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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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on the calendar it is the morning of january 22nd. according to the rules , the autopsy should have taken place in the anatomical theater, but the people's commissar of health simashka personally brings the famous pathologist anatomist alexei brikosov to gorki and decides to carry out the autopsy here in zenoida morozova's bathroom. there are six people in the room at this moment, doctors and assistants. the hills are guarded by latvian riflemen with the politburo, direct telephone communication. here , in this bathroom, is alexei. performs the first temporary embalming of lenin's body. as a result, under the pathologist's report lenin's anatomical autopsy signed by ten doctors. lenin was still lying on the tables, covered with oilcloth, when his personal secretary, nikolai gorbunov, seeing the body of his idol in a simple french, in a fit of grief tore the order of the red banner from his chest and attached it to lenin’s clothes. the order will remain during the funeral for many years in the mausoleum until 1943. in its year no one will dare
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to remove the award. in the meantime, the commission decides to display the coffin with the body for farewell in the columned hall of the house of unions, followed by burial on red square. here is the last photo of lenin’s body in the hills, next to one of the local peasants. gorki is one of the key places in lenin’s biography. in this former morozov estate, the leader of the proletariat experienced not only personal drama, physical decay and painful death, but also personal political catastrophe. that. for whom power in the created state was everything, during his lifetime he was forced to see that his closest associates were increasingly isolating him from this power. lenin comes to gorki for the first time in the fall of 1918, undergoing treatment after an assassination attempt fanikaplan at the michelson plant. vazh likes it here; in the front room he watches movies and voraciously reads the memoirs of class enemies. in lenin’s office there is a whole cabinet with white guard literature, it’s multi-volume.
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of which two bullets ended up in lenin ’s body, an extremely dangerous thing - this bullet touched the collarbone and next to the artillery piece, his left hand was heavy, the collarbone was damaged, any movement of his left hand in whose shoulder the bullet got stuck, although you can’t tell from the filming, given through pain. already at the november opening of the monument to marx and engels, the left he keeps his hand in his coat pocket. and here is footage of troops at a parade in may 1919.
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we will teach everything, gestures only with the right , the head of the soviet government, chairman of the council of labor and defense, vladimir ilyevich lenin, arrived to accept the parade. they said the bullets were poisoned with curara poison. german professor georgi klemperer suggested that the cause of constant headaches was lead poisoning from stuck bullets. professor moritz borchard was invited to remove the bullet from his neck. the second one was sitting deep and was removed only after death. july 1921. third congress of the comintern, lenin already knew about his illness, so he was late for the meeting and, although his place was on the presidium, he did not interfere, he sat down on the steps, began to take notes, and then spoke. later, progressive paralysis and loss of speech would no longer allow him to engage in public politics. around the carotid artery, scarring took place in the tissues damaged by the bullet, they began to compress it; inside the artery itself, where the wall was bruised by the bullet, the formation of an intravascular thrombus began on... it is believed that
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at the beginning of 1921, a blood clot blocked the lumen of this main artery by 80%. the brain desperately needed blood. it is amazing that lenin desperately resisted the approaching death for so long. the last time lenin was in the kremlin was on october 18, 1923. they tried to dissuade him, but he stubbornly sat in the back seat of the car. i went either to remind myself or to say goodbye. i spent a long time fiddling around in the office without witnesses. his rolls royce is on the roller coaster today. depending on the weather.
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decided to preserve it as a memorial since then, for a long time it remained one of the most important soviet relics, a museum pavilion was built for it next to the paviletsky station; in its importance it was practically not inferior to the mausoleum. and there was an amazing historical loop in this.
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bonfires are constantly burning on the streets and alleys around the building, there are 50,000 people in line at the same time , half a million have arrived in total, telegrams asked to move or postpone the funeral, for this purpose a wooden structure was erected near the kremlin wall, a depression was hollowed out in the frozen ground, where the coffin with the body was placed leader, then the now classic red stepped tomb of shusevo will appear, they decided to preserve not only the body, but the legacy of the leader, although in it, first of all... almost all the sharp turns of social life in russia were reflected. immediately after his death, the cult of lenin arose on a nationwide scale. villages and cities, squares and streets, mountain peaks, icebreakers, and asteroids were named after him. the main symbol of this veneration was the leader’s mausoleum, his grandiose
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tomb in the center of the capital. but the political pendulum in the nineties had no less amplitude swung in the opposite direction. opened in the year of the khrushchev thaw, the museum, lenin’s office and apartment. in the kremlin, by order of the government, in 1994 it was transferred from the senate palace to the lenin hills reserve museum. the same fate befell the monument to lenin by penchuk in the tainitsky garden, which the genseiki looked at from their office. and in lenin’s office it was already in the slides, as if time had frozen. in this office in the kremlin, the furnishings of which have been preserved intact to this day. vladimir ilyich received government and party officials figures. lenin's desk, here are lenin's pencils, a special twisted stand for a pen, by the way, a pen from dagestan, the famous monkey is sitting with his back to us, this is armand hamer, gave it to lenin , the monkey is sitting on darwin's books, a bronze
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sculpture, holding in one hand in the hand is a human skull, in another tool for measuring, the skull is such an anthropological compass, the death of lenin. in january 1924 became a turning point in the history of the country; debates have been ongoing for many decades, both about the historical role of lenin himself, and about an illness that put an end to his fate at the age of 53. the period of restrictions on access to the archival fund, where medical documents about the illness of the patient ulyanov are stored, officially expires today, on the centenary day of his death. dmitry kaistra, andrey stifrov, ilya korchuganov, lead the week. well, that's all for today, all the best and see you next sunday. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original,
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open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia. before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, make sure that the person in front does not block you, behind you, new footage about big politics, done by hand by the women of uryupinsk, a particularly important conversation, well, you ’ve grown up. with, let’s say, an independent ukraine, there are also new details in the program that are always seen more than others. what's the name? good evening, the so-called counter-offensive has failed, the initiative is entirely in the hands of the russian armed forces, and
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an irreparable, very serious blow may be dealt to ukrainian statehood. vladimir this week putin met with the heads of municipalities, for whom providing a reliable rear and... support for our fighters on the front line has become one of the most important tasks; the president especially noted the work of the local authorities of donbass and novorosiya, steel people whom nothing can break. and also personally presented the award to the winner of the municipal service award in the special category “human destiny, pride of the fatherland.” the conversation with representatives of local government turned out to be bright and emotional, as it happens, when caring people gather. the most interesting fragments of this meeting, as well as details of other events of the president’s week, can be seen before the rest in zarubin’s telegram channel. join us. pavel, have you signed up? i have been recommending it to everyone for a long time, hello, yes, now our program includes not only new footage of this
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political week, but we also know that viewers appreciate us for the opportunity to learn the details of the past in order to better understand modern dramatic historical events, and today it will be exactly like that , look together. all the best. shots that no one has ever seen, the final photo. and as always, unexpected dialogue. we ask people standing in the second row to make sure that the person in front does not block you. man, can i film from behind, everything is clear, they are animatedly discussing
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what is happening, the moderator of the event , it seemed that it was too animated, colleagues and my friends, guys, guys, allow me vladimir vladimirovich to tell you from you, she wanted to say show, here this is handmade, it was done by hand by the women of uryupinsk, if you just touch it with your hand, you will understand how very human it is. the heads of villages, towns, cities throughout russia, who, like the whole country, are now in special conditions, do not sit in their offices, but share the fate of their homeland, they are together with the people, together with the army. could she imagine, a resident of a village in bashkiria, what a burden she would have to put on a woman’s shoulders after the head of the village, her husband, went to the front. volunteer, volunteer, yes. he serves in the bashkir battalion named after hero of russia alexandravalov, he came
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to resign, and the people elected her as the head of the settlement, and today she continues to serve in this village, where they were born and raised, the current acute time every day brings stories that we previously knew only from the stories of putin’s relatives about his grandfather. he tells how his grandmother was dying in his arms, that a bullet hit her in the stomach, she is from...
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we will come to this, of course, i think that at the time of ideology, after the collapse of the soviet union , it was obvious that we would ultimately collapse, they probably thought that the fundamental ties between ukraine and russia would be stronger than the opportunistic considerations of the nationalist part of society, but no, these nationalist elements turned out to be more aggressive, began
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to push their agenda, this all led to the current situation, wars on ukraine began not... in february of twenty-two, but in the summer of 2008 ukraine will be part of the alliance. the overwhelming majority of ukrainian citizens are against joining nato. membership in the nato alliance will serve ukraine and georgia the interests of nato itself. how they treat us is how we will react. the 2008 decision radically changed the situation. the former president of the czech republic said a very frank thing, very important, he said it publicly. the war in ukraine, she said, did not begin in february of twenty-two. and in the summer of 2008, when the decision was made to open the door to ukraine and georgia, the doors to nato. let me remind you that ukraine received its independence on the basis of the declaration of independence, and it was written there that ukraine is a neutral state. solution 2008 radically changed the situation in eastern
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europe from the point of view of ensuring russia's security. the emergence of a powerful military bloc on our borders.
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thank you, what is your name? lina, just imagine, the city of our russian-ukrainian military and naval glory is sevastopol, and there is a nato base there. how will this be perceived emotionally in ukraine in russia? are you aware of this? don't just say it, think it. it’s scary that russia in response to such a deployment, the possible deployment of such position areas, but theoretically cannot be ruled out this on ukrainian territory, will aim its strike missile systems at ukraine, well, just imagine for a second
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, that’s what worries us, i might like to say one remark with this... to this issue, we proceed from the fact that every nation, each country forms its own concept of defense policy, security policy, obviously you remember that the ukrainian constitution does not provide for the creation of bases of other bloc states on the territory of ukraine, and the same yushchenko touched his hand in the same year bush. and thank you for the fact that ukraine, connected to russia by millions of family ties, is being dragged into an anti-russian military alliance. we are working with all nato member states to have a positive outcome in this matter. and i am confident that membership in the nato alliance for ukraine and georgia will serve the interests of nato itself, and my visit to ukraine should be a clear message for the entire international community. i
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continue to believe in the principles and ideals of nato, and i emphasize once again that ukraine will be part of the alliance. she either exists, exists at all, or her no, you can’t be a little pregnant, it ’s the same in international relations, if.
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and you want to tell me that this is democracy? france and germany already took a less straightforward position than the united states, but also a very specific position. it is the destiny, the future of ukraine and georgia to become nato partners, but first they need to fulfill a number of conditions. no one can put obstacles in the way of ukraine and georgia joining the alliance. we liquidated bases in cuba and vietnam, what did we get? new american.
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yes, we will be forced to redirect our missiles at objects that we believe threaten our national security, and i believe that i am obliged to say this today
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directly and honestly, so that later we do not digest the sick headache into a healthy one, responsibility for such a development of events, we do not want it such a development, but we are honest and clear about where we see the problems. that's all, the severity of the issue subsided somewhat when ukraine, as a result of universally recognized elections, was led by yanukovych. what did you do in the end? for a coup d'état, why? coup d'etat, go to the polls , what we were told all the time, only by political means, only this way, where is all this, reluctance here, cameras are working, show certain gestures, yes, but you understand what gestures i want to show now. that's what they showed us, they realized that it was not possible to completely twist ukraine to their advantage solely by political means, and they carried out a coup d'état, deprived us of the chance
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to build relations with this country in a normal political way, they acted and went like people say that, excuse me for the maverick, it’s just lawlessness, in 1914 they committed a state revolution, they all went on and on with this lawlessness, now it’s in these...
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authorities that the coup d’état, not the will of the people, came in 2014 representatives of several countries, european countries put signatures, guarantees for the peaceful course of the political process, 3 days later they seized power by armed means, they themselves do not fulfill anything, but they demand some kind of fulfillment from us, let ’s not play like that, this is a bad sandbox, we don’t like this kind of game, they simply forced us to respond to this chaos, we had no other choice, we simply had to get involved. we could no longer behave differently, or we had to give up everything to watch them chomping, eating everything, our original russian, the announcement of russians in
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ukraine is non-title. of course, history will judge everything, but it has already judged a lot, exactly 2 years ago macron was in the kremlin, it is important to listen to his words.
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nato infrastructure, we have been persuading for 30 years not to do one, two, third, simply complete ignorance of our concerns, demands, and proposals. nato says that such accession in the coming years is simply unrealistic. what do they mean? well, you and i must understand what they say in interstate relations. we have been told for 30 years that there will be no nato expansion at all. and today we see nato infrastructure right here.
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it may be too late for us, so we want to resolve this issue now. russia is the biggest country in the world. 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations at home or online. every vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected. about 1 million election organizers, observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic ballot processing systems, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting help with this, the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting, elections in russia are important, fair, convenient!


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