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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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a real leader, not some clowns. it turns out that for a westerner it is luxury, but for a russian it is a familiar way of life. in the west they would try to cook jelly, like we do for 3-4 hours on the stove or splashing around in the bathroom, about the same time, this is the style of russia, generous to its worthy guests, in europe they can’t get enough of a simple toilet. the family teaches, educates, passes on traditions and knowledge, helps preserve our culture and overcome any difficulties. the year of the family has officially started in russia. vladimir putin announced its beginning at the russia exhibition, where these days a forum called “loved ones” is taking place, with the participation of not just large families, but entire family dynasties from all over the country. the president talked.
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with the winners of the competitions, family of the year, and this is our family, he shared memories of his parents, spoke about new measures to support large families, and also explained why it is becoming fashionable to have such a family in russia. first things first. anastasia yafimova. respect for elders, love and care for younger ones, and also, of course, hard work, those same traditional values ​​that unite the state and its main support - the family. what is the president talking about... when officially starting the year of the family, which was declared 2024, meeting with the families of the winners of all-russian competitions, as vladimir putin said, he signed a decree on measures of social support for large families, the head of state was asked about the need for such a document at similar meetings across the country, and the request was heard, yesterday i signed decree on the status of large families, about this -
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the people with whom i met have so far repeatedly raised the question, asked about it, this really has practical significance, i hope that this will all play out properly, so that large families had the same status throughout the country, a large family is the support of the country, and in general a family, but even more so, a large family is a support, why is a large family so important, and because there it is... you know, better than me, because are brought up here those, these are the basic qualities of a person on which, in fact , the family and the country rest, respect for elders, love, care for the younger, hard work, everything connected with this organism, family, at a meeting with the president of the family from all over the country, including from the lugansk people's republic, a real family ensemble, three generations from the region,
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where before the new year, according to the russian program, new instruments were brought to music schools, folk, strings, wind instruments, for the people, now this is very important, and how important to feel finally part of a big country, in the literal sense of the word, to tears, tears of joy, our children and my grandchildren, i am a grandmother and mother, they visited such good, health-improving children's sanatoriums, i was very happy when i saw them, they arrived , their eyes... are shining, they are so contented, happy, and i was fired up with such a dream , i think, why don’t the whole family go on some kind of vacation, relax, this competition, it’s our family, provides such opportunities, we will, of course, try to apply all our efforts and knowledge, so song experience, and for us to be noted, and we , as he says, for our dream to come true, i want... to thank everyone
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present very much, wish everyone health, new successes, thank you for paying very much attention to our families. of course, every family has its own difficulties, its own joys, its own paths to mutual understanding and compromise. rustam and anna akhmerova from bashkiria, having raised their three daughters and are now raising a small son, asked the president what his parents once taught him . never, i want to emphasize this, never.
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all together, of course, an atmosphere of goodwill, an atmosphere of love, a kind attitude towards each other. support, this is all the environment in which we live, well, at least i lived in it, this is exactly what brings up. several participants in today's meeting asked the president about the possibility of extending the family mortgage program; let me remind you that the rate there is no more than 6%, about a payment of 450,000 rubles. for the purpose of paying off this very mortgage by large families, this measure will be preserved, the president confirmed, and the head of state himself today. made a gift, six-year-old sasha antonova from bryansk said that she and her friends make fakes especially for participants in a special military operation, small clay figurines from the pure big heart of a child, dear vladimir vladimirovich, we make these talismans, we
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make these talismans with schoolchildren, from, as they say , maybe i’m wrong, parallel clay, the first batch... is drying, we’ll come and paint them, these are the crafts, letters, drawings, our guys in the zone military operations, the conditions in which they find themselves are hung not as a work of art, but as a part of the heart of those who remember them and wish them good luck in victory. immediately after this meeting, together with its participants, the head of state stood up on stage in the form of family and loved ones. in fact, this is the start of the year. family, as vladimir putin emphasized, the effectiveness of the government should be assessed primarily based on the interests of the family, which should occupy a central place in all state efforts. your forum has a wonderful name: dear,
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beloved, it briefly, succinctly and clearly expresses the meaning of family, and you, like most russian families, confirm this in practice with your life. by their destiny, today in some countries , as you know, the institution of the family, normal, just normal human values ​​are cynically destroyed, replaced by pseudo-values, traditional family values ​​are being forgotten there, but we, on the contrary , will preserve them, strengthen them, pass them on to future generations . i will say more, russia is truly a huge family, one might say, a family of families. because here for centuries, people of different nationalities have lived in harmony in a world, and the diversity of their cultures, languages, and customs does not separate, no, on the contrary, it unites russia. so,
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russia, as the president emphasized, unlike some countries, will pass on the value of family to future generations, because, to quote the president, any difficulties can be overcome when a huge country is united, like a big family. and any goals can only be achieved by everyone together. and now urgent news from land informa agencies, in particular from istanbul. parliament turkey voted to ratify the protocol on sweden's membership in nato. but this, in fact , does not yet say anything concrete; the document will first have to be reviewed, and then signed or not signed by the president of the turkish republic, ricep tayyip erdogan, and must also be considered. the hungarian side, which also some time ago spoke out against joining the north atlantic alliance in stockholm. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. thousands of
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work, you will find not just a job, but your place. ismigen, i will quickly treat my cold, and now the latest reports from the special operation zone in the donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed more than 280 militants and a tank. reported to the ministry of defense. the department also spoke about six attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to go on the attack in the kupinsky direction. all of them were unsuccessful. in addition, our long-range precision weapons hit military-industrial complex installations of the kiev regime in the capital of ukraine and other regions. denis alekseev has details. it is becoming increasingly difficult for foreign mercenaries in ukraine to make money. less than a week has passed, and russian missiles again hit the legionnaires’ base, again in kharkov. besides, early in the morning it flew to other military facilities of the armed forces of ukraine in different regions of ukraine; in
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sumskaya, a hit was recorded in the building of the impulse plant in shostka, where the production of components for artillery shells was located. in the dnepropetrovsk region, with a high degree of probability, the target was the mayskaya airfield, as well as the airfield of mirgorod and starokonstantinov, missiles generally fly there traditionally, there is something to eliminate there. in addition to aircraft, ammunition can be stored at this airfield. and long-range missiles, our military in portions they destroy it all, the dry land people can’t do anything, hide it or not, the result is the same. this morning, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high- precision, long-range , air-based ground-based weapons on facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. the kiev region and the capital of square were not left aside, our rocket scientists worked there as meticulously as possible,
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here in these frames , russian modernized missiles appear in the sky above the city and release heat traps, confusing air defense systems, an innovation that the ukrainian and nato armies can hardly boast of. on our part, everything has been worked out point by point, here are the consequences of the operation of anti-aircraft installations in the ssu. there are plenty of them in kiev, they are trying to cover them up. defense enterprises working for the needs of the army, only, as it turns out, are of little use, and debris from missiles every now and then ends up in residential areas, ukrainian propaganda, showing, for example, this footage from...
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in contrast to the kiev regime, this is what fundamentally distinguishes our military from the military of the kiev regime. on the fronts, our groups continue to carry out combat missions; in the kupinsky direction, six attacks were repelled in the sssu at krasnolimansky 4, ukrainian personnel losses per day again exceeded 500 people. near artyomovsk, the russian lancet destroyed an unmanned aircraft control center. ukrainian commanders are confused, they have to hold on. it’s worse afloat, what kind of victories can we talk about, show the results to the west, but everything is happening when the soldiers only dream of being left without a leg or surrendering as soon as possible, i don’t want my leg to be torn off to the knee , i want my leg to be torn off to the knee, because i want to leave the war, no i can put up with this, but everything was torn off my leg, i’m getting a prosthesis for 6 months, in general,
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there’s not much pleasant, but there’s no turning back, too much has already been lost, technology. disappears, like people, but if things get worse with the replenishment of weapons, due to interruptions in investment, then they give, sometimes they don’t, but the infantry is being replenished at a steady rate, and the capture of men in ukraine is only gaining momentum. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, vesti. a large weapons cache of the ukrainian armed forces was found in the zaporozhye region, this was reported by the press service of the russian guard in the melitopol region on the territory of a former military unit of the ukrainian terrorist defense, department employees. discovered about 2 thousand ammunition of various calibers. during the inspection, grenades with fuses, mines and hand grenade launchers were also seized. nato begins largest military exercise in europe since the cold war called the stalwart defender. 31 participating countries and four months of maneuvers. according to the scenario, the bloc fights off an attack from the east. the hint
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is transparent. and the exercises themselves will take place in the baltic and near the land borders with russia and belarus. now the preparatory stage before the start on february 1, the deployment of sea-based ground groups is underway, which in turn become conditional training targets for the russian and belarusian armies. details in the reports of my colleagues anastasia sokhovskaya and marina naumova. on on the ground in the air, a decision on the protection of the state border, two voluminous documents signed by the president. the perimeter of the country is the zone of responsibility of the border guards, the sky is the forces against it.
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under no circumstances should we allow any random developments on our border; we have strengthened the state border of the army. checkpoints, equipped positions, military equipment in kapanir, full readiness for defense. the southern borders of belarus are being strengthened by special operations forces units. reconnaissance routes daily 30-40 km through the forest from the ukrainian side have been in effect since december special regime, a gray zone up to 2 km wide, which ukrainians continue fanatically.
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usa 12 exercises per year. in latvia , the police and military were involved in border protection, but they are fighting against unarmed refugees, more than twenty died last year alone. migrants are being hunted by polish border guards. the video of the shooting was posted by polish volunteers. hiding behind a five-meter fence, supposedly from the same migrants, the poles conduct daily aerial reconnaissance. a nato air force group is concentrated near the belarusian border. from the chief's report belarusian general staff, responses to threats and risks - the air shield of the union state. the level of provocation in the airspace remained at the same level, and it should be noted that saturation.
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east, primarily on the palestinian issue, we are meeting and discussing at a truly dramatic moment, not only considerations of big politics, but also universal morality require us to take urgent measures to cease the fire and the suffering of people in palestine. equally in demand are steps aimed at preventing further destabilization of the situation in other parts of the middle east. until now, our council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this truly life-changing challenge. the reason is known, it lies in the position of the united states, which blocks all efforts and initiatives
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to stop the bloodshed in the occupied territories. it is disconcerting to see the resourcefulness of american diplomacy, which either touts ceasefire resolutions or calls for a reduction in the intensity of hostilities. in gas, it is clear that this gives carte blanche to continuation of collective punishment of palestinians. on the eve of our meeting, we made another attempt to achieve a solidary reaction from the council to what was happening , we proposed a draft statement by the chairman demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. however, the united states and its allies also blocked this document, essentially confirming that the preservation of life...
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equipment, ammunition, chemicals, decaying biomass, no matter how creepy it may sound, household waste and sewage water. natural sources of drinking water have disappeared, the sewerage infrastructure has been virtually destroyed, an estimated 22% of agricultural land has gases that will never be restored. tens of thousands of cases of diarrhea, acute respiratory diseases, scabies, skin rashes and other
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diseases have been recorded. the risk of an epidemic has increased sharply. the lack of humanitarian access is recognized by the world health organization as the main obstacle to the delivery of humanitarian assistance, in particular from who. we support un humanitarian agencies working in the field, which, unfortunately, in the history
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of un participation in various operations in conflict zones. of particular concern is the circulation of such disgusting ideas as the forced displacement of all palestinians from their places of permanent residence. such a scenario is unacceptable and should not be implemented under any circumstances. the widespread violence on the part of the israeli army and jewish settlers in... the west bank of the jordan river should also be stopped immediately, as well as any attempts to undermine status quo of jerusalem shrines. the failure of our council to take comprehensive action means that the current escalation of conflicts in palestine has metastasized throughout the region, and again not without the disastrous participation of its allies, the united states, whose military presence in the middle east, as in other parts
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of eurasia.
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forces, in the absence of such a guarantee, as well as the unconditional implementation of un decisions on the creation of a palestinian state, all talk about tomorrow is not only premature, but also pointless, and this potential donors who could invest in future gas restoration are well aware of this. when it comes to reasoning about the parameters of the so-called tomorrow, the following facts should be of fundamental importance:
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they must decide for themselves what obstacles impede nation-building,


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