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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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what animal is traveling in his carriage? galina hungureeva, vesti duty unit. all operational legal news feeds in telegram channels, duty units, honest detective. follow along with us. and while that’s all, tatyana petrova was with you. see you at 21:30. vladimir putin launched the year of the family, the ceremony took place on the territory of the russia forum exhibition, and there today the president spoke with the participants and winners of all-russian family competitions. and we’ll find out all the details from our colleague anastasia efimova. respect for elders, love and care for younger ones, and also, of course, hard work, those very traditional values ​​that unite the state and it.
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audience, a real family ensemble of three generations from the region, where before the new year , according to the russian program , new instruments were brought to music schools, folk, strings, winds, for people now this is very important, and how important it is to feel finally part of a big country, in the literal sense words to tears, tears of joy, our children and my grandchildren, i am a grandmother and mother, they visited such good children's health centers sanatoriums, i was very... glad when i
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saw them, they arrived, their eyes were shining, they were so satisfied, happy, and i was fired up with such a dream, i thought, why don’t the whole family go to some rest, relax, this competition, it’s our family, it gives us such opportunities, we will try, of course, to put all our efforts, knowledge, here’s the song experience, and so that we are noted, and we... as they say, so that our dream came true, i want to really thank everyone present, wish everyone health, new successes, thank you for being you pay a lot of attention to our families. of course, every family has its own difficulties, its own joys, its own paths to mutual understanding and compromise. rustam and anna akhmirova from bashkiria, having raised three daughters on their feet, are now raising a little son, asked the president what his parents once taught him ? i never, i want to emphasize
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this, never saw my father drunk, in general this never happened, i’m not even talking about my mother, i never heard a single swear word from him, in general, well, i ’m not even talking about my mother either, i remember how he met his fighting comrades with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield saved his life under...
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the president confirmed, and the head of state himself was given a gift today, six-year-old sasha antonova from bryansk said that with her friends she makes fakes especially for participants in a special military operation, small clay figures from a pure, big child’s heart, dear vladimir vladimirovich, we are these talismans, we make these talismans with schoolchildren, from, as they say, maybe i’ll be mistaken... parallel clay, the first batch is drying, we we’ll come and paint them , these are the crafts, letters, drawings that our guys in the combat zone, the conditions in which they find themselves, are hung not as a work of art, but as a part of the heart of those who
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remember them and wish them good luck in victory . immediately after this meeting, together with its participants, the head of state walked up to the stage of the forum. loved ones, in fact, this is the start of the year of the family, as vladimir putin emphasized, the effectiveness of the government should be assessed primarily based on the interests of the family, which should occupy central to all government efforts. your forum has a wonderful name: relatives, loved ones, it briefly, succinctly and clearly expresses the meaning of family. and you, like most russian families... this is confirmed in practice by your life, your destiny. today in some countries, as you know, the institution of family, normal, simply normal human values ​​are cynically destroyed, replaced by pseudo-values,
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traditional family values ​​are forgotten there, but we, on the contrary , will preserve them, strengthen them, pass them on to future generations. i will say more than that, russia is really... a huge family, one might say, a family of families, because people of different nationalities have lived here for centuries in peace in harmony, and the diversity of their cultures, languages, customs does not divide, no, on the contrary, unites russia. so, russia, as the president emphasized, unlike some countries, will pass on the value of family to future generations, because, to quote the president, any difficulties can be overcome. when a huge country is united, like a big family, and any goals can only be achieved by everyone together. how are you, i have a cold, i’m even
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i think we can handle it together, but first we’ll take booclean in the form of tablets or powder for a warm drink. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. hurry up to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. the new liven x6 pro crossover, modern design, refined handling, functionality, all this is in the liven x6 pro, from rub 2,479,900. liven x6 pro, give a new start. but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, everything is solved with the national education project. new opportunities appear regularly in russia
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study well. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how can i protect my joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. enjoy your loved ones i love to cook dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand. it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one! i love to cook, the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a supercake every month for free,
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frequent urge to urinate, emit, and let your friends pull you karaoke, cystitis, i say, cyston. and today a significant event took place in economic cooperation between russia and egypt, at the eddeba nuclear power plant, which is being built with the support of rusatom and is called one of the flags. egypt is taking a big step towards strengthening its energy independence with the support of russia. elda is the first nuclear power plant in the arab republic, being built according to a russian project based on advanced domestic technologies. an important event in the implementation of a large-scale project.
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energy consumption of the country, and , unlike coal and gas power plants, nuclear power plants will not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on... the sphere began back in the sixties of the last century, when the soviet union provided assistance to egypt in the construction of the aswan
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plateau. grandiose building on nelya allowed the arab republic to switch to year-round irrigation of its lands. the site for the first nuclear power plant in the area of ​​the village of elda. the egyptian authorities chose it back in 1981, but the project began to take on real features only after moscow and cairo reached an agreement on construction in 2015. now that work is moving at a fast pace, the slogan of the ceremony. way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and avoid price fluctuations,
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adding nuclear energy to the energy mix that egypt relies on for electricity generation is vital. the ceremony between the two leaders comes just three weeks after egypt officially joined brix. cairo has opted for cooperation that brings economic benefits to all participants in the organization. and politically it is based on equality and mutual respect. the two presidents take turns giving permission to begin pouring the first concrete at the base of the future fourth power unit. i will convert you, sir.
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in six months new blocks will be introduced, i i feel this already from the negotiations with our egyptian partners; in my opinion, on this wonderful platform the matter will not be limited to four blocks. 16.00 people are now working at the largest construction site on the continent, asldba is building on the mediterranean coast of egypt, from here you can clearly see the water, but for builders the conditions here are by no means resort conditions:
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in winter a strong wind blows, it often rains, and in summer there is almost unbearable heat, here at the site.. .not
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open regional branches of the headquarters, well , today the ldpr said that they had started formation of the program of one’s candidate in the presidential elections. according to leonid slutsky, it will reflect, among other things, issues of housing and communal services, education, medicine and support for large families. many other tasks that are clear today are also the first
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steps towards becoming a country of large families. groups for children from one and a half months to 3 years, and young mothers must combine motherhood and a professional career, this is not a problem that will be solved in a year or two, this problem is much more complex, many governors have already they solve issues with housing and subsidies and other problems that attract doctors, teachers, we need to put an end to the vicious practice of the soviet era, when those who teach and treat us are, unfortunately, the co-chairman of the central election headquarters of vladimir putin artyom zhogo visited a military hospital in the kherson region today. he examined what medical equipment was there and talked with doctors and military personnel who were undergoing treatment. in addition, today artyom zhogo discussed with volunteers and the leadership of the regional election headquarters, the general situation in
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the region, and also found out what the local residents needed. visited a public reception, talked with vladimir vladimirovich’s proxies, they told me how the collection of signatures went, they told me the general wishes of the residents of this region, the orders of the residents of this region, in principle, these were mainly words of gratitude, again, words of support for our president, and well, public the reception room receives citizens, takes orders, and accordingly all this will be formulated and summarized.
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belonged to tsarist russia until it was sold to the united states in 1867. but the truth is, for many americans, artyom, this was a revelation. because they teach history poorly, in fact, how all of the above overlapped with the desire of western elites to monetize the myth of the russian threat. and what a resonance. called in nato countries, our colleague boris ivanin found out. ukraine alone is not enough for them. the british daily mail picturesquely paints a fantastic scenario for a russian invasion of europe: tanks in the baltic states, a cutting route to the arctic, missiles flying through peaceful lives in germany and france. there are russian hackers right there who hacking into communication systems, all this allegedly with the support of belarus, iran and north korea. the apocalypse is already in the title, which is meant to be brought home.
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a mission called stalwart defender starts next week, 90,000 military personnel from 31 countries of the alliance and sweden, which is not yet a member, will participate, all this is dangerously close to the borders of russia, all this murky information wave that was raised by western countries, supposedly. .. aggressive plans of russia, and there are a number of publications of this kind, there is nothing more than - the desire, in all likelihood, of lobbyists of the military-industrial complex in the west to convince their governments to allocate as much money as possible for military actions against russia, here is the first sign, on tuesday morning in brussels a contract was signed for the supply of
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hundreds of thousands of caliber ammunition. 155 mm, a billion and 200 million dollars are investments in the european military-industrial complex, which will also help support ukraine with shells, said nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. we do not see any direct and immediate threats against anyone of the allies, but we, of course, are closely monitoring russia's actions, we are increasing our vigilance, our presence on the eastern flank of the alliance, but the goal is precisely to prevent any attack on anyone. and allies. myths about the russian threat have caused a stir overseas, so much so that even vladimir putin’s order to allocate funds to search for real estate of the soviet union and the russian empire abroad is interpreted by the western press as preparation for the return of former territories. among the areas affected by the new decree are alaska, which was sold to the united states in 1867 and is still home to communities with close ties to russia, and parts of central and eastern
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europe. scandinavia, as well as large parts of asia, were also once part of the former empire. the fact that alaska historically did not belong to the united states is best evidenced by the ignorance of american reporters, who , at a briefing at the state debate, confused the year and even the century when their country grew into the largest states. putin apparently signed the decree announcing the sale of alaska to the united states in 1983, illegitimate, so to speak. how do you respond to this? so , let me get this straight, he signed a document that says the sale of alaska is illegal, right, well, i think i can speak for the entire us government, he definitely won't get it back, really, the only laughable thing here is that americans who are not used to understanding official documents, even those they signed themselves, and often act on the world stage without any resolutions or consideration on international law, meanwhile, in the swiss alps they are building a huge bunker,
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as they say... the contractors in case of a nuclear apocalypse, more than 5 km of tunnels and laboratories, even have their own railway? so the hysteria about a russian attack on europe in 20 years is already reaching complete madness. boris ivanin, evgenia zemtsova, anna pogonino and anna nikolaevich. news. in our country, mass deportation of russian citizens from latvia was called criminal attitudes towards people comparable to the atrocities of the nazis. were on the deportation list 800. elderly people who, due to age , were unable to re-issue a residence permit according to the new latvian rules, and as official representative of the department maria zakharova emphasized in her television commentary, among them there are blind and paralyzed people, while riga deprived them of medical care and a social package . despite all the bullying, according to maria zakharova, russia will not abandon its people; if necessary, it will create all the conditions for a normal life after they move.


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