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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, all the movies give me goosebumps, your song can change the world for the better.
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watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. russia -
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traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. are my parents here? yeah, i don't know what that means, but it's them. heads 2. where, i’m afraid to ask, i’ll tell you. news mid-hour, briefly. a snowstorm led to a transport collapse in the south of sakhalin. dozens of flights to yuzhno-sakhalinsk have been delayed. buses from the capital of the seven-county regions have been cancelled. schoolchildren were sent to distance learning. according to forecasts, the cyclone will rage. 3 more days.
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the european union has agreed to strengthen support for the kiev regime, but cannot agree on who will allocate how much money, but while europe is arguing, ukraine faces the threat of economic collapse. head of the russian foreign ministry un fields said: lebanon should not be drawn into the conflict in the gas sector. sergei lavrov held a series of bilateral meetings on the middle east crisis and the situation in the red sea. powerful earthquake in central asia. the epicenter of the underground. a strike with a magnitude of over seven hit the border of china, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan; strong tremors were felt in balmaat ; furniture was knocked down in houses; people jumped out of windows in panic; eight people were injured. germany must prepare for a military conflict with russia, the minister stated this in an interview with a german television channel. defense boris pestorius. in his opinion , clashes with russia will occur after defeats in the isu, so now berlin is together with its allies.
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igor pikhanov will talk about the work of the military, shot! soldiers from the tour crews of the southern military district hit targets at a training ground in the zaporozhye region, training takes place in strong winds and frosts. instructors say that personnel must be able to work in any conditions. unit units perform an important
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task; they are called hunters of enemy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the first thing we do is we aimed, aimed, saw the target, took a little bit. the fighters count dozens of destroyed military equipment of ukrainian militants, german leopards and american humvees are rusting in the zaporozhye steppes, during training the personnel study the weapons that the enemy has, its strengths and weaknesses. we have good ammunition, well, we’re working , we know our job, we’re building up our skills , we can’t live without it, it’s the same as a sniper that needs to be constantly built up, work, work, preferably hit the target so that it’s right away. then get ready to leave. soldiers from a flamethrower platoon from a radiochemical protection company are working at the adjacent site of the test site. the military uses a flamethrower system. with its help , attack aircraft destroy dugouts and fortified enemy firing points. the unit recently returned to the front line for rotation. studying does not stop even on vacation. technique,
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tactics, they must be honed. you always need to improve it, you need to sharpen it, like water, water sharpens a stone, constantly, constantly, constantly, then yes, you will reach some kind. few. at the training ground, instructors and soldiers share the experience they gained at the front. new tactics for conducting assault operations on the front line and countering the enemy are being developed. according to the military, the enemy's western weapons were not prepared for the changeable weather of zaporozhye. it is more difficult to use and repair in field conditions, while russian equipment has proven itself well at the front. this affects the combat effectiveness of units. in the same way, even in some places faster and better than the soviet one, therefore, it’s as if the fact that it is western and so promoted is the opposite, it’s worse for them, the technology showed itself from the worst side, our missiles, our weapons hit it, very easily. thanks to regular training,
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at training grounds and studies, the unit successfully carries out tasks on the front line, stopping an attempt to break through the defense line, protecting residents of the front-line region from ukrainian nationalists. the soldiers destroy enemy artillery, which strikes peaceful towns and cities. for courage and professionalism. many russian military awarded with state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, conduct the zaporozhye region. large-scale construction is nearing the finish line in mariupol. a branch of the nakhimov naval school is being built on the shores of the azov sea. the five buildings will be connected by covered walkways; the building frames have already been built and utility lines have been laid.
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by public transport in central russia there is heavy snowfall again, how long will it last and is it true that very soon the precipitation will turn into freezing rain, vadim’s forecasts zavodchenkova. the european part of russia is again under attack from the atlantic cyclone. it will snow in moscow today, when will it give way to freezing rain, what other regions will the whirlwind cover and how far will the next wave of thaws reach. current. analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at centrafobas, hello, the russian plain is in the grip of the atlantic cyclone. on monday, the european part of the country found itself in a transition zone between two vortices, one had already left the region, and the remnants
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its atmospheric front was concentrated over the caucasus, this is what, for example , stavropol looked like the day before, there was snow porridge on the roads and traffic jams literally down to... frost -6°, by the morning 11 mm of precipitation had fallen in this city and the height of the snow cover reached 16 cm, impressive numbers by local standards, here is a video from pyatigorsk and it is also covered in snow, all the snow removal equipment was abandoned on the street, but in other areas of the russian plain the weather has improved, there was no precipitation, for example, in the center of russia. in moscow, thermometers showed -5° during the day, and the snowstorms stopped in the volga region. here, however, so much rain fell over the past week that the consequences of the disaster are still being felt. in kazan, for example,
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on monday people had to storm buses and push trams out of snowdrifts. alas, the good weather in european russia will not last long, in the cyclonic... the conveyor continues to work; today another nasty whirlwind will break into the region, it is coming to us from scandinavia, during the day its cloud fields will capture almost the entire northern one. half of the russian plain, and in places in karelia, leningrad, smolensk and in the novgorod regions, snowfall may be mixed with freezing rain. the reason for this is very warm air, which moves behind the main front of the cyclone. this process will actively develop in the next 24 hours and will reach its peak tomorrow. the temperature will become positive over a vast territory, from the western shores of the white sea to the black earth region. however. it's not for long. in the second half of the week, when vikr moves even further to the east, the direction of air flows
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will change, heat will rush to the south of russia, and cold air will begin to flow into the middle latitudes. air. and this is not the most joyful news for both regions. in stavropol, for example, today tomorrow there will be no precipitation and -4-6 on thermometers, but from thursday it will begin to warm up, it will rain mixed with snow, everything that is now lying on the street. cities will melt very quickly. in moscow, under the influence of the cyclone, snowfall of about 6 mm of moisture will already fall today, and tomorrow there will be a thaw of up to +1 and in the morning in some areas of the capital the precipitation may turn into freezing rain, but then the cooling will start, on friday saturday even during the day no higher than -3, and this is already condition for the formation of ice. that's all for me, goodbye.
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if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations, clear conditions and an impressive effect from victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand. right after advertising, we’ll tell you whether the notorious
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western ceiling on russian oil prices works? economic news block in just a couple of minutes. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. translate. than to look 100 times, it is better to turn, rotate, twist once only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 rub., check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we are in the soviet bank.
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30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product: built-in combustion oven for only 17 rubles with vidio and eldorado for grandma. navigator in the car, fence in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, add different numbers to the general balance, top up only one, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient, retire in the new year, profitable with sberbank , for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, so that
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please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order savito with delivery starting from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards. transfer debts to the back, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts on a credit card, it’s easy to get by, wars are ending, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only
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to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump and run. the price will be who serves nato in russia. i hope it will be interesting, i'm looking forward to seeing you. now economic news. konstantin central bank has released a new report on inflation.
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yes, roman central bank claims that exchange rates no longer influence prices so much. bank of russia. stated that the pass-through effect on consumer prices is weakening, while as the regulator emphasized, the impact of the summer weakening of the ruble is still being felt. the average monthly rate last month decreased against the three main traded currencies by 0.2% against the dollar, by one and a half against the euro, and against the yuan. overall, the ruble strengthened in the fourth quarter, but is still recovering from its summer decline, so the pro-inflationary factor remains. but his contribution is becoming less and less tangible, the central bank noted. the oil price ceiling is not working. bloomberg came to this conclusion after studying the data. chinese customs. the total volume of russian oil exports to china over the past year in monetary terms exceeded $60.5 billion. this equates to an average price of about $77 per barrel, or
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$17 above the proverbial ceiling. despite the formal international nature of the sanctions. beijing is in no hurry to comply with them and limit trade with our country. on the contrary, volumes are only growing. over the past year, russia supplied 107 million tons of oil to china. saudi arabia fell behind by more than 20 million and moved to second place in the ranking largest suppliers of these raw materials in china. the belgian energy minister is not sure about the possibility of completely abandoning russian lng. at a hearing in the european parliament , a high-ranking official suddenly remembered.
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since the beginning of last year , claims for 433 million rubles have been filed against companies, and the total amount of claims for last year amounted to 730 million.
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in april, the organization filed a bankruptcy claim in court. and at the end of the issue about currencies: the dollar today costs 87 rubles. 97 kopecks. euro exchange rate is 95.88. that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. i'll tell you briefly about some of the central themes of the hour. on the right bank of the dnieper, artillery and paratroopers destroyed a ukrainian armed forces branch in a strong point. the attack was carried out by haupitzes on geocent b. the fire was corrected from the air. after the shooting , the crew promptly left the firing position. primorye, in the area of ​​the snow cyclone, three regions received a month's worth of precipitation in just one day. the epicenter is the olginsky district, there is a strong snowstorm there for the second day. more than 200 units of snow removal equipment went out to clear the roads. a new stage of construction is coming out egypt's first nuclear power plant. it is being built by specialists from russia. today concrete will be poured for the fourth power unit.
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the presidents of russia and egypt will take part in the ceremony via video link. israeli authorities have offered hamas a two-month truce to release all hostages, media reports. meanwhile, in jerusalem, the families of the abducted disrupted a meeting of the knesset finance committee. they became famous. new examples of the inhumane attitude of the kiev regime towards its own militants and their loved ones. footage circulated throughout the set and is believed to be authentic. in ukraine itself, somewhere in the forest. a hole containing dozens of black plastic bags is being buried in esu. such unmarked graves allow the command not only to hide losses and deprive relatives of legal payments, but to enrich themselves at the expense of the dead. anton podkovenko will explain everything. they try to forget as much as possible. kiev, apparently, is ready to do anything to hide the monstrous losses in the ssu. covering the bodies of those killed with snow in nameless holes in the forest, it looks like
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some kind of thriller, what happens in this video definitely cannot be called a funeral, with a bulldozer, they are filling up a hole into which a few minutes ago the vseushniki laid whole rows of bodies in black bags, there are a lot of bodies, they are dragging in more and more new things, the hole is deep, all this was removed from a car, where on the dashboard there is a yellow-bladed ... flag and green dry bandages are clearly visible on the form. ukrainian publics may shout that this is a production, but the video went viral, as they say on the network, precisely because it is extremely similar to the truth. rough payments are very good, accordingly, an unspoken order can be, well, not not to show officially, that is, it is easier to register the missing as poverty-stricken, and accordingly, then the state does not pay any money to the relatives of the victims. this. first, second, if they are formally registered, money appears on their card, that is, their commander can simply appropriate it. there are rumors that dry commanders are applying for
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loans on the passports of two people, almost buying apartments, because while there is no evidence that the private was killed, he is considered alive. fixed two hundredths are growing lists of losses, this is a spoiled military reputation, who will know what if they are lying in a hole. why does the ukrainian armed forces have such losses? suicidal tactics, if you can even call it that, meat assaults, this tactic did not disappear with the failure of last year's counter-offensive, kiev does not count death, ours hit without missing a beat, that's all, dude, dude, that's all, that's all, dude, he died, on top , on top, fluttering cut, baden, baden, nicholas, baden, nicholas, evacuation is needed, urgently, baden, urgently. just a few minutes of battle, and already one is 200, another is 300, and maybe also killed, disposal, there is no other way to say it, criminal an organization that grabs civilians
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, then takes them away to die at the front, in those regions where the russian-speaking population predominates, that is, odessa, nikolaev, people come from the western regions of ukraine, from lvov, ivano-frankivsk , ternopil, purposefully. are disposed of through meat assaults like this, is that why all these videos about the dreams of the armed forces personnel with creepy humor pop up, or is he serious? so that nolin would wrap me up, so that my leg would be torn off up to the knee, like that, why? because, because i can leave the war this way, i can’t, but if my leg is torn off, they will put in a prosthesis, he says, because he understands the probability. to die, which is much higher and will prefer the option of being a colleague, this is the mood that there, as they say, is doom, this is clearly obvious, operations, prostheses, ivs, antibiotics are
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still unprofitable for him. the wounded need to be treated, but their front-line and public medicine is in a terrible state. the personnel cannot help but understand this; everything is in front of them. happens, so they surrender to our soldiers. in the ugledar area, for example, an entire unit surrendered, speaking of the attitude towards prisoners, they are sitting, look, with mugs of hot tea, they are still given the opportunity to wash themselves and do laundry. and here are those who did not surrender, another ukrainian cemetery.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people , we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give a recipe
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in general, that’s how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. blizzard causes traffic disruption in the south of sakhalin, in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, dozens of flights were delayed, buses and regional capitals of seven districts were canceled, schoolchildren were sent to distance learning, and according to forecasts, the cyclone will rage for another 3 days.
7:00 am
the european union has agreed to strengthen support for the kiev regime, but cannot agree on who will allocate how much money, and while europe is arguing, ukraine faces the threat of economic collapse. the head of the russian foreign ministry said on the sidelines of the un: “lebanon should not be drawn into the conflict in the gas sector. sergei lavrov held a number of bilateral meetings on middle east crisis situation in the red sea. a powerful earthquake in central asia, the epicenter of an underground shock with a magnitude of over seven. on the border of china, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan, strong tremors were felt in almaty, furniture fell in houses, people jumped out of windows in panic, eight people were injured. more than twenty flights were delayed at yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport due to a strong snowstorm. only one plane took off in the morning, no more to be released, no more to take off until...


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