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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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just now in moscow, the kremlin showed putin, in particular, a conversation with macron, and how macron says that... their main task
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is to prevent russia from winning, listen, french bastard, are you happy with how your clients shelled the market in donetsk today , you like to look at the disastrous bodies of grandmothers, you are proud of the fact that you kill russian children, a variety of nationalities, macron, you are happy, this is...
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on sunday at the market, a civilian object, bodies are visible, not a single military man, you are happy , myakht, french bastard, pathetic nonentity, disgrace of france, you are pleased with yourself, your nazi ukrainian army, which you support both with weapons and with your fighters, which you really are trying to deny, can be proud of itself, whose are you...
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for the fact that although you have not yet become part of nato, but the population is already preparing for a possible war with russia. the strategy to combat us includes several geographical areas. the anglo-saxons separately highlight the importance of crimea. each time an attempt to strike at crimea. for them, the crimean bridge is just a bone in the throat; they dream of destroying crimea. except this direction. they play cards by handing over baltic cards to the emirates. latvia, lithuania and estonia are trying to create a line of defense on the borders with russia, belarus, crazy people. at the same time, they recognize that the scope of the confrontation with moscow has long expanded and goes far beyond the borders of ukraine.
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only those who will survive or live to see the end of the conflict will know, when the process is in development, there is no need to calm down too early, on friday, just baptism,
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well, as always, i supported my orthodox friends, i retreated into the hole under the neck, you're handsome. an amazing priest, we’re talking to him, he’s a military man himself, he’s assigned to a certain brigade that carries out tasks, and the colonel, the hero of russia, is in command, there’s sergei nikolaevich, an amazing person, so they stand and tell me, they say, and you know , how we used to feel about what was happening, well , the war, then the guys entered the positions and found there with... a satanic temple, that’s a real temple, that’s the altar of satan, he says, we couldn’t believe it until we saw it ourselves, they called us, we performed a ritual , burned everything, and then called again, he says, we understand, we are really at war with satan, satan
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is crafty and strong, and it surprises me when suddenly here in telegram channels from people... lungs from of what was happening there, suddenly phrases began to be heard that that’s it, we’ve already won , the enemy is defeated, he’s almost running and they have nothing, nothing for me, nothing for them, they ironed the neck at night since friday saturday, it’s scary, nothing they don’t exist, but today in donetsk they fly deep into our country, they have everything and will give it to them no matter how long it takes temporary funding problems will give them everything they need to kill. us , they don’t care about ukraine, they want to fight with us with the hands of ukrainians, it’s too early to rest on their laurels, it’s too early to relax, ukrainians do not surrender en masse, yes, there are cases when they defect, but when they are captured, firstly, you need
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to understand, this is the same root, stubborn, good at howling, only they still have detachments behind them, when they are even taken prisoner, they say, families... call, he says, i won’t, the call will turn out to be there, the family will have problems, drugs, all this is there, it’s too early to relax, it’s too early, we must take it very, very seriously and understand that we are not fighting with ukraine, with the army of satan, and nato here is absolutely satanic, they are just absolute satanists. their scandals that are now arising, one after another, this also confirms, here is the scandal with epstein, with this island, in which the world nobility, the liberal democratic ones, well, de facto, were involved in sex with minors, i won’t say
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what it is purely pedophilia, they write about it so cleverly there, not everything is known yet, but with those with who did not have the right to enter into sexual relations, that is, up to the age of consent, well , what kind of pedophilia are there for girls... 13 to 14 years old, just for now, i’ll quote how westerners write flirtatiously, but anything goes here, that is, it’s obvious a complete pedophile, and not a complete pedophile, there is no doubt about it, but the western press writes about it so coquettishly, they will soon justify pedophilia, 100%. moreover, as often happens, they will explain that children have the right to love, but we have already seen these approaches, in particular in holland. this is all you need it is good to understand who we are fighting with. this is what the head of the nato military committee, bauwer, says. in our strategy and our plans, we describe two threats: russia and terrorist groups. so we view russia
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as a threat to nato, so the plans that we have developed, which were approved in vilnius, are aimed at countering the threat that russia is. the fact that we must be prepared for an attack from russia is not news in itself, because these are our plans, because we we are a defensive alliance and we must be ready and we are ready. but we are improving to be ready here with more people, with better capabilities in certain areas in terms of being prepared for that eventuality, you need water, you need to have a battery operated radio and a flashlight to make sure you can survive the first 36 hours , these are simple things, but this is where it all begins, with the realization that not everything can be planned, not everything will be easy in... 20 years, i’m not saying that tomorrow something will go wrong, but we must
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understand that it is not a given that we live in peace, that is why we have plans, that is why we are preparing for conflict with russia and terrorist groups, if it comes to that, if they attack us, we are not looking for any conflict , but if they attack us, we must be ready, hello, are you? we were attacked, you attacked us, you forgot, from the fourteenth year, what was happening, you forgot, and the terrorist groups in the caucasus, which worked under your direct control since the nineties, forgot, what are you do you think that the russian people have forgotten something or will forgive you something, yes, what has it come to, even such a cynical nonentity like olaf scholz even put on a uniform. as you can see, i was dressed up, but much more important than the wonderful
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jacket that the employees of the enterprise gave me today is that i saw what they were doing here, it was of great importance both for the security of our country and for its economic power. we know, and russian aggression in ukraine has once again made it clear, that we need a strong defense economy, strong. that this is the official symbol of the german air force, for anyone , look at this plane, i understand everything, a soviet person, what does this photo evoke?
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all germans think so, that’s what the bundestag deputy says. chancellor scholz proudly tweeted about his recent telephone conversation with biden, in which he promised that he would now allocate another 7 billion euros for weapons for ukraine. the us, germany and other nato countries have already spent more than $200 billion on weapons, financial help. to support services in ukraine and, accordingly, for the profit of the american
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defense industry. but there is no money for our farmers. the war in ukraine is not putin’s aggressive war in violation of international law. rather, this is a consequence of long-term us policy aimed at regime change in russia and the constant destruction of the russian economy. so there are different views, today, by the way, the money of the engineering troops, the specialists of the engineering troops, the head of the engineering troops yuri mikhailovich stovitsky, showed themselves brilliantly, lieutenant general, it just so happens that on the same day he has a birthday, so we congratulate both the engineering troops and yuri mikhailovich on his birthday, these are just words of gratitude, because the successful results of the 2023 campaign. this is undoubtedly a gigantic merit of the engineering troops, because those defensive structures that
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were built have already gone down in the history of military affairs, which was noted by both the minister of defense and the supreme commander-in-chief. margarita, thank you, dear, i join in the congratulations, it’s the beginning of the year, i’ll try answer the questions that have accumulated in the audience, that people asked me, just on the streets that i met. and subscribers make predictions, if you allow me to answer these key questions that concern the audience and people in general: will there be a third world war? i believe that the third world war will be mandatory, there is bad news and good news, the bad news is that it will be mandatory in our lifetime, if tomorrow, god forbid, a brick does not fall on our heads, well, that is, in some short term perspective. the good news is that we will not participate in it, we will observe it from the side. here, of course, we must first define in terms what
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the third world war is; we call the first world war the first world war, which was at the beginning of the 20th century. i personally believe that the first world war was clearly the so-called seven years' war, which developed in the 18th century, during which we took berlin, but it was in vain that we gave it up, now it would have been simpler, we took it, we had to stay, well, there were objective and subjective reasons however, this war was fought in canada, in what is now north america, in the philippines, in southeast asia, and all the great and even not -so-great powers known at that time, and even indian tribes, fought there. what is not a world war, in this sense a world war will definitely break out, and it will break out, of course, in the middle east, there are subjective and objective prerequisites for this, they often say that wars start because of the economy, because of someone’s greed , this is largely true, but still in order for the war to begin and for it
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continued, a certain state of mind is required, at least on one of the warring sides. the islamic world should not be overestimated, islam is a young religion, the youngest religion of the great religions on earth, of the world's religions, islam is as old as christianity was, when christianity had, for example, the crusades, go and stop them, right? , those campaigns of christ that took place in the christian world, the islamic world, the young world with... sheer young passionarity, spirit and desire to defend what is theirs, to protect their own, about this with an iranian journalist wrote with great bitterness, i was shocked by this tweet when he wrote: look, the russians were not afraid to go to war with the entire western world in order to
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protect the russians in the donbass, and 2 billion muslims cannot protect the palestinians in gaza, this is what the iranian writes magazine... you will never forget such an ex, well , distracting her a little with some new toys, especially if these toys shoot and explode, will probably work. second, will there be a civil war in the united states? trumpists, bidenists, lgbt against mitu, mitu against everyone, rapists versus pedophiles, everything
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else. i think not. in the usa, in us history. now in the sense that there will be no barricades , there will not be such horror as we had during the civil war in the twentieth century, but the general madness will grow stronger, and this madness will sooner or later simply lead to the destruction of the nation, you look at this news, that come every day, today a man won
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a women's golf tournament, a transgender man, he put on a skirt and decided that he was now... a woman, and he won a tournament that was created for in order to support women's sports , they don't even see any hypocrisy in it, in the uk a mathematics teacher was fired today or yesterday because he refused to call a seventeen-year-old girl a man, and he refused without the permission of her parents, that is, he is just i wanted to ask my parents, he might not mind, but the school said that there is no need to ask my parents, he brought unbearable suffering and was fired, so you mentioned satanism, volodya, and we have already talked more than once in this studios everywhere are saying that the war we are going on is largely one of values, certainly not territorially, we don’t have enough territories or something, we are defending our values ​​and our rights. be yourself, speaking about satanism, who was the first antichrist on earth, the first who was credited with being the antichrist, it is clear that the first antichrist
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appeared in the consciousness of mankind after christ appeared, then many people were proclaimed antichrists, including napoleon, but the first it was nero who first came up with the idea of ​​persecuting christians, mass persecution of christians, well, not everyone remembers that nero was also the first person to enter into a gay marriage, namely... and after that he entered into a hebra, where he was already the bride of some man’s slave, a former freedman took, nero was already a bride, but in that case he did without
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castration, yes, because the neuron was a bride, how can he be a bride if he didn’t castrate himself, no, no, he was cowardly, he even stabbed himself i really couldn’t later, when they already came for him, all this was in the first century ad, literally 30 years after the crucifixion of christ. this is exactly what is happening there now, the horror is not that this is happening, there have always been vices, somewhere this is a vice, somewhere it really is, i’m not going to be a hypocrite here and also be a hypocrite, there are really medical reasons for it people, but this happens , someone is born deaf, someone is born blind, someone actually wrote hermaphrodites and guns over there on a trip to arzrom, yes , how did he meet such a person, it happens, you can sympathize if medicine can help, need help. but to elevate this into a new religion, to elevate it to a cult, to elevate vice into delight and rejoicing over the fact that nature has endowed you with this vice, this
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is satanism, not that it happened, but that they make a cult out of it and send it missionaries around the world, so that as many people as possible, preferably young, attractive ones, can join this cult, and so that this does not simply become the norm throughout the world. for this to become a fashion all over the world, it will not lead to anything good for the united states, just as it will not brought the ancient world , from a cup overflowing with god's wrath, blood is pouring over the edge, the west is drowning in it, blood will pour on you, our friends and brothers, the slavic world, close closer together, unity - the oracle of our days announced, perhaps welded with iron only by blood.
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tear it apart and take half of it. and the woman who did not agree was the mother. this is the most obvious and main answer to the question that arises among a huge number of our fellow citizens, and i , too, i confess, find it difficult to restrain myself from these the same emotions, the same sentiments, i work on myself every day to restrain them. why don’t we respond by destroying their grandmothers, their markets, their bags of seeds, tearing them apart?
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sitting with folded russian flags somewhere under the bed or somewhere in a distant shed, or maybe a small flag is hidden somewhere in a closet or at least just drawn on the heart, we can’t count it, and especially in odessa, well we know that there are such people, i know for sure that there are such people even in lvov, not like in kiev and odessa, and what are we going to do about them, because some banderaites, some nazis, some kind of satanic trash and trash are going after them... also about our own people, who are ours at the same time, we won’t do this, we ’ll try to solder it all together with love, and then we’ll see what’s stronger, but of course, we need to push this trash as far as possible, it makes our hearts bleed, it’s just that even the saying belgorod, for me personally, well, it’s just like they really ruined the whole country for the new year they were in a good mood, but the blood
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was terrible. i can't get over this woman head, which closed two children with her , an eight-month-old girl without a leg died in the hospital, a nine-year-old girl was also in the hospital, but not so badly injured, she already knows that her mother died, so she writes down an appeal, thank you for your support, these are our people, listen, well, what should we do, well, where should we go without kharkov, without the kharkov region, so that they would forever stand there and forever terrorize our people in our belgorod, we can allow it, we cannot allow it. the question, of course, is when, which again comes down to love, how there should be as few victims as possible, first of all, as few victims as possible of our own, our guys, who are heroically fighting absolutely incredibly, these videos, when you watch, when he’s wounded crawling in the snow alone and reading poems about mother russia, you’ve probably seen , yes, i may even have shown this video on air, it’s absolutely amazing. our boy felt anger because
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of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then let's give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course branded humor at the highest level, let's go parish, we'll eat an oyster and napoleon really liked it, napoleon banapah welcomes you, wagons, adventures. exciting, it was unpredictable, where, let's say, how where, on the attack, it was done on a large scale, especially all these battles - this is right for you, very good directing, design, costumes, what 's bad, the score was great, white dance, they invite a gentleman home, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean, don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, bright, scary,
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but... have you seen, have you seen? i think i i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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and here we come to the ultimate question; people write to me endlessly, of course, after this party, which...


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