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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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we also work with operating organizations of enterprises, new entities , more than a thousand people have been trained with us, for the twenty-fourth year the application is more than 2.0, these are the operating personnel of those production facilities that currently exist, we carry out and have carried out identification and inventory of hazardous production facilities objects, on its technical condition, about what you talked about in terms of regulations. compliance with the requirements of russian legislation, we identified about 800 such dangerous production facilities, we already have about 200 of these facilities registered in the russian register of hazardous production facilities, we have started issuing licenses, these are only to those enterprises that fully comply with the requirements of russian legislation, both legal and legislation in the field of industrial safety, you know, within the framework of
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which they are operated today mines, we prepare, approve and jointly review preventive measures to comply with industrial safety requirements, within the framework of the resolution government, we are conducting a pilot project here on the territory of the russian federation, but not in other regions, a pilot project for the certification of construction control specialists, in the donetsk republic we started this, then we will transform it to the territory of russia, we have fully carried out identification. radiation
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sources, we have 39 facilities with more than 720 radiation sources on the territory of new constituent entities of the russian federation, these are medical, these are industrial, these are mining, we work with the ministry of health in the medical block sources, with regional representatives, and are preparing to issue a license within the framework of current legislation for the use of radiation sources. as for the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, within the framework of the presidential decree of the government of the russian federation, we have organized a regime of constant supervision there, rostekhnadzor inspectors are there 24x7 with a permanent presence on the territory of the plant, i go there periodically, and i can say that there is complete understanding with the operating organization, which was created under the aegis. rosatom
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, we also conduct daily briefings with representatives of the maga from the mission, you know that four people are present there, within the framework of russian legislation we carry out inspection checks, more than 200 years ago, after the terrorist attack at the kokhovskaya gas station we worked with colleagues from the operating organization, drilled 11 artasian wells around the splashers. today, the provision of water supply guarantees the normal operation of stations in the technical condition in which they are located. radiation situation as in station, so on the territory of a dry nuclear fuel storage facility, is taken from us daily, it meets all the requirements of the legislation, both russian and the recommendations that magaty gives us. it is very important to see the situation at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. was under control, it
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requires special attention, the level of investment of technological equipment enterprises in what is called industrial safety has increased, this is very important, reducing the number of accidents, this is all a consequence of competent industrial policy pursued by companies, concluding our meeting, i would like to wish that this level is maintained, these were shots from the meeting of mikhail mishustin with the head of rostekhnadzor, alexander trembitsky. now for a couple of minutes.
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welcomes the carriages, the adventure is exciting, it was unpredictable, where , let’s say, where, to attack, just on a large scale. i did this, especially the battles, all these battles are right for you, very good directing, design, costume, bad, the ball was gorgeous, white dance, they’ve been inviting me for a long time gentleman, yours, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, which means i don’t dance, i got up and went, the film is positive, kind, bright, scary, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2
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at least something, although yesterday a special un security council meeting was held in new york on our initiative, sergei viktorovich lavrov was personally present at this meeting, tried to somehow convey our position to the un security council, but you know what is very unpleasant is this then other representatives spoke, of course, slovenia, malta, there, switzerland, south korea, and that’s what they, what’s their name? the reaction is extremely surprising,
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they call all this russian disinformation , in general this word after the doodsk forum will apparently be heard even more often than before, i remind you that the congress of globalists, which ended last week, among other things that frightened we have a new disease that is 20 times more contagious and deadly. but at the same time they don’t seem to know what kind of disease this is, but at the same time they are preparing vaccines, well, we’re not talking about that now, there was another very important thing, this is the fight against so -called disinformation, this is a threat with this disease of climate change, i ’m talking about the dovodsky forum now, and accordingly, we understand that what they call disinformation is all that... so briefly i’ll tell you what we’re talking about, what the dodov forum was talking about , literally about the fact that
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they call everything that does not agree with their globalist agenda disinformation, now it’s absolutely official, well, we saw it like that before, that’s all about the crimes of the kiev regime, how to fight it , we will talk with radion miroshnik, ambassador for special training on the investigation and recording of meade’s ukrainian crimes. russia, ardion valerievich, i welcome you , thank you very much for taking the time, i know, i would immediately like to start with your practical activities, i understand that we are now going to talk about the theory of how to fight in the information field, with all the crimes and outrages that the kiev regime commits, but you head a foundation that helps people, please tell me right away,
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there was a need, that is, her liver republic, for which the most serious one stopped working, yes, that is, for what reasons, this is the second question from a medical point of view, the child needed a liver transplant, through, you know, this is coordination, what is it within our capabilities, probably in some way degree of lobbying, combining the efforts of all structures, both regional and federal, it turned out that we have a 16-year-old girl, nastya, she, in a snowstorm , it’s not... the weather, with a lot of things that were simply against played everything, that is, well despite everything, we
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were able to stabilize her then, the doctors were already able to stabilize her in donetsk, she was in the hospital, transported to moscow to the shumakov transplant center, within 24 hours find the girl a suitable liver for transplantation, and then after the girl we brought the whole family, her mother, with other children, who was supposed to be nearby, and they performed an operation on her at night, a liver transplant, but later, we were afraid all the time, we literally prayed that, god forbid, nothing would go wrong, now she’s gone transferred from intensive care, transferred to the ward, and where is she...
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does not have such hopes and good prospects, so this is probably one of the first reasons to say that there is normal coordination, and we find ours here function as a charitable foundation, we help our people, at a time when
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now, well, our warehouse in kremennaya has come under fire, so our people are at risk of delivering there... humanitarian aid , the bus that was supposed to take the next batch of children to the moscow region burned down rehabilitation medical, we have good partnerships with the federal medical and biological agency and have a whole list of developments of russian medical equipment; we try to work with our manufacturers to ensure that our military medical units and doctors in the frontline zone have all the best in order to to save people who fall... become victims of terrorist attacks, this is the conduct of military operations. yes, radinovich, you know, i deliberately started our conversation with this very thing. why? because at the beginning of the introduction i say that it is unrealistic to reach the west, there they have turned on some kind of protection, apparently biological or mental all
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together, they do not notice the next obvious things, and most importantly, now. this will be put on stream, i have already spoken about their approach to disinformation, the so-called , therefore, when the only chance is probably for us, to explain to our people what is happening, and most importantly to help them, as you do, but however, no theory death is death for us, as our famous politician said, so let ’s reason with you, but something can still be done to ensure that these crimes of the kiev regime, and because of which civilians suffer, and... once again, there are no military justifications for these strikes, there are no military targets there, and people would accidentally get hurt, this is also terrible, everyone is a victim of war, but nevertheless, this is a special crime that the kiev regime is committing, do you think they are on that they hope that they will still be unpunished, i as i understand it, well, firstly, they are solving
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a situational problem that exists now, they just want to intimidate people, they just want to hurt us. by simply violating the written and unwritten rules of warfare and methods of war and armed conflicts, that is, the geneva agreements, the geneva conventions, in general, ukraine forgot a long time ago and simply threw them in the trash, they literally violate the list of what is there, what is recorded there after the second world war and supplemented by a number of protocols, that is, ukraine can consider itself a country which is not guided by any norms of international humanitarian law at all, but... what can we do and what are we doing now? well, firstly, what happened , for example, yesterday, when sergei viktorovich lavrov spoke at the un security council, we understood perfectly well and are aware that those who ordered the crimes will never hear our arguments, that is, we understand this perfectly well , our task is to declare, to put our clear position, but we will work with
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the world majority, we work with those countries that are ready to hear us , that perceive us and that, you know, today are simply lined up to hold meetings, even on their feet, on the sidelines, like the un security council, to meet with the russian foreign minister, in order to discuss their pragmatic things, including in coordinating actions on these issues, about persecution for reporting official verified information related to the crimes that kiev is now allowing. you know, it is very important that our partners, those who are not biased, which will not be blinkered. look, they clearly understood that the strikes were being carried out on donetsk purposefully, deliberately, cynically, with a clear , calculated expected result, when people, then the atmosphere in... the front-line zone, it is such that people go out into the street very little, they know very well consequences, so they go out in the morning, on sunday go out literally for a few hours, at this time, when they went to the market
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, bought what they needed, they returned to their homes, where there are at least some shelters nearby or somewhere you can hide behind massive walls from constantly continuing attacks, that is , it was calculated, it was done, that is, an absolutely cynical crime that was committed there and arguments that would... you know, explain that it somehow happened by chance, but here we reject it absolutely, when zelensky reacted with his absolutely, you know, vile statement that it was, that russia shelled donetsk in order for people to die, in order to somehow demonstrate to the world community that this he states that the world community still finds out and receives this information, but this cynicism is intended, of course, for the west.
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when the decision was made on the nuremberg tribunal, yes, that is, this is yaalta, this is a few months before the end of the war, that is, the same decision will be made in this case, as soon as we come to
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the end of the conflict, so we will definitely understand in in what form will the political leadership of kiev, the executors, the military executors bear responsibility, they bear responsibility now, that is, for at the moment, about 300 and the militants have already received their sentences, and these are... very serious terms, somewhere around 10-12 years to life, and there now in the courts of donetsk, lugansk, rostov, simply terrible pictures are being revealed, when these militants , they testify, saying that i was standing at the outpost, a car was driving with badges, refugees or civilians, there were white stripes, but i thought that they were supporters of russia and i decided to shoot them, in the end in the car from literally riddled. from the machine gun of this action movie the father, mother and child were left to bleed, they were the ones who were driving and trying to get away simply from under the shelling, another similar figure took people by the hand, led them into the courtyard
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of the ilyach plant, put them against the wall and shot them, yes, because, because it seemed to him that these people favor russia, and , unfortunately, there are simply an incredible number of such crimes, which, you know, in common sense simply cannot be understood, now they will answer in russian. national legislation, larger trials are possible in the near future, to which more significant characters should be tried, who are now in captivity, who are giving testimony, at which the investigative committee is now collecting all the necessary data in order to bring us to trial, then there will definitely be this, the question of the form of the tribunal is a matter of agreement, we hope that there will definitely be some foreign segment in it, that is... there will be observers who are present from other countries that are ready to monitor the purity of the process and, most importantly, to perceive the information that we are ready to provide with a full evidence base, which concerns
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violations and shelling of the same structures, civilian structures, attacks on crowded places, schools, hospitals, you know, right now over the past 2 weeks , four ambulance crews have been targeted.
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turn a blind eye to all these processes that are happening here, you know, i don’t know, they characterize it as if they were people a completely different category, and maybe not people at all , therefore the norms of civilized peoples should not apply to them, so this cynicism, it is solved in one way, but by the world majority, which is ready to work with us, which is ready to hear our arguments , our information. yes, radim varelevich, i didn’t interrupt you, because you are telling such terrible things, which once again indicate that at one time you probably didn’t even appreciate the fascist regime that was being formed all these years in ukraine, all the horrors that are being revealed now, when in plain sight, i have already spoken about this many times, ukrainian channels speaking before our special military operation, i watched a lot of them then to understand what they were talking about, we don’t have any nazism, this everything is good, everything is excellent and
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wonderful. stated that he has a decree with a set of instructions for the government, others there, ukrainian structural units there, and to engage in strategy, search for information on, i emphasize, on the enslaved people of russia, who they consider ukrainians to be such, who live in the territories of the russian federation and in their opinion, they must collect all the information related to how
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the people were enslaved, how... their interests are infringed, here is a beautiful democratic ukraine led by a president, a war criminal and a dictator, yes , that is, she will begin to fight for their democratic rights, this is such an attempt to get into our internal politics, the internal agenda, to try to start digging here, and you know, this, well, it seems to me, this is a counterproductive story, because for us this should act as some kind of trigger, but at least for...
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in the sense that you are absolutely right, this is a signal for us, for our actions as well, thank you very much, radion valerievich, let me remind you, we talked with radion miroshenko , ambassador of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, this was the fifth studio, all the best, a stormy wind due to... in one day there was a month's worth of precipitation, and the north-west of the country in st. petersburg, due to strong winds, the airports had to be closed cancel the bridges. ukraine middle east conflict situation in the red sea. the head of the russian foreign ministry is conducting intensive negotiations on the sidelines of the un. a new stage of construction of a nuclear power plant is starting in egypt.


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