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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the tragedy happened at 5:00 in the morning: people were sleeping, but then they lived closely in forest caves. the forest is soft, they collapsed at once, which is why there are so many casualties. mountains and rivers changed their location, roads were destroyed, in some places the ground suddenly rose and new hills appeared, or vice versa, parts of the former hills went underground, floated and became new plains, chinese chronicles write about this. in the city of chang'an, then the capital. titan and the most populous city in the world survived the brick small pagoda of the wild geese the chinese called it a miracle, but then studies showed that it stood on a natural stone foundation in soft rock. on january 23, 1755, empress elizaveta petrovna signed a decree establishing moscow university, the first secular university in russia. the plan for its creation was developed by mikhailo lomanosov, following the example of foreign ones.
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universities in moscow, because it was easier for students from other russian cities to get there than to st. petersburg. the first faculties, philosophical, legal and medical, lectures were given in latin and russian , everyone could study, except for serfs, as mikhail vasilyevich himself said, at the university the student who studies more is respected, and whose son he is, there is no need for that, for the second half of the 16th century, out of twenty-six russians professors who taught at the university. only three were from the nobility. by the way, according to the same decree of elizabeth, professors and students were not subject to any court with the exception of the university. to prepare for higher education, two gymnasiums were established, one for nobles, another for commoners. elizabeth signed a decree according to the old style on january 12 , 1755. it was st. tatiana's day. after the revolution in the 20th century, 13 days were added to this date, and tatyana’s day fell on january 25. but about that. that in the 18th century the difference
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between the styles was only 11 days, they forgot , instead of the twenty-third it turned out to be 25, but the tradition of celebrating the birth of moscow university and students' day on tatyana's day remained on january 23, 1922 , the radium institute, the first scientific center in the soviet union, which... is studying radioactive substances. on the initiative of academician vladimir vernadsky , all petrograd institutions in this area, two laboratories and the radio department of the state radiological institute were united here. at that time, tatarstan had just received highly enriched radio preparations for the first time in the ussr. and in 1937 , the first cyclotron in europe appeared at the radium institute. even during the war. when the bulk of the institute’s employees were evacuated to kazan. continued
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scientific and production work in the interests of the front, for example, the radio institute supplied the baltic fleet with light compounds for night monitoring of the operation of ship instruments. then scientists from the radio institute developed the first technology in the ussr for separating plutonium from irradiated uranium and prototypes of devices for detecting hidden explosives. now the radivo institute is part of the state corporation rosatom and bears the name of its second director, an outstanding scientist. on january 23, 2001, the computer keyboards of the white house disappeared there was an incident in washington, with the letter w all over it. it was president george w. bush's first day in the oval office , and the initial w was the only thing that distinguished the spelling of the new president george walker bush's name from the name of his father, former president george w. bush. bush is younger, he even made a letter. it turned out that this
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was a joke among employees who were resigning from the administration of the previous president, bill clinton. as a sign of welcome, they decorated the missing one. the parliamentary hour program is on air. hello. let's talk about the main decisions state duma this week. stop the cold torture. the state duma is taking special control over the issue of heat supply. we
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need to do everything to protect people in this situation. deputies will conduct an audit of the state of the system and concession agreements. has never been encountered before in the parliamentary practice of the modern state duma. the state duma, against barbarism in bulgaria , proposed demolishing the monument to the soviet liberator alyosha. if they take this step, we will never forgive them for it.
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stop bullying among teenagers. deputies are discussing the possibility of fines for parents. we need to not just send a signal, but take legislative measures. and also changes. for taxis in the regions, protection of the rights of homeowners during bankruptcy and other legislative decisions of this week, further in our program. a special military operation prevented the outbreak of world war iii, said vyacheslav volodin at the grand opening of the spring session of the state duma. he emphasized that all the goals of the operation will be achieved, and the support of the participants of the northern military district - priority for deputies. on the first...
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let's take control, because we must admit that the state of the generating capacities is not always the case. in order to protect people in this situation, the leaders of all factions are unanimous that the situation in
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the housing and communal services sector needs additional control from deputies. the networks are 60% worn out, that they cannot be repaired in one day, that you will not solve this problem with any private owners, he is not interested in repairing the pipe, that entire cities and regions are connected to networks that are overloaded. leader of new people, alexey nyuchaev. notes that communal facilities left over from soviet times are no good. many networks built in the sixties and eighties were laid out for 25 years; there, for 40 years, they have already been developed to a very large extent, and to install new networks, we need a lot of money, in the 24-year budget we have already raised it by 60% expenses on housing and communal services in relation to last year. the united russia faction intends to make a proposal to lift the moratorium on inspections in
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the housing and communal services sector. this control system must be as transparent and open as possible. after the exam that our services took on the frosty new year's days, and there were serious incidents, and the response even went as far as initiating criminal cases and bringing them to justice, there is something to work on, as they say. we are now raising the issue of lifting the moratorium on inspections. it is impossible not to control those services that provide life support. large parliamentary hearings have already been planned in the state duma on the topic of housing and communal services. deputy prime minister, who oversees this area, marat khusnulin will be the first to report to deputies this spring session. the regions will indicate their position in moscow; parliamentarians will build legislative initiatives on this foundation. another goal was outlined at the opening of the session: the law on nalivaiki. the initiative has already been adopted in
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the first reading. in january , parliamentarians will close this issue, followed by the closure of pseudo-cafes in apartment buildings. deputies set themselves tasks that are relevant to people, for example, the issue of food. we we will demand that all stores, chain and non-chain, be in order without exception. it also serves as our contribution to the development of relations between states with whom
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we have already built such good strategic relations. according to the speaker of the state duma, the beginning of the northern military district stopped the third world war, this horror does not exist for one reason: our soldiers and officers protect the peace and tranquility of the citizens of not only russia, but also other countries. elena zhelonina, nikita kharaskin, sergei gergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. so what needs to be changed so that people don’t froze in their homes so that school classes or kindergartens would not be closed due to low temperatures. on behalf of vyacheslav volodin, the state duma took the topic of heat in the regions under special control. this week , members of the energy committee have already met with representatives of the cabinet of ministers. the issue was discussed by deputies at a joint meeting with the deputy prime minister and the minister of construction and housing and public utilities in preparation for the government.
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control, together with the accounts chamber , conduct an analysis of concessions for heat and water supply. we are faced with a situation when air conditioners work in the regions, there are many complaints from residents, a large number of accidents, and there is no effective control system. we see that the law is imperfect,
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lack of transparency, lack of clarity. clear obligations of the parties, this is not normal , it would be correct for our control committee, together with the accounts chamber , to analyze the constitutional agreements on heat supply and water supply, so that we receive objective information about where everything is happening. why do people have complaints about the control system, heat and water supply it is clear that most accidents occur due to wear and tear of communications and equipment. to restore order, about 4 trillion rubles are needed, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin told deputies at a joint meeting of committees. well, can we attribute the problems to a lack of funding ? we discussed the prerequisites for the current difficult situation with management in the public utilities sector with the deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and communal services svetlana razvorotneva. about 10 years ago we were there, the ministry of construction
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and there were other ministries that were still before the creation of the ministry of construction, they convinced that... all this worn-out infrastructure should be fixed by a private owner, but they will come, yes, yes, all the regions were driven into concessions, simply because it was such a reporting indicator, no matter what, it came to them , someone really didn’t come there, is there any basis for a concession there at all, everyone reported that they had created something, if you read now, look at all these agreements, there are a huge number of simply fake concessions. was created where there are no obligations to invest money, where these obligations are assigned after 25 years , that is, he uses the network for 25 years, and then he will only invest, or they simply do not fulfill these obligations, the further, i even said, the more, this area, it remains so absolutely opaque and grey, there was a very good control event, the accounting chambers, we, for example,
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don’t even understand the wear and tear of these networks, because we have wear and tear in accounting. papers, but we don’t have a real audit, sometimes we don’t even have an understanding of who is the owner of this or that facility, there are just some pipes lying around unattended, who repairs them, who is responsible for them, that is, in general, such a mess in this area is quite serious, that is, even those official data that are heard from year to year, that the wear and tear of utility networks is about 70%, that’s what the government recently called 30%, the corpse needs to be changed practically today, it’s even like that...
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what deputies, in particular the state duma, in addition to preparing laws, can really take, well, some personal control, here is the situation in each of our regions, we have already done this, there is... repairing schools, completing the construction of some problematic facilities, but here we also need to look at what is happening in each region, because the government allocates money, we looked at
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the implementation budget for last year, 6% of funds disbursed, that is, the regions do not prepare projects, do not submit applications, well, i don’t know for what reasons this is happening, yes, but even the money that they are given, they are now not able to take, that is, this money, sort of transparent rules and... long-term, because now in our country concession agreements are concluded at the local level, and tariffs are set at the regional level, it very often happens that at the local level they agreed on some conditions, yes, at the regional level they set others, this should not happen either, the accounts chamber, it after all, he offers all the powers to create heat supply schemes, and to develop and implement these programs. transfer to the regional level, and i think this is a very correct approach. cases of theft of personal information of russians have become more frequent,
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the chairman of the state duma focused on the problem. vyacheslav volodin is conducting a survey among subscribers, in which he invites them to express their opinion on a possible tightening of punishment, both for data leakage and for the illegal use of such information. let me remind you that the relevant initiatives were introduced into the duma at the end of the autumn session. deputies propose introducing negotiable fines for the loss of personal information of citizens, as well as criminal penalties of up to 10 years in prison for using the data of russians for criminal purposes. according to head of the profile committee alexander khenshtein, toughening the punishment will encourage data operators to be more responsible in storing citizens’ personal information. in serious liability for one personal data, today the legislator does not provide for a 100,000 ruble fine for.
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altai territory, the home of alexei skurlatov,
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the same soldier who became the prototype of the alyosha monument, holder of two orders of the red star, who in 1944 participated in restoring telephone communications between sofia and plovdiv. lives here today his daughter neli kuirukova. it is hardly possible to express in words the pain that she felt upon learning that the deputies of the bulgarian party. drc proposed to dismantle the monument created from a photograph of her father, a feeling of, how to say, resentment, i don’t understand, i can’t understand. in august 1982 , alexey skurlatov was greeted in plovdiv as a national hero, but apparently the local authorities don’t need heroes now. the draft statement of the state duma in connection with the initiative to dismantle the monument to the soviet soldier-liberator was adopted unanimously by deputies.
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falsification of the history of the second world war. deputies called this prank of the bulgarian drc a frank demonstration of disdain for the history of their country and an attempt to outrage the common historical memory of fraternal peoples. the party is known for its rabid russophobia. it was the government of its founder, ivan kostov , that provided bulgarian airspace for nato strikes on yugoslavia in 1999, despite numerous protests from citizens.
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of course, i am convinced that in the majority cases and bulgarians have a negative attitude. the parliamentarians called on the members of the plovdev municipal council not to follow the lead of provocateurs and to make the necessary efforts to preserve the cultural and historical heritage, as stated in the agreement between the governments of our countries. i would look at them if they, these deputies, were asked to dismantle the monuments to their loved ones in the cemetery. it is the same. many of these deputies would not have appeared if the russian alyosha, a soviet soldier, had not come, a soldier of the soviet red army, and did not liberate this country from the nazis. during world war ii, the bulgarian authorities, contrary to popular opinion, actively participated in the pro-hitler campaign. the fascist leadership ruled the country until 1944, when a soviet soldier set foot on its soil. by the way, the red army did not meet any resistance there. truly,
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a popular revolution in one day. later the ussr helped the country. in general, the soviet union is heading towards supporting bulgaria, it is receiving a lot of assistance, for example, food, despite the fact that the situation in the soviet union itself is difficult, nevertheless the bulgarians are supported and, one might say, the last is given. in addition, the armed forces are being fully supplied with soviet weapons. the deputies of the bulgarian drc do not remember this part of their own history or simply prefer to forget. the support of western elites turned out to be more important for them. however, it is not new for european politicians to demolish monuments to those. to whom they owe their lives. poland has become the record holder of the russophobic race. out of 561 there are about a hundred monuments to the red army soldiers left there, and this number is rapidly declining. on the eve of last victory day , the poles turned the monument of gratitude to the red army in the city of glubczyce into a real show of vandalism. footage of an excavator working at the burial site of 600 red army soldiers was broadcast live. the leadership
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of european countries is trying in this way. queue from overseas from the united states of america. the reaction to the state duma's decision was not long in coming. the bulgarian media circulated the news about the russian statement parliament. having learned about this support, people in plovdiv took to the streets with posters in their hands to protect alyosha. it is not entirely clear in whose interests the drc deputies acted when proposing to dismantle the monument, but clearly not in the people’s interests. on the day the decision was made, the issue disappeared from the agenda of the plovdiv municipal council. the red army soldier
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showed up again. see in the second part of our program: the country's taxi fleets plan to replenish with domestic cars, a fine for parents, how they propose to combat bullying among teenagers, as well as insurance for volunteers, a guarantee for shareholders in the event of bankruptcy of one of the owners and other legislative decisions of the week.


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