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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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"the family should be at the center of the country's state policy, vladimir putin set such a value guideline today, officially opening the year in russia, the start was given within the framework of the all-russian family forum, which brought together many participants from all regions of the country, with special attention to large families, for which today "the presidential decree approved additional support measures. details in the material by alexey petrov. in the hall at vdnkh , the finalists are the winners of the all-russian federation."
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these are the basic qualities of a person on which, in fact, the family holds together, and the country, respect for elders, love, care for the younger, hard work, these are the very traditional values ​​that we constantly talk about and which we support, the yamalo reindeer family talks about the beauty of northern nature and the traditions of their people, we invite you to yamal for a holiday. olenoto
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we'll take you for a ride on three white deer fast the deer goes the speed is so fast 60 goes - the very first 70 i'm the fastest deer 70 km/h yes, yes, yes, okay, they run that fast, they don't run that's why this deer doesn't get tired. he goes everywhere day and night like athletes on skis. there is a holiday coming up in the pyak family, a golden wedding. i will definitely try to come, but at least we will communicate with you via video conference. there will be many guests; semuchenko from the lpr is now expected in yamal. we also received an invitation to the golden wedding at kolenivodom. let's take a walk. they teach music and now they can, thanks to the state program. teach the art of playing dozens
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of instruments, 10 tula button accordions, accordion, double-row accordion, saxophone and horns, tubas, even new bassoons have arrived , so a huge thank you, we actually have a separate program to support schools, music schools, it’s very nice to hear that it really works, special gratitude is noted in the hall from families from new regions, after they were included in russia new opportunities have appeared that they could not even dream of before, these regions... are starting to pay taxes to the federal budget, the return has begun, the people are very talented, able-bodied, and this, over the centuries, such teams have developed, such a character, so this restoration of historical connections, but in fact, as elections and referendums showed, they were never lost, these connections, but still in... entering into the all-russian
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space, i hope it will happen as as quickly as possible, in any case we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible. thanks to the support of family and loved ones, it is easier to take the first steps, including the young football player savya uvarov from yaroslavl, who is your favorite player, besides yourself, that is, my favorite player pele, pele, well, yes, you can’t go wrong, i knew him, he was very... kind, such a nice person, yeah, i know that you knew him, he treated our country very well. the antonov family from bryansk is asking about payments of 450,000, which can be used to pay off the mortgage after the birth of their third and subsequent children. we could consider extending this support measure for large families; i think it ends in july of this year, the government continues to count. but they
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will calculate correctly, we will extend this measure, to the head of state, antonov, was brought a special gift, a talisman of victory, the kind bryansk schoolchildren make for participants in a special operation. we make talismans for schoolchildren from, as they say, maybe i’m wrong, parallel clay, vladimir vladimirovich, can i take a photo with you? these are the crafts , letters, drawings, our guys are in the combat zone in those...
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i never heard a single swear word from him at all, well, they don’t even talk about mom, you know, in small things responsibility manifests itself, i remember how a father on on on a staircase like this, and we lived
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in a communal apartment on - there was an electric meter on the landing, i remember how it crawled and wrote out, you know, down to the last penny everything you need to pay for...
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this is the unconditional choice of our country, congratulations to you , to all citizens of our beloved country, happy start of the year of the family. in recent years, the number of large families in russia has grown by 26%, and the number of children being raised there has increased by 30. alexey petrov, alexander terpugova, igor belogurov, dunaev ischedrova. troops destroyed more than 100 there are over 280 ssu militants in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation in donetsk and about 220 in krasno-limansky, while high- precision long-range weapons, meanwhile , hit military-industrial complex facilities of the kiev regime in the capital of ukraine and other regions from sumy and kharkov to the dnepropetrovsk regions.
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the enemy's air defense systems traditionally turned out to be powerless against massive missile launches. but they caused a lot of damage to civil buildings. read more andrey grigoriev. the glow over kharkov across the entire horizon is the consequences of the russian missile strike carried out today on several major ukrainian cities at once. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high- precision, long-range, air-based ground -based weapons on facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. fires are being extinguished throughout ukraine, but of course there are objects. they don’t call, oh my god, look out the window. kyiv the authorities admit that all the destruction in the city is the result of the work of ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, about 20 missiles flew towards kiev, they were all hit by air defense systems, and this was all debris that fell throughout
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the city. this was the case in the fall of '22, when a rocket fragment killed two polish farmers in the lublin voivodeship. today, the country's prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a ukrainian missile. the air defense has gone off course. today's footage clearly shows how the russian missile, which was not shot down, shoots off heat traps and ends up somewhere far away. from the residential sector, and then there are reports that a gas pipeline is on fire outside the city. mortar, shot! along the entire front line, russian troops are gradually breaking down the enemy’s defenses. even tank attacks resumed in the kupinsky direction. our t-80s go into battle, modernized and equipped with the most modern protection. ukrainian soldiers with the call sign barbie complain to cnn that it is an american brand.
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dock on the gun box, this illustrates the real state of affairs, only four shells, and this is a gun of approximately the same class of hyotsin, but from the russian side there is no noticeable shortage of shells in positions, a shot , moreover, it is precisely engaged in striking enemy artillery nests according to reconnaissance coordinates, and it is much more convenient if they are silent, very powerful, has a range of up to 30 km, and the drone unit... interferes with the planned rotation of the army near novomikhailovka. reconnaissance detects the movement of infantry and
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combat drones immediately fly out to intercept. destroying enemy soldiers one by one, and then another enemy stronghold. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, alexander ivankov. news. well, further, to the reports of the press service of the russian guard, employees of the department conducted an inspection on the territory of the former military unit of the teroborona of the armed forces of ukraine in the melitopol district of the zaporozhye region, and discovered a large weapons cache there. it allegedly contained about 2.0. the media and nato states today presented a united front to paint a new picture of the so-called russian aggression in europe. the horror story scenario involves an alleged attack by our troops, first to the baltic states, then to other countries, whose residents, apparently, simply want to drive them into russophobic hysteria, well, this turns out to be not the limit, since in the usa they are seriously talking about certain plans. take alaska, boris ivanin studied conspiracy nonsense. ukraine alone is not enough for them. the british
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daily mail picturesquely paints a fantastic scenario for a russian invasion of europe. tanks in the baltics, a cutting route to the arctic, missiles flying at civilians in germany and france. russian hackers are here, who hack into communication systems, all allegedly with the support of belarus, iran and north korea. the apocalypse is already in the title, which. designed to sow panic in the minds of europeans. artificial intelligence-controlled tanks rule the battlefield. nato warns of russian attack in 20 years. these terrifying forecasts echo the loud statements of the head of the nato military committee. rob bauer added fuel to the fire after insinuations about the bundeswehr's secret plan regarding the supposedly imminent battle of germany with he intimidated everyone with russia so much that even turkish cnn observers began to be afraid.
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europe and germany may come face to face with russia in the near future. hysteria has already gripped europe, the authorities are setting citizens up for a much worse scenario than the current scenario, because this is exactly how, experts believe, you can distract people from... this is what we are now doing together with our nato allies. nato has already announced the largest exercises since the cold war. the mission called stalwart defender starts next week. will participate 90 thousand military from 31 countries of the alliance. and sweden, which is not yet a member of it, all this is dangerously close to the borders of russia, all
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this murky information wave that has been raised by western countries, and about the allegedly aggressive plans of russia, and there is a whole series of publications of this kind, is nothing else, as a desire, in all likelihood, by lobbyists of the military-industrial complex, in the west to convince... their governments to allocate as much money as possible for military actions against russia, here is the first sign on tuesday morning a contract was signed in brussels for the supply of hundreds of thousands of bo. 155 mm caliber, a billion and 200 million dollars are an investment in the european military-industrial complex, which will also help support ukraine with shells, said nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. we do not see direct and immediate threats against any of the allies, but we , of course, are closely monitoring russia's actions, we are increasing our vigilance, our
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presence on the eastern flank of the alliance, but the goal is precisely to prevent any attack on ... on any of the allies. myths about the russian threat have caused a stir overseas, so much so that even vladimir putin’s order to allocate funds to search for real estate of the soviet union and the russian empire abroad is interpreted by the western press as preparation for the return of former territories. among the areas affected by the new decree is alaska, which was sold to the united states in 1867 and is still home to communities with close ties to russia. parts of the central and eastern. europe, scandinavia, and large parts asia was also once part of the former empire. the fact that alaska historically did not belong to the united states is best demonstrated by the ignorance of american reporters, who, at a briefing at the state department, confused the year and even the century when their country grew into the largest states. putin apparently signed a decree
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declaring the sale of alaska to the united states in 1983 illegitimate, so to speak, as he feels about it. see, so let me figure it out, he signed a document that says the sale of alaska is illegal, right, well i guess i can to say on behalf of the entire us government, he definitely will not get it back , however, one can laugh here except at the americans, who are not used to understanding official documents, even those that they signed themselves, and often act on the world stage without any resolutions and looking at international law, meanwhile , a huge bunker is being built in the swiss alps. as its creators say, a case of nuclear apocalypse, more than 5 km of tunnels and laboratories, it even has its own railway, so is the hysteria about a russian attack in europe in 20 years it is already reaching complete madness. boris ivanin, evgenia zemtsova, anna pogonina and anna nikolaesh. news. the russian presidents of egypt launched
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the construction of the fourth power unit of the el-dabaa nuclear power plant. the concrete pouring ceremony took place via video conference. in cairo today is called historical , we can talk about the beginning of the main phase of the project, since all power units will be built simultaneously. the first nuclear power plant in egypt is being built with the support of rosatom; it will be able to provide energy of more than 20 million people from egypt, reporting by alexander belivov. i ask our dear presidents to start pouring concrete. the first cubic meters of concrete are poured into the foundation of the fourth power unit of the nuclear power plant. eldabaa, the presidents of russia and egypt are giving the start to a new stage of nuclear power plant construction via video link. the broadcast included a moment of how the leaders greet each other, it is clear without words. the relations between our countries are not just partnership, they are friendly and brotherly. certificate of entry into force of the construction contract station was signed during my visit to
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egypt in december 2017. we've been together ever since. the implementation of the project is under constant control, in general, mr. sisi and i are in constant contact, last year we met during the second russia-africa summit, we regularly discuss all the most significant issues on the international and regional agenda for our countries, in particular, we exchange opinions and coordinate positions in connection with the tragic development of the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict, we are resolving issues... i would like to address to my brother president vladimir putin. i express my deep gratitude for your personal support of this project from the seventeenth year until today. thanks to her, we achieve great success. the station will be located 300 km from cairo and 150 km from the country’s second largest city , alexandria. even at the entrance to the construction site
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of the future nuclear power plant with an area of ​​57 km, it becomes clear. something grandiose is being built here. the egyptian province of matrouh is the place where the waters of the mediterranean sea meet the sands of the sahara. this is where the first in the country is being built the most powerful nuclear power plant on the african continent. the eldaba as are preparing to give the arab republic a new life and open new horizons for the russian peaceful atom. there will be four power units with a total capacity of 4,800 mw. for comparison, for now. the only operating nuclear power plant on the continent is south african koberk, this figure is almost three times lower at the construction site, now about 16,000 russian and egyptian workers are working together. specialists. we provide assistance to egyptian friends throughout the entire life cycle of the nuclear project, including obligations for the long-term
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supply of reactor fuel, nuclear power plant maintenance, and spent nuclear material management. we are doing everything to ensure that a fundamentally new industry develops in the egyptian economy. nuclear power. in egypt. about the beginning of the next stage in the implementation of the nuclear power plant project in the top local news agencies. today is called a historic day here, and the nuclear power plant itself is a dream that is coming true, and they also have high hopes for brix. as for the eldaba nuclear power plant, it will become one one of the most advanced on the planet in all respects. the ice plant is being built not only using the most modern technologies, but also to the highest safety standards. here at the construction site of the power unit number. a melt trap is being installed right now; this structure is needed to ensure that in the event of a possible accident, nuclear fuel does not leak into
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the environment. this is the latest generation technology, which is already working successfully. now there are two largest construction sites on the planet, where four drug units are being built simultaneously. this is a turkish construction project, the akuyu project and the egyptian ldba project. probably on the set. construction will be limited to only four units; an even larger number of energy units can be built here; the country has such a need, this region has such a need. rosatom specialists will begin commissioning work at the first power unit of the egyptian power plant next year, with all four reactors starting up one after the other in six-month increments. by 2030, acl daba will reach its design capacity. provide 10% of electricity consumed throughout the country. alexander bilibov, dmitry shcherbakov, oleg dubinin and kirill zotov. news from the construction site of the eldaba nuclear power plant, egypt.
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this year, more than sixty new dairy farms will be built in russia, and overall production growth across the country will increase by almost 360,000 tons of milk. the ministry of agriculture outlined such prospects at the first forum of dairy industry leaders. the results of last year from leading industry manufacturers and forecasts for the current ones are in the material. yankova. production milk production in russia increased in 2023 ; the positive dynamics are expected to continue this year. the prospects for the industry, as well as the conditions for its further development, are being discussed today by participants at the fifteenth congress of the national union of milk producers. the results of the twenty-third year were summed up by the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. over the last five years, we have confidently maintained growth in milk production. in some years this growth was even 700-800 thousand tons, if we talk about the results of this year
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twenty-third, i mean, we produced 33.5 million tons of milk, in fact this figure is almost half a million tons more than a year earlier; production in russia is growing in the twenty- third year by almost 21%. countries are pakistan, hong kong and afghanistan. thus, we now supply our dairy products to 73 countries. according to
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silkhoz estimates, the possible increase in milk production this year could be 360 ​​thousand tons due to recently commissioned dairy farms, as well as those farms that are planned to be launched this year. a state support, which is growing from year to year, allows the industry to maintain its investment attractiveness. so, if. in the twentieth year, 38 billion rubles were allocated to the sphere, then in the twenty-third year, a preliminary 61 billion rubles. and the state replaces part of the costs of creating enterprises and expanding capacity, subsidizes preferential loans, and issues grants for the development of farms. in the twenty-third year , the dairy industry faced a number of challenges, such as price volatility, but nevertheless, thanks to demand, growth in exports and production, the situation remains balanced, as the participants of the event stated, and not also for... there is 5-7
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years of information about how much production control he had, whether he did production control in accredited laboratories with appropriate licenses, how much he had discovery of antibiotics , today there is actually a lot of information, but this information is even here, we print it, if you paid attention, we especially don’t give it, why because there are a number of unresolved issues in the state, for example, trade secrets. thus, the fifteenth congress of the national union of milk producers this year is being held as part of the first forum of dairy industry leaders. this is the largest industry event. the forum brought together over 500 heads of company owners, as well as government officials, banks, investors and experts. among the main tasks for the dairy industry for this year, as well as in the near future, are further intensification of production, introduction of advanced technologies and achievement of technological sovereignty. nika yankovaya.
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