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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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at the highest level, let's go, paris, let's devour an oyster and napoleon really liked it, napoleon bonapart welcomes you, the carriages, the adventure, exciting, it was unpredictable, let's say, like where, to attack , it was just done on a large scale, especially the battle, all these battles - this is straight to you, very good directing, design, costumes, bad.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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"we will not forget our calling, we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and generally unexpected, very i liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, the songs are songs of youth, i have never replaced it, so bright, stunning, fiery, i wanted to sing very much. we were waiting for karooki, asel cha, dog, cat, cockerel, remensky musician, e-e, bright, colorful, musical, i liked the rooster most of all with the word,
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excellent, temporary musicians.
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it was snowy, so snowy that even snow removal equipment had to be dug out. what is the reason for the abnormal snowdrifts on the russian plain and where will they grow in the near future? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, these are the topics let's touch on more. trench feet, gangrene and frostbite. against the backdrop of cold weather, the ukrainian armed forces are growing non-combat losses, like... a bunch of dead in russia, mysterious robots, why with the onset of frost chicago became a cemetery for electric vehicles, how cars with an electric engine endure winter in disease x, is it as terrible as it is painted ? ? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello! the european
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part of russia is drowned in snowdrifts, when will the snowfalls end, what is the reason for such an abundance of snow and what to expect next from the weather, we'll definitely tell you right away. after reviewing the most striking cataclysms of the week, oh , there’s a specific force here, it’s just meat, in the volga regions at the end of the working week , highways were blocked one after another, a massive accident paralyzed traffic on one of the sections of the m7 in tatarstan, a traffic jam more than long grew at the site of the accident 10 km, don’t go here to kazan, there’s a khan here. in general, employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped dig out cars that were covered with snow literally before our eyes; even snow removal equipment had to be rescued from the snowdrifts. in just one day it fell in the republic monthly precipitation rate. the buran plan was introduced, road services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode, and
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additional equipment was brought in. kazan utility services removed snow from city streets around the clock. the local airport switched to operating according to actual weather conditions. school classes were conducted remotely. one of the most striking and unusual consequences of snowstorms in nizhny novgorod. an avalanche occurred in the very center of the city, hitting a regular bus and several cars. ambulance doctors arrived at the scene and examined the people. luckily there were no injuries. the following shots are from the samara region. in some sections of the highways, the roadway completely disappeared under the snow. bad weather also affected the capital region. on friday night, up to 16 cm of snow fell in moscow. wind gusts reached 20.1 m/s. local residents observed snow tornadoes on city streets. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum number of snow removal equipment. traffic jams of nine degrees were formed in the capital. while the volga region and the central regions of the country were drowning in
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snow, rivers overflowed in crimea and zalivna. the russian ministry of emergency situations additionally sent an airmobile group to the flooded areas of sevastopol. the region received up to the third monthly norm of precipitation. as a result, by the end of the second ten days of january, in many regions of southern russia and the volga region
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, one and a half to two times more precipitation fell than is usually collected for the entire month. in the center of the country, the january snowfall plan has been practically fulfilled; snow deficit is observed only in the northern regions, where the influence of atlantic cyclones affected to a lesser extent. the consequence of this is extreme snowdrifts that covered the cities of central russia. now the layer of snow, for example, in the center of the country and the volga region is one and a half to two times higher than the climate norm. such january snowfall is observed only once every 11-12 years, in moscow it is. has not happened at all in the entire era of global warming, however, it is far from absolute records, look, for example, what moscow looked like at the beginning of the 20th century, long before all the climate changes, some houses were covered in snow
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the windows of the first floors, and people moved along the streets on skis, and this is kazan at the end of the eighties, there are also high snowdrifts in the city. cars are slipping on the roads, snow is being removed from the streets by trucks. by the way, statistics claim that after such a riot of snowstorms, atmospheric processes will subsequently develop in a more favorable manner. and if there are still high chances of cold weather in february, then spring promises to be friendly. in march and april, the average temperature most often exceeds climatic indicators. the permanent snow cover is destroyed 5-7 days earlier than usual, but spring is still far away, and for now we are faced with completely winter atmospheric processes. now another arctic invasion is developing over the russian plain. sunday is its peak. as a result
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, cold air will even reach the shores of the black sea, although the cooling will be short-lived. starting tuesday , the next atlantic cyclone will begin to break through in russia, carrying air masses along with the nestera, warmed by the golf stream. in moscow, precipitation is unlikely in the coming days, sunday daytime temperatures will drop from saturday. -6 to -12. with the beginning of the new week , the frosts will begin to weaken, and from tuesday, when the snow clouds of the cyclone will cover the capital, the warming will intensify; by wednesday , the thermometer columns will reach zero. the real russian winter also covered the area of ​​the special military operation. a sharp cold snap and snowfalls have changed the lives of ukrainian militants. into a nightmare. the losses from the attacks of the russian army were supplemented by non -combat losses, primarily from frostbite and
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hypothermia. for weather conditions on the front is monitored by military meteorologist evgeny tishkavets. evgeniy, are there any statistics on cases of frostbite among military personnel? vadim, according to available information, the number of cases of frostbite among ukrainian militants has increased by more than a third. now the situation in the ukrainian trenches is the best. described by the phrase the living envy the dead, stable sub-zero temperatures with gusty winds, high humidity, the inability in many areas to properly organize shifts for heating personnel and poor quality uniforms have led to a sharp surge in frostbite among vysushniki, hospitals in the sumy and kharkov regions are overcrowded, local doctors say that wounded soldiers are increasingly being treated with so-called trench feet and gangrene. in suu. they are piled on mattresses right in the corridors , the dead are taken out by truck at night,
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so as not to spread panic among the survivors, since evacuation was not carried out in a timely manner, since medical assistance was not provided in a timely manner, the degree of frostbite has generally, say, already developed into more there are serious forms of order there, 35% of ukrainian militants. already the third, fourth stage of the war, when surgical intervention was required, up to the amputation of a limb. the ukrainian militants who tried to cross the dnieper found themselves in the most desperate situation. within a week, losses exceeded 200 people. in addition, russian troops destroyed 15 boats, 12 mortars, 38 drones, tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. experts explain that this year it is celebrated in the lower dnieper. difficult ice conditions, the most disadvantageous for the ukrainian armed forces. the intermediate state
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, it is the most uncomfortable, inconvenient , dangerous, risky, from the point of view of the fact that a boat cannot be used, it cannot be walked on foot, that is, the ice is not strong enough to support a person and at the same time it no longer makes it possible to use any means such as boats, many ukrainian military refuse to carry out the combat missions assigned to them, for example, a video has appeared on the internet in which more... get seriously wounded in order to get out of the front line at least for a while, friend, like you have in you
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i'm dying, in my life, my leg was torn up to the knee, because my leg was torn to the knee, because because of the war, to be amazed, i just can't drink from the war, like, so , to say, so that i'm not staring, i'm not staring xia , and so it tore my leg, everything is like i’m going to die, and the kiev regime is not going to give up its bloody plans, zelensky is happy to promote some of his peace formula... continues to beg from the west for money and weapons in exchange for the lives of ukrainian soldiers, oh than turning to the so-called western partners completely cynically, openly, says the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry. you save the most important thing, you save the lives of your soldiers. we offer the best deal in the global security market. give us money, give us weapons, and we will do everything. work, how many armed forces soldiers perished in the cold waters of the dnieper, neither kuleba nor zelensky will ever tell:
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the kiev regime does not take losses into account at all, and the place of frozen and frostbitten soldiers will be taken by newly mobilized ones, whom the tskashniks caught like animals on the streets of ukrainian cities. frosts have turned into the usa parking around charging stations in a cemetery for... electric vehicles, in the north of illinois, against the backdrop of a sharp cold snap , a real transport collapse occurred. dozens of tesla car owners were unable to start theirs. cars and simply left them in the parking lot with completely discharged batteries. temperatures off the southern shore of lake michigan in the chicago area ranged from -15 to -23°. such frosts in these parts are certainly rare, but not something out of the ordinary. for what reason exactly?
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electric cars are out of order. it's the electric cars themselves or the charging stations. chicago tesla did not comment on what happened; drivers also complained about the lack of feedback from the electric car manufacturer. auto experts explain the reasons for the collapse as follows: the capacity of batteries with electrolyte based. their ability to accept and release a charge sharply decreases at low temperatures, accordingly, the electric vehicle's range is reduced; as a result, frosts in chicago led to a rush at charging stations, and those the cars that stood in line, but never made it to the coveted plug, eventually completely ran out of power and could no longer be started. the car won't charge at all, it's
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frozen, it doesn't work at all, now i called a tow truck to tow it to the service center, that's all i can do. to move around, russian owners of electric vehicles, this winter, delighting us with severe frosts, also got a good opportunity to test their iron horses in conditions of extremely low temperatures, it should be noted, cold tests, electric cars were very successful, i parked the car here 12 hours ago, on the street -26°, we'll see if it starts or doesn't
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start, oh the park, something froze, but it turned on... and the car came to life, as for overnight parking, for example, if you leave the car overnight at the same -20-25°, the power reserve does not decrease at all, this, by the way, is a plus of electric vehicles, which i directly experienced myself, that is, an electric car is really better in winter in terms of warming up the car, practically immediately within a minute there, even at -20, the same -25, when the test took place, warm air immediately comes out of the air ducts. as experts explain, the main problem of electric vehicles in low temperatures is the failure of the engine to start, a significant reduction in the power reserve. i recently had a test drive of an electric car , a chinese electric car, which has a claimed range of 600 km in the warm season, well, in the most optimal
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conditions, so to speak, and in the winter i drove it for about 3-4 days, there was a long test -drive. charging. enough exactly twice less. the dynamics of electric car sales are such that in the near future many car enthusiasts will have to master their technical features. for example, in 2023, every fifth car sold in the world was electric, and the total number of sales reached 14 million cars. many people are switching to electric cars, believing that this type of transport is more environmentally friendly. however, as recent studies conducted in germany and sweden have shown, this thesis is not so clear-cut. researchers analyzed the carbon footprint of an electric car and a car with internal combustion engine over its entire life cycle. this is what happens when producing a traditional car : approximately 14 tons of co2 equivalent are released into the atmosphere. for an electric car and its battery, this figure is 24 tons. after driving 2000 km, gasoline will emit about 40 tons of co2 into the atmosphere.
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the carbon footprint of an electric car is 23 when used for recharging. on energy sources and only half a ton if it is fed exclusively with clean energy, for example, produced by wind turbines or solar panels, so electric vehicles have their advantages, but there are also disadvantages: the transition to electric engines may well improve air quality in megacities, but is unlikely to stop global warming on the planet. well, don’t forget about the growing demand for lithium, which is needed for the production of rechargeable batteries. according to forecasts, due to the high demand for electric cars, as early as... in 2025, the world may face a shortage of this metal. and finally, let's talk about the mysterious disease. x, which for some reason found itself in the center of attention at the final economic forum. the information wave was launched by the world health organization. the department
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said that humanity in the near future will face a terrible infection, the mortality rate from which will be 20 times higher than from covid. that's all, actually, no more details. what kind of disease this is is unknown, just like... its causative agent is unknown, the threat is potential, none of the experts who participated in the discussion of the upcoming pandemic in davos brought any concrete data, while discussing the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of a disease that, in theory, will claim the lives of 140 million people in a second, russian experts believe that it was no coincidence that fears of a new pandemic began precisely at the economic forum, somehow clearly because behind the cloudy silhouette of disease x, the ears of the pharmaceutical giants peek out, this is a very powerful
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, unfortunately i’m afraid, highly effective attempt at completely vile theorizing on the topic of disease x, which, that is, calls for everyone, firstly, to believe this to a much greater extent statements, secondly this... see it as a guide to action and, accordingly , obey more, do not waste time rethinking or double-checking statements vos, any chatter about disease x, at the moment fulfills economic political orders of certain groups associated with the big pharmacology, located in the west, but in general, to calculate all possible probable scenarios for the development... of events with any virus - this is the usual routine work of expert scientists, in russia it is constantly carried out by our virologists and microbiologists
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and epidemiologists. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye.
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annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven directions. which your initiative best fits, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024.
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and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future, look before everyone else, let's get to know each other, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, look.
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monday has been declared a day of mourning in the dpr and people in the republic are mourning. killed in the terrorist strike of the ukrainian armed forces on donetsk , 27 people were killed, 25 were wounded, many of them in in serious condition. gencion condemned the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilians. a snowstorm in the volga region greatly affected the life of the region. there will be no lessons in schools in the ulyanovsk region today. in kazan, it was recommended to transfer students to distance learning. almost 700 bus routes were canceled in bashkiria.


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