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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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following yesterday's shelling, on the morning of january 21, troops struck the kirovsky district of donetsk. the market area in the tekstilshchik microdistrict came under artillery fire. according to the latest data, 27 people were killed and another 26 were injured. the head of the dpr, denis pushilino, expressed his condolences to the family. as a result of a monstrous terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine, 27 dead, 26 wounded, everyone is receiving the necessary assistance. by
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the republican ministry of health, it is worth noting that there are connections with our hospitals, and the federal center, video conferences are being held and additional consultations are being held, as for the victims here, all that remains is, of course, their relatives to express words of support, but these nonhumans, alas, this is not the first, not the first crime, today is just another anniversary of the terrible shelling. on the bass, that is, the methods do not change, and the worse the enemy’s situation within the military confrontation, the more often they try to take it out on the civilian population, unfortunately this is so, not people. novokuznetsk on suspicion of treason a local resident was detained, the fsb reported this. investigators found out that he transferred money to the needs of the ukrainian army, and a criminal case was opened. the strikes on donetsk will be discussed today in the council. the un security meeting
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was urgently initiated by russia; the delegation of our country led by foreign minister sergei lavrov has already arrived in new york. meanwhile, the un secretary general strongly condemned the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on civilians and facilities. antonio guterres demanded that the kiev regime immediately stop shelling. in afghanistan , the search for two russians continues in the area of ​​the crash of a private plane, as reported by the tas agency, citing operational sources. services , we are talking about a married couple, a woman was on an evl device during the flight, her husband accompanied her, two doctors monitored the patient’s condition, they, like the pilots, survived, the victims were evacuated from the scene of the accident and they were provided with the necessary assistance. the first images from the crash site, as well as photographs of survivors, are published by the afghan media. let me remind you that the falcon 10 private jet was operating ambulance flight from thailand to moscow over afghanistan, the pilots reported a problem with the engine fuel.
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the russian investigative committee opened a criminal case into the crash. a storm warning has been issued in primorye. far eastern university students have been transferred to distance learning. a powerful cyclone is approaching the region. read more about the situation of ksenia kolchin. hurricane winds, gusts up to 23 m/s. this is the speed of the car on the highway, the residents of vladivostok are knocked off their feet and it is not easy to get up. the wind is so strong that partly traffic on the bridge to russky island is closed; trucks and buses are now prohibited from entering it; because of this, many residents of vladivostok cannot return home, because taxi drivers have significantly raised prices. students and teachers of the far eastern federal university who were locked on the island are ready to spend the night in campus dormitories. citizens are asked to be careful on the streets of vladivostok, the wind is even blowing away.
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emergency services, and it is also reported that the bodies of the dead will be taken away by a special board, which will fly to kabul on tuesday. we continue the topic of bad weather in the volga region, eliminating the consequences of the snowfall, it became the heaviest in the last 5 years, an abnormal amount of precipitation fell, and a snow storm hit several regions at once.
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half a meter of snowdrifts formed on some sections of the roads, which caused many kilometers of traffic jams on the highways, traffic was limited, and only on the eve of the evening traffic was opened to trucks and buses. eliminated in sochi. consequences of a landslide that blocked the road to the hutr ski resort. increased danger has been declared in road tunnels; tourists are asked to avoid hiking and long trips. temperature swings are expected in moscow, a thaw will begin in the middle of the week, the thermometer will rise to +2, it will snow, although according to forecasts it will not be so intense. advertising after the broadcast of the moscow kremlin putin program. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha
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everyone knows, when i’m under stress, i feel overwhelmed, i’m like a squeezed lemon, like a deflated balloon , stress drains the life out of you. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important to be honest and... convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning , she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i i'll vote at home. adult citizens of the country all opportunities are given, even those who are motionless are offered a solution, call
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the elections home, take a portable box , the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, registers them in advance with the departure of voting, which means you... are equal, citizens of my country, choose in side freely, important, honestly convenient, from the central election headquarters of vladimir putin today. they brought signatures collected in the regions, supporting him as a candidate for the post of president of russia. our correspondent varvara nevskaya works at the headquarters, she is in touch, varvara, greetings, how will signatures be verified? good morning, 95 boxes of collected signatures. just a few minutes ago, from here from the central election headquarters they were sent to the central election commission for registration in...
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our huge country, so from december 30 they began to be delivered here, where they were also additionally checked, until november 21 inclusive the collection of signatures was going on, their check, here by volunteers, staff members, and they continued to be brought here, and in order to finalize this number, by the way, they will tell us the exact figure in the near future , directly in the signature cycle itself... after the sic arrives, within their framework ,
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a large detailed check begins in relation to them in order to accept them for registration. after completing the registration procedure , the boxes, along with signature sheets , are accepted for subsequent verification directly by the central election commission itself. this check consists of three stages, each of them is extremely important. at the first, cec specialists check the number of sheets. with signatures and the number of signatures that were claimed directly from the candidate. at the second stage , using a random number generator , 60,000 signatures are selected to be verified. trusted persons must be notified of the conduct of this random sample, based on its results, and the trusted persons will be given a special protocol on the results of this random sample. after that, and already a special car. a special complex based on artificial intelligence will check and scan these
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signatures and at the third stage, the sec of russia checks compliance with the procedure for collecting signatures, draws up signature sheets, reliable information about voters and voter signatures contained in these signature sheets. let me remind you that if more than 5% of invalid or unreliable voter signatures are found in the sample, the cec conducts an additional check of another 30,000 signatures. well, in accordance with... the legislation in force in our country , the central election commission is given 10 days to verify signature sheets. in the near future we are waiting for information from you, we will definitely come to you live and tell you how many signatures were transferred from vladimir putin’s election headquarters to the central election commission. varvara, thank you, our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, about how vladimir putin’s central election headquarters sent signatures collected in the regions in support of him as a candidate for office to the central committee. president of russia, further, program moscow, kremlin, putin. make sure that the person
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in front of you does not block you. new footage about big politics. this was done by hand by the women of uryupinsk. this is an important conversation. well, you grew up in, let’s say, independent ukraine. right? and new details in the program that are always seen more than others. what a name. good evening. the so-called counter-offensive failed. the initiative is entirely in the hands of the russian armed forces. and ukrainian statehood could suffer an irreparable, very serious blow. vladimir putin this week met with the heads of municipalities, for whom providing reliable rear support and support for our soldiers on the front line has become one of the most important tasks. the president especially noted the work of local authorities. and also personally presented the award to the winner of the municipal service award in the special
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category “human destiny, pride of the fatherland.” the conversation with representatives of local government turned out to be vivid and emotional, as happens when caring people gather. the most interesting fragments of this meeting, as well as details of other events of the president’s week, can be seen earlier. in the telegram channel zarubin, join us, pavel, you have subscribed, i have been recommending it to everyone for a long time, hello, but now our program includes not only new footage of this. political week, but we also know that the audience appreciates us for the opportunity to learn the details of the past in order to better understand modern, dramatic historical events, and today it will be just like that, we look together, all the best.
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the outgoing event seemed to the moderator to be too lively. colleagues, my friends, guys, guys, allow me, from you say, she wanted and say, show. this is handmade, this was done by hand by the women of uryupinsk, if you just touch it with your hand, you will understand how humanly, very carefully chosen it is. the heads of villages, towns, cities
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throughout russia, which, like the whole country, are now in special conditions.
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don't cry, don't upset me, can you imagine what this is? this really hurt me, that is, she knows that she is dying, but she loves her husband so much, she tells him: don’t cry, she’s thinking about him now when she’s dying, don’t upset me, it seems to me that this attitude towards each other towards the homeland is deeply embedded in the blood of our people ... it is impossible to defeat such a people, and those who are trying to switch to some traditions alien to us turn to nato there, these are people who, without even starting to do anything, they have already lost everything, they betrayed their ancestors, their people, they betrayed their people and their interests, traitors are never in debt and never win, they
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can grab something there, steal something, drag it away where and where something there... to devour in business, but success is never on their side will be, and even more so if they put up obvious nazis and hitler’s accomplices on the pedistal of honor, well, how is this possible, it means that a few decades ago their ancestors fought against nazism, and today they support it, such people, by definition , cannot to win, they composted people’s brains there, they talked about some kind of independence , everything, no one ever encroached on it, and... in general it’s not clear what it is, they were born, raised there, born, raised in the city of vasilievko, zaporozhye region, where my children were born and growing up, excuse me, they don’t ask girls how old you are, 30, well, you grew up in, let’s say, independent ukraine, we had the right upbringing in our family, what our parents instilled in us, what we need to love , remember and honor your ancestors, who stood up tooth and nail for
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the great victory, that you need to respect your elders. they forgot that there were veterans who laid down their lives. the kiev regime tried in every possible way to impose its bandera ideology on us. after the collapse of the soviet union, it was obvious that we will get there eventually. of course, i think that at the time of the collapse , they probably thought that the fundamental ties between ukraine and russia would be stronger than the opportunistic considerations of the nationalist part of society. but no, these nationalist elements turned out to be more aggressive against... against joining nato. membership in the nato alliance for ukraine and georgia will serve the interests of nato itself. how they treat us is how we will react. the 2008 decision radically changed the situation.
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the former president of the czech republic said very frank thing, very important. he said it publicly. the war in ukraine, she said, began not in february of twenty-two, but in the summer of 2008, when the decision was made to open the door to ukraine and georgia. in russia, as a direct threat to the security of our country, the statement that this process is not directed against russia cannot satisfy us. national
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security is not based on promises, especially since we have already heard such assurances on the eve of previous waves of expansion of the bloc; this is all a movement towards our military borders infrastructure, so let's guys live together. imagine the city of our russian-ukrainian naval military glory , sevastopol, and there is a nato base there. how
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will this be perceived emotionally in ukraine in russia? are you aware of this? not only to say, it’s scary to think that russia will respond to such a deployment, the possible deployment of such.
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into an anti-russian military alliance. we are working with all nato member states to have a positive outcome in this matter. i am confident that membership in the nato alliance for ukraine and georgia will serve the interests of nato itself, and my visit to ukraine should be a clear message to the entire international community. i continue to believe in the principles and ideals of nato, and i emphasize once again that ukraine will be part of the alliance. in ukraine at that time pro-russian sentiments were very strong, but the maidan authorities, who declared themselves democratic, ignored them.
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and i believe that i am obliged to speak about this directly and honestly today, so that later we don’t digest with a sore head the healthy responsibility for such development events, we don’t want such a development of events, but we speak honestly and clearly about where we see problems, that’s all. the severity of the issue subsided somewhat when ukraine, as
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a result, was recognized by everyone.
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despite the fact that the residents of crimea themselves want to be part of russia, excuse me, we simply could not do otherwise, did we carry out any operations in crimea or somewhere else with a normal country with a normal government, no, we never did that did, didn’t even keep this in mind, but why did western countries support the coup d’etat, from this moment for us, power in ukraine is the source of power, a coup d’etat, and not the will of the people. representatives from several
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countries arrived in 2014. european countries signed guarantees under the peaceful course of the political process, 3 days later they seized power by armed means, they themselves do not fulfill anything, but they demand some kind of fulfillment from us, let ’s not play like that, this is a bad sandbox, we don’t like this kind of game, it’s just forced us to respond to this chaos, we had no other choice, we had to to get involved, we just couldn’t behave any other way, or did we have to give up everything and watch them slurp, eating everything, ours? the original russian declaration of russians in ukraine as not a titular nation, this is what is happening now in latvia, where russian people are simply thrown out of the cordon, you know, these are very serious things that directly affect the security of our country, in 2014 after the coup simply began military operations in the donbass, they started the war already hotly, of course, history will judge everything,


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