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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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sometimes development stops, with support it doesn’t stop, we expand further , the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises is by decision of the president, our business is to support yours, beloved schmon, the manager of the universe of screws, marya the mistress, either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower, vika sherstenika, it doesn’t matter who you are... or you pay, the important thing is that there is no commission or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order an azbermarket scooter from the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? yes, please connect.
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for dad, for mom, for brother, for grandma, for grandma , for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, it ’s dad, so... plays, it’s dad who has everything in general balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the general balance, top up only one number, all the rest will be paid automatically, convenient, it doesn’t fit into the bear anymore, into the general balance fits in on your side, tank hunters are being trained in the zaporozhye region. our correspondent igor pikhanov is following the training. shot. soldiers of the calculation tour of the southern
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military district hit targets at a training ground in the zaporozhye region. classes are held in strong winds and frosts. the instructors say the personnel should. be able to work in any conditions, because the unit’s specialists perform an important task; they are called hunters of enemy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the first thing we do is aim, aim, see the target, take it a little higher, according to the fighters, dozens of units of military equipment of ukrainian militants were destroyed. german leopards and american humvees rust in the zaporozhye steppes. during training, the personnel study the weapons that the enemy has, its strengths and weaknesses , we have good ammunition, well, we work, we know our job, we build up our skills, we can’t do without this, it’s equivalent to the fact that a sniper needs to constantly build up, work , work, it is advisable to hit the target, so that you can immediately get ready to leave. flamethrower soldiers are working at the adjacent site of the training ground.
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platoon radiochemical protection company, the military uses a flamethrower system, with its help attack aircraft destroy dugouts and fortified enemy firing points, the unit recently... returned to the front line for rotation, study does not stop even on vacation, technology, tactics, it must be honed, it is needed always improve, it needs to be sharpened, like water, water sharpens a stone, constantly, constantly, constantly, then yes, you will reach some maximum at the training ground , instructors and fighters share experience that received at the front, new tactics are being developed for conducting assault operations at the front line and countering the enemy, according to... the changeable weather of zaporozhye, its marching conditions, while russian equipment is more difficult to use and repair ; equipment has proven itself well at the front, this affects the combat effectiveness of units. it burns in exactly the same way, even in some places faster and better than the soviet one,
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so it’s as if the fact that it’s western and so promoted is the opposite, it’s worse for them, the technology showed itself from the worst side, ours missiles, ours... it hits very easily. thanks to regular training at training grounds and studies, the unit successfully carries out tasks on the front line, stopping an attempt to break through the defense line, protecting residents of the front-line region from ukrainian nationalists. the soldiers destroy enemy artillery, which strikes peaceful towns and cities. for courage and professionalism. many russian military personnel have received state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, vesti zaporozhye region. elon musk visited museum on the site of the former vasventsi concentration camp, the businessman laid wine at the wall of death and took part in the service at the memorial. he noted that he was deeply shocked and would need several days to comprehend what he had seen.
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in addition, the entrepreneur took part in the conference of the european jewish association. "i have twice as many jewish friends as non-jewish friends. i'm an inspired jew myself, so i thought why are they talking about anti-semitism, because you never hear it in dinner conversations, it's seems absurd, at least among my friends, but looking at the huge rallies of hamas supporters that took place in almost every major city in the west, i was simply amazed. this also applies to elite colleges , which, it would seem, should be enlightened and not incite hatred." let me remind you that recently an entrepreneur came under a barrage of criticism because of a statement, and now it is broadcast on our channel. dear friends, good afternoon, i am very glad to see you welcome, welcome to moscow wish you success
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in those events in which you have already you are probably taking part and will take part again, i mean. competitions, we specially created a whole range of such events in order to celebrate the year of the family that we have. began in 2024, so that it would be full of different events, in my opinion there are 300 of them or even more, without any doubt, the main participants in all these events are you, your families, families, well , where children are raised, and of course , the more children, the better, you probably know that yesterday i issued a decree on the status of a large family, about this the people i met before
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nowadays, we have repeatedly raised the question, asked for this, this really has practical significance, i hope that this will all work out properly, so that large families have the same status throughout the country, but without any doubt i can... say , that - a large family is the support of the country, and a family in general, but even more so, a large family is a support, why a large family is so important, and because there, you know, it’s better than me, because those are brought up here, these are the main qualities people, on whom, strictly speaking, and the family holds together, and the country, respect for elders, love, care for the younger, hard work
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, there is still a lot to be done, and you know , probably the state will be able to consider that it has done the maximum when there is no need for special programs, but simply the natural functioning of the economic the organism, the social sphere will be such that no matter how many children there are in the family, everything would be comfortable, and such general conditions would be built. functioning of the country's economy, social sphere, that no questions arose,
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the support measures that we are developing would automatically be included, well, it’s true, you probably also use this, you know, we tried to do this, we did this, we picketed all the support measures, and now from the moment of pregnancy of the mother, the expectant mother until the child’s eighteenth birthday. this means that we have these support programs, starting from maternity capital, how much is it now - for the second child 833,000, there for the second 600 and something, that means, but, but, but, now, if you paid attention, and for young people, who study full-time until the age of 23, these programs will also continue and will continue to operate. that’s all i would like to say at the beginning, i’m a great
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specialist in talking, but i would like to listen to you, hear your assessments of what we do, how we do it, maybe suggestions on what should have been done additionally, or somehow correct, correct what is now proposed and what is currently functioning, please, i ask you, yes, of course, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is dmitry, i am the head of a family from the city of balashovo, saratov region, and the koretnikov family, we have a dynasty of teachers, which has more than 500 years of experience, and i connected my teaching activities a little by - another thing, i’ve been teaching and organizing games with children in kvn for about 17 years, for the last 3 years i’ve only had my own massage studio, i opened my own business, a massage studio, i’m building a russian bathhouse, but i still haven’t refused kvn, we’re still guys we train.
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my wife ulyana, she is a teacher , a primary school teacher, daughter vika, a fifth grade student, goes to an art school, loves to draw, draw, loves cartoons with... her cat, her name is karik, son nikita, finishing eleventh grade, his wants to connect the future with nuclear energy, will act with nuclear energy, yes, yes, in that direction and will act according to this profile, mother, wife’s mother, lidiya anatolyevna kosheleva, she is retired, a teacher too, a local historian, that’s exactly what she found all the dynasty
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i thought that i have found all our relatives for more than 500 years, i give the floor to ulyana, yes, please note. mother-in-law didn’t say wife’s mother said. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is ulyana. i work not only as primary school teachers, but also as advisers to the director of education. no, maybe not for long , just a little over a year, but there are already some successes. working as an advisor to the director of education, the children and i conduct a lot of different events and seminars. and we invited parents to one of these seminars, but not in.
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we were invested in the process itself, the children’s eyes were burning , it was simply extraordinary to watch , such a tandem, the parents of the school are a success in raising children, yes, i understand that the school has its own educational tools, but who better than a parent knows his child. in our school, probably in many schools, there is such an asset, a parental asset. who make up the parent committees, they help us a lot in our work, as a class teacher, as an adviser, i can also say this 100%, they can organize events, they can come up with some kind of trip, these parental assets, we would like to have
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an offer for you so that they would continue to share their experience, and parent committees are not easy. so your parents help you, parent committees at school, they help solve specific issues, yes, but what would this all-russian parent committee do at the all-russian level? they would, if there is some kind of initiative, they would promote it further, so that it could be
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solved at the entire russian level, well, let me i will definitely tell the minister, he... he will definitely pick up on this, the most important thing is to fill it out, i am for it, i think that maybe it will be interesting and useful when there is an additional, additional connection between the school, in this case, the federal authorities, regional authorities and the parent community, you just need to work out everything, understand what exactly he will do, and you yourself would take part there, with pleasure, honor, well, great, agreed, i will definitely advise the minister and we will work it out, you thank you for the idea, please, please sit down , dear vladimirovich, we
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came from yamal, there are many children in... olenilot, the pyaka family, olenilots of the fifth generation, we live in the tuntri, my son sergei, grandson, radislav came with me, in the sixth grade, svetlana is a pensioner. and veronica works for the administration of the purovsky district. thanks for the invitation. moscow, we invite you to yamal, for a holiday, oleniegot day,
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we’ll take you for a ride on three white deer, maybe on a holiday, let you go on vacation, your grandson rides great, rides a deer. thank you, quickly the deer drives fast, what a speed, well , big, in short, 60 dressed, the very first 70, the fastest deer, 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, oh well, they run so fast, runs, this one doesn’t get tired, but that's why he walks. day and night, like athletes on skids , the most beautiful holiday in the north, but
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there is no safety train, no safety train is needed there, no, it’s not needed, but there is a rope there, a steering wheel and a burning stick, only sverovsky to the right, straight to the left, thank you. thank you, what i wanted to say next is that daddy and i have a golden birthday this year wedding, april 12, cosmonautics day, guess how great you are, congratulations, glad to see you for the holidays, thank you, thank you, but we can go on.
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his siberian guy captured him and veronica skvortsova flew there from moscow, remember that? i know, but immediately and quickly this little squirrel was removed and livestock farming went back again. well, i guess i ’m done, but i wanted to say again, please, we have tun tuntoroviki. he is born at 4 years old, as they say, he begins to walk, he sees a portrait of putin, vladimir
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vladimirovich does not grow up, this is our putin, every child knows your name, for example, you see, he starts talking at four years old, he will say, mom, i have putin’s money, buy me milk. to see how the reindeer herders live, i will definitely try to do this, thank you, well, i know, i’ve been to the plague
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more than once, so thank you very much, this is hard, hard work, i’ve seen how the reindeer herders work, i hope he will also respond yes. but there our
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best slopes are not there, a new karada was built , you see how it is developing very well at yapars muravlenka nadym kupkinsky all these cities, but that’s why we are glad there, the sloping nature is not the most important thing, this is the twenty- first year of the song. they don’t stop you from working with deer, no, now you see how it’s not exactly like in the ussr, they put in a purple one, just like the hens do it neatly, it’s orderly, it’s your order , and you tried because the clean ones that purify are all
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clean, for example, it’s like his they are pumping oil, the oil comes from there, they are poisonous, they are now stealing the sand around, so that the reservoir is not destroyed, you see how well they care about the environment, and about the environment, about ecologists care about the environment, they care about nature, yes, they preserved nature, because you see. like it used to be under the ussr, then i was the same as my job, everything was covered with all the iron, it was even impossible to see where the breakthroughs were, now i’m an old person who was asked for in social media, there were pieces of iron lying there, at that time everything for me they abandoned it, the whole state, because
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apparently... all the pipes were leaking, everything is not clean at this time, okay, thank you very much, this is important information, thank you, thank you, i’ll try to come i definitely wish that in any case your holiday will be at a high level, i’m sure it will be, okay, but we will definitely be in contact with you, this will at least organize contact with you for your golden wedding, okay? we'll definitely talk to you via video on april 12, okay, definitely thank you very much,
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thank you very much, thank you very much.
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here i have a daughter, her children, timofey, a balalaika student, yaroslav, a student also a balalaika student, however, for certain reasons, the middle daughter, natasha and inna, have not arrived yet, and we also have a granddaughter there, well, we take part in all the events in the city, we...


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