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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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zone displaced lokomotiv at the top of the table. the match for three points became important, also because at the start of the super league in the third round, the novosibirsk team rolled through zenit, after which they began to increase their advantage. the kazan players entered the court with a lot of energy, almost immediately gaining a double advantage in the score 12:6. the guests helped in twenty-four serves, they made mistakes 12 times and did not make a single ace. blocks also became a problem for them. as a result, 3:1 in games in favor of zenit, both teams 46 points each... eighteen rounds played and in case of equality of points, the leaders were determined by the best ratio of games won and lost. zemit lost one sat less. it was sports news. see you after 7 am. this is my group. and we are called temporary musicians. thank you.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. news mid-
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hour, briefly. monday has been declared a day of mourning in the dpr. the republic is mourning those killed in the terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine on donetsk. 27 people were killed, 25 were injured, many of them in serious condition. the secretary general condemned the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilians. a snowstorm in the volga region greatly affected life in the region. there will be no lessons in schools in the ulyanovsk region today. in kazan, it was recommended to transfer students to distance learning in bashkiria, almost 700 bus routes were canceled. a new israeli strike on the town of hanyunynes in the south of the gaza strip killed at least 12 people, including a woman and three children. the army shelled the region until late nights. tel aviv again rejected a ceasefire in exchange for the release of a hostage. one
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of trump's main rivals among republicans in the us presidential election, ronde desantes, withdrew his candidacy. he declared support for the former head of state. trump has already noted that together they will defeat the worst president in the country, joe biden. warships of the pacific fleet went to sea to perform various tasks. the flagship, the missile cruiser varyak and the frigate marshal shaposhnikov set off. ships in peter the great bay. boarded the helicopter naval aviation, anti-submarine and rescue k-27. the sailors will also have to go to the asia-pacific region, where our ships will visit the ports of other countries. a center for high-tech prosthetics and rehabilitation will be created in belgorod. first of all, it will be intended for participants in the special operation who were seriously injured or disabled. the necessary equipment will be provided by the ministry of industry and trade. nadezhda
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sveridova will tell you the details. the new center will open its doors already this year. now experts are selecting a site. local authorities will take responsibility for the arrangement of the premises. and solving organizational issues. the country's ministry of industry and trade will provide the necessary equipment. we, as a front-line region, understand how much this is in demand now. we need a comprehensive center with modern production in the field of orthopedic technology, where a person comes with a big problem and leaves completely ready for a full life. this is our main task. among the center's partners innovative technologies in orthopedics. this is one of the leading enterprises in the medical industry. and the rehabilitation industry, which produces more than 500 types of implants and prosthetic and orthopedic products. the future center in the belgorod region will primarily be intended for participants in a special military operation who were seriously injured or disabled. the task is to return them to a full life. the institution will
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implement an integrated approach that will combine prosthetics and rehabilitation. not only residents of the belgorod region, but also other regions of the country can receive the necessary help and support here. today , the belgorod region has a well-developed infrastructure for people with special needs. at the moment , almost 400 social facilities have been adapted, thanks to which people with disabilities can receive education and engage in sports and creativity. a lot of work is being done to organize their employment. according to this indicator, the region ranks first in the central federal district and second in the country. in the near future the belgorod region, together with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, will develop and implement a project to help adapt living quarters for a fighter. who were injured were comfortable in their own homes. nadezhda sferidova, conductor of the belgorod region. a new air route has been opened in kemerovo. this is the transit route of azimot airlines to mineral waters via ofa or samara. to choose from. previously, such flights were carried out only through moscow or
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novosibirs. a new path has emerged thanks to the support of the state and government. flights are subsidized, and the program lasts for a year. certificates for free were raffled off among the first passengers. flight, the winners will be able to use them on their next trips. freezing rain again in st. petersburg today; ice conditions are expected soon in moscow. more information about the weather in the european part of russia, evgenia teshkovets. the east of european russia is recovering from a week of snowfalls. the weather is finally returning to normal, but for how long, is it true that a new one will fall on the russian plain today ? cyclone when it reaches the victims. it's time for weather news on channel russia 24, i'm evgeniy tishkavets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the european part of the country is experiencing another atlantic cyclone. this is the first announcement, and further announcements will follow, now it’s a passenger car, well, maybe it will pass, but it’s already difficult, and even then it’s unlikely. video from
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the samara region, residents of three settlements demonstrate the condition of the road connecting them with the outside world. she's covered in snow, that's even... worse condition, for comparison, this is what the federal highways looked like over the weekend: this m12 highway, we make our way behind the tractor, it cleared the road for us, the snowdrifts are as big as the car. last week for the east russian plain was perhaps the most difficult from a weather point of view in many years. from ovyatki to the southern urals, blizzards raged incessantly. in kazan, just in the last three days , almost the entire monthly norm of precipitation fell. the same number in samara. in ulyanovsk, according to the local administration, the depth of snow cover grew by 40 cm. in izhevsk by 20. the cities were practically paralyzed by the elements. what can we say about roads? federal m7-m5, m-12 had to
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be closed from time to time. mobile heating points were deployed along the routes. do you need some water? yes, yes. well, it's like snowfall. it was not enough, a strong wind also rose , several emergencies happened at once, for example in udmurt, in votkinsk the holiday tree could not withstand the elements, in the village of karakulino the roof of the local sports center was torn off. fortunately, during an emergency at the skating rink there was no one. the prolonged snowstorm in the volga and cis-urals was associated with the atmospheric fronts of the atlantic cyclones, which were stationary over these regions. today, fortunately, the situation will change, the zone of precipitation and wind will shift to... the east. the snow will weaken and will fall in yamal, western siberia, and also in the caucasus. but pay attention, another cloud of bad weather is forming over the north-west, and in the novgorod, pskov and leningrad regions , freezing rains may be mixed with snow charges.
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another whirlwind from the atlantic is making its way here. in addition to precipitation, it carries with it very warm air, which in itself is a danger factor in winter. in st. petersburg, for example, now it’s still about. -5, but within an hour the thermometer readings will rise, the wind will pick up and it will snow. in the evening, when the temperature rises to zero, freezing rains may be mixed with the snowfalls, and tomorrow the warming will continue and on tuesday it will be +4 on the banks of the niva, puddles along with rainwater will flow through the streets. subsequent days zone bad weather associated with the next cyclone will begin to move along the russian plain to the east. but the good news is that nastya will not escape the long-suffering rein this time. the frontal section will make its way there in the middle of the week, but by then it will have fizzled out. no heavy snowfall or storms are expected. in kazan today the frosty temperature is -12 tomorrow. no precipitation, light snow will only fall on wednesday, only about 2 mm
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of moisture will fall, from thursday the sky will begin to clear again, the elements will not prevent utility workers from eliminating the consequences big snowstorm, their moscow colleagues, by the way, should also get ready, here the atmospheric front will ruin the weather more than on the volga. today in the capital it will be -800, starting from tomorrow it will snow, on wednesday the thermometer readings will rise to zero, towards it in some areas. freezing rain may be mixed in. that's all for me, goodbye. immediately after the advertisement, we will tell you about the innovations in the lending rules. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, favorable deposit rates, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or in a branch than to look 100 times, it’s better
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to twist it once, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, you take credit cards, you transfer your debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, shop or... good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the season. from sales and these months passed by my business , this year everything is different, i connected to
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the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, in alfabank is the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles. from opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. a smart choice is when you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, profitable. deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself,
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loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. the beginning of the news is economics. konstantin, banks have begun to calculate the full cost of the loan in a new way. yes, roman, now they must indicate all the borrower’s expenses. so, russian banks are now required to indicate the real full cost of loans. according to the new rules, the calculation must include all additional payments that were previously left out of brackets: insurance, commissions from the sale of other services, and so on. previously, they were already present, but often the borrower learned about their presence after the fact. now. you will be informed about all this before signing the contract. in addition, according to the new rules, credit cards must
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reveal the range of the total cost of the loan. the minimum value when using the card in a non-cash format, the maximum when withdrawing money from atms. in basfor, after a fourteen-hour downtime , shipping resumed. it was blocked due to an oil tanker stuck in the middle of the strait. it has now been successfully towed. two hundred and fifty meters. the liberian-flagged ship is reportedly traveling from istanbul to izmir. previously, the tanker called at a russian port. reasons for stopping at basforra, according to coast guard was in bad weather. the tanker is allegedly spontaneous. dropped anchor, but the stop did not go according to plan. gas prices in europe fell by 60% over the previous year and by another 12% since the beginning of the year. this is what bloomberg drew attention to. western experts are reluctant to admit the real reason. the decrease in cost was the result of a drop in demand for energy resources due to a significant reduction in promotional production, primarily in germany.
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analysts also recognize the aggravation of current risks. kater is the largest supplier. liquefied gas to europe, while the situation in the red sea is heating up, at the same time, there are fewer and fewer alternatives to lng. the transit agreement between russia and ukraine on pipeline gas for the eu expires this year, and it is unlikely to be extended. and by that time they simply will not have time to build a new european lng terminal. this will take at least another year or two, writes bloomberg. refugees began to leave germany after they began receiving cash benefits instead of cash payments. issue special bank cards, about bilt writes this. so far, such an experiment has been carried out only in one urban district, but it has become very indicative. the fact is that the functionality of such cards is limited. you can pay for purchases only in a certain region; you cannot withdraw funds. bank transfers are blocked. there is also a replenishment limit for such cards. benefits are credited monthly, but if the account accumulates 5.00 euros, payments
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will automatically stop. many refugees do not have this approach. happened the day before, shells fell in the market area, 27 people were killed, 25 were injured, he condemned the attacks on civilians, an emergency meeting of the security council was convened. bad weather in several regions of russia at once, the authorities of ulyanovsk canceled classes in schools, many educational institutions cannot be reached due to snowdrifts, in kazan students were sent to remote work, in bashkiria
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almost 700 bus routes were suspended due to snowfall. ron is a paratrooper. donald trump's main rival in the primary withdrew his candidacy in favor of an opponent, and now trump has only one competitor left from the republican party, nikke haley. celebrated in europe significant drop in gas prices, more than 70%. according to experts, the reason is a decrease in demand due to a reduction in industrial production, primarily in germany. in finland, presidential candidates compete in hostility towards russia, openly admitting that. they will talk to moscow only on orders from washington, they pay money so that the ukrainian armed forces terrorists sign artillery shells that are used to hit civilians in donbass. on the ammunition they write: for the freedom of finland. what kind of freedom and what great finland are they dreaming about in helsinki and what is it worth? denis davidov will tell ordinary residents. the snow was knee-deep, the king went bankrupt. tsar
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is a store in the finnish border region, designed for russian tourists. as soon as. the border was closed, the store was also closed, closed forever, judging by the maps in the online application, although the owners apparently have a glimmer of hope, there is heating in the building, and light too, in order to make money on the russians, finnish business invested 50 million euros in this building alone . 203 km to st. petersburg, but you can’t pass, you can’t pass, the border is locked on the finnish side, out of spite moscow and helsinki have deprived themselves of billions of euros and are fencing themselves off. continues: the border guards are going to put up additional barriers, at this time the authorities’ decision to close the border, the russians will appeal in the highest administrative court of finland, about the restriction of the rights of people with russian citizenship to cross the border, and that this is completely illegal, we are talking about a fundamental human right, which is enshrined precisely in the charter
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of human rights, which means article twenty-one. hello to discrimination, border authorities say: we have an order, but you have no right to execute it, aren’t you afraid to go against this system? i'm very afraid, very, very afraid. for several months now, the finnish government has been looking for mechanisms to ban russian citizens from real estate transactions in the country; they won’t be able to buy or rent an apartment, they won’t be able to either. defense minister antikhyakin wants to achieve a complete ban on real estate transactions for russian citizens. according to him ... a legal solution must be found in this matter. hekkinin is sure that solutions may be found as early as spring. he admitted that restrictions may affect the terms of the lease and background checks of already completed transactions. with real estate. the russian passport irritates finnish politicians so much that they propose to take away finnish citizenship if someone has dual citizenship. the well-known baltic disease,
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uprooting everything russian, can spread to cards. there are plans to erase names not associated with russia, like this suvorov lane. suvorov lane in memory of the events of the late 18th century, when catherine ii. sent here in lapi intranta his great commander strengthened the walls of the local fortress in the territory. traveled for years, on one of these trips yum molari met his wife, his desire to be friends with the russians cost him his job. i’m on the black
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list here, i can’t get any work, i’ve already sent out more than 500 requests to different places, but they’ve been rejected everywhere. there are fresh newspapers on the table, not a day without a line with hatred towards russia, they throw mud on a daily basis, a selection of the front pages of the main newspaper of the country has been distributed on finnish social networks. as you can see, vladimir putin they don’t come off, it worked. according to the same publications in finnish society, the level of negativity towards russia is off the charts. propaganda creates hatred so that finns begin to hate russia and russians. the next step is war. do you think war is possible? some people in finland dream about this. all the presidential candidates are now saying: “we are not going to conduct a dialogue with russia at all, except in cases where washington advises us to do so.” not puppets, candidates as if for selection, nine applicants to the presidency, and none of them talks about dialogues with russia. nato is
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finland, a new era has begun and this message must be sent to moscow. in the case of finland - nothing new. the only country that voluntarily allowed the fascists in during the second world war willingly helped them. monerheim's troops from the north squeezed the ring of besieged leningrad in the hope of taking it. northern capital, were able to occupy petrozavodsk, immediately renamed it and organized a concentration camp in soviet karelia. the finnish authorities' policy towards to the russian civilian population, to prisoners of war can be fully assessed as genocide. the mortality rate in finnish concentration camps in 1942 was higher than in nazi concentration camps. the russian population was literally purged in the finns' plans for the creation of greater finland in the south to the volga, in the east beyond the urals, that is.
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education is so in demand that the school has 700 students and three branches; not only children from mixed families attend it, but also finnish ones; over a quarter of a century, thousands of graduates, those finns who studied there, have they had a wonderful russian language in...
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the ideological front, they are going to hand over dozens of fighters, tanks, the pentagon has already received free access to their airfields as a garrison training ground. the country's leadership does not object to american nuclear missiles on its territory. a new member, so ryana takes it up, what kind of ocean experts are they surprised. we have already stationed some of our forces in finland, and i suspect that if we are allowed, we are going to station missiles in that country. this turns finland into magnet for attack. the globalist elites continue to tell people: the russians are coming, the russians are coming, this is absurd, when the russians actually came, came, flew to finland, its budget was replenished annually by 600 million euros. the shelves of another border store in the east of the country, a huge supermarket, which is now visited by rare finns from neighboring villages, are reminiscent of those times. here they still hope for the main guests, not english-speaking, but
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what a great ball it was, a white dance, a long time ago gentlemen are invited, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, which means don’t dance, get up and go, the film is positive, kind, scary, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2 , the samarkan regestan is an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left. although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them, soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton, synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, the troubles are still the locomotive of the economy, but no longer the curse of uzbekistan, leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites, the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built,
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but old ties are being remembered, but ours... are not centuries old. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy. monday has been declared a day of mourning for the dpr in the republic to mourn those killed in
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the terrorist attack. the armed forces of ukraine in donetsk killed 27 people, 25 were injured, many of them in serious condition. the un chief condemned the strikes armed forces of ukraine according to measured inhabitants. a snowstorm in the volga region greatly affected life in the region. there will be no lessons in schools in the ulyanovsk region today. in kazan, it was recommended to transfer students to distance learning; in bashkiria, almost 700 bus routes were canceled. a new israeli strike on the town of konyunes in the south of the gaza strip killed at least 12 people, including a woman and three children. the army shelled the region until late at night; tel aviv again rejected a ceasefire in exchange for the release of a hostage. one of trump's main rivals among republicans in the us presidential election ron disantes withdrew his candidacy. he declared support for the former head of state. trump has already noted that together they will defeat the worst president in the country, joe biden.


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