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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the whole world is waiting for the west to finally realize that its emphasis on neglecting multilateral diplomacy leads to tragedies time after time, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov said at an open debate of the un security council on the situation in the middle east. tsavbes thinks.
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with the title of relatives and loved ones, with the participation of not just large families, but entire family dynasties from all over the country. the president spoke with the winners of competitions for family of the year, and this is our family, shared memories of his parents, and spoke about new measures support for large families, and also explained why having such a family in russia is becoming fashionable. first things first. alexey petrov. in the hall at vdnkh, the finalists, winners of all-russian competitions, are the family of the year, and this is our family.
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who signed the day before and measures to support families, which vladimir putin calls a key direction of national policy? a large family is the support of the country, and a family in general, but even more so, a large family is a support. why have many children? because those who are brought up here are the main ones qualities of a person, on which actually. speaking, the family holds together, and the country , respect for elders, love, care for the younger, hard work, these are the very traditional values ​​that we constantly talk about and which we support, the family of yamal reindeer herders talks about the beauty of northern nature and the traditions of their people , we invite you to yamal for the reindeer day holiday... we'll take you for a ride on three white
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deer, the fast deer goes, what a speed, well, fast, 60 goes, the very first, 70, gives, the fastest deer, 70 km /h, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, well , he runs, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer, that’s why he walks around during the day... and at night, like athletes on skiing poles, there’s a holiday coming up in the family, a golden wedding, i’ll try to come necessarily, but we will definitely communicate with you at least via video conference. there will be many guests, and now the dzichenko family from the lpr is also expected in yamal. we also received an invitation to the golden wedding at kolenivodom. let's take a walk. there are many teachers in the deichenko family who teach music and, thanks to the state program, can now teach the art of playing tens tools. indeed, we have a separate
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program to support schools, music schools, it’s very nice to hear that it really works, special gratitude is noted in the hall from families from new regions, after inclusion in russia they have new opportunities that they could not even dream of before , these regions are starting to pay.
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as they say, maybe i’m wrong, parallel clay, vladimir vladimirovich, i can take a photo with you. these are the crafts, letters, drawings, our guys are in the combat zone actions at home in the conditions in which they find themselves are hung not as... works of art, but as part of the heart of those who remember them and wish them good luck in victory. the akhmerov family from bashkiria won the family of the year competition in the keeper of traditions category, performing with their vocal ensemble. or maybe you can sing something acapella? my family, my
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family, my hope is the reward. "anna akhmerova asked the president for advice on raising her youngest son, he is only 3 years old, but he is also present in the hall. as a mother of a son, i have do you have a question, how to raise a real man? the best education is personal example , i have never, i want to emphasize this, never seen my father drunk, this has never happened at all, i’m not talking about my mother, i ’ve never heard a single swear word from him at all, well, they don’t even talk about my mother , you know, responsibility is manifested in the little things, i remember how my father was on the ladder, we lived in a communal apartment, the electric meter was on
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the landing, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, down to the penny, everything that needs to be paid for electricity was done on time, paid. normal human values ​​are being cynically destroyed, replaced by pseudo-values , traditional family
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values ​​are being forgotten, but we, on the contrary, will preserve them, strengthen them, and pass them on to future generations. this is the unconditional choice of our country. i congratulate you, all citizens of our beloved country, on the start of the year of the family. in recent years, the number of large families in russia has increased by 26%, and the number of children are being brought up there, increased by 30. alexey petrov, alexandra terpugova, igor belogurov, dmitry dunaev and yulia shchedrova. an air raid alert was announced in several regions of ukraine at once, among them. kievskoe, nikolskaya, nikolaevskoe, kharkovskaya and cherkasy. video witnesses from kharkov appear on social networks. they can hear sirens and powerful explosions. but earlier it was loud in the capital of ukraine, in other regions, there were explosions from the arrival of russian long-range precision weapons. according
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to the ministry of defense, our fighters hit numerous military infrastructure facilities of the kiev regime. the ukrainian air defense system could not cope with missiles, and after misses it hit perfectly... details in the material by egor grigoriev. the glow over kharkov across the entire horizon is a consequence of the russian missile strike carried out today on several major ones at once. ukrainian cities. the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision, long-range , air-based ground-based weapons against the objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, producing missiles and their ammunition components, as well as explosives. the target of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit. fires are being extinguished throughout ukraine, but the objects, of course, are not named. oh god, look out the window. the kiev authorities admit that all the destruction is within the city limits. the result of the work of ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, about twenty missiles
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were flying towards kiev. they were all hit by air defenses, and it was all debris that fell throughout the city. so it was in the fall of twenty-two, when the fragment rockets killed two polish farmers in the lublin voivodeship. today , the country's prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a ukrainian air defense missile that had gone off course. today's footage clearly shows how... a russian missile, which was not shot down, shoots off heat traps, hits somewhere far from the residential sector, and then there are reports that a gas pipeline is on fire outside the city. mortar, shot! along the entire front line, russian troops are gradually breaking down the enemy’s defenses. even tank operations have resumed in the kupinsky direction. attacks. our t-80s go into battle, modernized and equipped with the most modern protection. ukrainian military with the call sign barbie complain to cnn that american
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bradleys do not start well in the cold, but in general the vehicles are capable of withstanding russian tanks, while they show summer footage of five shot down bradleys in the zaporozhye steppes, and the same armored car crew that was interviewed , was destroyed almost immediately after the release of the report, without character and without garish appearance, another episode of the cnn story with an american howitzer. one crew of the armed forces of ukraine is forced to save ammunition, so the entire supply is laid out in a row on the weapon box. this illustrates the real state of affairs, only four shells. and this gun is approximately the same geotsin class, but from the russian side there is no noticeable shortage of shells in positions. moreover, it is precisely engaged in striking enemy artillery nests using reconnaissance coordinates, and it is much more convenient if they are silent. very powerful, has a range of up to 30 km, and the drun unit
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is hampered by planned rotations in the ssu under novomikhailovka, reconnaissance detects the movement of infantry and combat drones immediately fly out to intercept, destroying enemy soldiers one by one, and then another enemy stronghold. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, alexander ivankov, lead. a large weapons cache of the ukrainian armed forces was found in the zaporozhye region, this was reported by the press service of the russian guard in melitopol. area on the territory of a former military unit of the ukrainian terrestrial defense, department employees discovered about 2 thousand ammunition of various calibers, and during the inspection also grenades with fuses, mines and hand grenade launchers were seized. hungary, slovakia, poland and the czech republic warned the european commission about a catastrophe on the scale of an entire continent, unless, of course , brussels finally begins to protect the interests of european farmers, since a wave of protests by farmers who find themselves... will destroy the european economy, this is exactly what was discussed on tuesday at a meeting of
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eu agriculture ministers. the head of the hungarian ministry of agriculture stated on his own that the country will resist dumping and will maintain a ban on the supply of agricultural products from ukraine. report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. so far , the priority version is a tragic accident, a serious traffic accident, and not a deliberate collision. under the wheels of a car.
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the road leading to spain was blocked, traffic was completely paralyzed, the police tried to disperse people, of course. the movement of high-speed trains has been interrupted,
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bags of waste have been dumped on the rails, the strikers are on duty and do not disperse day or night. until there are concrete decisions, there will be no cancellation of actions taken on the ground. there are many complaints , the cost of energy has increased sharply, the price of fuel and resources has soared, labor, animal feed, fertilizers are expensive, and the purchase price of products either does not change at all or is falling, they want to reduce the area of ​​agricultural land due to climate change, not farmers can withstand competition with goods from outside the eu; they are of worse quality, but much more expensive. with european elections looming, it is difficult for president macron to remain deaf to the protests. i asked the government fully mobilize to offer practical solutions to the difficulties you face. however, history is not only french. land is being taken away from farmers in the netherlands, and subsidies for
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agricultural workers are being cut in germany. people are starting to rebel in lithuania. 850 tractors have arrived.
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polites. the anger of farmers in brussels has been heard. the european council of agriculture ministers met today to discuss the protests and the controversial green agenda. anastasia popov. bernatsky, denis sokolov, lead brussels, belgium. in the first 5 hours of the primary, more than 20% of new hampshire voters cast their votes for potential presidential candidates. the voting is taking place in an atmosphere of intense competition between the main republican candidates, donald trump. and nicky haley, our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will talk about the chances of the main contenders to occupy the chair of the head of state. they secured their right to be the first among other states to hold presidential primaries a century ago by a special law, but here too there are those who want to be ahead. it’s night in the village of dixville, voting for republican candidates
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began at midnight, when there were 10 hours left before the official opening of the polls. only six for... despite the party consolidation around the former president, haley still has a chance to remain in the race after the vote in new hampshire, even if. or rather, when she loses it, the question is by what margin, the fact that an independent voter is literally torn between two candidates, say polls and remarks from the audience. nicky, will you marry me? will you vote for me? no, i'm for it trump. trump
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could get haley out of the way right now with one call, offering her the post of vice president or head of the state department in his own. possible future administration, but so far with a lag of 12%, haley continues to fight against the age of trump himself and the washington elite. i think politicians over 75 should take an intelligence test. i don't mean to sound disrespectful when i say this. we all know people over 75 who can do laps, and we also know joe biden. congress has become the most the most privileged nursing home in the country. we are no longer...
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americans say they would like to see another generation in power. trump said he passed the intelligence test. we are talking about two politicians who are around
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eighty; americans, accustomed to thinking in comics and movies , have already dubbed this team of former rivals, whom trump brought on stage, the republican avengers. vivik romoswamy, tim scott and duc burgom chose the right side by abandoning their rivalry with trump. this the same, as it turned out. republicans in their quest to re-elect donald trump. your vote will make a difference in november, not this tuesday. a preliminary investigation has shown that
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biden’s address is a fake generated by artificial intelligence, but the natural intelligence of the us president continues to play cruel jokes on him, despite all the white house’s statements about the adequacy of the president. now biden is confusing members of his own administration. he began to thank the head of the ministry of health who was supposedly sitting next to him.
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the court decided to leave the fence, and the governor’s headquarters even threatened that texas would secede from the united states if joe biden wins the presidential election. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from newmpshire. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. get special, favorable conditions than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that
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a $30 billion project, a modern symbol of cooperation between moscow and cairo. a new stage of construction of the eddaa nuclear power plant has begun in egypt, the first nuclear power plant in the country, which is being built with the support of rosatom. construction of the fourth power unit has begun. in the future, the station will not only provide energy to 20 million egyptians, but also export it to other countries. about basic economics. parameters of this grandiose construction project. anna lazareva. start of construction of the new fourth power unit means that the eldaa project will now be launched at full capacity. all four blocks of the nuclear power plant will be built simultaneously. this is the first nuclear power plant for egypt, located in the matrouh region, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, 350 km from cairo. in the twenty-second year, the construction of the first and second power units began, in the twenty-
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third it started. egypt's brix opens up new prospects for fruitful cooperation between countries. now vladimir putin is waiting for mr. assi at the unification summit in kazan in october. dynamically bilateral trade turnover is growing, the volume of which was for 10 months of last year.
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i would like to emphasize that from the very beginning russia sincerely supported the desire of the egyptian side to become a full member of this association. the power of as-elda is 4,800 mw - this is 10% of consumption in the country - said the russian president. rosatom uses advanced engineering solutions and reliable technologies when constructing the station, strictly observing russian safety standards, all magat rules and regulations and the most stringent environmental requirements. vladimir said putin. according to rosatom estimates, during the construction period of the nuclear power plant alone, the added value from the project will amount to about $4 billion, which is about 1% of the country’s gdp. and in the future, egypt will be able to export energy to the region, magatha previously stated. the beginning of pouring concrete into the foundation of the fourth power unit of the eldabaa nuclear power plant is a historical event for our country and our people. it can be regarded as a new
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page in egyptian-russian relations. relationship that took place in...


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