors, but...
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from an aesthetic point of view, today i have a date with a body with a vagina, it’s normal, there are two of them, a body with penises and a body with a slug, this is normal, and this is a direct move towards the destruction of humanity in general, because this is a betrayal of everyone, all religions, and one way or another, whether you want it or not, it is in the history of this or that people. perhaps the religion that these people professed was of most key importance. moreover, this is not speculation, not fiction, not fakes, not gossip,
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this is a document, i read you documents, fiscal documents with reports on how much has been invested, this is all for a reason, this is taxpayers’ money, these are documents that cannot be disputed, but if this is so, it has been operating in russia since 2006, this organization created and financed by the khodorkovsky foundation, the founders of the oxford foundation
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are also the founders of the khodorkovsky foundation, here is a list of universities that receive grants: voronezh state university, $190,000 per year, ural federal university named after boris nikolaevich yeltsen ( $1930). far eastern federal university - 298 thousand dollars. irkutsk state university 318. and so on, kazan.
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russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, central asia and so on. the program, short,
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is held twice a year. this is a program that the scholarship holder will implement when he returns back to his homeland, after a year he must report on how he completed his program, logical, yes, if they pay money, of course it is logical. for example, this fund supports promising specialists from russia, what does this mean? such a promising student for russia, who is studying according to uk patterns, this means that he will fulfill the assigned tasks, he is promising for the uk, living in russia, and not for russia, having studied in the uk, i just beg you, do not try to accuse me of spy mania, conspiracy theories and so on, but having returned here, promising, it means that this is not an idiot,
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this is not a stupid person. scientists, directors of large enterprises, probably, but just offhand , just offhand, from the material that is, i repeat, maybe the situation has already changed, these people left there, but they were there, those people who took these courses, for example, head of the department of internet resources was, ministry of internal affairs boyanova, head of the press service of the governor and government
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of the nizhny novgorod region. skudnyakov, deputy of the legislative assembly of the tyumen region, burtny, executive director at the memorial human rights center dobrovolskoye, editor-in-chief of ekho-petersburg nichai, rector of the ural federal university of koksharov, that is , these people work in completely different fields of activity, but let’s take only education, in which there is a very large participation in general... a certificate about the educational program of the sberbank charitable foundation , a contribution to the future, well, actually, sberbank has long ceased to be a bank , by the way, we talked about this, remember, mr. gref says that all education must
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change. from kindergartens to universities, including universities, the entire education model must be changed, but please note, we are about this has been talked about for quite a long time, but now it’s not just us who are talking about it, listen, for the transformation of the system of assumptions.


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