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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the airport is closed, roads are partially blocked, schoolchildren are away, interfering with the united states, who is to blame for the continued bloodshed in the gas sector. sergei lavrov spoke at the security council and met with the un secretary general. sweden has one foot in nato. the turkish parliament approved the accession, only hungary remained against. hundreds of passenger trains are cancelled. in germany, railway workers are on strike, and authorities are calculating the enormous damage. a wooden shoe and a child's dress with a serial number, an exhibition about the fate of prisoners of german camps in the victory museum. roads are closed the airport is closed, classes in schools have been transferred to remote learning, snow collapse on sakhalin. a state of emergency is in effect throughout the island. the southern and central regions are hit hardest. a month's worth of precipitation fell in one day,
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elena zhenchenko will tell you how they cope with bad weather. today , almost every resident of yuzhno-sakhalinsk started their morning with a shovel in their hands. a state of emergency has been introduced in the regional center . kindergartens, schools, roads are not working, they have been swept away, and today they look like a field. due to its destructive power employees of management companies were unable to go to work due to the wind, as well as a strong snowstorm . sakhalin residents themselves are digging out blocked entrance doors. doesn't matter. they’re walking , someone’s going to work, maybe he’ll arrive soon, it’s necessary that a month’s worth of precipitation has already fallen in one day, yuzhno-sakhalinsk public transport simply couldn’t get out onto the streets, and this, despite the fact that the main roads are being cleared, but they are again turn out to be snowdrifts of one meter deep, the movement of all intercity buses has been cancelled, all highways of the south island are blocked for the movement of other cars, a meeting of the commission was held in the regional government...
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sakhalin region. the government of the sakhalin region urges enterprise managers to exercise prudence and not force employees to work without urgent need and transfer them to remote mode. the cyclone made adjustments to the operation of the island's main air harbor. currently, 11 flights have been rescheduled for january 25th. and 10 arrival and departure flights are planned to be served today. despite the strong wind and poor visibility, we we hope that.
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a certain weather window will arise, the fact is that if the wind blows along the runway, and while the lighting equipment is turned on, the aircraft commander can decide to land. some of the residents of yuzhno-sakhalinsk remained without power and restoration work is already underway; most of all, the bad weather affected the energy system of the distant planning area. city authorities asked not to take out garbage to container sites for now; not all sakhalin residents were able to even buy bread today. required shops, many closed due to the snowstorm. use personal transport , there is simply nowhere to go, but brave people were still found, they dig up cars in yards so that they are noticed and not hit by heavy equipment during work, someone is trying to move around the city on a snowmobile, the cyclone has spread its influence to the territory of nine districts of the sakhalin region , according to the forecast, he will leave the islands only...
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the un security council should call for a ceasefire in the gas sector, sergei lavrov stated this at a security council meeting, the head of the russian foreign ministry noted that the united states is preventing the bloodshed from stopping, and valentin bogdanov spoke about the main statements at the debate on the middle east. the situation of the crisis in the middle east is unprecedented, even the very composition of the participants in today's meeting of the security council has some. precedents,
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because there was a very large representation, more than 60 people participated in the meeting, the secretary general personally reported on the scale of this crisis. he spoke about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gas sector. the past 100 days have been filled with suffering palestinians in gaza. more than 25,000 people, mostly women and children, were killed during the israeli operation. and more than 60 thousand people were injured. no one can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. the humanitarian situation in gaza is terrifying. more than 2 million palestinians are deprived of basic living conditions. they are left without shelter, drinking water, sanitation, due to the food disaster, everyone in gaza is facing hunger. with all these questions, in theory, it is called and should deal with the un security council, but thanks to or because of the actions, rather , of the united states of america and the west in general
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, a situation has developed here that all initiatives that would be aimed at specifically resolving this humanitarian situation have been blocked recently, not a single one here about... russia came up with draft resolutions several times, including, each of them stipulated a ceasefire, an end to the indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the gas sector was blocked, participating in the work today's meeting, sergei lavrov, head of the russian foreign ministry, dwelled on this issue in detail. until now, our council has not been able to provide an adequate response to this truly life-changing challenge. the reason is known, it lies in the position. of the united states, blocking all efforts and initiatives to stop the bloodshed in the occupied territories, is disconcerting at the resourcefulness of american diplomacy, which either floats ceasefire resolutions or calls for
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a reduction in the intensity of hostilities in gaza; it is clear that this gives carte blanche to continuation of the collective punishment of the palestinians, as witnessed... the united states did not allow the adoption of a statement on behalf of the chairman of the current security council, blocked it, and secondly, the representative of the united states at the level of deputy secretary of state, she reduced everything to a hostage situation, which is certainly tragic, and sergei lavrov said that there should be hostages. released, but washington directly ignores another part of the complex humanitarian problem. the security council must unequivocally call for the release of all hostages which are held by hamas and other terrorist groups. colleagues, we
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and others have participated in the development of this project in good faith, in accordance with what we have been advocating since october 7th. russia decided to reject him, and this underscores its cynical nature.
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participation of the united states and its allies, whose military presence in the middle east, as in other parts of the eurasian continent, creates ever new, unacceptable risks for international security. we are talking about repeated invasions of americans and their satellites into independent states, which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in iraq, the destruction of the statehood of libya, the war in syria, and a huge flow of refugees.
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mandate and call for a ceasefire, otherwise there is no guarantee that hostilities will not resume with renewed vigor; in the absence of such a guarantee, as well as the unconditional implementation of the un decision on the creation of a palestinian state, all talk about tomorrow is not only premature, but also pointless, and this is well understood by potential donors who could invest in the future restoration of gas. the palestinians throughout...
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were used only so that later the situation would escalate in the case of palestine , in no case should the west be allowed and should not be allowed, the russian foreign minister said, to carry out the same maneuver that was carried out with the help of the minsk agreements. valentin bogdanov and ivan utkin, vesti and un headquarters. russia is committed to cooperation with the un to strengthen
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the organization’s role in global politics. sergei lavrov stated this during a meeting with the organization’s secretary general antonio guterres. the head of the russian foreign ministry also noted the need to comply with the principles of un impartiality. previously, lavrov held several bilateral meetings in a closed format with the foreign ministers of jordan, palestine and switzerland. diplomats discussed the ukrainian issue and emphasized its importance. regulation of the middle east conflict. israel and hamas are ready to negotiate a deal for the return of prisoners in exchange for a ceasefire in the gaza strip. palestinian officials have said they are open to talks on the release of some israelis. tel aviv previously offered a pause in hostilities in exchange for all hostages, but hamas representatives refused. according to them , the final liberation will begin only after the idf guarantees a complete ceasefire. but for now. over the past
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24 hours, we have eliminated more than 100 terrorists in western khanyunis. we continue to conduct military operations throughout the gas sector, in the north, in the center and in the south. we are increasing our achievements and continue to act around the clock to create conditions for the return of the hostages. the houthis demanded un employees with american and british citizenship leave yemen. they have a month to do this. representatives of the movement made this decision against the backdrop of increasingly frequent coalition airstrikes. the day before, the us military shelled yemen again. the pentagon said the strikes will continue until the houthis stop attacks on merchant ships in the red sea. i can tell you that since january 11, we estimate that we have destroyed and damaged over 25 missile launchers and more than twenty missiles. sweden's entry into the north atlantic alliance will strengthen european security. this is how the head of european diplomacy
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, joseph barel, commented on the ratification by the turkish parliament of the protocol on stockholm’s accession to the nato bloc. earlier, such a step by ankara was welcomed by the white house and nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. the decision will come into force only after the decree is signed by president erdogan. now the only member of the alliance that has not yet supported sweden's entry into nato is hungary. he received 55% of the vote and beat his only rival nikke haley by more than 10%. she is already congratulated the ex-president on his victory, despite the defeat, haley is not going to leave the race, the election campaign is far from over. there is still a battle ahead in dozens of states; elections for the republican candidate will take place before the summer. the next primary in south carolina is no less tense. previously, hayley was. governor of this state. in germany , railway workers began a six-day
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strike. hundreds of passenger trains will be canceled across the country in the coming week. this protest is the longest of all that were organized by the trade union. the main demand of the strikers is to increase wages for drivers and shorten the working week. we will return to this topic later this hour. at least three people were killed after a truck explosion in mongolia; the vehicle was carrying 60 tons of gas, but the truck remained behind. condition, the remaining residents were evacuated to a nearby hotel, local authorities confirmed that 20 cars were burned, the fire has already been extinguished, special services are conducting an inspection. economic news, konstantin churikov joins me, konstantin, good morning, what is known about seizing proceeds from frozen russian assets in the west? yes, roman, hello, there is no complete clarity yet, but
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the west is afraid to confiscate the assets themselves. so, belgium confirmed its intention. transfer to the kiev regime income from frozen russian assets, but for some reason at the level of a non-core department. financial transactions amounting to 611 million euros during the year were announced by the kingdom's ministry of defense. the day before , european commissioner for foreign affairs josep barel emphasized that we are talking only about the use of income, not the assets themselves. reuters, also citing high-ranking eu officials, writes that there will be no confiscation. the reason has not changed. in brussels. they are afraid that otherwise china and the rich countries of the middle east will begin to get rid of the euro. bloomberg, in turn, notes that even the seizure of russian assets will not save the kiev regime. on the contrary, it can only make things worse: brussels, berlin and others will stop sending their own funds and will feed kiev breakfast, saying that they will soon complete the confiscation, the russians are about to send
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assets. but in practice, all this can drag on for a very long time. the rate of investment growth in... the east is three times faster than the russian average. despite the sanctions, the macroregion is developing successfully and is setting itself new serious tasks. deputy prime minister of the government, plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev stated this in an interview with our tv channel. in particular, he spoke about plans to increase the intensity of cargo movement along the northern sea route. there are generally events worth 1.7 trillion.
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banking system, they would be quite capable of it. watch the full version of the interview with yuri trutnev today on our channel after 13:00 moscow time. based on the results of last year, japan increased imports of russian grain by more than 380%. these statistics were published in tokyo. at the same time , the import of fruits from our country has almost stopped. the supply of vegetables has decreased by about 50%, as have fish and seafood. by 16. if we talk about energy resources, the import of russian oil over the past year decreased by 95%. interesting situation with liquefied natural gas. over the entire year, japan reduced its purchases from russia by 10%, but in december the figure increased by more than 40, that is, interest is returning. in turn, supplies of passenger
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cars to russia from japan decreased by only 3.5%. it is clear that the main fall occurred in 2022. at the same time. for spare parts the reduction was almost 50%, and for trucks and buses over forty. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 87 rubles. 91 kopecks. euro exchange rate is 95.82. and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue. in the donetsk direction, the crew of russian k-52m attack helicopters hit new enemy targets. our pilots received coordinates from the air force.
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ukraine lacks artillery shells, but the west is not always ready to replenish the reserves of the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba said in an interview with the german newspaper welt. he also cited the delayed delivery of missiles for patriot anti-aircraft missile systems as a problem. alika komarova will tell you how the west reacts to such statements. slovakia is tired germany is exhausted, the americans are silent. this is how the west now supports kyiv. needs of the armed forces of ukraine. christian lindner is confident that if other countries of the old world tense up now, then ukraine will have a chance to win. the day before, germany announced the delivery of six helicopters. at the same time
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, berlin noted with regret that their neighbors are not so active in helping kiev. after all, it cannot be that germany is doing more financially than other countries, because then other states are putting less effort into maintaining ukrainian sovereignty. it is becoming increasingly difficult for the western community to ignore the reverse effect of... anti-russian sanctions. on this occasion, i want to say that prosperity dependent on russia is useless. meanwhile, the leadership of the european union stated that they are not yet ready to confiscate russian assets. there is no agreement between the members of the alliance. according to rytors , european officials believe that such a step is too risky, and there is a high chance of losing absolutely all business partners. at the same time , belgium is ready to send kiev income from interest on frozen assets of russia, this 611 million euros, but it is still unknown when the money will be transferred. in this... i took part in a video conference and immediately called on my colleagues to rally around ukraine. if we lose
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our composure, if we shy away, if we fail to restrain the aggressors, we will only get more blood and chaos. western countries should not, simply do not have the right, to hesitate on the issue of supporting ukraine. however, austin did not announce new supplies from washington against the backdrop of such speeches. politician citing pentagon sources claims that the armed forces of ukraine are increasingly experiencing a hunger for shells, while american congressmen are in no hurry to approve new arms supplies. the white house cannot come to an agreement with the capitol. at the same time , the asian media are confident that kiev will soon be reshuffled; according to sources in the asia times, zelensky may exchange positions with zaluzhny. reports from the armed forces of ukraine indicate a radical change in strategy. allegedly , the ukrainian army is now intensively preparing for defeat, trying to do this with the least possible losses, journalist. noted, not excluded even moving the capital from kyiv to lviv. alek komarov, lead. a rally was held in the center of rome against military aid to ukraine, demanding
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italy's withdrawal from nato. the protest action was held against the backdrop of a discussion in the senate of a project on new supplies of weapons to kiev. the protesters emphasized that the money would be better spent on social needs. let me remind you that earlier the italian parliament approved a resolution extending military assistance to ukraine. according to local media, rome has already spent on supporting kiev. roman, good morning, spartak guaranteed himself participation in the gagairin cup after winning the capital derby over dynamo. moscow spartak became the next team to guarantee their participation in the gagarin cup ahead of schedule. spartak secured a place in the playoffs after winning the capital derby over dynamo 6:3. spartak has a whole one. a number of injured red-and-white core players continue to play in suboptimal compositions and combinations, but this time this did not stop alexei zhamnov’s team. spartak scored all six goals by
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the middle of the second period, and became the hero of the match forward of the red and white maxim tsyplakov. he scored the first poker in his career, and maxim tsyplakov scored two of these four goals in the minority. tsyplakov’s poker also became the fastest in the history of the khl. when maxim scored his fourth goal, only 20.6 minutes and 58 seconds had passed since the start of the match. spartak took the lead 6:1, with more than half the match remaining to play. later , tseplakov had the opportunity to score his fifth and sixth goals, but the red and white calmed down, and alexei kudashov’s team made the score a little less devastating. 6:3 spartak's victory in the most productive confrontation of the current season. this was the fifth match in the regular season between these teams, very soon spartak and dynamo will play the final sixth match. in the national hockey league, forward tampa. nikita kucherov returned to first place in the list of top scorers of the season. last night in the match against philadelphia, kucherov
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scored four points. he scored the fifth hattrick in his enkhailov career and provided an assist. the russian's productive exploits helped tampa win with a score of 6:3. so thus, according to the season, according to the goal plus pass system, nikita kucherov already has 80 points. rublev failed to reach the semi-finals of the australian open. in the 1/4 match, rublev lost to the italian janik sinner with a score of 0:3 in sets. in the first and third sets, everything was decided by breakpoints. the italian took rublev's serve once and that was enough to win these games. and in the second set, rublev lost in the tiebreaker, and won 5:1 during the tiebreaker. the competitors spent just over 2.5 hours on the court. thus continued andrei rublev's unsuccessful streak in the quarter.
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the player of the match was the american center of unix jalin reynolds, he scored 19 points. in the united league standings, unik is in second place and continues to chase csk moscow. a novel about sports, that's all for now. sash, thank you, we continue. increasing the effectiveness of weapons supplied to a special operation zone is one of the main tasks that defense engineers work on. as the head of the tactical missile and
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weapons corporation boris obnosov said. very important interaction with the military who use new system complexes in combat, it is their experience and suggestions that help refine and improve the models. we see the pros and cons of the weapon systems that we are developing and which we are delivering to the front. this experience is simply not to be underestimated or it is very difficult to overestimate, because well, this is what we do every day.
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well, it’s huge, any kind of mathematical modeling, semi-natural modeling, this is of course very cool, it allows you to reduce experimental work, but the criterion for effectiveness is always practical use. watch the full interview with the head of the tactical missile weapons corporation boris abnosov on our channel after 10:30 moscow time on any channel, so to speak. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, soulful, and most importantly karoki, you can just sing the whole film, our happiness is to live such a fate,
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