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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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62 headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future for the next 40 years. see you in the future. listen.
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other people, but this at least gives us reason to think, why, with such investments, with such growth rates, by the way, they have 5.2% of gdp given their scale, they are unhappy, they, they are unhappy, inflation is almost deflation, listen, well i, well, let’s at least analyze, moreover, let’s finally come to the conclusion that but if i don’t even ask for someone already there for us appealed, no, but offer yours, and if not... “i know what the central bank can be praised for, phenomenal restraint, no matter how much we talk about them, they have never answered, not a single person has said, they are ready to come answer questions, well done, these are powerful people, they decided that they will not explain anything to the people, they confidently do not explain anything to the people, well, so as not to end the speech on this note, i would like to say that despite all this, we understand that a lot has been done, but it's a lot."
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not enough to resist to the collective west, which does not hesitate to declare us its enemy. okay, they said. well, now, of course, it’s time to start a story about lenin, but not because there is no pain. by the way, i would like to note that today i read at zakhar prilepino’s to say goodbye to ledin, two great russian writers, yesenin and sholokhov, came, well, that is, they stood in this general queue, which also says a lot. says a lot, so there’s no need to rush, that’s why persevalsky didn’t come, or something, i’m quoting, attached, i’m just saying that there’s no need to try, this is how they first tried to raise , and then to the level of god, and then not to brutalize to the level of the devil, that is, someday the time will come when an objective assessment will be given of the activities of this undisputed greatest thinker of all time, according to the communists, an absolute villain according to...
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it is much more important whether you are a good person or whether you believe? a controversial thought, but nevertheless, nevertheless, writers who think for god, but nevertheless, speaking about personality , evaluate personality not because he is from the hills, now leninsky, yes, then not leninsky, were carried in their arms by a huge crowd of people, there, even without sholokhov’s writers, or mayakovsky’s words about him, which were later in the columned hall of the house of unions, they, of course, were already standing.
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after 7 days on the twenty-seventh he was buried, but people , alexander mikhailovich had just finished his economic sermon, because you know, lenin managed to try in 5 years, he was only 5 years old, he was already sick in the twenty-second year , four economic theories that tried to turn it into practice, some of them were unsuccessful, war communism, surplus development, the new economic... once again, everything from america to all of europe right now you say, and i’m projecting like this, they were not just lined up against us, all the ports were occupied , it wasn’t just logistics, it’s like now the mediterranean sea is cut off for us there and beyond and across. through ships, but
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mormansk, vladivostok, japan were simply busy , which means transporting nothing, the black sea, so you started talking about ukraine, and many.
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just sit down and agree on principles security, about the principles of existence, when before the new year many people also assessed this as you did, and so did i, many said, well, the ukrainians were defeated, so they won’t give them money, finally we will come to an agreement anyway, many experts said, well , it wasn’t you who said, i said that you assessed the twenty-third year in your own way, there about the first world war, i remembered that i was reading the same foreign press at that time. this famous analyst means his means, as he called it, it’s not yet a fall in ukraine, he has the article was so famous, where everything was described down to the details, what needed to be done
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during the twenty-fourth year, so we trained ukrainian soldiers for 2 weeks, but in fact, in the first world war, in order to simply give a soldier skills , it took 22 weeks . now we will be 22 weeks of ukrainians for the entire twenty-fourth year, we will give everything, we will give weapons, we will give money and it’s over, let’s go to the rest of the articles, the national interesest, which means there are several articles that are also quite interesting from the point of view, even tactics , they are not shy, here you are talking about propaganda, here you are talking about donbass, no one will listen, they even directly describe it there, prepare propagandists, as you did in previous years, we will give you the press. you come out, the russians attacked, the russians bomb, the russians destroy the ukrainians, this all presupposes what you said, yes, our further war, but returning to lenin, to this greatest man, who, well, not me, there, well, for dima,
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maybe he is not a very popular figure, but for einstein he is very popular, not just popular, genius, the greatest genius or for for bernard show, or even valenstein, who spoke. that for 30 years everything will be remembered by deer just recently, he said , or even that everyone already recognizes that lenin’s works, just imagine, he lived there for a little over 50 years, and 50 volumes, to write such a number of thoughts, it was possible , and then pretend them practically, it was possible, so you’re talking about a century, about negation, well , essentially speaking, the law of negations of negations, which existed even before lenin, that we return to the same point, only to a different one...
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yes, excuse me, that means again this is nonsense prosyphilis, the greatest man who turned the world upside down, well, not just turned it upside down, because he wanted to take it and turn it upside down, from the conditions, from the position of justice, construction new society, they, now let's move away from theory, here i am, here you
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were just now remembering this evil spirit with pedophilia, and there is nothing unusual here, they already give the opportunity to a child to change his gender altogether , to a child, let alone... and sex will say, so what? a child has no right to study, but i remember how, when we forbade taking children away from an orphanage, what a howl arose then from the liberals here, i then... told them, here i will give my own example from the point of view of propaganda today lenin, maybe this is incorrect, here i am a house-bred grandfather, the state gave me porridge every day in the morning, butter, cheese, not even a little, but it was enough, then they gave me an education, the opportunity to receive this education without parents, a higher education , then i was assigned to odessa, present-day ukraine, then i was reassigned to the voz automobile plant, then i gave birth to three children, two children, they went.
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it would be difficult today for us not to embody our everyday life, it serves precisely
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the purposes of a special military operation and the fight against the west and any other purpose, because if i now begin to delve into what alexander mikhailovich said, well, it’s so elementary , this was all because i worked at a wax car factory and i later worked in the nineties in the so-called month russia, where there was a penny tariff, this is what you are talking about now, they gave it through this tariff. businessman, the businessman produced products for him, paid taxes to the state, and these taxes were enough, the tariff increased a little only by a small estimated tariff component, we can return to this, we can, who distracted us from this, the imf and the west, they said to equalize tariffs with the west, to equalize, returning to experience, to the experience of leni, to the experience of lenin, well, you may not like it.
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i was guaranteed it, i couldn’t do it for 3 years dismiss, and today, when i look at the brilliant concert of mostfilm on friday, wonderful, thank you for it, but of course, even in this sense, remembering lenin, as he said about cinema, i don’t remember how karen, how brilliant cinema is, the most important of art, although you said correctly, at that time cinema was not an artificial thing, not only was there more added and the circus was called lenin. so
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it’s better not to touch this experience of lenin with such hands and disgustedly evaluate him as a person who is good in this aspect i don’t agree with this very well, but there is a nuance that what you are talking about is no longer lenin, of course it is not stalin that you are talking about.
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the desire of the people, and not coercion, this is a big difference, with coercion, but listen, the way the system was, it was built in such a way that the richest ran away and the creative class paid for their talent, there were nuances when they tried to implement it, the total amount collected was less, more on that later, an important point, when we talk about lenin,
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we will still be objective, it was not lenin who destroyed tsarist russia, he had already picked it up, but lenin called for it. in direct contact with the studio is the director of the information and press department of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria vladimirovna zakharova, who contacts us a few minutes before the delegation’s departure. maria vladimirovna, thank you very much for taking the time, a tragic day, a terrible blow by the ukrainian nazis on donetsk , a large number of victims, and as always, the west
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will applaud its scum. good evening, vladimir rudolfovich, studio, dear guests. all your large audience, yes, indeed, once again the kiev regime committed a crime by firing deliberately, i will emphasize this word again, they intentionally beat civilians into a crowd of people in donetsk, they beat them on purpose , understanding that these attacks had no strategic purpose, that they had no purpose to advance the armed forces i don’t know about the forces of ukraine in any territory...
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in terms of the development of these billions and these very weapons, on the other hand, in the world media, as you understand, not on american channels, nor in british tabloids, nor in all these publications around brussels, this picture will not appear with a real description of the fact that
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citizens were killed, civilians who do not have weapons in their hands, who are killed year after year on... just the other day, the ministry of defense the russian federation announced that it had defeated that center of concentration of foreign mercenaries in kharkov, about which so much has already been written, dozens of them are french citizens. a statement from the representatives immediately followed. elysee palace and other official structures in paris, regarding the fact that this is not true, and supposedly this is all an information war of the russian country. no, its true. these are the same mercenaries, in this case, these are french mercenaries, with them throughout all this time, for many years , there are mercenaries from britain on the ground,
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mercenaries under the guise of instructions and inspectors from other countries, all this is led by people, who are affiliated with western intelligence services, why this caused such a nervous reaction in paris, and i will now explain, listen to what macro says. and many who now represents the west, we hear such statements from switzerland, we hear such statements from many other points in this very collective west. they suddenly started talking about negotiations, they suddenly started talking not just about a certain zelensky formula or the so-called crimean platform, they began to say that all this needs to be included in the negotiation process, which, of course, makes no sense without moscow. why is this, what is this from? they understand the impasse into which their states and britain have driven them, they understand that on earth the situation is absolutely not in their favor, and this is a deadlock situation; they need to
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stop all this under the guise of a negotiation process. we understand perfectly well what is behind these rantings; those countries that would really stand for peace, for a real discussion of the situation on earth for a way out of... this dead-end situation for them, would not supply weapons, would no longer pay for the militarism of the kiev regime , and most importantly, of course, they would stop the supply of mercenaries there in the form of the work of recruiting agencies throughout western europe, but they they don’t do this, on the one hand, they mumble something endlessly about a certain quasi-negotiation process, which, of course , is not a negotiation process, but represents... exclusively a play-by-play for brussels, washington, london, and the zelensky regime, on the other hand, continue to sponsor zelensky with this entire
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neo-nazi gang. maria vladimirovna, there is a nuance: the french say: no, these are not mercenaries, because they have their own definition of mercenaries, but they do not say that there are no their citizens there, that is, politely speaking, they hint, yes, there are french there, they are not mercenaries, then vilka, they do the job. are engaged in activities directly under
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the leadership of the kiev regime and other western instructors only because they went through recruiting agencies located in france, since we are talking specifically about french citizens, what is a recruiting agency, these are structures that... are specialized in searching for sending people to territory controlled by the kiev regime so that they implement its orders under the leadership of the rest of the collective west, this is what we are talking about, but for many years we have been talking about the fact that through the websites of the ukrainian embassies, consulates general and, by the way, even the representative offices of international organizations , these same mercenaries or volunteers are being recruited. who are paid money, who are recruited by ukrainians, as if diplomats, so that there are more victims there on earth,
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we are talking about approximately the same thing in the context of france, only specialized structures operate there, and this, in fact, is what the ministry of foreign affairs declared through its official resources that it was inadmissible, since france has been declaring its own special role all the time, all these years. as, well, maybe not a peacemaker, but a mediator or, as they say, a shuttle diplomat who supposedly really acts in the interests of peace on the european continent, so if they are here in the interests of peace, they are at home the country has been bred by these same recruiting agencies, rightly so, this diplomat’s shuttle is too small, as well as the german government decided to appear in the international court as a third party in the proceedings between south africa and israel, did you comment very harshly on this decision of germany? yes, you
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know, it's monstrous. decision, this is the same disservice, by the way, the easiest of expressions that could be used, the same disservice that, in my opinion, the german government served, not just israel, we are now even talking about israel, not both about the state, and about the people, and by the way, in the historical context, if you look at the wording with which the german government entered into this history of the international court of the un, then you will come to... because germany literally declares itself as an expert in matters of genocide, based on the facts and the period of the second world war. but for some reason, germany constantly forgets that at that time people were exterminated not only of one nationality and not from one country. these are millions and millions of people of all nationalities, nationalities, nations, religious groups, by the way, social
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groups. including, this is exactly what he talks about the resolution of the un general assembly, which was initially devoted to the issues of the holocaust, is the destruction of not one nationality, but many nationalities, nationalities and social groups, but look, yes, indeed, in the history of justice, law enforcement agencies, and indeed in world history, indeed there are situations when a criminal who has committed even the most terrible crimes, repenting, uses his own.
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justifies itself, but look at what is happening in germany, because this is a country which ryana is stronger, and it seems to me, well, i , i would say, frantically supports the kiev regime, realizing that within this regime there is a reincarnation of neo-fascism through reincarnation and glorification, the glorification of collaborators, the same bandera and shukhevych who yawned. well, what does zegovali mean, they literally swore allegiance to nazi germany, because they give money to this very regime, a regime that consists of people who marched under torchlight processions, who have ss stripes, the very ones who use symbols, ciphers from those very times eighty years ago . next, look, it’s the german government that is segregating the victims of the siege of
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leningrad right now. by nationality , declaring that the survivors who went through the blockade, who are not of jewish nationality, are not entitled to these payments, this is monstrous, but what about the russian ukrainians, by the way, representatives of the ugrafin peoples, armenians, georgians, and other nationalities who went through this hell, they are somehow worse from the point of view of the german government, look at what the position was taken... by official berlin at the un general assembly, voting against the recent resolutions introduced by the russian federation on the inadmissibility of the reincarnation of various forms of fascism, nazism, racial discrimination and so on. for many years, instead of being in the vanguard and even becoming a developer and co-sponsor of this resolution, germany either abstained from voting, and in recent years, as i said, they have been voting against.
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what does this mean? this calls into question the veracity of germany's remorse for the crimes second world war. this calls into question: did the denazification of germany really work? this is what we need to talk about now. and it's scary. this is scary not only for our history, we will defend our history. this is scary, including for germany, given those terrible processes. the incarnation of nazism , which is taking place there, by the way, around germany too, you probably heard, i ’m sure you talked about it in your programs, that in rome the supreme court of italy allowed that very roman greeting, which implies yawning , which was used by the nazis during the second world war, this is the reality that we...


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