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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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for some reason, the osce, which was, was supposed to be a structure that treats both sides of the conflict absolutely on an equal basis, for some reason it suddenly said that the democratic processes on the maidan and the separatists in the south-east of ukraine, that is this lasted all 10 years, how long the osce worked, how long the osce worked, the osce probably played the main violin, the one that...
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the preparation that started this escalation, only then the world woke up and said: “oh my god where did this come from? motivated, not provoked, but russian aggression, i want to remind you, vladimirovich drew our attention, in the fall, when the operation to cross the river was carried out and the ukranazis established a whole bridgehead on the other side of the river, you were just ready, yes. we all stood here when they ironed the donbass for a week so that the guys had no faces, because women and children were taken out and the losses were terrible, then let me remind you that there were two drgs that entered deep into the territory of russia and which were destroyed, therefore when all they say “where are you from?” let me remind you that it was impossible to measure the distance, because in reality the front line passed through donetsk, that is, along the outskirts of donetsk.
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you see, that is, i’m just showing you one simple marker: if there had been no support from the americans, if these 250 billion dollars had not been allocated, plus or minus 10-10 billion, and that is...
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and no one will tell you the exact figure, because some of the money went openly, some of the money was subsidies, some of the money was through separate funds, some was just in suitcases, so here this is a huge amount of money that was spent there, it is simply off the charts, the ukrainian military army was not capable of anything without the support of the west, it was not able to destroy or kill even its tens of thousands of people, that is, if they had not opened the flow then financing of ukraine, if they had not started supplying weapons, had not hired instructors and nato generals had not taken over
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the management of this process, then probably all this would have gone, probably to some kind of frozen, protracted conflict, but in in the twenty-second year the escalation began, because by this time everything was very strong. the americans were fed up, they needed to somehow shake up this situation, but how many unfortunate people , peaceful people, have died in ukraine today? listen, it’s very difficult to say how many today , well, that is, at first they said that the woman died, then she said she didn’t die, no, i’m just saying, a massive attack, not a single strike on civilian targets, the only one who hit civilian targets was there were ukrainian air defense missiles, the massive attack continued. some hours, among civilians, the number of casualties and deaths is related to the activities of its own air defense, and donetsk, a massive strike not on military targets, on markets, 27 people were killed, all western newspapers
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write about a missile attack, no one wants to write about donetsk, telling the truth , can you imagine, if we are now just like your bastards, from the heart, but the whole of kiev would have washed their faces, only about 10-12 shells hit the market in donetsk, 27 people died, 27, so you can compare the technological possibilities, what happened if it arrived here in those areas, one thing you know, now zelensky has burst out with two initiatives, we have already partly talked about them, yes, that is...
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the answer to this question is very simple, because the story is connected with the draft law on mobilization it
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began to act too depressingly on ukraine, so it was necessary to offer something, even if it was nonsense that ukraine wants to liberate its territory in russia, to which it never had anything to do, but you reminded correctly. by the way, i asked in this studio remember this, october 26, 21, when ukraine crossed kalmius and occupied staromarievka, that is, contrary to all agreements, demarcation lines and so on, this is a little more than 20 km to the border with russia, everyone saw the accumulation of troops, the 1500-strong contingent that i was already going there. delivering a strike, it is clear why they crossed kalmius, cutting off the southern grouping around mariupol from the northern one, it was really possible to walk there on foot given the saturation of the front, which was essentially absent at that time, it is clear
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the thing they were preparing for, which is why the active phase of shelling began in the donetsk cities, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, and the evacuation began. women and children, remember how the west shouted: no, there is no need to evacuate, why are they doing this, they wanted to save these same citizens, who then began to be fired upon and... general mobilization of all residents of donbass over 18 years of age, students, anyone who heroically met this first blow of the ukrainian punitive forces, that is, by committing the feat is truly incredible, so i then asked to really remember this date, so that later, when they start shouting who started it first, they would not blame us, neither russia nor donbass, respectively, it would be nice to remember this date and... remind, you just remembered what they promised on the maidan 10 years ago, i want to remind you,
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well, yes, i want to remind you that the main djs of the maidan, mustafa naem, sergei leshchenko, were there around the clock and replacing each other this maidan, djs were the organizers of it, that they then promised, dear mother, european salaries, european pensions, that everyone, especially men, would live longer.
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“you are investing there, dear western partners, the restoration of ukraine, everything will now go through naema, leshchenko is an adviser to the president’s office, they have settled down well, but now they need cannon fodder, the same thing they rubbed into, hung noodles on their ears there on the maidan , beautiful slogans and talked about freedom of movement in europe, everything is over lofa, you fulfilled your mission there, but you are biomass, as yulia taught vladimirovna tymoshenko, respectively."
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and gave it to yanukovych, and then quickly hid and waited for a long time for yanukovych to be overthrown, then they say: no, no, we didn’t break anything, he himself escaped, well, supposedly, yes, but where are all those promises, which were given to him and to ukraine as such, now he is talking in davos about the fact that no, we should not abandon ukraine, ukraine, we must support it as much as possible, here, you see, there are pocket chamberlains, he says he who is trying to trade with ukraine in the sense that... that they still say, it will be necessary to recognize the loss of part of the territory of ukraine, no
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, we cannot complain about this, he says, what does this mean, this is essentially a signature under the words of leshchenko, who spoke before him, that it is necessary to drive everyone back to ukraine in order to so that they die there, it’s not the poles who should die, so accordingly, you can fight for the poles there, zelensky called donald trump to ukraine, but hey donald trump, but you see they have something there.
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the west is finally realizing that its persistent disregard for multilateral diplomacy has leads to tragedies over and over again, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at an open debate of the un security council on the situation in the middle east. tsavbes believes lavrov should fulfill his mandate and call for a ceasefire in the gas sector. warmth: until now, our council has not been able to provide
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an adequate response to this truly life-changing challenge. the reason is known. the family teaches, educates, passes on traditions and knowledge, helps preserve our culture and overcome any difficulties. the year of the family has officially started in russia. vladimir putin announced its beginning at the russia exhibition, where these days a forum called “loved ones” is taking place, with the participation of not just large families, but entire family dynasties from all over the country. the president talked
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with the winners of the competition for family of the year, and this is a family thing for us, shared memories of his parents, talked about new ones... and the country, respect for elders, love, care for younger ones, hard work, these are the very
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traditional values, which we constantly talk about and which we... support, family reindeer herders of yamalo talk about the beauty of northern nature and the traditions of their people. we invite you to yamal, for a holiday, the day of olenieot, we will take you for a ride on three white deer, the deer goes fast, what a speed, well, it’s high, it gives 60, the very first 70, it gives, the very.
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we also received an invitation to the golden wedding at kolenivodom, we are hanging out, there are many teachers in the deichenko family, they teach music and, thanks to the state program, they can now teach the art of playing dozens of instruments. 10 tula button accordions, accordion, two-row accordion, saxophones, horns, tubas, even new bassoons arrived, so we are very grateful, we actually have a separate program to support schools, music schools. it's very nice to hear that it really works. special gratitude is noted in the hall from families from new regions. after being included in russia, they had new opportunities that they could not have dreamed of before. these regions begin to pay taxes to the federal budget. there has been a return, your people are very talented, able-bodied, and this, over
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the centuries, such teams have developed, such a character, therefore. this restoration of historical connections, but in fact, as elections and referendums showed, they were never lost, these connections, but still, in entering into the all-russian space, i hope it will happen as quickly as possible, in any case we will strive to ensure that this happens as quickly as possible. thanks to the support of family and loved ones, it is easier to take the first steps, including for the young football player savya uvarov from yaroslavl. who is the one? favorite player, well, except for yourself, that is, my favorite pele player, pele, well, yes, you can’t go wrong, i knew him, very much before... he was such a nice person, yeah, i know that you knew him, he treated our country very well. the antonov family from bryansk is asking
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about payments of 450,000, which can be used to pay off the mortgage after the birth of their third and subsequent children. we can consider extending this support measure for large families; it ends in july, in my opinion, in july of this year, the government continues to count. well, they will calculate correctly, we will extend this measure. to the head of state antonov was brought a special gift: the talisman of victory. bryansk schoolchildren do these things for the participants of the special operation. we make these talismans with schoolchildren, from , as they say, maybe i’ll be mistaken, parallel clay. vladimir vladimirovich, can i take a photo with you. these are the kind of crafts , letters, drawings that our guys in the combat zone in their own country - in the conditions in which
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they are located - are hung not as a work of art, but as part of the heart of those who remember them and wish them good luck in victory, family the akhmerovs from bashkiria won the family of the year competition in the keeper of traditions category. anna akhmerova asked the president for advice on raising her youngest son, he is only 3 years old, but he is also present in the hall. as the mother of a son, i have a question for you: how to raise a real man? the best education is personal example.
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and we lived in a communal apartment with an electric meter on the site, i remember how he crawled and wrote out, you know, down to the penny , everything that needed to be paid for electricity , he did everything on time, paid. then i remember how he met with his comrades in battle with a friend who pulled him out of the battlefield and saved his life, putting his own life in danger. here at vdnkh, forum for relatives, loved ones,
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explosions from the arrival of russian long-range precision weapons, according to the ministry of defense, our fighters hit numerous military infrastructure facilities of the kiev regime. the ukrainian air defense system could not cope with missiles, and after misses they perfectly hit streets and civilian buildings. details in the material by egor grigoriev. glow over kharkov across the entire horizon - these are the consequences of a russian missile strike carried out today on several major ukrainian cities at once. armed. the forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision, long-range airborne ground-based weapons on facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce missiles and their
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ammunition components. as well as explosives, the target of the strike is achieved, all designated objects are hit. fires are being extinguished throughout ukraine, but the objects, of course, are not named. oh my god, look out the window. the kiev authorities admit that all the destruction within the city is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, about twenty missiles were flying towards kiev. they were all hit by air defenses, and it was all debris that fell throughout the city. this was the case in the fall of twenty-two. when a rocket fragment killed two polish farmers in the lublin region. today , the country's prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a ukrainian air defense missile that had gone off course. today's footage clearly shows how a russian missile, which was not shot down, shoots off heat traps, hits somewhere far from the residential sector, and then there are reports that a gas pipeline is on fire outside the city. mortar, shot! all
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front lines, russian troops are gradually destroying the enemy’s defenses, even tank attacks have resumed in the kupinsky direction, our t-80s, modernized and equipped with the most modern protection, are going into battle. a ukrainian soldier with the call sign barbie complains to cnn that american bradleys have trouble starting in the cold, but in general they are cars that can withstand russian tanks, while they show summer footage of five knocked out bradleys in zaprozh.
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