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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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the kremlin called the ukrainian armed forces' sunday attack on donetsk a monstrous act of terrorism. as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. vladimir putin listened to the report on the situation in the city and gave all the necessary instructions. however, the relevant services are already taking all necessary measures. let me remind you that the day before they attacked the kirovsky district of donetsk. the market area in the tekstilshchik microdistrict came under artillery fire. according to the latest data, 27 people were killed and another 26 were injured. today in the dpr is a day of mourning for the victims of the shelling. about the reaction to the shelling of donetsk our correspondent, egor grigoriev, will tell you about the funeral events in the city a little later. well, for now, on to other news. the strikes on donetsk will be discussed today at the un security council. the meeting was urgently initiated by russia. the delegation of our country is headed by the minister of foreign affairs. the un strongly condemned the ukrainian armed forces' strikes
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on civilians and facilities. antonio guterres demanded that the kiev regime immediately stop shelling. the united states insists on personnel changes in the ukrainian government. this was reported today by the russian foreign service. intelligence. according to operational data, washington demanded the removal of those from leadership positions. who have lost the trust of the americans, in particular , the ukrainian ambassador to washington, oksana markarova, is being promoted to the post of prime minister. the current deputy alexander kava is proposed for the post of minister of finance, and the deputy head of this department, taras kachka, is recommended for the post of minister of economy. all three received their education at american universities, the foreign intelligence service noted. the head of the spheres, sergei naryshkin, called what was happening as a formation in ukraine. american
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colonial administration. over the past 24 hours, russian troops repelled six enemy attacks in the donetsk direction and three in the krasno-limansk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. and the most active fighting took place in the kupinsky direction. nine attacks by assault groups in the ssu were repelled there. in the kupinsky direction, units of the western group of forces repelled nine attacks by assault groups with active actions and artillery fire. thirty-second, sixtieth, sixty-sixth, eighty- first mechanized and sixty-eighth ranger brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of makeevka, novoegorovka, lugansk people's republic and senkovka, kharkov region. losses in the ssu amounted to up to 180 military personnel, five tanks, two armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks. during the counter-battery fight , the us-made m-777 artillery system, two mstab and d3 howitzers were hit.
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schools, hospitals were connected to generators, concentrating all their forces on the city of polog, which is one of the most long-suffering, one might say, in the zaporozhye region, since it is located as close as possible to the line of contact, the enemy has concentrated all its attacks on the energy system today. zaporozhye region is in
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this very hotspot, given that gas is supplied throughout the region, but gas to the city of pologa came from the city of orekhov, which is still under the kiev regime, then in the city of pologi pologa there is no gas today and electricity - this is the only source for heating citizens’ homes, and accordingly, knowing this, in general it delivers a targeted strike. through our substations, we have about 60 teams working, the guys work very selflessly , very professionally, and with the help of power engineers today we managed to stabilize the situation in the city of polog, for which i am very grateful to the power engineers in general, to the ministry for the fact that people are in the cold in very difficult conditions, especially under shelling, they brought our city back to life, because of course the city could... well, it could
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freeze. vladimir putin noted the importance of the state approach in the activities of trade unions, the president stated this at a meeting with the head of the federation of independent trade unions of russia. mikhail shmakov said that a congress of the organization is planned in april, this year it turns 30 years old, and i’ll add that the federation of independent trade unions of russia consists of about 20 million people, i want to say that over these years of work, well , one might say, joint work , after all, you are often an inconvenient partner for the government, but... still, in general, you approach decisions on social issues from a government perspective, of course, primarily based on the interests of the working people which you must protect by law according to the very existence of trade unions, but in
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general the state approach is very important, i hope that this will continue to be the case in the activities of trade unions, vladimir vladimirovich, the interests of the state and the interests of workers generally coincide. so there is, we are arguing about the details, i agree, i agree, exactly, well, two russians who were on board the falcon plane that crashed in afghanistan died, the data on the death of the evsyukov spouses was confirmed by the russian embassy. the bodies of our compatriots will be taken away by a special board, which tomorrow he will fly to kabul. according to the tas agency, the woman was on a ventilator during the flight, and her husband accompanied her. monitor the patient's condition.
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reoriented to other warehouses, logistics is being restructured so as to deliver orders to customers within the same time frame as before. well, in addition, within two or three weeks , as far as i know, a new sorting center of this company should open in st. petersburg, which will accept goods from entrepreneurs in the northwest regions. a fire occurred in the waltbury warehouse in st. petersburg on january 13, the fire was brought under control only a day later. the fire destroyed premises covering an area of ​​70.00 m2. in addition, an approximate amount of goods burned... experts estimate damage from the fire at 10, 11-12 billion rubles. a criminal case has been initiated. in brussels , foreign ministers are trying to agree on another aid package for ukraine. on the eve of the eu summit, which will take place on february 1. the economy of kiev
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is on the verge of collapse without the support of the west, will they be able to reach an agreement - nika yankovaya found out. nick, hello, what amount are we talking about? alexander, greetings. we're talking about long-term support until the twenty-seventh year in the amount of 50 billion euros. assistance to ukraine, both military and financial. back on the agenda in brussels. the heads of the eu foreign ministry are trying to find a way to continue funding kiev. despite the fact that hungary does not agree to the allocation of the eighth tranche of military assistance in the amount of 500 million euros. in addition, budapest refuses to approve a new program worth 50 billion euros for up to... the seventh year. corresponding amendments to the eu budget were blocked at the last meeting in brussels in mid-december. hungarian prime minister viktor orban proposed providing financial assistance to kiev gradually on an annual basis and with strict control over the expenditure of funds. at the same time , budapest believes that
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extra-budgetary sources of financing should be used and not take out general loans. the european union itself found itself in debt to member countries due to arms supplies to ukraine. we are talking about an amount of more than 7 billion euros, reports. we must demonstrate more determination, including from a military point of view, ukrainians are waiting for help that doesn't arrive fast enough. we must develop our military industry. from a financial perspective, we expect to pave the way for reaching agreement at the upcoming extraordinary eu summit on february 1 on long-term financial assistance for the ukrainian people. the united states is in no hurry to allocate money to kiev; the biden administration’s bill on financial assistance
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to ukraine and israel in the amount of $106 billion has been under consideration since last fall . members of the republican party are demanding the american president to clearly answer the question of how he sees the end of the conflict? this statement was recently made by speaker of the house of representatives and member of the republican party mike johnson. new afghanistan, many people have we must understand that ukraine will not ask why we should continue without having answers on these points. the ukrainian economy , without injections from the us and the eu, is on the verge of collapse. according to the financial times, kiev has pledged for this year. in the amount of $41 billion, it is planned to cover it
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due to financial support from the west, but instead of it so far there are only promises. thus , polish prime minister donald tusk arrived on a visit to kiev, however, apart from shaking hands with assurances of sincere support, no results were achieved. according to the forecasts of former ukrainian prime minister mykola azarov, the country's national debt may exceed a record $170 billion. it’s no coincidence that in the west they do cutting. for the repayment of these payments, the figures have now shifted from the twenty-fifth to the twenty-seventh year, if previously the figures for the maximum government debt of ukraine were given size of 137 billion dollars, then this trend line has shifted so that by the end of the twenty-fourth year this forecast could grow to 172 billion dollars. another blow for kiev was...
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we are ready to consider the issue that ukrainian grain is somehow transported by rail or road to the baltic sea, then exported somewhere there to a third country in the world, but not to europe, and this it’s difficult, it’s expensive, it affects the interests of ukrainian product manufacturers, which is why they lose money, in my opinion, these restrictions on the export of ukrainian products to the european union will remain, well, one might say... forever. and yet, europe continues to look for ways to continue funding ukraine. germany recently
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said it would allocate more than 7 billion euros this year. eu officials will discuss a new collective support package this week, according to the wall street journal. in particular, it provides for military assistance to kiev in the amount of 22 billion euros. thank you, nika. nika yankovaya spoke about europe’s attempts to agree on the next tranche. financial assistance to ukraine. we return to the situation in donetsk. today there is mourning for the victims of sunday's shelling. according to the latest data , 27 people were killed and another 26 were injured. with details egor grigoriev. the window openings are covered with chipboard, there are personal belongings of the dead around, people are carrying flowers. a dark day in the history of donetsk. since 2014, perhaps the blackest. the day before, it was not an accidental blow to...
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what ukrainian sponsors generously supply. su also used cluster munitions, apparently to increase damage. the increase in the number of victims, the worse the enemy has the situation is within the framework of a military confrontation, the more often they try to take it out on the civilian population, they are pushed aside by the possibilities with rszzot and other things to use less, but they use heavy weapons, this is a blow from the weakness of hopelessness,
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even the western media come to a similar conclusion, the american cnn writes: the attack in donetsk takes place in conditions where the front line is practically static, “ukraine’s counter-offensive has not brought serious results, and its troops are now under pressure from russia in several points along the 1.00 km front line. but not a single media outlet from the list of countries that assist ukraine has condemned the murder of people; the german bilt cannot independently verify the information; as expected, there is no reaction from the organizers of the bloody action. the hearts of all residents of russia are now with donbass, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the strike that took place the day before on shopping malls in donetsk is a monstrous act of terrorism, because indiscriminate weapons were used, which resulted in the casualties of so many people. women, pensioners, children, yesterday for the last time, someone went to buy food, someone to trade, why did they get hit? the answer to this question is known, but
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the civilized and democratic european american world, as usual, did not voice it in the united nations. reported, the secretary general strongly condemns the attack on the civilian population, does not say about whose help they attacked, and there are no consequences for the terrorists either. the barbaric attack on the ssu will be discussed at a meeting of the council un security only at the request of russia. our delegation led by sergei lavrov has already arrived in new york. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova. news. in the zaporozhye region , russian artillery destroyed positions. unlike militants, our military is not bothered by frequent weather changes. igor pikhanov will explain why. the long-range howitzer hits the identified positions of ukrainian
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militants. on the demarcation line , 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation shells destroy the fortification. construction in sssu, artillery of the southern military district thwart the enemy's attempt to gain a foothold on the zaporozhye front. the militants tried to establish control over a large area of ​​the area. on the front line, artillerymen work in close conjunction with reconnaissance officers, as soon as information is received that the enemy has been identified, a strike is immediately launched from here. the unit is responsible for one of the hottest areas of the front. the soldiers are hitting the enemy, who has dug in in the direction of the village of rabotina. artillerymen for sure.
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soviet-made equipment, there is practically none left, there are also difficulties with western weapons, unlike people, the ukrainian command takes care of it, more and more often militants go on the attack without the cover of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the enemy is afraid, the enemy is afraid to take any actions, afraid to make a mistake, so the initiative is on our side. now in zaporozhye there are difficult weather conditions, frosts are replaced by torrential rains, turning the roads into impassable swamps. according to intelligence, the enemy's foreign weapons. is not adapted to such conditions, it often breaks down and is difficult to repair, also on the possibilities the ukrainian armed forces are affected by the shortage of shells, while russian equipment continues to prove its effectiveness in all weather conditions; the stub fighters call howitzer a real sniper weapon, reliable and unpretentious. well, we were ready for such weather, we prepared in advance for frost and
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mud, so we don’t have any problems. artillery gun 265. maximum firing range is 24.24 km 600 m, a very good gun, reliable, does not fail even in cold weather. the enemy regularly tries to turn the situation around with the help of military drones, their number on the front line has increased, but air defense and electronic warfare units do not leave them a chance. minobaruna is equipped with anti-drone guns. the equipment of the russian military is constantly updated. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov. news zaporozhye region. alexander lukashenko today held a meeting with the secretary of state of the union state of russia and belarus dmitry mezentsov. she walked into the vestibule.
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agenda that has been proposed, we will directly make the following if there are any additions to that meeting of the supreme state council offers. they will also discuss the strategy for scientific and technological development until 2035, according to the secretary of state. action in the format of a union state, about our history, about our plans, about how we react to the pressure that you said, including mentally, we want this
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to be a very interesting, powerful set of tasks that will be possible to the renewed team, a separate important point is the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus this year, on july 3, the independence day of belarus and the anniversary the liberation of minsk from the nazi invaders will be presented:
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the battle for a seat in the white house by dmitry melnikov. opponents themselves are clearing the path to victory for trump. after finishing second in the iowa republican vote, florida gov. did you just ask if i would use the name rhonda sactimonius? i said the name is outdated. and then he thanked
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his former enemy, because they are doing one thing. i'm honored to have his support and look forward to working with him to defeat joe biden. the worst and most corrupt president in the history of our country. trump had every chance of winning... even without the departure of the paratroopers, the lead over nicky haley, who is favored by the moderate republicans of new england , is still insurmountable, having celebrated her 52nd birthday the day before, haley was left face to face with trump, age in this fight, in her opinion, could be a decisive factor. donald trump launched into a rant about how i stopped people from securing the capitol on january 6th. but i wasn't in washington on january 6th, i have nothing to do with it no relation, such things unfortunately happen, and you know why this happens when you are about to turn 80 years old. in
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short, i have a number of questions about donald trump’s psychological health. the votes of so-called independent voters will also be decisive for nicky haley in new hampshire. this is a significant number of voters who do not clearly associate themselves with any one party. we encourage them to come and vote for nicky hale. haley is not going to withdraw from the election race like desantis, but losing to trump in new hampshire may have no choice. with ron desantes out of the running, this republican campaign trio has become a duo here in new hampshire, but the candidates' disparate political clout is reflected in where they hold their meetings. if niki haley chose one of the local schools, then donald trump took the big stage. he holds a meeting with his supporters here at the local opera house. trump calls nicky haley - this is a woman who directly accuses her of
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colluding with the democrats. possibly the worst thing that nicky haley supports the deep state and the military-industrial complex, she is a globalist to the core, not only that, she is a stupid globalist who can be easily manipulated into sending millions of dollars to ukraine. the new hampshire vote is scheduled for tuesday, and a miracle probably won't happen. trump will defeat haley here too without any problems. president nicky haley may vote at the end of february in her native south carolina, where, as polls show, she will finally lose to trump. on this the republican primaries will actually end, and the main republican candidate will face a grueling battle in the courts, the outcome of which will decide both his personal
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fate and... the outcome of the presidential election itself. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskkin, news from new hampshire. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to management. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024.
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