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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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it was unpredictable, where , let’s say, where, on the attack, it was done on a large scale, especially all these battles, this is right for you, very good directing, design, costumes, the ball was gorgeous, white dance, gentlemen have been invited for a long time, pasha , if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, i think i’ll watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2, we’ll get down to business, it’ll be a check.
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traveling around the country is gaining popularity among russians, and new year’s holidays are no exception. holidays. according to preliminary data, in the twenty-fourth compared to the holidays.
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last year , half a million more people went on trips, an increase of almost 20%. with an average hotel occupancy of more than eighty. the president noted that this industry is reaching a new level, and we all see it; it is increasing its attractiveness. our citizens have developed a strong interest in holidays in russia. every year the flow of vacationers within their country systematically increases. during the past new year holidays, people were very active visited the regions. each of them has unique places, these are large cities with christmas markets, ice arenas, theaters, museums, natural attractions. it is important that the tourism industry and specialized services were ready for peak loads, noted deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. he separately noted the work of the ministry of economic development and the ministry of transport to synchronize forecasts of tourist flows and transport schedules. during the new year holidays, the transport industry served 5 million... regional leaders in
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the total number of tourists traditionally remains moscow, krasnodar territory, st. petersburg, they account for more than 35% of tourist trips, but the caucasus, altai, far east, north-west, in particular the murmansk region, show good growth rates, these are certainly new growth points domestic tourism. the popularity of ski resorts is growing, especially in the complex of the krasnodar territory, i’ve been there. they are followed by tourist complexes of siberia, altai and the far east. among the leaders in the rate of increase in tourist flow, the new ski resort in the murmansk region grew by 25%. at the same time, prices for services were kept down, noted deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. our citizens see that safety as... comfort, the level of service in
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the russian tourism industry is growing, and despite the high demand for travel around the country, in general, which is very important, we managed to avoid a significant increase in the cost of services, this is the result of constant monitoring, which on your instructions , the ministry of development, together with the faz, is leading the government coordination center. number traveling around the country is constantly growing; according to the results of the twenty-third, the figures for internal tourist flow exceeded the level of docavi. 2019 more than 75 million people, plus 20% in 11 months. the pace of development will need to be maintained, because the goal set by the president is 140 million domestic trips by 2030. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven directions under which. the best thing
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your initiative is suitable, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. apply on the platform. possible until january 31 , 2024, the new russophian horror story is putting europeans on edge, is the german army really seriously preparing for a full-scale war with the russians, and the swedes want to repeat poltava at all costs , we’ll tell you about other obsessions of unfriendly forces right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, german info dump bilt takes new heights, or rather , on the contrary, dives to the very bottom of rabid conspiracy theories. it turns out that berlin is absolutely confident that russian troops will invade nato countries no later than 25, the alliance itself will decide on some kind of containment measures, transfer
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300,000 troops to the eastern flank, including exactly 30 thousand germans, and again take exactly 30 days to stop the russian attack, and... the average person simply won’t even understand the figure, that is, the suwalski corridor itself, it 100 km long, even the exercises that took place, the nato exercises that took place in this corridor, once very recently, yes, that is, they numbered only 500 people, of course, these figures
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show that the nato bloc is allegedly concerned , dmitry peskov reacted ironically, using the word duck reminded of the dubious reputation of the german tabloid, but on the other hand... while we're on the subject , let's see what specific development of events bilt draws. according to the idea of ​​​​german paranoids, in the summer of this year 24 our intelligence services must provoke some kind of unrest in the baltic states. a month later, they will allegedly become a pretext for exercises in belarus near the border with poland and lithuania. in october, the military group in the kaliningrad region will be strengthened, where medium-range missiles will be transferred, despite the fact that russia does not have any in its arsenal. then in december in the military, as stated in the post. the order is preparing for the occupation of part of the polish and lithuanian lands, that is, the suwalki corridor between kaliningrad by the same belarusian territory, well, by march twenty-fifth , two tank and one motorized rifle divisions will move into the region, which will strengthen the russian personnel deployed there to
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the number of as many as 70,000 fighters. in general, one might think that moscow is asleep and sees further escalation, although vladimir putin has repeatedly given clear and clear comments, here is a recent interview with pavel zarubin. it’s not just that and not by chance in germany, it’s intimidation of the german voter, because give me money. there are farmers protesting there who are not ready to part with their blood in order to sponsor this entire ukrainian history for billions and billions of euros. the second point is that one of the baltic countries or poland wants to try on the role of ukraine. and with this the germans
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show that if the russians attack some nato country, we will not stand aside, we will support you. well, exactly the same thing happened with ukraine. other characteristic statements of the same chain: from the report on the mythical russian threat of the german foreign policy center to the statement of lieutenant general alexander solfrank, who commands nato logistics and also warns about the next war. this also includes quite transparent hints from estonian prime minister kai kallos. well , there’s no need to talk about the ukrainian media at all. they are happy to pick up the teachings of their western masters, citing, among other things, zelensky, whose so-called...
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russia is going to attack nato in order to take over europe, that is, these are completely opposite theses, as it were, ukraine has big problems now. further assistance in order to somehow to galvanize this terrible russian threat, that’s why such materials come out, there’s no more sense in this material, it also happens that... the tazis are playing a cruel joke on their authors, a vivid example of an event in sweden, its minister of civil defense , again announced war with russia, and then it began. according to a popular local blogger, scandinavians are literally storming stores with radios, flashlights, portable kitchen stoves, that is, they are simply panicking, and maybe this is exactly what seek their power. this is a pure story about joining nato, because the swedes themselves, ordinary citizens, don’t care about all this and have absolutely no need for it. this is being promoted by some individual lobbyists in their leadership, but the swedes have always been proud and boasted of their
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mentality, their ability to somehow resolve all processes, you can imagine how the brains of these swedes are plowed, who rushed to buy radios and flashlights, thinking that they will help they can stop the war, but they can already dig a bunker there, i’m sure that this will now be in demand, but this is what the authorities need to keep the country in fear. on the other hand, it is not very clear how, in the same heads , a terrible and formidable russia coexists with a russia that is supposedly incapable of anything, which is worth it, with the permission of analyst budanovsky gur, who says that our defense-industrial complex is desperately lacking capacity, the ex-commander of the banned terrorist aidar, evgeniy dikov, was thrown into the same piggy bank. i am sure that russian factories produce only a few dozen tanks per year. month, but i could watch the ministry of defense’s report from the ural carriage plant, where... even an amateur can clearly see the scale of assembly of various equipment, or read
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the transcript of the statement of sergei shaigu, who gave accurate statistics at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. last year alone, the army received 1,530 new and modernized tanks, plus over 2,500 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. the dynamics of aviation production are also impressive. during the twenty-third year , the number of new planes and helicopters exceeded two hundred. while the air defense system has increased by eight. in addition, the drone industry is experiencing rapid development, their production has jumped almost 17 times, the combined capabilities of 70 domestic companies make it possible to annually produce up to 18,000 large medium-sized uavs, and tens of thousands of small drones. in addition, the production of artillery ammunition increased by 17.5 times, high-precision missiles and gliding bombs increased fivefold, and the production of small arms cartridges and shells for multiple missile launchers increased fiftyfold. information warfare technology is a mirror one, when they shift their problem onto the shoulders of the enemy. we periodically, probably every
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2-3 months, see similar technologies, when ukraine has a real problem and they are trying to shift it onto the shoulders of russia, and now, when things are extremely deplorable at the front, when there are no people who can be mobilized, it is necessary to give the internal audience some positive news. by the way, the lack of domestic production does not hinder the enemy. it’s dirty to speculate on someone else’s property, in particular, a lot of noise has been made create footage from the social network x with the participation of the armed forces artillerymen, who were reported to be using indian shells to fire from the saa krab. there’s no arguing here , it’s hard not to recognize the m14a, 155 mm caliber, with clearly visible markings, and the kiev media, of course, did not miss the opportunity to inflate the topic to the maximum in the spirit that a country traditionally friendly to russia, they say, is helping the ukranazis satisfy their hunger for shells, how to do gap relations between russia and india, is to say that india is sending crab shells to kiev, sending its own
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fighters, there you can find another battalion with indian soldiers who will tell you that here they are fighting against bloody russia, all this was created, i ’m sure not by kiev, because kiev is not capable of thinking of such a thing, this is an american operation, it is being carried out systematically , so that unification does not happen, as they say there... but india itself reacted unequivocally, it categorically denies the transfer of any weapons to the kiev regime, moreover, it launched an investigation in order to find out on whose conscience the such supplies. the suspects are considered to be third countries operating through slavia or poland, so the exaggerated sensation did not take off, just as the next illusory victories did not take off, they are trying to draw one of them on the dnieper. according to propagandists, in recent days it has been successfully forced by the junta's special forces. but here it is enough to compare the pretentious headlines with a reliable picture of events, which is recorded by our means of objective
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control. the legendary crossing of the dnieper represents such phantom pains of a counterattack, when, in general, all these hopes for a quick, quick victory were dashed, that’s all. these attempts are, well , nothing more than just a media character, in general, for the russian side, of course, this is beneficial, because ukraine, as it were, is wasting its energy. reserves, funds for a completely hopeless enterprise. it couldn’t be otherwise, given how suicidal such an adventure looks from the very beginning. often, the armed forces of ukraine only have soviet fishing boats like kazanka or progress. they are guaranteed to get stuck among the ice floes and become easy prey for artillery, not to mention drones. theoretically, ukrovayak could pull out
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army floating transporters from soviet-era warehouses, well, for example, pts2, these are mass vehicles. 24 then the ability to transport up to 75 people, however, they are poorly suited for crossing the dnieper, their low speed of no more than 13 km/h and the open landing compartment make them an ideal target for plas. but the russian troops have hovercraft of the khivus type, designed specifically for movement along winter rivers. they accelerate to 50 km/h easily slips through the ice and could go from shore to shore in about a minute. next to the topic of ukrainian mobilization, which forces svidomo to go to hell. in particular, news about the upcoming draft of women from the armed forces of ukraine caused a strong reaction. zelensky’s media predictably brand such messages as russian fakes and throw all the might of their armchair troops at the so-called refutation. however, if no one is going to recruit women’s battalions, then why are they broadcasting reports on
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the sewing of women’s uniforms on the air of the telethon, and where did they come from? data about the order by the general staff of square as many as 120 thousand anatomical ones. body armor designed specifically for the female body contour. those who are in the trenches need to think, the men need to think, that before this cup touches your wives, tell them to leave there, because zelensky’s hands are reaching out to them, he will say that this is not happening by force, voluntarily that we attract women this way because everyone is equal, that is, a ukrainian is... a man, a woman, it doesn’t even matter no matter what age, old man or teenager, he was already born for this power, to die, he should not live for ukraine. questions immediately arise about the quality of training of the brave defenders, but it doesn’t matter, because if necessary , they will create a formidable image on social networks, where a suitable fake will go viral. in the story, three workshop girls fight back almost
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a dozen strong guys in an underground passage. someone enrolled these valkyries into the french military, their enemy. migrants, according to another publication they are actually israeli women from the idf took up the fight with the palestinians; according to the third version, we are talking about turkish fighting women whom a gang of kurds were unlucky enough to contact. in general, there is no doubt that sooner or later someone will notice ukrainian women in their opponents, our compatriots, but the most interesting thing is to find out the original source of the sensational video. this video is staged, it was filmed by a stunt school in order to advertise itself and its capabilities, which they... say, provide to students, in fact, using videos, commercials, even videos from computer games is always quite interesting content for an information war, because you don’t have to invent something, you don’t have to invent, you don’t have to create content, you just change the title, you just change you continue to disseminate the description by throwing it onto the network , and this narrative, however, sometimes the public, accustomed to treachery, suddenly receives a portion
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of the truth, for example, the editors of the above -mentioned telethon noted that they are not a joke outraged. their colleagues from trukha, showing a map of russia with crimea included. as a result, the culprits had to get out and take responsibility for misinformation of the audience, although here, on the contrary, for some centuries they did not deceive, they showed it as it is, and in the meantime, individual resources are not at all covertly trolling ukrainian narratives, again related to the latest crimean history. 10 rocks of stench to dig, concrete, reinforce, drill, will be, knowing our cream. the replacement of our roads. the stench aroused the traces, laid the milliardi tone in the crimean soil i scratch the asphalt. they focus mainly on the so-called, this is what they call, crimes against ukrainian identity. there was a crimean woman, it became a store, well , that’s a crime against ukrainian identity, i don’t know there, they repainted the ballot box in a decent
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color from yellow to blue, a crime against ukrainian identity, basically they focus on this, because of course. well, how can you call it a crime to build a power plant or a sewer system, which in some cities of crimea never existed at all? assess the real level of course, not only crimeans can live in russia. foreign guests never cease to be amazed at how much what they see in our cities differs from the editorials of the western press. see how many drinks you can buy here, how many here. brands, just look, i ’m absolutely sure that at home in ireland or in europe in general, i won’t buy this, hence the obvious conclusion, sanctions still don’t work at all. does not threaten the economy, it’s easier to be sure, there would be a desire to cast oneself out of sight into the shroud of total foreign propaganda and not to be influenced by ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue
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to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel. dear friends, i invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called: who serves nato in russia? i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 23, 1556 , the great chinese earthquake occurred. which killed about 830 thousand people. until now it is considered the most largest earthquake in history in terms of number of victims. the epicenter was in the waihe river valley
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in shenxi province. twenty-meter holes and cracks opened in the ground, and destruction even affected areas 500 km away. the tragedy happened at 50 am. people slept, and then lived closely in forest caves. wood is a soft species. they collapsed at once, which is why there were so many casualties. mountains, rivers changed their location, roads were destroyed, in some places the ground suddenly rose and new hills appeared, or vice versa, parts of the former hills went underground, floated and became new plains, chinese chronicles write about this. in the city of chongyan, then the capital of the tang dynasty and the most populous city in the world, a brick small wild goose pagoda stood. the chinese called it a miracle, but then studies showed that it was. it is on a natural stone base in soft rock. on january 23, 1755, empress elizaveta petrovna signed a decree establishing
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moscow university, the first secular university in russia. the plan for its creation was developed by mikhailo lomanosov, modeled on foreign universities. and in moscow, because it was easier for students from other russian cities to get there than to st. petersburg. the first faculties are philosophical, legal and medical. lectures were given in latin and russian, everyone could study, except for the serfs, as mikhail vasilyevich himself said , at the university the student who studies more is respected, and whose son he is, there is no need for that. and during the second half of the 16th century, out of twenty-six russian professors who taught at the university, only three were from the nobility. by the way, according to the same decree elizabeth, professors and students were not subject to any court except the university one. to prepare for higher education. january 1755, it was st.
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tatiana's day, after the revolution in the 20th century , 13 days were added to this date, and tatiana's day fell on january 25, so the fact that in the 18th century the difference between styles was only 11 days, they forgot instead of the twenty-third it turned out on january 25, 23, 1922, the radium institute was created, the first scientific center in the soviet union, which began studying radioactive substances. on the initiative academician vladimir vernatsky, all petrograd institutions in this area, two laboratories and radivoy were united here. state radiological institute. at that time, tatarstan had just received highly enriched radia preparations for the first time in the ussr. and in
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1937 , the first cyclotron in europe appeared at the radium institute, even during the war. when the bulk of the institute's employees were evacuated to kazan, scientific and production work continued in the interests of the front. for example, the radivo institute supplied baltic fleet with light compositions for night monitoring of the operation of ship instruments. then scientists from the radio institute developed the first technology in the ussr for separating plutonium from irradiated uranium and prototypes of devices for detecting hidden explosives. now the radivo institute is part of the state corporation rosatom and bears the name of its second director, the outstanding scientist vitaly khlopin. on january 23, 2001, an incident occurred in washington. disappeared from all computer keyboards in the white house. bush on behalf
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of his father, former president george w. bush, senior bush, younger, even made the letter wyu the signature symbol of his election campaign. it turned out that this was a joke among employees who were resigning from the administration of the previous president, bill clinton. as a welcome sign, they decorated the entrance to the white house with missing keys. while they were looking for other keyboards, it took several hours, the president's office could not release a single official document for signature. head of state. later, when the problem was resolved, it was discussed at a press conference. and bely's press secretary at home, ari fleischer said the bush administration viewed the incident as a joke. and he’s not going to make a big deal of what happened. this is what this day in history was like.
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we will not forget our calling, we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and generally unexpected, i really liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, songs, this is a song. youth never replaced freedom, so bright, amazingly incendiary, i wanted to sing very much, they were waiting for karookas, a donkey , a dog, a cat, a cockerel, a remensky musician, bright, colorful.
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the west has been overcome by military psychosis, all problems anywhere on the planet are solved exclusively with the help of weapons, which in fact has always been the case, they just tried to put on a pleasant face and say something about how we are doing this in the interests of democracy, no, we of course we rob, kill, destroy, but understand this...


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