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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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paradoxes that can be observed here in the donbass, it would seem that the city is moving, people travel by bus, work in shops, literally 5 minutes away by car and it becomes dangerous, another 5 minutes further the danger increases multiple times, although there is no completely safe place in everything city, its entire area is now covered by ukrainian artillery fire, they are hitting with cassettes, with barrels and with grads, over all these years...
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it literally hangs over, it’s difficult to underestimate its significance, now it is controlled by our troops, but still in the current situations, it is dangerous to come closer. it was this terikon that became the hero of one of the ukrainian propaganda videos. he was allegedly captured and a video about it was released. despite difficult conditions, the fighters recaptured one of the terekons within gorlovka. now the ukrainian flag is flying over the terekon. in fact, the ukrainian flag was delivered here in a completely exotic way, they simply dropped it from the air on this stand, they tried to capture this terikon, we didn’t let us capture it, they did 3 days later, that the yaga swabs from an agrocopter dropped it onto a large i have photo racks , these flags on the terikon were photographed , zelensky came there, they showed, well, a show like terekona they didn’t even walk with their feet, didn’t walk, on the same day our fighters on the terikon demonstrated our, already russian flag, throat. like many other cities of donbass over
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all these years, it certainly justifiably deserves the long-awaited peaceful sky and a cessation of shelling, and this will only happen when the front line is finally significantly pushed back. grigoriev, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko and oleg bondarenko, reporting for weeks from gorlovka dpr. wait, wait, come on. look at us, this is fresh footage of the combat operation of the tor anti-aircraft missile system, the crew intercepts an rzo alkha projectile, which flies towards mariupol. the target is destroyed, the cost is one. look, guys. air defense crews of the twenty -ninth army of the vostok group protect the skies over the donetsk people's republic, cover key administrative and industrial facilities, as well. units
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of the armed forces, we are now in the so -called garage, in between on duty, tor installations are hidden in a forest belt, the so-called garages are constantly changed so that they are not noticed by enemy aerial reconnaissance. our film crew was allowed to watch how the next combat duty was going. we are now raising the antenna, it’s called. target detection station. the driver drives the car to a combat position. the commander operator simultaneously launches the target detection system on the move. that's it, we've arrived. to deploy the installation, the crew needs only 3 and a half minutes. the gun commander shows his working place. this is our commander’s indicator, this is our divisional optical sighter, which detects the target visually. and here it is.
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is capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 32 km, and the system itself determines what kind of target it is: an unmanned aerial vehicle, an airplane, a helicopter, a missile, or even a flock of birds. to avoid wasting ammunition on birds or friendly targets, the commander always double-checks the data using a thermal imaging screen. we distinguish targets by tactical and technical characteristics: height flight, flight speed, plus the target’s behavior on the commander’s screen. a couple of minutes and it was discovered. poses a danger? no
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, this crew has already intercepted hundreds of drones and missiles, it is not surprising that there is a real hunt for it, there are many traces on thor’s hull from shrapnel shells that unsuccessfully tried to hit him, there were two arrivals, here, shrapnel, yes, yes, mlrs shells , we didn’t even feel it, the head of the crew with the call sign josse is from the orenburg region, he volunteered for the special operation in september twenty the second year, according to him, it turned out to be especially hot... a couple of weeks after the new year, there is a lot of work, you have to constantly be on combat duty, the days generally fly by very quickly. we are doing a good deed for the residents of new regions, and we also defend and protect the interests of our state. our cause is just, victory will be ours. today
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the sky over donbass was clear, the crew returned safely to the shelter, and another crew took its place, the soldiers were going to rest. we are now directly in dugout, which... oh, it’s warm here, but then we decided to leave everything as it was, at least until the end of january. we put up a christmas tree, meshura, for the new year, the zenichiki decorated their dugouts, garlands, even on vacation in the dugouts, the soldiers are always ready to work, if some crew or unit suddenly needs urgent support, they will immediately come to the rescue. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the week, south-donetsk direction. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable,
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a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect joints spine. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and good thing, we’re at sovcombank up to 5 million. loan! on friday, french ambassador to russia pierre levy arrived at the russian ministry of defense high-rise building on smolenskaya square in moscow. he was summoned there literally the night before on an urgent occasion to document that the russian army had launched a high-precision missile strike on a building near kharkov, where foreign... mercenaries had accumulated, most of them french. as a result, there were 60 dead,
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20 wounded. survivors, but still alive frenchmen were sent to hospital for treatment. we needed such an unexpected reprimand for the ambassador after mid-france publicly denied the participation of the french in battles against russian troops on the side of the zelensky regime. according to the official message from us. pierre leby was presented with facts of paris's increasing involvement in the conflict in ukraine. and further from the message to the media. the ambassador was told that the death of his compatriots lies on the conscience of official paris, which condones the work of recruiters in the country. mechanisms by which mercenaries are recruited to participate in hostilities on the side of the kiev regime. in general, mercenary activity in france is prohibited under threat of five years' imprisonment. a large fine, but if it is necessary to fight with russia, then it is possible; no one
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has been punished for this yet. moreover, all reports about the participation of the french in the battles in ukraine in paris are called malicious manipulation by the russians. in russia, on the basis of documentary data , criminal cases have been opened against specific french mercenaries, with names and surnames. however, now it’s not just about the french mercenaries. they have already taken up arms and are already dying. the overall dynamics of military operations do not suit the nato bloc; lately we have been hearing a directly orchestrated choir singing about the need to prepare for war with russia. well, of course, defensive, because moscow will attack. we don't believe a single word. it was the nato bloc that began to move east. the announcement of a future war is a continuation of this onslaught.
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it would be more accurate to say about existence in the previous format, the format of parasitic existence at the expense of others, that’s what nato is for is preparing to fight, and not only in words: ukraine is already waging a war contracted by nato, but since it is not as successful as we would like, rob bauer is already ready to put the citizens of nato countries under arms, not only in words, the largest since the cold war, military maneuvers.
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we hear threats from the kremlin almost every day, recently again against our friends
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in the baltic countries. therefore, we must take into account that one day russia may even attack a nato country. previously, pistorius shook up german society with the idea that the bundeswehr should become fit for war. we now have approximately 5 to 8 years in which we need to catch up. this applies to both the armed forces, industry and society. and the german build dug up a document in the ministry of defense where a scenario for a war between nato and russia has been developed in the summer of 2025, and is being prepared. let's continue: british defense minister grand scheps, in a keynote speech at lancaster house, said that the era of peaceful dividends is over. in 5 years, we can consider several theaters of military operations at once, with the participation of russia, china, iran and north korea. according to shepts, the conflict in ukraine puts the future
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world order itself at stake. well, yes, but russia initially set only local tasks. it was the anglo-saxons who raised the new world order and the level of conflict to such a fundamental height. the date of direct military conflict between russia and nato is also announced by estonian prime minister kaja kalas. russia in 3-5 years may become a serious military threat to the north atlantic alliance. holland is there too. commander of the dutch army, lieutenant general martin weinman. for the war with russia, poland is already modernizing its recruiting service; it has adopted a new conscription card in case of mobilization or war, according to which you need to arrive at the place of appearance no later than 6 hours from the moment of receiving the summons.
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those who are late are considered draft dodgers, for which there is a minimum of 3 years. this is a challenge for our generation, it 's like being a foreign minister and a leader in europe in the thirties, we must not appease putin, we must confront the evil that is. and his invasion. during this year we can demonstrate that putin will not win. the war is announced on the white house youtube channel by the weak-minded joe biden. if putin takes ukraine, he will not stop there. it's important to take a long-term view. putin attacks us nato allies. if he continues to advance, he will attack
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nato allies. on biden's irresponsible passage about russia's attack on nato. vladimir putin answered directly; my colleague pavel zarubin asked the russian president about this. this is complete nonsense, i think president biden is too understands that this is just a figure of speech in order to justify his erroneous policy in the russian direction. it is erroneous because i don’t think that the united states today, in terms of global development prospects, is as interested as they thought it was 20 years ago. in inflicting and as they publicly declare the strategic defeat of russia, i don’t think that this is in the national interests of the united states itself, this is the first, second, president of any large country, a nato country, and even more so, the only owner of nato, and the united states is the owner of nato, this is their backyard, all of nato,
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or the entire nato organization, cannot but understand that in russia there are no reasons, no interest. no geopolitical interest, no economic, no political, no military, to fight with nato countries, we have no territorial claims with them against each other, no, no desire to spoil relations with them, we are interested in developing relations, so we took them, dragged them into nato finland, we had some disputes with finland, all the disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the middle of the 20th century, everything was decided long ago, we have the most.
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with countries with whom they have some problems, but with no one, they are artificially creating problems with us, because they don’t want to have such competitors in the person of russia, that’s all, points of contact, how to find then, when from everyone the prosecution, they will have to find common ground with us, because they will have to reckon with us. so, all this talk about threats to nato from russia is nothing more than propaganda artillery preparation for direct attacks.
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after a strike on the location of foreign mercenaries in paris , an information bomb exploded; before president macron had time to threaten russia, he immediately received a quick and logical response from her, experts note in the lepizen newspaper. we are talking about an official message on the website of the russian ministry, this is really a message from... russia makes it clear that it will not hesitate to target the french, and with this it reveals that it is aware of the presence of some of them in ukraine. first official reaction from the ministry of foreign affairs, the thirty- eight-year-old young and inexperienced in such matters, minister stéphane sejournet, who recently returned from kiev, tried to hush up the story. france does not have mercenaries either in ukraine or in other countries, unlike some other states, that’s all. another gross russian manipulation, you should not attach more importance to it than the previous ones and those that are sure to appear, but french journalists at the front, unlike
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ordinary officials in paris, have information more detailed. we have received confirmation that these are indeed foreign mercenaries, in particular the french. sources in the sbu confirmed that quite a lot of people speaking french were admitted to the hospital. macron in paris, before the attack on kharkov. next, in davos, day after day, and then after, at a meeting with the military in cherbourg, he repeated the same thought like a mantra. we will continue to help the ukrainians because we cannot let russia think it can win. a russian victory will mean the end of european security. macron had to interrupt this speech twice. the gendarme girls standing nearby fainted, one behind the other, which for some reason caused laughter and a smile from the military authorities. in comments. incredibly, as soon as he said that we must make sure that russia could not win, some people felt bad, making it impossible for the russians to win, yes,
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as well as bringing the russian economy to its knees, the murdered french, macron said nothing. paris does not consider these people mercenaries in any case, contracts that they conclude with the armed forces of ukraine equate to working for a foreign state, which means, according to the law of april 14, 2003, sanctions. journalists doubt whether the french authorities are unaware that citizens are fighting in ukraine. in fact, it is common knowledge that the french are currently fighting in ukraine. according to our correspondent, who regularly visits them there, there are 60-70 of them there, integrated into ukrainian units. by april last year, the lemont newspaper had already counted about a dozen killed. paris cannot prohibit the french from going to fight in ukraine, these are civilians not
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connected with the french army, we can talk about this forever, but we cannot impose bans, we are a democratic country, he is disingenuous, most of them have a military background, some they don’t hide their faces, they film their everyday lives and communicate with the press, there are paratroopers, there are those who left french.
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