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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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watch the second part of our program. they plan to replenish the country's taxi fleets with domestic cars. a fine for parents, as proposed to combat bullying among teenagers. as well as insurance for volunteers, guarantees for employees in the event of bankruptcy of one of the owners and other legislative decisions of the week.
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our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then let's give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let's go to paris, street spazhrem and napoleon really liked it, napoleon bonaparte greets you, chase? yours, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, which means don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind. bright scary, you saw it, you saw
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it, it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2, we... let's take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the annual forum has strong ideas for the new time, you can personally participate in the development. country and native region, presenting your ideas and projects to the jury: choose one of seven areas, under which initiative best suits you, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation, the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2024.
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the parliamentary hour program is on air, we continue, the united states is patenting.
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everyone is silent about the virus at the international level, state duma vice speaker irina yarovaya stated this at a meeting of the inter-factional working group on biological safety issues. ness and ask, among other things, our ministry foreign affairs, the ministry of health , the ministry of justice, to further study the following issue from a legal point of view: in particular, since 2010, we have established that the united states patents a special strain of the virus, ebola and ababan, this is generally unprecedented, no one in the world issues patents for the virus . as irina yarovaya noted, there is a tendency to form a monopoly that will regulate the world population. in addition, the vice speaker of the state duma drew attention to the discussion of a non-existent disease x at the world economic forum in davos. since 2018, the bos has had this
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formulation: disease x, an unknown disease that they think may occur? none of the experts who participated in the discussion explained. what they mean, but at the same time we are talking about the fact that hypothetically the vos does not exclude the possibility of the emergence of a disease with the consequences of the death of 140 million people. the state duma continues to monitor the situation with prices for eggs and poultry. let us remind you that the problem was announced in december on a direct line with president, and state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin instructed the relevant ones. let 's agree that three
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specialized committees are responsible for issues of prices, the cost of the consumer basket, so if only a situation arises in our country, prices rise in the consumer market, nothing personal, dear. colleagues, all three of you, everything is fine with your eggs, so people should have them, we will make decisions. the head of the committee on industry and trade, vladimir gutinev , said that this week they held a number of meetings together with representatives federal executive authorities, supervisory authorities and other specialized organizations. we managed to solve the problem with poultry meat. prices are gradually returning to the level of october last year. it’s more difficult with eggs, says vladimir. the demand for the product is high, especially during the new year holidays. the volume needs to be increased. the volume is increasing in two ways: firstly, by increasing its own capacities, and for this, the ministry of agriculture allocates additional financial resources to producers to create such capacities. constructive position
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took over the ministry of economic development, reducing it by six months, or more precisely, zeroing out the customs duty from 15% to zero. vladimir gutinev also noted that the reduction in egg prices will be gradual, the implementation of the measures taken will take time, according to the head of the relevant committee, the federal antimonopoly service, as well as law enforcement officers, should pay attention to the practice when producers break concluded contracts with retail chains and enter into new ones with obvious inflated prices. i instructed the relevant committees to work on offer. to mitigate punishment for non-violent crimes, president vladimir putin spoke about this. the committees , together with the relevant departments, the prosecutor general’s office and the supreme court, will analyze law enforcement practice. as the chairman of the state duma noted, since we are often talking about crimes under
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economic charges, the issue must be discussed with the business community and their proposals taken into account. and now about the bills that the state duma considered this week. increased protection of russian manufacturer, reduction of deadlines and electronic form of registration of medicinal products. the state duma adopted a law that will simplify work mechanisms and speed up the introduction of necessary drugs to the market. deputies approved changes to the labor code. previously, the employer was legally obliged to pay compensation for the delay in wages due to the employee, and if it was not accrued, then compensation for non-payment was not... a resident of the irkutsk region found himself in such a situation and reached the constitutional court, which supported the employee. the state duma introduced changes to the article, and now people will be able to receive compensation not only for unpaid, but for unaccrued wages. deputies adopted in the first reading
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a bill that will give regions the right to establish mandatory requirements for the level of localization of cars used as passenger taxis. will our auto industry be able to satisfy this demand? at the beginning? stage, it does not cut off for the most part, including those foreign manufacturers who were partially localized on the territory of russia, this is the one instrument, the sale of a bankrupt’s share, primarily in housing and property that has several
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owners, so that the remaining owners will receive a priority right to purchase this share, which will protect the interests of families and give them the opportunity to keep their home. the bill was adopted in the first reading: the organizers of the auction will be obliged to inform participants in shared ownership about the auctions in advance, the remaining shareholders will be able to buy out the debtor's share at the final price or at the starting price if no one showed up for the auction or... did not take place. we understand that life situations are different and it is the duty of the state to support its citizens in various life situations. the presented initiative should protect participants in joint ownership, including the families of our citizens, in the process of bankruptcy proceedings for individuals. regions received the right to use the material and financial reserves of a special fund, not only to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, but also to prevent them. law. adopted, it will allow local authorities to be better prepared, for example, during floods or fire
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season, use equipment from the reserve to minimize possible damage. and about one more important initiative: volunteers, participants in a special military operation in matters of life and health insurance, will be officially equated to mobilized and contract servicemen. the bill passed the first reading. as the chairman emphasized. to his family. the law will apply to all participants in the svo who voluntarily went to the front from the very first day of the special operation. at if you are injured, the insurance payment from the federal budget will be up to 313 thousand rubles. upon the onset of disability up to 2,300 thousand. in case of death, the hero’s family will be paid 3 million rubles. the state duma consistently protects
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the labor rights of participants in a special military operation. in december, deputies also added preferences for employers who hire defenders of the fatherland. sashka worked in the astrakhan seaport on these loaders, we all respect him and are waiting for him. kurds are expected not just in words, but also as a member of the svo his workplace was officially assigned, the guy came to the port at the beginning of the twenty -second, at the end of the same year he was mobilized, during his service the astrakhan resident received the state award of the suvorov medal, now he is a hero on the front line. alexander, of course , is an example for us, for everyone, he is our pride, and of course, the most important thing, the main thing, he is on the list of our enterprise, the moment it ends, he will return to us. it’s just a human attitude, the law adopted by the deputies works. the state duma protects
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the participants of the svon, the labor rights of civil servants, who are now in the zone of a special military operation, a separate document has been adopted; employers will not be able to terminate a fixed-term employment contract while the employee is serving. when a person returns from the front, he has the right to decide whether to continue his civilian government service, or to look for, perhaps, another place of work, but the priority is keeping the job. with our bill, we guarantee places for government civil servants who went to the front. the deputies took the next step towards employers, enterprises that will employ svo participants and have created additional conditions for business development. the main task that the authors of the bill set for themselves was to create additional incentives to increase the employment of svo participants. to achieve this, it is proposed to include svo participants and combat veterans in the list of categories of citizens.
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who are veterans of combat operations, but have served in the military or carried out the tasks assigned to them within the framework of the northern military district. these are police officers, the russian national guard, vsinov, the fsp and the ministry of emergency situations. in the original edition - this is only those who served in the military. a package of privileges for businesses in which svo participants are involved. the state duma is confident that the decision is timely and
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necessary for the fighters themselves. returning home, having recovered physically , they will know that the choice is employment. fines for bullying. the state duma has prepared a preliminary version of the anti-bullying bill. deputies are confident that teenage aggression must be stopped. the children's environment reflects everything that happens in our adults, so we you don't just need to give a signal. take legislative measures to make it impossible to demonstrate cruelty and immoral acts in society. this issue was discussed at a working meeting of the youth policy committee. according to its chairman artyom metelev, every second child experiences bullying at school or on the internet. the problem is that in russia there are not enough legal mechanisms to prevent such actions;
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there is a shortage of specialists working with children who have become victims of bullying. parliamentarians intend. fix it. in in the draft law, they propose to define the very concept of bullying, which is not in the legislation today. another countermeasure could be the introduction of responsibility for parents, the instigators of the conflict. the family will pay a fine if the child is found guilty. this spring session will differ from previous ones in terms of parliamentary control over the interaction of deputies with the cabinet of ministers. read more about the features. chairman of the profile committee of the state duma oleg morozov told my colleague maria burkova about the work. what reports are we waiting for? this spring session. we have at least three reports, this is the basic report of the government, this is a constitutional norm that the government reports annually to parliament. we are waiting for the head of government
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to report to us this session. and traditionally there will be two more very important reports. central bank, but i note that this session will be marked by another innovation, which has never before been encountered in the parliamentary practice of the modern state duma, the fact is that after the corresponding changes constitution, after the presidential election, according to... the constitution, the government will resign in any case and the president will form a new government, here are all the personnel appointments with the exception of the security bloc, which is directly supervised by the president, here are all the other ministers, all the other deputy prime ministers , they will go through just
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the procedure, if you want parliamentary control, the government report will be held during this session, there is always a government report... thorough preparation in the form government hours, there is already a certain amount that will be planned in this session or only until march, so far, we have agreed, you know, we always formulate a plan for government hours for the year, or rather on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on session, session, yes , in working order for the year, now we have decided to do things differently, bearing in mind the political calendar of life in our country, the presidential elections, then the government report.
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housing and communal services then, according to tradition, we always begin our work with meetings with the minister of foreign affairs lavrov sergei vikovich will be with us in february, this is usually a very interesting
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important conversation about international issues that are of great concern to us today, then there are two state companies that will report to parliament for the first time during this convocation. through their reporting. article, a country with a population of millions learns about all the decisions made by deputies. the state duma awarded parliamentary journalists. the ceremony was timed to coincide with russian press day. the journalistic half of the state duma is the largest among the authorities - noted vyacheslav volodin. today , 1,062 press representatives are accredited to work in parliament. the speaker of the state duma presented awards to media workers, emphasizing that their work helps build an effective dialogue between parliament and society. for us , openness is an integral component of parliamentarism, so i would like to express words of gratitude to everyone who covers
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the activities of the state duma, everyone who works with us, who is immersed in this difficult work, parliamentary work, we always talk about that it is thanks to this joint work that we achieve a lot. parliamentary journalists also received congratulations on press day from the leaders of the duma factions, including awarded representatives of russian television channels, print publications and news agencies. among them are my colleagues, employees of the editorial staff of the parliamentary television duma tv. tv cameraman nikita kharaskin and chief editor of the parliamentary hour program, alexander laktionov. and that’s all i have, you watched the program. parliamentary hour, see you on air.
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we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia , we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important,
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it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade the children screamed, the people are up, we’re all going to vote, and my mother said, sleepy, we’ll choose remotely , dad supported the throat electronically. let's choose said grandma and grandpa, i'm a father , i'll go with you, our generation loves paper ballots, but the young generation is electronically modern, i'm not an opponent of progress, hold your granddaughter's alarm clock, it's all quite reasonable, you can do it remotely, we’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, using our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. call with! temporary musicians, let's look before everyone else, let's get acquainted, veronika pavlovna, vasentsova, your new boss, and this is a corpse, a woman, the stupa of a skull injury, vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, we need to create the future ourselves and do this together, we are very different, speak
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different languages, one aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at
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6:00 am
the storm led to a transport collapse in the south of sakhalin. dozens of flights have been delayed in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. buses and regional capitals in seven counties have been cancelled. schoolchildren were sent to distance learning. according to forecasts, the cyclone will rage for another 3 days. the european union agreed to strengthen support kiev regime, but cannot agree on who will allocate and how much money. well, while europe is arguing, ukraine faces the threat of economic collapse.


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