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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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in the garage, it’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the general balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number , all the others will be paid automatically, convenient, it doesn’t fit in the bear anymore, in the total balance fits, beline is on your side, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. rather than watch it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. in egypt today , a new stage in the large-scale construction of the eldaa nuclear power plant was launched in a solemn atmosphere. concrete pouring has begun at the base of the fourth power unit. this project. which are being implemented with the support
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of rosatom, is unique: four blocks are being built almost simultaneously in increments of only six months. the start of concrete pouring was given via video link by the leaders of russia and egypt, vladimir putin and abdel-fattah al-sisi. i ask you, mr. president abdulfattah assisi and mr. president vladimir putin, start dates pouring the first concrete. we are starting to pour the first concrete into the foundation slab of the fourth. vladimir putin emphasized the advantage that egypt's first nuclear power plant will provide, as well as its safety. power
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units using generation 3+ reactors will be able to annually produce up to 37 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which will provide about 10% of the country’s energy consumption, and unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear power plants will not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the environment and health. of people. rosatom, a recognized leader in the field of global atom. when constructing the station, it uses the most advanced engineering solutions, cost-effective and reliable technologies. at the same time , russian safety standards, all magata rules and regulations and the most stringent environmental requirements are strictly observed. in other news: russian army. group strike on
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objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense , high-precision, long-range, air-based ground-based weapons were used. target of the strike achieved. enterprises producing missiles and explosives accompanying them were hit. explosions thundered in the morning and at night in kiev, as well as sumy, dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and the territory controlled by the armed forces of the kherson region. a series of powerful explosions were reported in... the city of shostka, pavlograd, kharkov and the pechersky district of the ukrainian capital. ukrainian troops are striking civilians and civilian objects of the dpr. the ukrainian armed forces attacked donetsk again today. the fire was carried out by rockets multiple launch rocket systems. at least five rockets were fired and two people were injured. the mayor's office of yasenovataya reported the death of two civilians. they were the victim of a drone attack with explosives. “the current
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american administration is not interested in political dialogue with russia, while moscow is ready to listen to everyone who wants to stop using ukraine as an instrument of war.” this statement was made by sergei lavrov in an interview with the american television channel cbs. the head of the russian foreign ministry added that the us administration has not learned a single lesson from the policies that were pursued after the collapse of the ussr. washington still has it.
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we would be willing to listen, and we talk about it all the time. and all last night in new york, sergei lavrov literally held negotiations without a break. the minister held a number of bilateral meetings. the main topic of which was the middle east crisis. with representatives of iran, lebanon and the united arab emirates, lavrov discussed the situation in the red sea and the inadmissibility of escalating the conflict in the gas sector. and we talked with the head of the turkish foreign ministry about coordination in the middle east in transcaucasus. in addition, joint energy projects were discussed. vladimir putin signed a decree on supporting large families. the document states that families with three and... children receive this status indefinitely, social assistance is provided until the eldest child turns 18 years old or until 23 years old if he is receiving full-time education at that time. seven receive benefits for birth
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and child rearing, as well as support in work-related matters. mothers are granted an insurance pension ahead of schedule. except in addition, parents with many children can receive additional professional income. education, families can visit museums, exhibitions, cultural and recreation parks for free. christmas parliamentary meetings opened today in the federation council; they are being held as part of educational readings on orthodoxy and national culture. speaker of the upper house valentina matvienko and patriarch kirill took part in the plenary meeting. main topics of discussion: educational and social service, education.
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selfless labor, for great work, which was deployed by dioceses, parishes of the russian orthodox church, and our other all-respected faiths, to deliver humanitarian aid to the zone of a special military operation and to provide support to residents of the reunified regions, i want to express my deepest gratitude to all the priests who are today on... on the front line at risk to in their own lives, in a pastoral word, they support the defenders of the fatherland. patriarch kirill in his speech spoke about the christian values ​​of the hostility of the western a world that has chosen the opposite path.
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according to the gospel expression, the european house more and more resembles a painted coffin, which from the outside seems beautiful. inside is full of the bones of the dead and all uncleanness, this is a quote from the gospel of matthew. yes, the building is still beautiful in appearance, striking in its splendor and luxury. but the foundation sank hopelessly. communications are rotten, load-bearing walls are about to collapse. i say this without the slightest gloating or arrogance. i lived in the west, i know western life well. and i also remember moral and religious the state of western society. 30 and 40 years ago, and it was a different society, and different values ​​dominated there. today , the federation council opened an exhibition of children's drawings, the beauty of god's world, timed to coincide with the christmas parliamentary meetings. it
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presents the works of young artists, participants in the competition of the same name. the authors of more than 2 thousand films reached the finals. today at the central executive committee. united russia held a meeting of the organizing committee "our victory". the main topic was the creation, preservation of monuments and hero memorials. the special military operation costs almost 2 million. work continues to perpetuate the memory of heroes, including the heroes of the special military operation. also, this work is in the twenty-fourth year - please continue. also, in the coming year, we will support the soldier of the great fatherland competition. as part of this competition , exhibitions in museums of schools, colleges, and universities will be evaluated. in memory of the fallen heroes of russia, participants in the special military operation. in addition, the victory dictation campaign was discussed at the meeting. the number of its participants for 5 years has increased 12 times, and the number of sites has exceeded 21. interest in dictation
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will only grow. therefore, in order to keep the bar high, you need to start preparing for the dictation now. postponing until the spring, i’ll add that this time we could expand its topic a little, providing separate questions about the events... of the spring about the heroes of a special military operation, our traditional competition of museums of educational organizations can be restructured in the same way. this year i would consider it right to communicate, first of all , to those school and university museums where the memory of the heroes of a special military operation, graduates who became heroes of russia or were awarded other military awards is preserved. last year. for the first time we developed three versions of dictation tests, both for russian and foreign
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participants, special blocks were made with tasks about the contribution of foreign countries, the victory over nazism, for the first time last year we translated these test tasks for foreign participants into six languages, traditionally take part in our promotion law enforcement agencies, more than 1,300 sites were created in military units, divisions, military schools, and cadet corps. pain can be different: the mechanism of development of pain is important, what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. i saw the sign. in the skies in the harsh winter there will appear something that has never happened, the stars of the worlds
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any weather will support the sports spirit at the new playgrounds near the house. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national projects is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national projects of russia by decision. it’s yours, i buy it at a profit, i pay for techno,
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cyberweeks at the megamarket, megamarket, i buy it at a profit, i pay for techno, buy motor oil for just... at alfabank - the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. for residents of the kherson region with russian citizenship , who were urgently evacuated from the right-bank part of the region, it will be simplified to confirm their work experience for granting a pension; they will not need the original documents, the head of the kherson
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region vladimir salda told our channel, watch his interview right now. hello, "hello, well, let's probably start our conversation with the nightmare, with the terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine on donetsk, this is how you can comment on what happened, why kiev is committing such a terrorist attack, and they have nothing left, when front-line reports have nothing to brag about, these actions begin, which cannot be called anything other than cannibalism, and..."
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in a way it’s impossible, the only thing is that god cannot explain everything with reason, it can’t be seen by anyone, and there’s no escape from retribution for all those who drenched themselves in the blood of civilians, it doesn’t explain anything else.
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built in for constant restoration, yes, we understand that this will already exist, it is with such engineering moments that we will change the situation, which will not give them the opportunity to damage power supply systems, because they not only hit power networks, they also hit transformer substations, and the replacement of expensive and not always accessible
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transformer equipment substations take time, but nevertheless, the brigades have already learned to work this way even under fire. in what is now kherson on the right bank, absolutely all social facilities were prepared for work in the autumn-winter period, this is heating, this is water supply, this is the work of all municipal services for the removal of solid household waste, everything is prepared at the, well , appropriate level that exists, so there are
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no special complaints, there are no special problems with heating, of course there are problems.
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well, if you look at the money that comes from abroad, the handouts that zelensky begs for, but these handouts amount to billions, then most of these funds are not used to create normal living conditions those citizens who are in kherson itself, which remained under occupation, now this is occupation, they are trying to seize our original russian lands, this is the only way i can evaluate it, these are not actions for liberation. from something and from someone, that is, from us they want to free us ourselves, well, this is an obracodabra, it turns into something else from a completely different
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angle, so everything now is being done there only in order to constantly harm our armed forces, that is, kherson now has more than all the funds that exist spent on the construction of various types of fortifications, structures, and obstacles to what is possible.
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restoration of what is destroyed by artillery shelling, mortar shelling and simply, all these fvedrones, now kamikazes, which fly over novaya kokhovka over the roads that run along the dnieper, a length of more than 300 km, they are all violated only by the actions of the opposite side, therefore, but despite this, people still live, people still work, they launch projects that are already worth more than one and a half.
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on behalf of the president of our country, the government of the russian federation, together with our government, developed this program, it provides for an annual increase in funding both from the federal budget and these conditions are all, if we lay networks, provide sites, this is just a paradise for investors, this is a construction site, i just i foresee what this construction project will be like , let us no longer dream about it, but build it. i would like to ask a question, it’s probably quite a pressing question, the federation council raised the topic that work in the region is complicated commission, here i will quote: the commission to confirm experience and labor relations in ukraine, this is an extremely important story, yes, especially for residents of the right bank part of the kherson region, documents were lost, when was the emergency evacuation, why did such a situation arise, in principle, the most the main thing is what is being done to solve it, let’s remember how the decision was made to issue passports and obtain russian
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citizenship. immediately when they started processing passports, it was difficult because it was necessary to provide the maximum an exhaustive list of documents that are required in peacetime, in peacetime for obtaining a passport, civil, and citizenship, after which the president intervened and this procedure was simplified as much as possible, the same applies specifically to a document confirming work experience, and these documents are extremely important when processing pensions.
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lost the documents, because not all the archives were even taken away, not everything was saved, these people will be treated with special treatment, simplifying the possibility of processing all pension payments and social benefits that exist in the russian federation without confirmation of the original work book document. the final question, vladimir vasilyevich, is this how the process of restoring the launch of ownerless enterprises in the kherson region is going, were they talking about the fact that in 23 there were 18?
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