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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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45 - 150 thousand shelter trenches. for equipment 4500 dugouts, 12.00 prefabricated reinforced concrete structures , the stability and survivability of our group and equipment, weapons and military equipment has increased five to six times, so to speak, but isn’t this, this is generally fantastic, and this is in less than a year, this is what the engineering troops did, now again
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, what you started with is admiral bauer, he spoke at the end of the meeting, or rather the meeting of the chiefs of general staff of nato countries, which took place on january 17, last week, you know, he called for preparations for war, well, apparently they discussed this, they are seriously discussing, so to speak, the possibility of war with russia. i don’t know whether they are discussing the nuclear phase there , it’s possible or not, but the fact that they believe that they are capable of fighting with russia, although for the sake of objectivity they call it an almost equal enemy, but they are still in the illusion that their total gdp there is 10 times greater, that they have more people, that they have more everything, and if they are now they will make a political decision to develop all this, then they will give us... heat, i
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believe that this is a utopia, it is, so to speak, an illusion, but god bless them, he cited as an example, here is the one starting the teaching tomorrow, mm staunch defender , uh , in which there will be, this, this is not one exercise, this is a series of exercises that will take place there over 2-3 months, uh, 100,000, 90,000, but who says 100,000 personnel, this
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would not destroy the population, material assets would remain neutronized, neutron bombs, neutron bombs, you know, for a long time so to speak, they dangled this topic, then the project was closed, but it is absolutely not a fact that at a new technological level it will not arise again, but i want to talk about something else, on monday this week general kirilov, the head of the chemical bacteriological defense troops, also held a press -conference.
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obtained during a special military operation, he gave a number of examples that the military exists, i must, by the way, say that the americans, i remember from the middle, and even after immediately after the collapse of the soviet union, pressed us all the time, tell us, let us, well, finally, admit that you have military biological programs, well, we know that you have, well, come on, just admit it, it will make you feel better? we always told them, well, firstly, we don’t have it, and secondly, why would it be better for us, what do you want? so we want to visit, and they rolled out a list, so to speak, there are 60-100 of our enterprises, so we want to visit and see why on earth, we ourselves, so to speak, refused to
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create a control mechanism for the biological convention, for fear that someone will look their, so to speak, secrets, because laboratories on the perimeter of the russian federation, the fact that they conduct biological espionage against turkey, saudi arabia, a number of arab countries, all this is confirmed by documents, says general kiriev, and i think that this has a huge impact significance for let them deny everything, but i think world
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public opinion should know what the americans are doing, and they are doing, because biological weapons, from my point of view, are in no way inferior to nuclear weapons. if it's not, no worse, then it will come true, they will be happy when, so to speak , people really die out, all the material values ​​will remain, there are two objections to this, remember how during the shortage in the soviet union they joked that our neutron bomb was created back, the population is there, but the goods have disappeared somewhere , yes, because in the soviet union, as they always did, they treated it with humor when americans spoke, but admit it, it was enough for them to name such a name as... hiro, a japanese general directly involved in biological warfare, a biological experiment, who led that very detachment, who at another time would have been shot and hanged for a crime against humanity, but the americans affectionately crushed them under themselves ; several forts worked at their base, now
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several forts were just engaged in this program, moreover, a number of them were later flooded when the viruses broke out, and there was it’s clear that they can’t neutralize them; it’s easier to bury them there with everyone who is there.
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or now, in my opinion, this is already a commonplace, out of nowhere, by the way, a big question about these mrna and other vaccines that are being developed is how safe they are, but it’s obvious that indeed the next weapon will be biological, it doesn’t even have to kill, i spoke with one outstanding specialist in matters of medicine and healthcare, he says that the developments that have been carried out obviously show that there is an attempt to identify, that’s how it was with the coronavirus, you go, when in the intensive care unit, then...
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besides, this is again the development of medieval technologies at the next stage, when cities were infected through rats and epidemics were caused by kirillov and he says they are, so to speak , experimenting with the monkeypox virus, so here during the colonization of america, do you remember these blankets were distributed specifically to those infected with smallpox, i apologize, maria zakharova, who continues to participate in our broadcast while sitting on the plane, writes to me, they ask me to read it, just go ahead. i was touched by the discussion about lenin, i ask you not to bind me, i will read it out , i have claims against him, i
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have claims against him of a christian nature, because i cannot admire a man who established atheism, it doesn’t matter, masha writes about lenin, the germans sponsored pacifism in russia, exactly the bolsheviks opposed the military actions of russia, agitating for pacifism, lenin , the bolsheviks became the supporting force of intervention, i didn’t have time to say, quote, here i quote, here we will be more precise, an imposed theory. i am sure that no, of course not, that he was not some kind of german spy, and as alexander alexander viktorovich correctly writes in his telegram channel, and the carriage was not sealed, but it was not there, but another thing is important, that in all program documents the communist party of russia, there is a russian empire, then it was called as we are top in brackets b, it was big, rsrp in brackets b, big.
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a strike on the territory of iran, although the attack was from the territory of iraq, but as the americans say,
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the groups controlled by iran, in general, if you look, well, really everyone there has gone crazy, that is, strikes on the territory of syria are now being carried out by all and sundry, strikes on the territory of iraq are being carried out by all and sundry, pakistan and iran are exchanging blows, well , it seems that everything has already been reconciled, in general. not respected as an empty place, that is, simply, that is, and these are people who are something else they say, that is, based, for example, on the logic that is supported by all nato countries, that israel has the right to defend itself and for this purpose strikes at key figures and... with a flow of weapons in syria that can influence through lebanon, well, let's destroy poland
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, well, just based on this logic, let 's destroy romania, strike, let 's strike at germany, well, no, not at the german people, whatever you say, but at the places of production, weapons and equipment, where there are bases preparing ukrainian nazis for in order for them to fight, that is, it will be absolutely in the logic of what israel is doing and what america and the nato countries applaud when... they say, guys, well, they say, this is different in what, in what is different, when they say, you attacked, we did not attack, we fulfilled our allied agreements with independent donetsk and lugansk, having concluded an agreement with them on mutual assistance, we warned, and warned, by the way, the ukrainians, to cease fire, in response to this, they donbass was shelled for a week so much that people were forced to leave, then we fulfilled our duty as allies. accordingly, they came to the defense of the russian people, here i want to remind you that america
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invaded syria out of lawlessness, iraq was an absolute lawlessness, and afghanistan because the twin tower pilots were hit, none of whom had anything to do with afghanistan, just none , only because benladen was hiding there, and then he seemed to be in pakistan in the end, that is, that is , it was all, so when these people. they are trying to tell us something, the mouth wants to say close, just close your mouth right away, when they try, i’m not saying that it ’s necessary, i’m not saying that it’s necessary, i’m surprised by ours, who.
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the swedes attacked at the beginning of the 16th century. napoleon attacked them at the beginning of the 19th century, and in the 20th century the germans attacked them, twice. so, given the context, yes, and even earlier they were attacked by the mongols. the russians were vulnerable. in many ways, their geography was formed purely from defensive considerations. russia is surrounded by natural obstacles that are easier to defend. from russia. the ussr that it is pursuing an aggressive policy, and
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those who speak for it: look at it through the eyes of the russians,
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“we support the accession roadmap for ukraine and georgia. ukraine’s steps to join nato meet the interests of all members of the alliance. they will strengthen security
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" . applies to us, and this, by the way, is very big delusion, that's what trump says about putin and orban. viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, is a pretty tough man, a smart, brilliant guy, very respected, but tough. he was asked what was happening to the world? and he said one very simple thing: bring trump back. when trump was in power, everyone was afraid of him. i don’t want to finish because i don’t like this word, but these are his words. he said: "if you bring trump back, everything will fall into place." everyone respected trump. they were afraid, but respected, and it’s true, putin would never have attacked ukraine, i got along well with putin, you know, it’s good to get along with people like putin, the rest , look what china is doing, they are licking their lips at taiwan, with me they would not even think about it, i had negotiations with the chairman of xia, i have an excellent relationship with him, if hillary clinton had won,
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you would now be waging a nuclear war with the dprk, i also got along with kim chin, no one even talked to him. the pain of donetsk, belgorod, it always resonates very strongly in belarus, and we are in solidarity, we understand that this will stop these terrorist attacks only when peace comes, and peace... can come under one condition, this is the victory of russia, there simply cannot be another world, there was a discussion about lenin, you mentioned such
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big, therefore, philosophical discussions, and you know , lenin was an amazing tactician, and not only he, but also those who surrounded him, because lenin’s death also happened, and, as we would say now, it may seem blasphemous to someone, but nevertheless , the pr campaign was there in the documents met such a thesis popularization
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removed the policies they were pursuing, the bolsheviks won the civil war because they were very flexible, they knew how to use different technologies, this still needs to be learned, russia does a lot of right things, but in that generation victory was achieved thanks to these flexible tactics, patience , which was manifested by this lenin generation, this leninist call that came to power, well, this is about this historical dispute, now you know, the situation has worsened, the west has made a decision, they are a little...
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from a professor at the university of tartov in at the end of last year, estonia and lithuania compiled a list of more than 2.0 russians and belarusians who were subject to deportation. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 22 , 1558, the russian-livonian war began, a series of major military conflicts that lasted a total of 25 years. then the region was on the territory of modern lithuania, latvia and estonia, it was ruled by the livonian confederation of local cities and german knights who did not want to give russia access to the baltic.
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our merchants were robbed and killed, orthodox temples were desecrated , the cup of patience was filled with the refusal of the livonians to pay russia the promised tribute, 60,000 talers, then ivan the terrible sent a large army to livonia on a terrifying campaign, it met almost no resistance, it seemed... the war was over, but then the livonian confederation collapsed, its the lands came under the control of lithuania, sweden and denmark and russia found itself in a state of war with sweden and lithuania, which had well -trained armies, began to suffer defeats, lost everything that it had conquered, including lands on the border with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, a state that arose after the unification of poland and lithuania. the northwestern russian regions were depopulated, and under the terms of the peace treaties, russia was forced to abandon livonia. belarusian lands and the southern coast of the gulf of finland. this territory was returned under the reign of ivan the terrible’s son, fyodor ioannovich. on january 22, 1869, the french
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traveler henri moo discovered the ankor wad temple in cambodia, translated from the language of the ancient kmers, this means the pagada of the capital. built in the 19th century, anchor wad was conceived as the earthly embodiment of the heavenly abode of god vishnu. his symbols. they represent the peaks of mount meru, the center of the universe. the bas-reliefs depict scenes from hindu mythology, the epics of the ramayana and mahapharata and from kmer history. at the end of the 14th century, most of the population left these places, the climate changed, and in the 20th century the pilgrimage of tourists began. now ankurvat belongs together with the athenian parthenon and the indian tajmahal. one of the most monumental ancient structures on earth. ankor wat is depicted on the coat of arms and flag of cambodia, films were made about it feature films and documentaries. it is the setting for many computer games.
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on january 22, 1980, the first and only recording of vladimir vysotsky’s performance on the central television of the ussr was made. despite the enormous popularity of the movie scene, vysotsky was reluctantly shown on television. that day he was invited to sing for the kinopanama program. the recording took place at night, when there was no one in the studio except the film crew. i felt bad and even began to forget the text.
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problems of the state for the sake of which she started, in the evening on central television they read out a presidential decree stating that banknotes of the sixty-first year in denominations of 50 and 100 rubles would be stopped in circulation in the country. they had to be exchanged for new money in just 3 days, but no more than a thousand rubles were allowed to be exchanged. pandemonium began in uzberkas, people were simply robbed at the state level. at that time it was difficult to obtain goods, salaries were paid, so
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buy. there was nothing, and the money ended up with the population. ussr prime minister valentin pavlov proposed reform to gorbachev, removing citizens have part of the money, reduce the gap between the commodity and money supply, and thus defeat the deficit. they thought that the confiscation of large bills would affect only the wealthiest, but the theory did not work. prices tripled, and there were no more goods. for soviet people, who were accustomed to decades of price stability, this came as a shock. the state had to increase pensions and salaries for public sector employees by printing new money. pavlov's reform only aggravated the problems in the economy of the soviet union, hastening its collapse. this is what this day in history was like. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important,
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it is honestly convenient. how to vote while traveling? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him: vote in the village, directly, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature, and choose mobile, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient, our boy felt anger because of social injustice, wanted to fight it, then give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor
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at the highest level, let's go?


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