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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. killed and forgotten. the bushmen dig unmarked graves in the snowy forest. why do those who are still alive dream of being wounded? the united states is forming a colonial administration in ukraine. zelensky was intimidated with compromising evidence and now they are replacing his corrupt friends with more obedient puppets. speech for russian fighters
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they developed an invisibility cloak, it masks objects from a thermal imager, is it true that you can even run in it and what shortcomings were revealed in a similar ukrainian suit, shot by the polish on the frozen ground, but with a song, the wounded soldier read poems about russia as a keepsake to his family, thinking that he would not return, but survived, what can i tell now about that battle, an exclusive interview with the hero. it clearly showed where ukraine is located. residents of a neighboring country are threatening to kill a porn actress for an explicit photo shoot with state symbols. what did they expect from her? a deep hole dug by a bulldozer in a snow-covered forest plantation is gradually filled with black plastic bags.
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we hold and which is quite obvious, accurate the geolocation of the creepy video does not seem to have been established, but one thing is clear, it was filmed from the ukrainian side of the front in the northern military district zone, where in this simple way they are digging graves for those militants who will never return home, in turn, their still living colleagues are forced try on the role of gravediggers, but of course, sooner or later they risk finding themselves in a similar situation, that is, not by those who carry the bodies, but by those who are carried, since the losses of the kiev regime are consistently very high. but traditionally they don’t want to give them eyes, in fact, such unmarked graves in hard-to-reach areas, one must assume , make it possible to literally sweep data about two soots, not even under the carpet, but under thick snow, however, the task of this cynical fraud is not only propaganda, which i am still ready to explain, anton potkovenko, anton, greetings , but it seems that for some there is a tangible financial benefit, greetings, but there are such rumors among the commanders of some units, they even take out loans for... forget
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as soon as possible. kiev, apparently, is ready to do anything to hide the monstrous losses in the ssu. covering the bodies of those killed with snow in nameless holes in the forest looks like some kind of thriller; what happens in this video definitely cannot be called a funeral. a bulldozer is filling up a hole in which a few minutes ago the dry land workers had laid entire rows of black-clad bodies. what is called on the network, precisely because it is extremely similar to the truth, the death payouts are very good, accordingly , there may be an unspoken order, well, not to show it officially, that is, about...
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on top of the flutter cut badan bakolas baden nicholas needs evacuation urgently urgently. total a few minutes of battle, and already one is 200, the other is 300, or maybe also killed, disposal , there is no other way to say it, the criminal organization central central committee, which grabs civilians, then takes them away to die at the front in those regions predominantly populated by the russian-speaking population, that is, odessa , nikolaev, sportsmen come from the western regions of ukraine, from lvov, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, purposefully. they are simply disposed of through meat assaults like this, which is why all these videos like this pop up about the dreams of personnel in the ssu with creepy humor, or is he serious? what is it to me to have my leg
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torn off up to the knee like that, why? because, because i can leave the war this way, i can’t, but if my leg is torn off, they will put in a prosthesis. because he understands the probability of dying , which is much higher and will prefer the option of being a colleague, this is the mood that, as they say, doom is clearly obvious, operations, prostheses, ivs, antibiotics and all this is not beneficial for him, the wounded must be treated, but frontline rear medicine in terrible their condition, the personnel cannot help but understand this, everything is happening before their eyes, so they surrender to our fighters in the area...
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the wind blows away the words, you can’t hear why exactly all these high-tech soldiers died for the wrong reason , maybe for the kiev regime , who orders his still-living soldiers to dump their dead colleagues in holes in the winter forest. adam potkovenko, what the snow is silent about, the animals on the face of the kiev regime and the monstrous act of terrorism, the kremlin’s comments after the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on the textile workers’ market in the donetsk microdistrict. v as a result of which 27 people died, as the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov said, vladimir putin was informed about the situation and gave a number of instructions, condolences, people come to the dpr from all over russia, today is a double day of mourning, they remember the victims not only of yesterday’s tragedy in the kirov region , but also donetsk residents who died
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exactly 9 years ago when ukrainian troops shelled the basse microdistrict from donetsk, reporting by grigory vdovin. donetsk utility workers, permanent and permanent. witnesses of all the horror that is in the city ukraine has been bringing everything for the last 10 years. after each shelling, people in orange uniforms immediately begin to eliminate damage and destruction. but huge blood stains cannot be washed away. they were firmly absorbed into the dirty snow, and no matter what the ukrainian regime says, now this will be an indelible accusation against nazi artillerymen and politicians forever. i know ethics, here he is. i traded here lightly, i can’t do everything, it’s always unknown whether he’ll arrive in the center or on the outskirts, he flew to the zasyachkivsky store, and then followed
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flew here, one of the shells flew straight onto a busy sidewalk, along which they were selling what is called pickling and boiling from boxes, its length was only 10 meters, and there were 10 dead here, in order to understand where they were shooting from, there must be great experts in ballistics no need, here is one of the most eloquent hits, you can see the direction from which the shell came, here petrovsky street goes across, and behind it is krasnohorivka, from somewhere because of it it turns out that ukrainian artillerymen were hitting, the steps of the pharmacy, which today, of course, is closed, people bring flowers, to intimidate, apparently, this is what that side wants, this opinion.
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such monstrous things will finally cease to be possible. the mercury market is now another point on the map of war crimes in ukraine. never before have such a number of civilian deaths occurred in all the years of conflict. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko and oleg bondarenko, news from donetsk. people's republic. demands to remove those who have lost the trust of the white house and replace them with ukrainians, who were trained in the west, pledged to american interests. this is today's information from the russian foreign intelligence service about how the united states is tightening the screws even tighter in the mechanism of external control of the kiev regime. so, according to the svr, washington is actually guided by the manuals of its anglo-saxon predecessors from the time of the british empire, they say they sent it to the colonies. political agents, and now the united states intends to do exactly the same thing, namely to purge dozens of
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inconvenient officials from the administration square, but so that their positions are filled by specially trained personnel. moreover , zelensky will have no options to refuse the final transformation of ukraine into a colonial appendage, because, to quote sergei naryshkin, he is forced to dance to the tune of the ocean masters, but otherwise he risks the complete destruction of his own political career, and that’s it... so why everything so who exactly will the leader of their junta have to appoint to leadership positions, evgeniy nipot will tell you in more detail, evgeniy, hello, but it looks like zelensky is strong grabbed by the throat. alexey, hello, i’m ready to throw it away at any moment when it completely gets out of control. acts in the best colonial traditions of the west. washington merges the recalcitrant pieces, puts in their place much more loyal , flexible ones, terrible meat for the pawns who have imagined themselves to be the main ones in this. the unenviable fate of the vassals, who have always been the leaders of the kiev regime, exploded, considered that
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they could move on their own and received a new heap of problems from their owners. according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the united states has begun to form, essentially, a colonial administration in ukraine, they have already found a new prime minister. we are talking about mrs. markarova. mrs. oksana, now working in the usa, is the country's ambassador, one of the most active lobbyists for the allocation of assistance for the independent states, however. she studied in the usa, already worked in the economic bloc of ukraine, left with the dismissed prime minister goncharuk, with whom she discussed how best to lie to zelensky about the true state of affairs in the economy. the americans are ready to loop all the main financial issues related to further tranches to the kiev regime. de facto, this is such a, you know, soft coup inside kiev, when... no one officially overthrows zelensky, but he remains president, yermak remains the head of
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zelensky’s office, so, but the importance of the cabinet government is sharply increasing, now it’s already well, it completely goes out of zelensky’s control and reports directly to washington, that is, markarov is being prepared to replace the current prime minister denis shmagal, and for him, as well as for a dozen others, special characters close to zelensky, an american...
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person, not a mediocre financial analyst, with experience in real business, a person who knows his place and does not dare to contradict.
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miss, under the weight of which this pawn will simply crack. for some time, ukraine tried to work in the system that the tail makes the dog, but in general the dog no longer likes it, of course, in the person of the western american establishment in particular, so they are starting to hit zelensky on the hands more and more, he refused to hold elections, so refused to leave peacefully, which means they will create problems for him on all fronts,
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reformat politics using such crude methods, and it is quite possible, by the way, to liquidate zelensky at one point. loses leverage, becomes a target for attacks by western media and is mainly responsible for front-line political failures, a terrible revenge of the americans on zelensky, a pawn who imagines himself to be a significant figure. eugenia nipot and the colonial administration. the kiev regime survives only on handouts from western countries that do not want peace at all. ukraine and them are covering up their desire for further escalation with the myth of democratic values, while russia, on the contrary, strives to end the tragedy of the ukrainian... people and therefore eliminates its causes, such statements were made today by sergei lavrov at a face-to-face speech at the un security council. the head of the foreign ministry arrived in new york to contrast the truth about the events in the zone with the false narrative of unfriendly countries, they listened to him very carefully, our correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, will confirm. russian diplomats prepared for the security council on ukraine in advance, but the terrorist attack
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the kiev regime in donetsk, filled this meeting at the un with a new tragic meaning. bye our delegation. all the dead are civilians . the merchants of death are not at all embarrassed that their weapons, including cluster munitions and shells with combined uranium, methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, deliberately, hit purely civilian targets, drawing the blood of dozens of dead.
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more cynically, from their speeches we, in particular, learned that 90% of the military budget allocated by the americans to the kiev regime remains in the united states and goes to development the country's military-industrial sector and weapons renewal. the old one is being disposed of in ukraine. most of the large ukrainian factories and companies, including lithium production, were sold to the same americans. fertile lands were leased to him for an indefinite period, as we say, at a cheap price, costs were not taken into account for the time being, but a recent pentagon report contains information that $1 billion worth of equipment and weapons simply disappeared in ukraine, zelensky and the company got a taste for it. crazy perennial
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pumping up the completely corrupt zelensky regime with weapons has another very dangerous dimension.
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there is an interest of the west, for which innocent people are dying. let me remind you that we have always remained ready for negotiations. the negotiations are not about how to keep the leaders of the kiev regime in power and indulge their fantasies, but about overcoming and destroying the legacy.
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of western taxpayers, an example of the peaceful existence of russian ukrainians before our eyes is the russian crimea, which is precisely why it is an eyesore for the kiev regime and those who cover him. sergei lavrov, as usual, has a busy program at the un, bilateral and multilateral meetings, tomorrow at the security council there is another meeting on the middle east, where recently, due to the actions of the united states, the situation is also becoming increasingly worse. bogdanov and ivan udkin, news from new york. the lens of the thermal imager displays one fighter, then on
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his right hand a second one suddenly appears, as if out of nowhere, and again he suddenly disappears, as if dissolving into thin air. amazing footage from the zone special operations, where our military personnel, one might think, demonstrate a little bit of magic in the style of the best illusionists of our time, although in fact the magic here is purely technical. properties, we are talking about an invisibility cloak for scouts , it allows you to hide from enemy means of control, and, as far as is known, is capable of working for as much as an hour and a half at a time, that is, it gives time not only to drop into the front line, but to complete tasks there without the knowledge of the enemy. moreover, according to data from open sources russian troops have similar cloaks for equipment at their disposal, which, accordingly, can also be hidden from unwanted observation. and here, of course, i want to understand what the principle of action is, the answers, without revealing them.
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i can give information and give ideas, but in general the principle is simple: the human body , as you know, produces heat, a lot of heat, at rest up to 100 watts, for example, a soldier on the march
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can produce up to 300. the energy is radiated into the environment, and it is recorded infrared cameras. our engineers did not try to hide warm under the cloak; in practice, this method does not work. instead, the shielding principle was used. a special material masks the fighter's heat signature. use weapons. background. at the same time, the developers managed to create magnets so that, god forbid, the element of clothing does not limit the soldier’s movement and does not interfere , thanks to which it adaptively merges with any fairly light, multi-layered raincoat on this cloak, this cape, it is shaped like a bell. it will give the opportunity for freedom of action under this canopy, do you understand? and under you can do it here. necessarily, otherwise
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it will lose its meaning. speaking of movement: camouflage materials themselves have been actively used for a long time, but making an effective, comfortable suit out of it is a completely different matter. the ukrainians, for example, tried to create similar robes, but it turned out as always, they hoped to retain heat under the fabric, as a result, their cloaks turned out to be heavy, like tents, and at the very least hid a person only if he stood still. while in motion , the fighter... began to shine like a christmas tree, their raincoats, which, well, at least are in the public domain, which we saw, they are 22 kg, this is a huge weight, 5 bc, they are not intended for movement, they are intended for stationary placement, this means that the person is not mobile, but let's get back to what works, there will definitely be a demand for russian miracle raincoats in the northern military district zone, the main weapon of modern high-tech warfare is drones at
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night for search. it is infrared cameras that are used, in the same ir range they see the battlefield, for example, nato gunners tanks. thermal sights are used by snipers and even space satellites, supposedly peaceful, but in fact working for the kiev regime, scanning the earth, including in the infrared spectrum. thermal imagers have become quite widespread on sights and copters; it is very important to somehow try to make sure that you don’t get too much light. i recently talked with our snipers, they say that we work mainly at night, and for us even this leshy suit, well , many have seen such a suit, where there is a bunch of all sorts of leaves, we don’t even take it, the main thing for us is a heat-insulating cape, which will make us invisible neither to copters nor to anyone else. i would like to note that russian invisible squares are now being actively discussed by the media about square, surprisingly
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restrained without any propaganda. it is clear that the prospect of meeting an invisible enemy on the battlefield does not make them happy at all, well , the creators of the mantles say that little by little it has already begun to reach the military, the exotic technology is being tested by special forces and giving feedback to the designers, the reviews are extremely positive. evgeniy teshkovets stealth technology. within 24 hours, the russian armed forces repelled three attacks by ssu attack aircraft at the krasnolimansky site of the special operation.
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in the mansk direction they are moving forward, kiev is constantly making attempts to regain lost positions, sending more and more of its militants to certain death. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the lugansk people's republic. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. under fire, marching halfway across the frozen ground, but with a song. a wounded soldier read poetry about russia as a keepsake for the family, he thinks.


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