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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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today is the 100th anniversary of the death of vladimir ilyech lenin, why do his monuments still stand in russia? this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, watch now. the task is to knock out enemy manpower and equipment. what's on the front line now?
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while the united states and england were hitting yemen, iran was hitting nuclear pakistan and had already received a response. signal to whom? western hegemony is unable to survive. and how will the middle east change the world if it is hollow? from the once world economic forum to the leader of the yawanawa tribe. and the rudeness of the cornered zelensky, there are even fewer elite sparklers, delivery is getting smaller. as soon as the border closed, the store closed too. finland without russia, so why did they fight, why do they pump the finns with hatred of their neighbors? lenin's body was brought to the then pavelevsky saratov station on the 100th anniversary of the death of vladimir ilvich lenin. about the role of his personality. in
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history, let’s remember 20 times more deadly than covid, disease x, as a new threat to humanity, it is necessary to adapt the vaccine to the new variant, and what the pandemic taught us, it was not for sports victories, it was for people’s lives fight on this field. another war crime of the kiev regime. today the kirovsky district of donetsk was shelled in the ssso. at least six shells of 152 and 155 mm caliber were fired at the tekstilshchik microdistrict. where is the market and many shops. on sunday it was especially crowded. at the moment , it is known that at least 25 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. the russian foreign ministry called it.
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it was established that the shelling was carried out from avdeevka, which is currently under the control of the ukrainian armed forces, using types of weapons supplied by the west. all this once again confirms his direct involvement in the conflict and makes him complicit in the criminal acts of the zelensky regime, which has once again demonstrated inhumanity and hatred of innocent people. the kiev leaders call them individuals and are ready to kill mercilessly. the unbridled desire of the west to inflict. russia's strategic defeat at the hands of ukrainian puppets, which he is ready to mindlessly support without limit, is pushing the kiev regime to become increasingly reckless steps, including acts of terrorism, massive violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes. russia calls on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to strongly condemn this brutal terrorist attack. their silence will mean tacit approval of the killing of civilians and encourage ukrainian neo-nazis to do more.
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more bloody crime. the need to achieve all the objectives of the special military operation is obvious ; no threats should come from the territory of ukraine security and commit acts of terrorism. the crime in the ssu will tomorrow be one of the topics of the un security council meeting requested by russia. stanislav nazarov visited the scene of the tragedy. a brutal attack on donetsk by ukrainian caravans was carried out in the midst of a weekend: a shopping district in... the textile microdistrict of the kirov region, one of the largest markets in the republic, today there were hundreds of people here, 25 people died, people come from all over donetsk to see their dead relatives , this market employee died after the first explosion that occurred in the middle of the shopping arcades. i said, don’t go today, that i can, but i’m a little kid left, why should i tell him, why? he himself was a child
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, 50 meters from here a second explosion occurred, near the production unit there was a small fair, pensioners were selling homemade goods. mushrooms, this is her hat, yes, alyna , she sold dishes, here, her hat, here it is, i was there in the morning, i talked to her in the morning before all this, i said, i say , get ready, leave, he called in the afternoon, the phone didn’t answer, her hat yes, the phone doesn’t answer, no, ukrainian militants at about 10 o'clock in the morning launched a targeted artillery attack on the kirovsky district of the city of donetsk, precisely on ... the market, where at that time there were a large number of people, this is the first footage after the artillery strike of the wounded, passers-by are providing assistance, this is such a horror, i the man was in tears with him yesterday, it’s hard to deal with him, well, of course, i
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’ll go to the front myself, i’m 60 years old, i’ll go there to take revenge on these bastards , i killed my girlfriend, but there was a direct hit, she’s in general. ..i don't know what they want us destroy, but it won’t work, combined injuries with fractures and shrapnel wounds , more than 20 people were taken to various hospitals in the city, six people were brought to us, unfortunately, we were unable to save one woman, she had injuries incompatible with life, help for all other patients turns out to be in the emergency department, mine explosion injuries, bargained, these are the most vulnerable segments of the population. from here you can find fragments of 155 mm ammunition, here we see dead people,
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now a special service is coming soon they will come and identify the dead, we can’t do anything, a person was killed.
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which they are talking about in the west in ukraine, this is a continuation of the implementation of the decree of the president of ukraine on the ban on negotiating with russia, that’s what it is, these are prohibitive demands for the negotiation process, but they don’t want it, they don’t need it, just if what is going on now continues , what is now taking place, now it is completely obvious, not only failed their... their responsibility, this will then be the result
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a very serious blow, but this is their zone of politics and their government. read more about the conversation from our correspondent, alexey konopko, sector where, without guide. there are no volunteers here: almost 10,000 municipal employees came to the first all-russian forum, some tried to capture the entire team from above, others competed in the beauty of district flags and the effectiveness of projects, for a prize for the best improvement, involving business in social work, direct dialogue with residents , all 89 regions fought, even those from while it is difficult to submit an application, we have interruptions in the internet and missed it. technically another letter, an unclassified exile, after the explosion of the kokhov dam in his native kherson region , pavel filipchuk and his colleagues returned water to the taps of coastal houses within weeks. with the help of a federal subvention, we quickly implemented such a water supply project within 2 months,
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drilled new wells, connected it and started it up. here in the kherson region everything happens quickly, there is no time to move slowly. sometimes you have to work under shelling, and not only near the front. in the belgorod region, for example. and houses are being restored, food is being prepared for the soldiers in huge field cauldrons. the project is called soldier's rest. i tell you, all the people who live in these border areas. i want to express words.
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they restored the documents in april, he left again, 3 days ago he was discharged from the hospital and
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returned to the front line, he needs to be at home to stay, what is he doing? he said, when the time comes, i’ll come on vacation, okay, fine, there are four people waiting for my father from the front sons, with the head of the association of municipalities, she is also at the table, seven grandchildren, including at the district level, in russia they are building perinatal centers, renovating kindergartens, this year families of such projects... there will only be more, more and more people want to return to it is difficult to raise the people, those who traveled, to raise children in the conditions that are created today in some western countries, well, excuse me, common toilets for boys and girls, something else, but it has become, it has already become such a thing domestic, everyday, it is very difficult to live in such conditions for people with... traditional, normal human values, but we
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will do everything to preserve them. now they cannot decide on the number of genders in ukraine, and this could remain its internal problem; no one has encroached on the independence of the neighboring country, putin says. it’s another matter when they began to add to modern european values ​​their examples from eighty years ago. those who are trying to switch from some alien traditions to some alien ones. hitler’s accomplices, how is this possible, such
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people by definition cannot win, especially since the path from nazi or, for example, russophobic slogans to their practical implementation was not so long, and not only the ukrainian path. just recently, the former president of the czech republic said something very frank and very important. the war in ukraine, she said, did not begin in february of twenty-two, but... you see, these are very serious things that directly affect the security of our
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country, and what is happening now is precisely the unity of our society, the strengthening of our economy, the growth of the potential of the armed forces, this is a complete surprise for the enemy, but complete and absolute, which is also why the advertised counter-offensive six months later ended in nothing but the death of ukrainian armed forces soldiers, tightening of ukrainian mobilization, also... they said, we need a sign some indication that russia really intends to resolve these issues peacefully, the troops need to be taken away from kiev, they were taken away, a day later they threw everything in the trash agreements, they have now publicly said, yes , we were ready, we missed it, because the then british prime minister arrived, mr. johnson persuaded us
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not to not implement these agreements, aren’t we idiots already? everything was finished a year and a half ago. what was expected , putin continues, after the maidan was the civil war in ukraine, the preconditions for which had developed long before the leaders of the krivoy rog-donetsk republic formed the soviet union, they did not imagine themselves other than as part of the rsfsr, but vladimirovich lenin decided, as he put it, this is a direct speech, to change the decision, and handed it over to the composition.
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we will definitely try to help solve in the zaporozhye region passportization, payments of maternity capital, all registration of birth certificates, all social payments are proceeding at a very good pace, in many ways the local authorities have control over payments to veterans and their families and assistance to the soldiers themselves, bonuses for this was awarded in a separate category, of course we must pay attention to the guys who are returning from special military operation zones, you know,
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the president handed it over. in russia today there are almost 20,000 municipalities, from villages with hundreds of people, to cities with millions, many countries in the world are smaller. and the prize allows not only to reward the best, but also for all these people to become a municipal community, that is, to exchange such different management experiences. alexey knopko, maria radimova, kirill malikov, lead the week. i call the ukrainian authorities, who refuse to negotiate with russia, idiots. putin by accurate to the people. in kiev they still believe that the west will help them. in russia, naive dreams have long disappeared. sergei lavrov speaks about this as a matter of course. some illusions, if they still remained from the nineties, that the west has now opened its arms to us, democracy
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will unite us all. all these illusions disappeared completely. russian flag over bogdanovka. this week, the russian ministry of defense announced the liberation of the village of veselo, not far from severskaya. the fighting is moving to the west, and this is undoubtedly still
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one contribution to the task of liberating the entire territory of the former donetsk region. ukraine is trying to borrow tactics from russia, according to a recent financial times headline. twenty-fourth year. kiev plans to survive in active defense. a ukrainian armed forces fighter tells american journalists about the situation on the left bank of the dnieper. “i ’m going to tell you the truth,” says vanya. the situation is dire. to the question, will ukraine be able to maintain its base there in the long term? vanya answered directly, of course not. for a week on khersonsky direction to the ukrainian armed forces, more than 320 military personnel were lost, according to a report from the ministry of defense. this is what the ukrainian position looks like now. our hut is gone, we think it’s new, but there’s nothing here. everything is beaten. they became entrenched in the ssu. everywhere on the eastern shore, under russian control, but this place became a death trap, and the plan itself: to cross a wide water barrier, without large-scale artillery cover,
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transportation means and air superiority from the very beginning looked like an adventure, started only for the sake of pr. i'm extraordinary ukrainian woman, i am an ordinary ukrainian woman, my husband is a military man in the armed forces of ukraine. 150 people, marines from different units were arrested in kherson and sent to a pre-trial detention center because they... refused to cross to the left bank of the dnieper, people on the other bank are dying, there is no ammunition, no food. in addition to this woman’s story, a video appeared on social networks for weeks where an entire unit in the ssu refuses to follow the command’s order. everyone seems to see me, briefly, clearly. i'm sure. vsushniki are still being crossed along the dnieper by small boats groups, but it always ends the same. what is your government doing for slaughter, letting you go, as you can see, meat assaults, as you can see, well, that’s it, guys, you have won yours, we know that,
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there are more and more captured ukrainian soldiers, shady viysk servicemen, respected military personnel, i want to advise you to surrender, call purity volga 449200, guys, if you can hear me, call 449200. in short, give up, no problem. fresh footage from the russian front line, a fighter with the call sign vostok tells how the assault on the position takes place enemy. he already has four of them under his belt. my task is to cover the guys who are on the first line. suppress the enemy so that he doesn’t stick his head out of the hole again. when the enemy starts to be attacked, we basically do crossfire, we just suppress him with fire and he doesn’t stick out much. objective artillery control destroys an american humvee in the kharkov region, determined by its form.
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the weekly report of the ministry of defense reports that in the period from january 13 to 19, 17 group strikes were carried out with precision weapons, including including hypersonic dagger missile systems and drones against ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities. that is, they directly say that kiev agrees to be a submissive instrument of murder in the hands of the west. but this has not been the case in society for a long time. everyone who wanted to fight with russia has apparently already done so. on
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what basis? women are trying to protect their men, but the process of mass mobilization, a law that has not been adopted, has already crossed all the boundaries of legality, detsekashniks came to the funeral to hand over summonses, what kind of framework does this even fit into, two they wanted to take away the man who was running off with a child on a sled. catching civilians instead of sitting in the trenches, and secondly, experience tells them that a draft dodger is useless at the front. evgeny rishetnev and arina tretyovo, lead the week.
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preparing for the group to go into combat. the task is the soldiers of the battalion avalanche 132 brigade, which holds the front on the outskirts of gorlovka. we move out in the dark, because during daylight hours the enemy uses attack drones and drop drones. we record an interview with the commander. personality remarkable, wounded repeatedly, leg does not bend, but walks without a cane, hero of the dpr. there were repeated attempts to seize the gogarin mine, on the outskirts of gorlovka. and these attempts. do not stop, all the new year holidays were spent in attempts to assault, but in our direction the enemy, in principle , had no success. the shelling of gorlovka has been going on since 2014, but recently they have become somehow even more frenzied, although it would seem much more so. here is a video of one of our attacks on the advancing enemy with a mortar fire. as a result, the enemy retreats with losses, without even taking his own wounded. here are the shots. and just during our counterattack.
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in the donbass, it would seem that the city is moving, people travel by bus, work in shops, literally a 5-minute drive by car and it becomes dangerous, another 5 minutes further the danger increases manifold, although there is no completely safe place in the entire city, its entire area is now i’m covered by ukrainian artillery fire, they hit me with cassettes, with barrels and with grads, over all these years people have gotten used to it. and this is our native land, hometown, well, pah-pah-pah , god forbid, if we imagine that ukraine comes here, let it not come here, but we are all ready to die, but not to let the enemy come here, we are approaching the outskirts of the goal of our trip , here is the phone, you can see it, you see, you need to work quickly at the point, here the enemy can already...


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