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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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age was left at home, and so, as soon as we acquired the status of having many children , we decided to find out what measures of social support, social guarantees we need, the law provides for us, the state gives us, we began to study the issue, and often , well, not that often, but we have encountered situations where it actually turns out that something is declared by law, some measures of social support, but in fact, for thematic reasons... we cannot take advantage of them, like many other families here probably our region and probably others regions too, some social support measures, they are indeed also declared according to the reports, i think that uh officials, they say that the officials’ reports say that these social support measures were provided, but in fact they do not work, then there is something given to the family, but the family, well, it didn’t bring any good, well, here’s the most detailed or... examples,
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my wife, yulia, will give some. please, good evening, vladimir vladimirovich, i congratulate you very much on the birth of your child. thanks a lot. vladimir vladimirovich, i’ll probably start by saying that i am a lawyer for the committee of families and warriors of the fatherland. we want to thank you , first of all, for the support that you provide to the committee, at the last, yes, at the last meetings, we heard it all, and it is very valuable, very important for us, for... the committee team, this is very important for the families we support, to whom we provide assistance, humanitarian, legal, psychological, any kind, do you have a support fund, yes, or a committee, no, we are committee of families of the fatherland of the yaroslavl region, that is, we represent the region, the regional committee, and of course, on behalf of the committee, we thank you for the trust and support provided, returning to the issue that...
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we visited it, saw everything we wanted , and what was our surprise that we were able to do this completely free of charge, free of charge, we were there as long as we wanted on that day when we got it, but in our region, this benefit works a little differently, and so , for example, the last time we tried there, well, more precisely, we got to the yaroslavl zoo with our family, a discounted visit. this institution
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for a large family is provided on wednesdays there at some certain time, well, we all understand that for a large family, where mom and dad work, the children are at school there and in some sections and so on, well, wednesday - not every family from this city, and not to mention the regions, about the districts of the region can visit this institution on wednesday, and this , of course, not only applies to -
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some kind of nonsense, i’m not sure if even the governor, the former governor mironov , doesn’t know for sure about this, which means that the current one knows or not, i’m also not sure, yes. even in this , the meaning of this decree just signed yesterday is precisely to build a unified approach throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, and of course, these things that you mentioned, visiting museums there, other cultural institutions, zoos there and so on, they must be uniformly applied throughout the russian federation, it is unlikely that this will be done with a click today for tomorrow, but... we this is the purpose of the decree to even out all these things, federal benefits, as far as i understand, still work, and they work quite effectively, you received maternity capital, well, you see, it means it works the same way as well as and many other benefits, keeping in mind, for example
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, benefits for housing and communal services, there if the family income level is below a certain amount and so on, but if you see, in addition to what you just said, that there is also... the right of every family with many children is prescribed families receive ownership of a plot of land once, that is, for this the family must get in line without registering, it should not be in need of improved housing conditions, just get in line, the line comes up, they are provided with a land plot, that is
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, it seems that it turns out that the land plot is provided, but here there is such a story that in one, in my opinion, the yaroslavl region , they provided a large plot of land, well, undeveloped land. seems to have been provided to many families, they received it, no roads, no electricity, i know that on at the local level , this issue is being raised, its deputies are trying to somehow solve it, but it’s not working, it seems that it’s just declarative and it’s fixed, according to reports , yes, they received the land , large families can use it, no, well, by its nature a family with many children is not the kind of family that can take their own way to their distant plot there, for example, lead or conduct. it’s clear, well, here we go again to the beginning of our conversation in this part, it is necessary to carry out such an audit of everything that was declared at the regional the level of how this is carried out, well, you
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know, for example, at one time we initiated the so-called far eastern hectare, the same thing happened, but gradually the situation was still gradual. has changed, now i think they told me, well, let people take this hectare, even if it is in some place that is not so attractive, they can sell it, in any case, and get money is also good, but of course it is necessary strive to ensure that these are developed areas, so that the infrastructure there is developed, the energy road network there and so on, but all this needs to be worked out , including on the basis of the decree that was signed yesterday, this is such... work, i think, i don’t think so, but i’m sure the regions will begin, then let them they will honestly say what can be done and what is impossible, if something is possible, it must be completed as it is written in the proposed solutions, thank you very much, hello vladimir vladimirovich,
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my name is daniil, i... yaroslavl, i i go swimming at an olympic reserve school, i already have a second adult category, i also recently completed it, at what distances, what style do you swim, i am a king swimmer, i completed the 800 m category - freestyle in a fifty-meter pool, we congratulate you, thank you. plans, wait, what are your plans , in the near future, what results do you want to achieve , i want to achieve, i want to perform at 800 m, the first adult category, well, in the near
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future it’s the coach, what’s your name, yulia yuryevna, what’s mine , yulia yuryevna, say hello to her , say it’s good. hello vladimir vladimirovich, my name is uvarov sava, i play football, my position is forward. who is your favorite player? my favorite player? well, besides yourself, that is, my favorite player is pele, pele? well, yes, you can’t be mistaken, i knew him, he was such a kind, pleasant person, yeah, i know that you knew him and he had a very good attitude towards our country, i’m studying, i’m in first grade. everything is excellent so far, i have a very kind teacher, her name is
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svetlana gennadievna, and what subject do you like best where we play chess, chess, yeah, and i’m also interested in chess, but chess is probably an after-school activity, extra, no, we, well then yes. well, yes, okay, but how often do you practice chess? once a week , so you like that you only need to go to these classes once or not, you just like it, yeah, yeah, yeah, i knew how to play chess since childhood, when i - i was about 5, 4 years old, i i knew how to play chess, yes, they taught me in kindergarten. yes, great, really, great, well done, i’m not joking now when i say, well done,
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and you know that chess and football, oddly enough, they are also a little connected with each other, in football you also need to think, mm, calculate, see, everything, yes, so one will help you in the other, and from school subjects, what do you love most, what does your mother tell you what do you love most? i don’t know myself, i don’t know , but i’m best at mathematics, oh, you see , it’s because you love chess, yeah, good luck to you in mathematics in chess, in russia there is a very good school for both chess and mathematics, so you will be brought up and perfected in a very good environment. both there and there, good luck to you, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich,
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good evening, we are the akhmerov family from the village of roshchinsky, from the teltamak region, the republic of bashkyrtastan, my name is rustam , i am a former police officer, now retired, retired as a lieutenant colonel, now i that's why. i don’t sit down because i can’t sit, out of habit, the police have to stand, now i am the head of the rural model cultural palace in my own village, well, i’ll give the floor to the motor, our family, who we are driven and everything that we have achieved is thanks to her, please, good afternoon, we are very glad to be at this meeting, my name is anna sergeevna, i am the head teacher of the branch of the children's art school, steraltamak district,
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a vocal and piano teacher in our village, with we are a multinational, large family, we have four children, our middle daughter came with us, she will introduce herself, my name is elena, i am a student at the immanuel kant baltic federal university. i study direction and history, i graduated from music school and also i continue to engage in creative activities, i study in the vocal therapy studio, i play in kvn, in general , i support the traditions of our family, i sing , our younger brother, my younger brother, roma, our neney, khadicha, hayern, vladimir vladimirovich, i khadicha, also came with us mirsaitovna, i worked all my life as a nurse in a regional
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hospital, my mother is there, thank you for the invitation, i am very happy for the children, i try my best to help them as much as i can, now i’m retired, excuse me, please, i want to ask my daughter, how did you get into this? then to kaliningrad, tell me. in fact, completely by accident, i just wanted to, since we are from a small village, i’m growing up, i want to discover some new peaks, discover new horizons for myself, and so with... by chance it just somehow turned out to be a finger in the sky that kaliningrad is a beautiful city, and a seaside resort, everything was in place for me to come there, but there was no specific - so to speak, goal, task to go there, it all happened literally spontaneously, but i have no regrets about my decision, i am very glad that i am a student of such a wonderful
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university, well, again i give the floor to my mother, and we thank her for her courage, for her decision.
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agreed, but in the village, as he says, he whistled when he was in the police, but here he sings, not bad, he is growing above his dogs, ours, my eldest two daughters, we also have angelina, she is 22 years old, both graduated from music school, there is a middle one daughter sofia, she is in the third grade studying at a music school, our family vocal ensemble also performs at...
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have you seen the bashkortostan pavilion? we haven’t gotten there yet, right after the meeting, it’s definitely good, it reflects the greatness of the republic in general, yes, we we love it very much, bashkiria, bashkiria , let me remind you of history, she joined voluntarily, asked to be accepted into the russian state, and i have said many times, i will repeat it again, the bashkirs took on the functions -
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a visit to the capital, we, in addition to a magnificent concert, an award ceremony , we learned another, surprise, great news, that we are the winners of the family of the year 2023 competition, we automatically become semi-finalists, very semi-finalists of another competition, which has already been mentioned here more than once today, this is our family. we are happy, everyone our family adventures do not end , there is still a semi-final ahead, my grandmother, neneechka, god willing, we will all go together, for us this is a real chance, for some, family travel attracts, but for us, to realize our dream of our own home, we we want to thank you, your
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team for such a wonderful competition, and we would also like you to wish us? good luck, it will be useful to us, i wish you good luck, especially since in my opinion, as a prize of a competition, there are trips around the country and improvement of living conditions, 30 certificates, 30 certificates, god forbid, what happens to us, well , i wish you good luck, i hope that it will be so, and whoever sings you, well, mostly female , well... my husband too, we were 17 years old, while he served in police, we annually took part in the creativity competition of the amateur performances of the internal affairs bodies of their families, every year i... came up with original songs about our family, about his work, we performed year after year, we performed in front of colleagues, and in front of zonal, you they were probably
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proud, and of their family, well, in general, he told me, i say, we have a ready-made number, let’s do it again we’ll perform in our village, well, i’m a clown to you, i’m now the head of a cultural center, well, now we’ll sing together with the whole family, or maybe you’ll sing something acapella, but i recently had my first solo concert on january 12 stage of our small village, we had, of course , a family room, we opened the year of the family in our village, let's stand up, let's stand up, if we are all together, then adversity goes away, if we are all together, then we can live. more fun, it’s good that you exist, and we will warm you all with our love for many years, my family, i’m with her,
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i don’t need more happiness, my family, my family, and we have three older daughters, 3 years ago, during the pandemic, self-isolation was fruitful, we had a son, roman, he
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was now running, running, running, running, we so they distracted him while he sits quietly, it’s better not to touch him, in connection with me, as the mother of a son, i have a question for you: how to raise a real man, what words, instructions did your parents and grandfathers give you? to raise such a responsible sick person, thank you, you know how, well, first of all, it’s not for me to give you advice, there are large families here, you know this better than anyone else, i would like to say this at the beginning, as for my family and how i grew up, well, oddly enough, they didn’t give me any advice or anything.
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in general, this has never happened, i’m not talking about my mother, i’ve never heard a single swear word from him, in general, well , he doesn’t even talk about his mother either, you know, responsibility manifests itself in the little things, i remember how my father stood on the stairs so attached, we lived in a communal apartment with an electric meter on on the site. i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, down to the penny, everything that needed to be paid for electricity, he did everything on time, that is, at 6:00 in the morning, now we
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came here, when the music of the anthem was, well, this is the music of the anthem of the soviet union , exactly at 6 in the morning the anthem played, he left for work, then i remember how he met with his combat comrades, with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield and saved his life, putting his life in danger. this is all together, of course, but the atmosphere of goodwill, and the atmosphere love, kind attitude towards each other, support, this is all the environment in which we live, well, at least i live. and this is precisely what educates, this is what lays the foundation, the moral
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foundation for a full-fledged future.
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completely sphere, this is also development, it is also necessary to work with people there in another , to a certain extent, public person, he has movement forward, or a former officer-pilot, yes, he became an entrepreneur, this is a completely different hypostasis, but he found in himself strength and moral, ethical and intellectual, yes, organizational, he did it all, and moves on, judging by the questions he asks, he, he is in the material, he understands what he is doing, it’s immediately clear that he is a professional, so i really hope that that our guys , who are today fulfilling their duty as part of a special military operation, the vast majority of them will return to civilian life and will not only find themselves, they will be successful, the state will have to do everything that depends on us in order to support them, but here in this, here in this
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also a deposit. success in raising children, moving forward yourself , moving forward all the time, working on yourself, regardless of age and the current state of affairs, well, i wish you all the best in this, success to you and i want to congratulate you on the year of the family, well, all of you , and the whole country in general, because in my opinion this is a very important national event, i congratulate you on the start of the year of the family, yes please. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, we are the antonov family, i work, my name is elena, i work at school, as a teacher, as a classroom teacher leader, let's learn, today my family arrived, daughter sashenka, middle son evgeniy, eldest son and husband, stayed in the city of
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bryansk. support, this year all my children are in school, first grade, fifth grade , eleventh, they definitely look like a first- grader, such bows, and today we came with my mother, grandmother, galina alekseevna, she also worked as a teacher, but is now retired, yes i am... former, well, as far as it is possible for an ex to be a teacher, sit down, please, sit down, please, can i i will stand, after all , i stood in front of the class for 30 years, this is more familiar to me, despite the fact that lena and i are teachers, we do not have a dynasty, lena is the wife of my youngest son, that is, i am her mother-in-law.
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well, this is so to speak de jure, but de facto we are family, loved ones and very close people, close, even though we live quite far from each other, they are in bryansk, and we are from the village of lazrevo, tula region, but we still communicate every day, almost every day, we support each other and... we even participate together in some competitions and projects, so not so long ago, 2 months ago, literally, we were all together - our relatives and loved ones were on the forum, we took part in this forum, our relatives and loved ones are a community that is part of the movement of the first, so...


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