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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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case in point, this will be an honest detective story. you can’t let things like that happen, well, like that, of course, you are scoundrels, you are scoundrels.
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this is, in fact, what was shown, this is part of his interview, which he gave literally the day before, this is the question , this is the word that he said, it sounds a little wrong in the translation, it is softened in the translation, he said to translate paputation this is literally, this is from the times of the same wehrmacht, when they talked about not even the readiness to fight, but the ability to fight, well, there is no exact translation into... russian, but any german,
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who is familiar with history and, in general, anyone who lives in germany, he will immediately understand what it is, these parallels will undoubtedly arise for him, this expression, when pistorius used it for the first time, they tutted at him, he now repeated it again times, because he seems to have no other choice, by the way, when he first used this word, he actually put an end to his future career as chancellor, because, in principle, now those who could nominate him... fellow party members social democrats, they will not give him this opportunity, because he used, well, that expression that he should not have used, so he says it, and he talks about it, and we understand that behind these words lies not just an accident repetition of that very term, this is something that is in a person ’s subconscious, this is something that he feels and thinks, he has this, you know, this is the feeling, well, you often say:
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with your hands and now to lead people into in this regard , to escalate all this: we must, we will win, we let's go, forward to austin and all the other things there, this is a trend that, i think, in germany they themselves were afraid of it, and it is no coincidence that there are now such serious conversations about how germany can now develop, where germany can go, here they quoted the words of ellis vidal, well, dear dean, i remembered here not... in a good word, or maybe
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in a good word, i don’t even know, in a good word, she stated that when we come to power or if we come to authorities, we will hold a referendum on leaving the european union, very beautiful words, of course , but a referendum cannot be held in germany, the constitution does not allow it, we just need to remember that in germany, like the one that received the constitution from the americans, there were occupation authorities who did not want to give the germans the right to make decisions about the future of the country through referendums, this is in switzerland.
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for germany, today, of course, he is number one on the agenda, everything that is happening now in germany, of course, will be, you said it correctly, yesterday will be aimed at trying this party. serious, but if we look at the map of germany today, adg or afd, as it sounds in german, is almost at the level of 22%, moreover, not only in the east, where in three states, at least in three states, they are in the elections, which will take place in the fall,
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are taking a risk, really taking a risk, because they are seriously at risk of getting an absolute majority, but in the western states of germany, the northern rhine wesphalia is 18%, 18% in that very country. which has always belonged to the social democrats, not to the country, in the land that has always belonged to the social democrats or a very long time, now all this is changing very much, so germany will now be characterized by a serious struggle for its internal development, and another short, very short, short remark, i read literally before the program, the germans referring to politics, they say that the united states of america is considering the issue of reducing supplies. liquefied gas to europe, but there is no confirmation of this, but this is a very serious move, which indicates that the americans see europe as a third world country, well, that’s what they are, and that’s what they see, now there’s advertising, let’s continue it with a new composition. annual forum
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of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your own to the jury. ideas and projects. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024. in donesk today is a day of mourning. another 30 residents of the region were injured, after which the drug addict zelinsky had the audacity to blame russia for the tragedy. on this day, russian
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non-humans fired at more than 100 cities and towns of our ukrainian villages in nine regions, from the chernihiv region to the sumy region. mykolaiv region , kirovograd region, our regions, especially brutal russian attacks on donbass, unfortunately, there are wounded and dead, my condolences to everyone who lost relatives and friends, russia will answer, must answer, for all this terror. i can't do this to look at the vile, impudent, nazi face without a single desire, to see through it, just... there’s no need here, i don’t believe in any more, you know, all these discussions about the judicial system, after trepov, having killed ladlen tatarsky , declares that her conscience before god is clear, all sorts of social media and
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other things are trying to evoke sympathy for her, i just looked at how the midi citizens sobchak covered, for example, yesterday’s tragedy. it’s unclear who fired at donetsk, it’s just that a shell has arrived, these are all crypto-bandera scum, how does that even happen? sergei mordan writes in his telegram channel: it is necessary to note that nastya evleeva expressed at least human feelings towards the people who died in donetsk, but for the main headliner of the naked party sobchak, after the scandal it did not change at all. sobchak ’s message was pushed in donetsk, 13 people died, and in general, no one knew who killed them, a shell arrived, a textile microdistrict, whose shell is a mystery. sobchak was indignant because i corrected her, then, when it became known that there were more dead, but she did not recover,
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that a tragedy happened, in the morning a shell arrived, it arrived on its own, sobchak, it arrived on its own, or have you at least once in your life. if you can tell the truth, especially since nothing will ever happen to you, it’s still clear, but people died, they were killed by the ukrainian nazis. and now she says that you will examine me again, i’m mentally unstable,
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bladlen is dead, and this is scum, giggles joyfully, her lawyer is happy, it’s still so great, really, it’s still great, she forgave herself, and before that we know that she showed initiative, and now she allegedly knew nothing. did she come with active repentance, or did she try to leave the territory of russia, change her appearance, acted according to instructions, it’s a pity we don’t have the death penalty, and in relation to women we don’t even have life sentences, we are humanists, we are humanists in relation to bloody murderers , and in relation to the families of the victims, who are we? who are we?
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natsik our emotions, our experiences are only in joy, our humanism fuels in them a sense of impunity, those who happily still post photos and video arrivals. true, sobchak , nothing will happen to them; they have the audacity to say that, well , what’s wrong, this is a free country, ask your compatriots in israel, sobchak, are you an israeli citizen now, or have you given up your passport in protest against what is happening in the gaza strip , how military censorship works in israel, god forbid you take and publish something there. and we are still playing at humanism, in donensky my grandmother
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sold parsley, that there was garlic, garlic and some jars for my granddaughter to collect for a gift, as anya revyakina wrote, a wonderful poet, but she became an angel, and we are looking at scumbags.
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no, this is a completely different nation than it was , we had to drop two atomic bombs on japan in order to extinguish this aggression, that is , even more aggression, these wolves... the sheep will never be able to stop the wolves, no matter how they run, no mekali and no matter how many rams there are, the wolves will kill them, unless there is a more aggressive wolf, something like a wolf on the side of the ram, called a wolfhound, who will kill the wolf. do you hear, cretin, yes, firstly, you apparently forgot the russian language,
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so with hitler, with hitler, and then, you know, scum, we...
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i want to tell children, you must follow the main foundation in life, which you will be born.
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may know something, be involved, or the regimes were very deliberately liquidated, starting from oles buzina, starting, more precisely , no, even earlier, starting with the shooting of grushevsky by snipers, no one knows anything, no one has restored anything, no one has drawn any conclusions, yes, that is, almost 10 years have passed, well, soon it will be 10 years, today exactly, exactly today nikyan today, well
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, the bloody bloody epic began, when from the sawn-off shotgun, uh-huh. was not in service with any special services of ukraine and did not give up the body for several days, of course, then a whole investigation was carried out, but this did not affect anyone, and what are they going on there now, some kind of races in the name of the heavenly hundred, hikes in the name of the heavenly hundred there are hundreds, there are no hundreds , there is no evidence, the people who are posted there, they have an extremely indirect or very little relation at all to either this hundred or to the standing on the maidan, here they are they just became
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sacred victims that were needed... bright, he’s a church member , that is, he’s been sitting now for a year, he’s been sitting in a sbu prison for a year , why he’s sitting there, why he’s sitting there, for a publication that was made there many years before how it was generally introduced , these restrictions were introduced, but nevertheless, sitting there, and sitting there are thousands, thousands of people who , someone held a referendum, someone said something wrong, someone wrote something wrong, someone would look in the wrong place, at some point you know, you can count it for the regime zelensky, that they are still in... lucky, because right now in the courts of donetsk, lugansk, rostov, a decision is being made, just the other day there were several decisions that were in relation to the azovites, i...
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so those that are still they are sitting in the sbu detention centers, it turns out that according to zelensky’s conditions, they are still conditionally in a preferential state, although we don’t know where these people are, we don’t know many of them, but are they alive, contact with many of them has long been severed , but these people are nowhere there, not in vienna, not in paris, nowhere, well, where there are international organizations that supposedly defend human rights, for some reason they don’t remember these people, they don’t call them prisoners of conscience, they’re not interested,
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the units stood in this position, it’s already clear who gave this order, and then the whole chain will be restored , after some time, i think that even the names
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of these people will be announced, they will be known, and best of all, when we get to know them, when they don’t sit in the dock for trial, because these people, in fact, who committed this crime, they should have two exit, one he didn’t live to see, another he received a prison term, here’s a third option that he will somehow avoid this punishment, but in principle there shouldn’t be any. home, that’s it, they don’t come out of there anymore , mostly these streets, they are empty, that ’s what you need, they took a drink of water and went to their place , it was necessary to choose the time on sunday
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from 10 to 10:20 four four attacks were carried out, and strikes were carried out precisely in a place where there is a massive gathering of people, where there is not even a hint of some kind of military structure, a garage, a warehouse or something else, just a market, which is literally laid out there on cardboards, but it is there, it has been there for years.
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without electricity, because nine substations were attacked at once, which were targeted, precisely struck, either with a drone, or the targeted strikes were artillery shells, just like in these territories during this week, several dozen people were affected by the discharges, that is, there is a drone hanging, literally circling over the city streets among the victims there the overwhelming majority, these are either grandmothers, which means there are seventy or so...
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mavdeevka will begin to concentrate forces and means to protect both belgorod and donbass.
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watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch in the app or on the website, dear friends. i invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv. it will be called who serves nato in russia. i hope it will be interesting, i'm looking forward to seeing you.
4:00 am
in the dpr over the past week, more than 80 people have been injured. yes with this amount 28 people died head ty terrible gorlovka is even more often than donetsk in the last few days there has been shelling there, there are arrivals on the infrastructure, i saw it all there on friday, we saw it all, i was driving between yenakevo and gorlovka, we left gorlovka in literally an hour and a half, just the fog began to dissipate then in everything a very thick fog flew in, and yet the city continues to live in this city.


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