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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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then the whole film is just in one breath, all the movies have goosebumps, your song can change the world, the sun, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle , apple, temporary musicians.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. dear friends, i invite you to our new release of the author’s program, besagon tv, it will be called who serves nato in russia. i hope it will interesting, i'm looking forward to seeing you.
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news sergei nachas in brief: the leningrad region is covered with snow, the region has a yellow level of weather danger, pulkovo airport has suspended operations, flights are not accepted or sent, 18 aircraft have gone to alternate airfields, because of bad weather, the opening of bridges for the passage of an icebreaker has been canceled. the european union agreed to strengthen support. kiev regime, but they cannot agree on who will allocate and how much money, and while europe is arguing, ukraine faces the threat of economic collapse. russian foreign minister at in the un fields stated: “lebanon should not be involved in a conflict in the gas sector. sergei lavrov held a number of bilateral meetings on the middle east crisis and the situation in the red sea. a powerful earthquake in central asia. an underground shock with a magnitude of over seven occurred in the border of china, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan. in almaat, furniture fell in houses,
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people jumped out of windows in panic, 44 people turned to doctors, almost 50 houses were destroyed in china. developers of the world's most popular applications refuse to adapt your programs for new apple devices. philip trofimov, host of the vestinet program, will tell you why. philip, hello, does this boycott threaten ordinary users? good afternoon, well, in theory , access to all these services from the new apple headset is the same. another question is that this really looks like boycotts and for the cupertino corporation this is very unpleasant, but it destroys the image of the company that everyone dreams of working with. more details a little later, let's start with the production of components for such new electronics. china sets records in terms of import substitution, at least with regard to the production of semiconductors, this is an area in which chinese enterprises lag behind global leaders, korean and, most importantly, taiwanese factories, moreover, there are... also
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american restrictions on the supply of relevant technologies to china , other countries are gradually joining these restrictions. so, according to bloomberg, which cites official customs documents, last year imports into china overall decreased, here is the equipment for the production of processors and other semiconductor products, they imported 14% more, almost $40 billion, this is the second result in history, a little more was only in the twenty-first, when, against the backdrop of all... quarantines and a series of incidents in supply chains, there was a global shortage of semiconductors. in some cases, the figures for the increase in purchases by chinese companies are completely incredible; last december , equipment for semi-fabric factories was imported from the netherlands by 100% more than a year earlier. this record really does have simple explanation. firstly, the company cml, a leading manufacturer of elitographic equipment, is registered in the netherlands. and secondly, since january.
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this year, the netherlands introduced a restriction on exports to china, similar to the american one, and accordingly, chinese factories were in a hurry to purchase, well, while it was possible, and the figure could be even higher, but some of the orders from... were changed even before the sanctions came into force , they could not be shipped allowed the most modern equipment, however, what was purchased was enough for several dozen new ones semiconductor production. according to the trendforce analytical agency, there are now 44 chip factories operating in china, and another 22 factories will be completed by the end of this year, which is quite consistent with the forecast of barclays bank, which believes that semiconductor production volumes in china over the next... 5 years will double, and this is good news, not only for china itself, well , at least, because the same trendforce is already noting a decrease in the cost of services of such enterprises, and all over the world, that is at first, chinese contract manufacturers lowered their rates in order to lure
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foreign chip developers, and now taiwanese and korean factories are forced to provide discounts of 10-15%, but there is a nuance, we are not talking about the most modern processors. those dozens of new chinese factories that trendforce writes about in its report are so-called mature lithography, that is, they are designed for a process of maximum 28 nanometers, this is a topology that taiwanese tsmc mastered more than 10 years ago, now it produces three three-nanometer processors and is building two factories for the production of already two-nanometer chips, however, 28 nm is quite relevant, if you do not take super-efficient systems, for example, a processor or ... reality apple vision pro or as it is called in cupertino , a spatial computing device will be released without applications of the most popular services , and
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netflix, spotify, youtube, that is, the largest global online cinema, music streaming, have already announced their reluctance to develop separate programs for the vision os platform. and video hosting, and this despite the fact that vision pro is being promoted to a large extent as a device for consuming content. experts name several reasons for this boycott: firstly, netflix, spotify, and youtube have a long history of rather complex relationships with apple, in particular, we are talking about the amount of commission that the cupertino corporation charges on all payments passing through the mobile application store, and secondly, many developers are stopped by the small edition of a very... expensive mixed reality headset. on the one hand, the first batch of devices costing $3,500, it sold out just an hour after pre-order opened. according to some estimates, apple could sell up to 180,000 vision pro headsets in a couple of days. on the other hand, this is only a hundredth of a percent
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of the entire army of more than a billion fans of the brand. and maintaining a separate application for such a modest audience may simply be too expensive. however, the market believes this is unlikely to happen. problems for apple or the original owners of visionpro, since all these popular services are available through the browser, and its cupertina has been redesigned for the new headset, and now it even supports gaze direction tracking. in general, according to the verge building, the safari browser will become the main application of vision pro. this is all about technology for now. novel. philip, thank you, we will continue. now a short advertisement. next, we will talk about replenishing the russian budget, the so-called exit tax for foreign companies. economic news block in a minute. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. no matter what caused the pain,
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five actions of ercept for sore throat for adults and children from three. russia's largest exhibition for... food market analyses, food drinks for retail and horiki, we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the bakspa center on krasnaya presnya, ticket on the website than to look 100 times, it is better to turn, rotate, twist once only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, there is an anticyclone in tepermania, in which there are 36.5 million prizes, there will be enough of them for the residents of moscow, st. petersburg, samara, ufa, i don’t believe it, do you want it? from january 29, the application is delicious and full stop
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burger, taste it on fire, than look at it 100 times, it’s better to twirl, rotate, twist once, only... confirm payment: by february 4, order sovita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. now economic news, konstantin the central bank has released a new report on inflation. yes, roman, the central bank claims that exchange rates no longer influence prices so much. the bank of russia said that the pass-through effect on consumer prices is weakening. at the same time, as the regulator emphasized, the impact of the summer weakening of the ruble is still affecting. the average
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exchange rate fell last month against the three main traded currencies: by 0.2% against the dollar, by one and a half against the euro, and by 1%6 against the yuan. overall, the ruble strengthened in the fourth quarter, but is still recovering from the summer decline, so that the pro-inflationary factor remains, but its contribution is becoming less and less noticeable, the central bank noted. the so-called exit tax brought more than 13.5 billion rubles to the russian budget in just january. this amount was six times higher than the forecast for the entire year. we are talking about the tax paid by foreign companies that decide to leave our country. experts explain this significant result for two main reasons: firstly, a special commission needs time to consider corresponding applications, which is why there was a natural pause during the new year holidays, and then followed. wave of permits , secondly, the size of the payment itself has increased, previously it was 10% of the market value
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of assets, and now 15. the eu is not abandoning attempts to complete the idea of ​​transferring income from frozen russian assets to ukraine. this intention was announced following a meeting of the eu council in brussels by the head of european diplomacy, jose barrel. he especially emphasized that there is no talk directly about the confiscation of russian property. regarding the frozen russian assets, i can say that we have a political agreement to complete the work based on the proposal from december, which focuses on the use of proceeds. i'm talking about using only income from russian assets. i'm pretty sure the work will be completed soon. the discussion will now continue at the ambassadorial level; the agreement is almost ready. the european commission, obviously in an attempt to save its reputation, is on its own. made it more difficult to use the proceeds from russia's frozen assets. by according to the scheme invented by brussels,
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a special account must first be created to which these incomes will be transferred, and only then , by a separate decision, these funds can be transferred to kiev. logistics giant maersk has decided to route its ships from europe to asia , bypassing the red sea through the cape of good hope. the first flight on this route is already today , the company said in a statement. the reason for this... is the route around africa, which is longer and more expensive. in addition, amid tensions, insurance and freight prices are rising. and at the end of the issue, as always about currencies. a dollar today costs 87 rubles. 97 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 95.88. and that's all the economic news for now. thank you. we continue. in
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the zaporozhye and kherson regions, employees of the russian guard, together with the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb, are conducting reconnaissance. the main task is to provide. the safety of civilians and prevent terrorist attacks on the territory of the country. thanks to the soldiers of the russian guard, caches and caches of ammunition were discovered. sbu agents have been identified and detained in sabotage groups. extremist literature and symbols of the fascist regime were confiscated. in zaporozhye region the russian military is honing its anti -armor skills in the isu. at the training ground, our units achieve sniper shooting at targets, so that after the first shot they can change positions. flamethrowers have their own tasks. our military correspondent igor pikhanov will talk about the work of the military. shot. soldiers of the calculation tour of the southern military district hit targets at a training ground in the zaporozhye region. classes are held in strong winds and frosts. instructors say that personnel must be able to work in any
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conditions, because the department’s specialists perform an important task. they are called tank hunters and... the first thing we do is aim, aim, see the target, take a little higher, the fighters count dozens of units of destroyed military equipment of ukrainian militants, german leopards and american humvees are rusting in the zaporozhye steppes, during training the personnel study the weapons that located by the enemy, his strengths and weaknesses. we have good ammunition, so we’re working, we know our job, we’re building up our skills. without this is impossible, this is tantamount to the fact that a sniper must constantly build up, work, work, it is advisable to hit the target in order to immediately get ready to leave. soldiers from a flamethrower platoon of a radiochemical defense company are working at the adjacent site of the test site. the military uses a flamethrower system. with its help , attack aircraft destroy dugouts and fortified enemy firing points. the unit recently returned to the front line for rotation; training
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does not stop even on vacation. technique, tactics, they must be honed, they are always needed. instructors and fighters at the training ground share the experience they gained at the front, develop new tactics for conducting assault operations at the front line and countering the enemy. according to the military, the enemy’s western weapons were not prepared for the changeable weather of zaporozhye; they are more difficult to use and repair while on the move. conditions, while russian equipment has proven itself well at the front, this affects the combat effectiveness of the units. it burns in exactly the same way, even in some places faster and better than the soviet one, so it seems that it western and so promoted, it’s the other way around, it ’s worse for them, the technology showed itself from the worst side, our missiles, our weapons
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hit it, very easily. thanks to regular training at the training grounds, the unit successfully performs. tasks on the front line, stopping an attempt to break through the defense line, protecting residents of the front-line region from ukrainian nationalists. the soldiers destroy enemy artillery, which strikes peaceful towns and cities. for courage and professionalism. many russian military personnel are marked by state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, vesti zaporozhye region. moscow utility workers today recommend that residents of the capital use public transport whenever possible. in central russia again. snowfall, how long will it last and is it true that very soon the precipitation will turn into freezing rains, forecast after advertising, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3.00 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, one application for all
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mortgage programs sberbank, if only i could buy a house... is it better to have an apartment in the center or in the sky, or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, and crawl at the first symptoms from the outside. afalaz's stats. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? such coverage is wide, where are we, where are you? no one has seen the video yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, than watching it 100 times
8:51 am
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in russia, canceled all commissions for transfers of payments. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart. i promise, the night will pass, a clear morning will come, i know the happiness of you and me waiting. musicians. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and
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projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31, 2000, twenty-four . the european part of russia is again under attack from the atlantic cyclone in moscow it will snow today, when will it give way to freezing rain, what other regions will the storm cover and how far will the next wave of thaws reach. current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist of centrofobass. hello, the russian plain is dominated by the atlantic. after the cyclone on monday, the european part of the country found itself in a transition zone between two vortices, one had already left the region, and the remnants of its atmospheric front
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were concentrated over the caucasus. this is, for example, what stavropol looked like the day before, on the roads are snowy and traffic jams literally reach the horizon, the frost is -6°. by the morning , 11 mm of precipitation had fallen in this city and the snow cover had reached a height. it was clear without precipitation, for example, in the center of russia, in moscow the thermometers showed -5° during the day, the snowstorms stopped in the volga region, here... so much precipitation fell over the past week that the consequences of the disaster are still felt. in kazan, for example, on monday people had to storm buses and...
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push them out of a snowdrift on a tram. alas, good weather in european russia won't last long. the cyclonic conveyor belt that continues to operate today will see another nasty whirlwind break through into the region. he comes to us from scandinavia. during the day, its cloud fields will cover almost the entire northern half of the russian plain, and in places in karelia, leningrad, smolensk and novgorod regions, snowfall may be mixed with freezing rain. the reason for this is very warm air, which moves following the main front of the cyclone; this process will actively develop in the next 24 hours will peak tomorrow. the temperature will become positive over a vast area from the western shores of the white sea to the black soil. however, this won't last long. in the second half of the week, when they shift even further to the east, the direction of air flows
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will change, and the heat will flow to the south. cold air will begin to flow into mid-latitudes, and this is not the best news for both regions. in stavaroplya, for example, today tomorrow there will be no precipitation and -4-6 on thermometers, but from thursday it will begin to warm up, it will rain mixed with snow, everything that is now on the city streets, it will melt very quickly. in moscow, under the influence of the cyclone , there will be snowfall today, about 6 mm of moisture will fall, and tomorrow. the thaw is up to +1 and in the morning in some areas of the capital the precipitation may turn into freezing rain, but then the cooling will start, on friday saturday even during the day it will not be higher than -3, and these are already conditions for the formation of a hololege, that’s all for me, goodbye.
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stormy winds, snowfalls, sakhali in primorye is in the grip of a powerful cyclone, a month's worth of precipitation fell in one day, and the north-west of the country in st. petersburg is also swept away due to due to strong winds, airports were closed and bridges had to be lifted. ukraine, middle eastern conflicts, the situation in the red sea. the head of the russian foreign ministry is conducting intensive negotiations on the sidelines of the un.
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starts in egypt. furniture fell, chandeliers swayed, a powerful earthquake in china on the border with kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, what were the consequences. stormy winds and snowfalls. the far east is in the grip of a powerful cyclone. a month's worth of precipitation fell there in one day. in vladivostok, all public utilities have been placed on high alert. due to unfavorable conditions, flights on local routes were canceled and rescheduled, emergency warnings for ships were announced in the tatar strait. our correspondent in the region, ksenia kolchina, will talk about the situation in the far east. hello ksenia, what is the situation now?


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