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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. i keep thinking. but when the houthis hit esenhaver, okay, no, well, no, this is actually not an idle question, if they told us, if you use tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of ukraine, we will wipe you off the face of the earth, then the question arises, no , this is another question, whether we are going to or not, but here is the philosophical formulation of the question, and if they fuck with the houthis in iran, this gives us a reason, here in my opinion, the strategy is that they have now let europe pass ahead, well, europe first then. europe was there once, here we
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stand as a figure behind there, and it’s not a question of what they will use later, they are leaving, they are leaving, they have the pacific ocean, all strategic concepts in the united states are connected in one way or another, we sharp, but they are long-term, china is long-term, here it was right, too, they know russia , here, here it was correctly said about the fact that... but not to fight there in the south china sea, but to let them go ahead filipinos, guys, it’s not us , it’s the filipinos who are fighting with you, it’s others, there are the vietnamese, and the koreans, the south, the japanese are helping them, and comrade kim doesn’t care about that, this was a naval battle, it hit america, right here so to speak, it turns out an interesting thing that for the united states, that is, they are now practically their allies. they are setting it up, yes, but now they
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are forcing this machine to be launched, that the germans, the germans know how to produce weapons, well , i think they can, remember how they launched them after the first world war, after the second world war, they were also launched since you were producing weapons, well, just like when they were producing in the sixties, seventies , they would have produced guns 60 years ago, and so now, too, the dynasties are gone, the machine tool bases are gone.
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a european country in germany with each and i am for, i have long said, it is necessary with each individual land. in the states only with the states, bavaria will be free, for the rights of the states, we must speak up for the rights of the states, but there may be several administrations, so we can never reject negotiations, well in general, these thoughts about nuclear weapons are, as they say, terrible, on the one hand, on the other hand they are logical, i don’t want to, they are logical, why, and we are with the americans through the looking glass, the most accurate word is this, we are talking about the code moral values, and...
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the system of international relations, as our minister of foreign affairs said, these two words, they are very important: superiority , impunity, whereas before the west seemed to us rational, conscious, and we just opposed this dichotomy, east-west, yes, that the east is something irrational, the west is 100% rational, then today we are seeing an increase in this very irrationality in the west, when there is an increase in irrationality in the west, what dmitry also spoke about, this is during the period ,
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when very big changes are coming , predominantly of a military nature, this has always been the case throughout history and especially so.
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and most often there is quite a flickering conflict, it is here, then there, then, this means that in one point of the world this escalation, explosion occurs, then it happens in another point in the world, and there is no end in sight to this, but at the same time, what does this give us? this gives some hope that due to this flickering conflict , the huge, big conflict in the form of the third world war there, whatever it is called, the fourth and so on, will be leveled out. uh, what's the risk? the biggest risk is the increasing number of these funnels, yes, funnels, escalations that drag everyone into themselves. well, probably the brightest escalation funnel right now, of course, is happening in the middle east, which requires
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first of all, pay attention to the fact that if we listen to everything that the leaders and countries of the middle east region say, we will hear from almost everyone.
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in this regard, it is precisely that now at the un, turkish foreign minister hakan fedan, before carrying out anything there , meets with the russian side, discusses the middle east settlement, the settlement in general in the world political process, against the backdrop of all turkey's ideas about building a polycentric world, this just shows the weight that we have in region, which is why there is a prospect, as we heard today, of a visit by our president to turkey, because for us this region is fundamentally important in terms of building this new polycentric picture of the world, which gives us some hope that we will be able to overcome these all the funnels of conflict, despite logical thinking, unfortunately, about the use of nuclear weapons. advertising.
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well? you look at her all the time, but haven’t you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended. well, i’ll say a few words about europe before i move on to the united states of america, well, indeed, we are now seeing, on the one hand, an attempt by japan in europe to increase military spending, and there to somehow increase production capacity for the production of the same
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shells, missiles and so on , well, there is pressure from the americans, the biden administration, so that all this happens, yes, so that they spend more money, provide for the ukrainian project at their own expense, but again there are big problems with this, yes, that is, we talk a lot about , what's on at the declarative level, at the level of desires , the european establishment is quite possibly already preparing for some kind of big war, but these desires, these desires, they have not yet outgrown something significantly... exactly on earth, but if we are talking about the same thing the production of weapons itself, let me remind you that in the twenty-third year, well, only 11 countries out of thirty nato members were able to increase their military spending above 2% of gdp, and if we take large economies, only three countries in general are the usa, united kingdom and poland, the baltic states, the czech republic, slovakia , of course, they also have above 2%, but still , given that the gdp of these countries is small, these are not such significant figures, and we learned that just the other day . the nato countries plan to spend 1.1 billion euros
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on just producing more shells, but this too is still going somewhere in the wrong place, yes, of course, they are producing more shells than they did before the start of the special military operation , but not a single new plant has appeared, for example, but rain metal, let's say, yes, this german military giant , whose capitalization has grown three times for a second, well now probably already 2 times since the beginning of the conflict, and its income has grown by about 10%, has not built... one plant, but there , probably, they have some programs for the production of next -generation armored vehicles, the same ones, puma armored vehicles and so on, that have now accelerated, that is, they will still try to increase production, well, there is also a date there, about the end of the twenties, when german politicians publicly predict some big conflict, it is clear that this is in many ways also pre-election populism, well, here i think that experts on germany will tell you better, given that important elections will be held in several states this year, and boris pistorius is turning into such an unofficial leader. sau democrats , who have a very low rating, and pistorius, the german defense minister, is the only one in
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the current cabinet of ministers who has a positive rating, that is, his rating exceeds the anti-rating, and most likely he will lead his party in the current elections in lands there are already the next big national elections in 25, so with this militaristic rhetoric he is of course trying to support the positions of his party, but there is a certain conviction of the establishment that a big clash is possible, so it is worth preparing for it, too, another thing is that as if nothing is working out, but it is quite possible... for the future, that is, the americans, they are at least trying to produce a little more weapons now, but this is also still at the level of what they have we worked one or two shifts, now three or four shifts work at factories , no new production facilities are appearing, well, yes, twice as many shells, well, of course, the numbers are still not that big, now as for the situation in the united states of america, well, today , as we see, the second state is voting in the republican primaries, this is a nuisance, and we are not expecting any special sensations here, well, we’ll see. perhaps, of course, some kind of surprise, but i think that donald trump gets about 65%, and his main and
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only competitor nicky haley will get there 30-35 percent, she will wait for the vote in her already home state in south carolina, this is at the end of february, well, then she will most likely withdraw from the race, and trump is currently the obvious favorite for the primary, here i think that if really there the supreme court will not decide to remove him from the elections or he will not be imprisoned somewhere in march-april, which is still unlikely in my... opinion, well, in general, he will be the republican candidate in the elections of '24, well, it’s quite possible, theoretically we will see yes trump's second term, there was already one president in america, as we know, yes, who lost the election, then 4 years later he passed and already won, well, this is president cleveland at the end of the 19th century, well, let's see, maybe trump will be able to repeat it all , given that biden’s ratings are, of course, quite low, there are a lot of problems inside the country outside, so of course there is a common agenda here. general background, he is rather on trump’s side, that’s what we can expect if trump comes, today we
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looked at different scenarios, yes, there is some kind of a large-scale crisis of governance, the collapse of the country and td etc., well, in general, we remember the 4 years of trump, yes, there were a lot of problems, yes, he butted heads with congress for a long time, and with both the republicans and the democrats, so, but of some kind a direct large-scale collapse did not happen, yes, degradation was going on, but in general it was going on, in general, under all the recent presidents in the united states, there, starting with bush jr., obama. trump tomorrow and america will immediately fall apart, well, in my opinion, it’s not worth it either, this is some kind of mischief. today, by the way, it was the same decision of the supreme court of the united states, where it prohibited texas from sending in its national guard in order to take control of part of the border, it is clear that this decision was not understood in texas, but i think that some intensity of contradictions can reduce , especially if in the next few weeks congress manages to agree on migration reform, but there is the main problem - there is
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an endless flow of migrants, it is unclear what to do with them, and congress cannot agree, well , there is some progress towards them... after all, we agreed, i mean there are republicans and democrats, so somewhere in february we will most likely see something, well then, in that case , the issue with ukrainian tranches will somehow be resolved, but i think that kiev will not they will allocate some kind of super-colossal money, or maybe 11 billion, 12 billion, which some people are talking about now, and ukrainian lobbyists in washington, in particular mrs. markarova, but the poso ukraine in washington, perhaps it will be larger amounts, 20 billion euros, 20 billion dollars, here, but still this is, of course, much less than the tranches that were allocated in 22-23, the european union will pay to a greater extent, as was rightly said today, there is the same norway, the same japan, by the way, yes, which has well there is a rather serious crisis in the financial sector right now, inflation is growing , they don’t want to raise rates there, so we need to put the money supply somewhere. by the way, the only
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country that will allocate a large tranche to ukraine for the remaining days of january is it will be japan, and they will allocate one and a half billion dollars... in my opinion in the twenties, this of course does not solve the problem with the budget crisis in ukraine in general, but i think it will somehow allow them take time there in the coming months, we'll see, that 's what to expect in foreign policy from trump, well, here i think there are no surprises to be expected at all, so we see that the mood of the western establishment is slowly changing, there if in last year was very there is a lot of panic, alarmism, and statements like this, which means that trump is coming. there he will surrender ukraine, there will be a total collapse of the liberal world order there, he will surrender taiwan, i don’t know, gayan, anyone, but now, of course, the mood is changing gradually, and he is beginning to remember some of the estranged actions that trump committed, and says that now, if we influence him, yes, if we manage to place the right people in his administration, i can directly see boris johnson influencing trump, well, to be honest,
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he had just nato - it remains, they had good relations, only with exactly the opposite, trump influenced... listen, i think, by the way, yes, that this is some kind of general pressure, there is not only boris johnson, not only list tras, they are just public speakers , it, well, in the end will lead to the fact that the trump administration will be, well, not exactly the most hawkish, but there will definitely be hawks there , most likely, not in vain, by the way, nicky haley, again they are targeting the vice president trump, it’s not for nothing that there is tim scott, also a hawk, there is linty graham, by the way, the senator who is the first
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the american congress supported trump in this year’s elections. they led troops, started wars, he turned out to be the best in this regard, well , he sent ronald reagan and vinsont there, i mean, two denostes came up.
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china, of course, he has china right here, china and iran, he came out of the deal, he is higher, and china and iran, of course, both areas are very important for both the republicans and for trump, they will be here for him actively influence, so i admit that the escalation in the middle east is even more likely, he will certainly supply weapons there to taiwan, and there will be an intensifying escalation with the philippines, japan, south korea, myanmar, where a civil war is going on, everything else, that’s it, but in the middle east there is a greater likelihood that there will be some kind of big, vindictive another character. the world , as if he were a european, would still remember everything, but zelensky would remember everything, no, well, as for ukraine, it is of course not a priority for him, but for him ukraine is a priority, because he was impeached.
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poroshenko tried to communicate with him there , constantly drove him to the usa, he even promoted him to buy this coal in kentucky and send send one coal and never received it, well, in general, the point is that what would ukraine be like for him? not so important. saving their rating, etc., etc., but the point is that no matter how much we should just wait for it, the inertia of all these institutions remains, but trump will change something, force some countries to pay more
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money, by the way that biden is not yet i haven’t been able to do it for a while, it will work most often bypassing nato, most likely, yes , that he tried again, with specific countries, allies of america, there is the same poland, some baltic countries, maybe the czech republic, israel, south korea and so on further, here, but in general, i would still encourage us here. don’t not expect that trump wins, or america falls apart and the liberal world order there is falling apart at the seams, but this can happen, such an unlikely, but nevertheless possible scenario exists, but still, in my opinion, this is not what we want worth preparing, or trump at least maybe has a better memory, unlike biden, so, that's why he remembers, he remembers his opponents, he remembers his enemies, and i agree that... in the case of trump on we will see even more tension in the middle east, although escalation is inevitably happening now, and yet
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under biden the americans don’t really understand where they are going, that is, there are certain tactical goals, but still a clear, frank strategy, i insist on this, they don’t have, what they do is by touch, it’s visible, i i’m not talking about some financial figures who... the american military-industrial complex, investment companies, various transnational corporations, they profit from these conflicts, it’s the same as there is such a predatory insect in
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the desert, an antlion, we talked here about funnels, which are created in the region , here and there, the larva of this insect creates a funnel into which other insects fall, which are food for it, we also have it in the middle zone, you know this region well, i remember, and there is also such , yes, a funnel is created, and food for such predators falls into it, yes, they act predatory, but at the same time, you have to realize that they themselves are now shaking, that they themselves are in such a gray area when they don’t really understand, but what will happen to america itself is their main goal... now to preserve at least some form of american hegemony, in the middle east they will try to do this first of all, because well, there is a lot of fire there now, but what they
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are doing is for example, with the yemen khuvsites, with this unification of tribes, well, they will beat, yes, they will beat, periodically they will beat, but they do not cause them much damage, today one american specialist from the institute of the middle east,
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they are in all of us, the longer we look there, and this is what to do on the edge of this gap, to beat further - this will mean a large-scale conflict, the americans are not ready for this, they are not ready to send ground troops to yemen, to the mountains to these houthis in slippers, because that would be madness, but the recent experience of saudi arabia, the emirates, which since 2015 military operation, showed that this is...
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it is and when it is necessary to arm ourselves for this case, this is what we are doing together with our nato allies, this is also necessary. thus, one can imagine a specific scenario, for example, in the baltic countries, where the russian minority will start an uprising, then the baltic military gets in the way and then the russian side will say: we must protect our people, and then perhaps tanks will appear, combat helicopters will fly, it’s like once the moment when the german brigade in lithuania will be involved,
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is not it? and the thing is, that's why we're setting them up for this brigade to be there, it will be operational by 2027, that's how long it takes to create a brigade, so we always say that according to military experts , it will take several years before russia will be able to recover, this is only an estimate , no one knows for sure, and we must use this time, namely the next 3-5 years, to intensively arm ourselves, that is , we need to take the baltic states and take berlin by the year twenty-seven, i understood correctly. our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then let's give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let's go, soar, let's devour an oyster, i really liked inopoleon, napoleon bonaparte greets you, carriages,
3:29 am
dance, vasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, which means you didn’t get up, let’s go, the film is positive, kind. it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2,
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we... let's take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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