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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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give me all the resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you’ve achieved, it seems to you that you’re on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, now shots from the presidential press service.
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today is a significant day in the development of russian-egyptian cooperation in nuclear energy, only at the end of the twenty -second year work began on the vertical planning of the territory of block number one of the first nuclear power plant in egypt, today we are making a start full-scale construction work is already underway at block number four. achieving this important milestone was made possible by the dedicated work of a large number.
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90 egyptian companies have become our partners, and 285 contracts have been concluded with them. thus, the russian side is certainly fulfilling its obligations regarding localization and the volume of orders today from egyptian suppliers has exceeded $1 billion 200 million. of course, in accordance with the contract, we teach egyptian students at russian universities in nuclear related specialties required.
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operation of a nuclear power plant. i want to assure you that the construction of asldba is one of the most important tasks of rosatom, our absolute priority, and we have concentrated our best resources here. the daily number of employees exceeds 16 thousand people. the nuclear power plant is the flagship of russian-egyptian cooperation in the field of energy; its operation will be provided by the electric power industry. inevitably influence the development of those territories of related industries in the regions of presence. by according to our estimates, during the construction of a nuclear power plant, one job contributes to the opening of ten additional jobs. friends,
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the life cycle of a nuclear power plant is at least 100 years, all this time the state corporation rosatom will be next to our egyptian friends. the rarawa proverb says: manjada u ajada - this is very consonant with the russian proverb: whoever seeks will always find, we have no doubt that the result of our project will be not only new qualities of russian-egyptian cooperation, but also further strengthening. friendship between our peoples, gentlemen presidents, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, your excellency, mr. abdulfattah assia, allow me to thank you for the comprehensive support that you provide at all stages of the construction of aesldba, and i want, of course, to sincerely thank the government, the people of egypt for the trust placed in rosatom. shukran!
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thank you very much, mr. alexily khaichov, general director of the state corporation satom, now let me introduce myself to mr. minister.
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egypt, in a new republic, under the leadership president abdulfattah assissi, egypt is ahead of its time to explore new horizons and achieve goals. during the previous months, we participated together in several project implementation activities. includes pouring pyroconcrete at the first, second and third power units, as well as installing a melt trap at the first and second power units. this success was achieved in
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record time, which confirms the implementation of the project at a steady pace and fruitful cooperation with our russian partners. these successes are. climax with coordinated work between the department of nuclear power plants, the customer and the curator of the project, atom stroyexport , and the general contractor of the project. today's event on iiseldoba is not accidental, but rather is the result of the attention and support provided by the political leadership of the two countries, as well as the serious and tireless work of both sides, continued. day and night to achieve the main milestones of the projects according to schedule, and despite all the surrounding international circumstances, dear ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, allow me to express my deep
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gratitude and sincere gratitude and respect to mr. president of asia, the president of the arab republic of egypt and his excellency the president. vladimir putin, president of the russian federation, also to the working teams from the egyptian and russian, russian sides, for all the efforts made to achieve the main milestones of the project, in accordance with the project, and peace be upon you, the mercy of allah and his blessings. thank you very much, mr. minister dr. muhammad chakir, minister of electricity of egypt, please.
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a solemn ceremony dedicated to the pouring of concrete at the base of the fourth power unit of the al-da nuclear power plant. in fact, a new stage is beginning in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in egypt, a project that is most important for russian-egyptian relations, the implementation of which will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the development of the egyptian economy and will help strengthen its energy base. we will. to contribute to the creation of modern industries, skilled jobs, solving social issues, we we will do this together, since the new energy system allows us to do all this; this is truly a flagship project in the best traditions of our bilateral
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cooperation. let me remind you that in the second half of the last century, soviet specialists took an active part in the development of the economy and... egypt helped build large industrial and energy facilities, such as the aswan platinum, many things... the joint efforts of the enterprises are still work successfully, continue to bring real benefit to the egyptian people. diverse and mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries continues to develop progressively. egypt is truly our close friend and strategic partner. we interact on the principles of equality, mutual respect and consideration of interests. each other in full accordance with the letter and spirit of the agreement on comprehensive partnership and strategic
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cooperation, signed by mr. sisi and me in 2018 in sochi. bilateral trade turnover is growing dynamically, the volume of which is 10 months of last year increased by 20%. major joint projects are being implemented, including in the fuel and energy industry. in agriculture, in food cooperation, work is underway to create a russian industrial zone, a zone in the area of ​​​​the soviet canal, new promising opportunities for increasing our fruitful cooperation are opening up in connection with egypt’s entry into brix. i would like to emphasize that from the very beginning russia sincerely supported the desire of the egyptian side to become a full member of this associations. during the russian presidency of brix this year, we
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will try to do everything possible to ensure that egypt effectively integrates into the work of the association. we have planned to hold more than 200 brix events. and we expect that egyptian representatives will take an active part in them. and, of course, we are waiting for you, dear mr. sisi, at the unification summit in kazan. in october of this year, i cannot help but say that the project to create the eldaba station was launched with our direct participation with the president of egypt, mr. minister just spoke about this, i remember well that the act on the entry into force of the contract for the construction of the station was signed during my visit to egypt in december 2017, since then we have been working together on the implementation of the project: under constant control, in general , mr. sisi and i are in
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constant contact, last year we met during the second russia-africa summit, we regularly discuss all the most significant issues on the international and regional agenda for our countries, in particular, we exchange opinions and coordinate positions in connection with the tragic development of the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict, we resolve issues of a humanitarian nature. returning to the topic of nuclear energy, i will mention that rosatom is building four nuclear power units in egypt with a total capacity of 4,800 mw. this has already been said. power units based on generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually produce up to 37 billion kw of electricity, which will provide about 10% of the country’s energy consumption, moreover. unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear power plants will not emit dioxide into the atmosphere
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carbon, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the environment and human health. rosatom is recognized as a leader in the field of global atom. when constructing the station, it uses the most advanced engineering solutions, cost- effective and reliable technologies. at the same time , they are strictly observed. i would also like to note the well-coordinated work of russian and egyptian engineers and workers employed at the construction site of the aldaba nuclear power plant. thanks to their efforts, the construction of power units is proceeding in accordance with the approved schedule. the most complex design, installation and technological tasks. more than 16 thousand people are involved every day,
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most of whom are egyptian citizens, who work hand in hand with the russians. in addition, the execution of a significant volume of orders required for the future nuclear power plant is localized in egypt, and this opens up wide opportunities for attracting egyptian business to the project. by the way, within the framework of cooperation on eldaba. the party is preparing specialized highly qualified specialists for egypt, a rosatom representative spoke about this, the head of rosatom has already said that more than 90 egyptian students have already received an education in nuclear... specialties at our universities, in addition, about 150 more egyptians are currently studying. in other words, we provide assistance to our egyptian friends throughout the entire life cycle of a nuclear project, including obligations for the long-term supply of reactor fuel,
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nuclear power plant maintenance, and spent nuclear material management. all russian and egyptian project participants for their dedication and conscientiousness work to wish us all success. thank you for your attention.
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first of all, i would like to express my sincere gratitude and joy for the noble participation of my dear friend, his excellency president vladimir putin. the event marks the start of pouring the first concrete at unit 4 of the eldaba nuclear power plant, allowing the egyptian state to begin the main phase of construction of all. i also want to thank all the distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me joy and pride to share this a historical moment that will remain eternal in the history of the memory of this people and you will
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witness the will of this great people who have their goal. with aspiration and their efforts have made history for many centuries, and today he is writing a new history, realizing the dream of all egyptians, has nuclear power plants for peaceful purposes, emphasizing his determination to move forward along the path of development, construction and the formation of a bright future. this great event, which we witness today, represents a new brilliant page on the path of close cooperation between egypt and the russian federation, and is a new achievement added to the history of joint egyptian-russian cooperation achievements
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throughout history, it also reflects the scale of the effort. reaffirms the importance
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of the strategic decision taken by the egyptian state to revive the egyptian peaceful nuclear production program as it contributes to ensuring a secure, cheap and long-term energy supply, in a way that reduces dependence on fossil fuels and avoids price fluctuations. adding nuclear power to the energy mix that egypt relies on to generate electricity is vital to meeting demand. it meets egypt's electricity needs for economic and social development plans and helps increase the use of new renewables. energy sources to achieve environmental sustainability and combat climate change. in conclusion,
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i once again thank his excellency president putin for his participation in this event, and also express my deep gratitude and appreciation to the employees of the russian general contractor atomstroy export. egypt's nuclear power plant authority , which is overseeing the implementation of this grandiose national project, i wish you good luck in the next stages of the project, thank you very much and before closing, i would like to turn to you, sir, my brother, president putin, i express my deep gratitude for yours. this project, to achieve the implementation of this project, thanks to your support from december of the seventeenth year until today, i think
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i am writing this down to you that thanks to your personal support of this project we are achieving great success, thank you very much, thank you all, peace, mercy, blessings of allah be upon you. egypt, dr. amged elwakil.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, dear mr. president abdulfattahasi, president of the arab republic of egypt, dear mr. president vladimir putin, president of the russian federation, dear ladies and gentlemen. with the help of allah, under the yoke of the political leadership of the two countries, after fulfilling all regulatory requirements and receiving permission for the construction of the fourth power unit from the egyptian regulatory authority on august 30, 2023, i am proud and honored to announce to you all that we are fully ready to begin pouring the first concrete into the foundation slab of the fourth.
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we can now proudly announce that all power units of the eselda project have entered
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the main construction phase. i congratulate you on this welcoming event, congratulations on a start in realizing your dreams. thank you for participating in this historical event, which will be written in the history of egypt. we express our gratitude to the employees of the egyptian nuclear power plants authority, the supervisor of the project implementation and the atomstroy ex company. general contractor on the project for such an achievement, thank you very much to all participants, good luck to you all. these were shots from the beginning
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of pouring concrete at the base of power unit number 4 of the egyptian eldabaa nuclear power plant. participated in the ceremony via video link vladimir putin and abdel-fattah al-sisi. now advertising. let's continue further. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. can't quit smoking? tabachetto to make it easier to quit smoking. tabacquette start a new life without
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2:00 pm
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