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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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on sakhalin, due to stormy winds and snowfalls , a state of emergency has been declared, the airport is closed, schoolchildren are remote, what are the forecasts, when will the snowstorm end, who?
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a wooden shoe and a child's dress with a serial number, for the international holocaust remembrance day, an exhibition about the destinies of prisoners of german camps, the victory museum. a state of emergency has been declared on sakhalen island, planes do not fly , trains do not run, all because of a severe snowstorm that has once again hit the region, the island is buried in snow, snowdrifts in some places are taller than human height, the roads are empty visibility, in schools. classes have been cancelled. lessons are recommended to be conducted online. if possible, adults are switching to remote work. about the situation on sakhalin. our correspondent elena zhenchenko. despite the fact that today all available equipment is involved in the clearing of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, it is impossible to move along the sidewalks of the main city streets of yuzhno-sakhalinsk. today it is impossible; residents have to overcome meter-long snowdrifts. due to the destructive wind force, as well as a strong snowstorm, work is not possible...
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russia is our sacred power, russia is beloved knife country, our will, great glory, quayo heritage in all chalk.
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for life those who come open a stake for us. our entire protsele surged up, so all over the sky, our word, standing in our simple birth.
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dear colleagues, have a word? just a second, i can find the performance, hello, where is my performance, let's do this so.
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colleagues, there are several announcements that we also need to hear today; several teams will take part in our work, including.
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the kaluga region gave us a good concert today, at first, we were in a good mood, the philharmonic orchestra is performing, today we will also welcome the governor of the kaluga region to hear from the governor of the kaluga region, please also listen carefully, because this is the opening of the days of the regions, and of course it is very important here that the regions that follow understand how we formulate problems, how we we put forward the recommendations of the government of the russian federation, the demand for participation in regional days is growing, the agenda is constantly expanding, so we have the next one there, the pskov region is preparing, we will have others at the end of the spring session regions, please pay attention to the preparation of relevant resolutions . is andrey antolyevich shevchenko aware of this
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issue? colleagues, i have an offer to sign up for a warm-up, here is gennady ivanovich, are we ready? colleagues, then please , after that, now sign up for the warm-up, and we will choose, see the senators who would like to speak as part of the warm-up, please sign up, please, this is a live broadcast in the federation council, the spring session has started, this was the first meeting, we continue investment growth rate. on in the far east is three times higher than the russian average, despite the sanctions, the macroregion is successfully developing and is setting itself new serious tasks. deputy prime minister of the government, plenipotentiary representative of the president in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev stated this in an interview with our tv channel. in particular, he spoke about plans to increase the intensity of
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cargo movement along the northern sea route. in general, there are 1.7 trillion worth of events; we are getting a new one, let’s put it this way. a competitive world artery, which in general may well to pull out part of the volumes of the soviet canal, now many shipowners do not use it. let's return to the broadcast of the federation council, asked by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. today, opening the spring session, i would like to outline the key areas on which the activities of the federation council will be focused in the coming period. of course, the most important, anticipated political event will be the russian presidential elections, which will take place in less than a year.
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on behalf of the federation council, we have already sent a large number of invitations are sure that
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they will find a response. of course, russia is not accustomed to pressure from outside. we now understand well who is who on the world stage. that is why in recent years our country has been making a large-scale turn towards the sovereignty of its legal system. we deliberately refuse.
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in russia, it is a family with children, strong, friendly, happy, that is our main national asset, the basis for the prosperity of russia, today thematically.
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families, and this is not only payment benefits, but also support measures in the field of labor relations, and early assignment of an insurance pension to women based on...
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measures taken. several relevant parliamentary legislative initiatives are also under consideration in the state duma. in addition, topical issues of increasing the birth rate and supporting families with children will be discussed in detail. discussed within the council of legislators, the relay of which this year passed to the federation council. we hope that these issues related to family values ​​will be reflected within the framework of the all-russian women’s forum, women, preserving traditions, developing russia, which
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will be held on the initiative of the federation council on march 5 and 6 at the vdnkh site. the most important task for us remains to provide assistance to the participants of the special operation and their loved ones. recently, the president held a number of meetings in moscow during a trip to the far east, where sensitive topics that concern our defenders and their families were discussed. i once again noted how carefully, immersed in all the details, the head of state treats...
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however, this is only half the story. required senators must carefully ensure that every law, every support measure is effectively implemented on the ground, and for this we need to be in constant contact with family members of our military personnel, soldiers who have returned from the front, to take personal control of every problematic situation and resolve it. this is the feedback that is really needed. legislator to promptly respond to all emerging issues. during the session we will pay no less attention to the topic of integration of reunited regions into legal, socio-economic space of russia. much has already been done in this direction; we have every reason to believe that most of the legislative and
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administrative work can be completed this year. let's. we are trying to do this, a special coordinating role here is assigned to our specialized council on integration issues, the recommendations of its first meeting are being progressively implemented, in the near future we plan to discuss the tasks of municipal construction, the formation and activities of local authorities and the whole a number of other pressing issues. the spring session is traditional. it’s time to formulate proposals for the concept of the future budget; we always approach this task with the utmost responsibility, and largely thanks to this approach, year after year, proposals from federal subjects and senators find support from the government. even in the most difficult budget
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of the past year, you know, the absolute majority of the initiatives of the federation council were taken into account. therefore, we will continue to act in the same way, carefully considering the proposals of the regions and those issues that concern our citizens. on the international track , we also face a large number of tasks, aggravation in the middle east, the january shelling of yemen, the escalation of the situation around taiwan, these are all new centers of instability in the armed forces.
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partners, and as life shows, we have very, very many of them. the world majority already understands that the west has ceased to be a force capable of adequate, responsible cooperation, and the transition to a new, fairer, multipolar world order in the vanguard of which our country is already obviously, and inevitable and... it is precisely this clear, understandable, and most importantly, creative position of russia that we will continue to promote
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using the mechanisms of parliamentary diplomacy. this year our country chairs two large international associations at once: the cis and brix. during russia's chairmanship in the cis, we will continue to strengthen ties. within the framework of the interparliamentary assembly of the commonwealth, we will pay special attention to interregional formats , including the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia and the eighth interparliamentary russia-tajikistan forum, within the framework of the russian chairmanship in brix , the tenth anniversary parliamentary forum of the brix countries will be held in st. petersburg on the initiative of the federation council. i believe that this is a good opportunity to develop the parliamentary dimension of this very important large integration platform. this is also
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a good opportunity to fill the interparliamentary dimension with new content, it is an opportunity to harmoniously integrate all potential partners into the orbit of the association. overall, the coming year will be celebrated. parliamentary meetings with with the participation of patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. today we are kicking off the next season of subjects’ days, welcoming colleagues from the kaluga region to the federation council. in a few days, senators will take part in ceremonies. events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. during the spring session, it is also planned
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to hold the sixth forum of social innovations of the regions, the first forum of rural workers, which, as you know, grew out of our annual meetings with representatives of rural intelligentsia, as well as a number of other parliamentary events. and, of course, i cannot help but mention the active preparations for the fourth eurasian women’s forum, which is designed to become one of the most important and visible international events of this year. last year, colleagues, was difficult, difficult, but we have something to be proud of. this and the growth of gross domestic product is higher than expected and higher than the world average. and strengthening the social protection of our people, an increase in the number of small medium-sized businesses, this is a record harvest, a record number again
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completed housing for our citizens, these are new large industrial projects, new roads , and so on. as a result, russia took fifth place in the world in terms of gross domestic product at parity. purchasing power, ahead of all european countries in this indicator, which, as we remember, threatened to destroy our economy while they are successfully destroying their own economy. of course, such positive dynamics give us reason for optimism, but as they say, optimism must be used in moderation, otherwise it will may end quickly. we need to be aware that the illegal sanctions pressure on our country will not disappear anywhere , it will last for a long time, we must realize this, for
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every success we have... every achievement, opponents will try to respond with new restrictions, restrictions, bans, even acting to your own detriment. but everyone already understands that their main goal, their secret dream of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, is definitely not destined to come true. once again, i want to emphasize, colleagues, that the amount of work we have ahead of us for the current session is... impressive. today there are no issues important to people that the federation council would not deal with. and each of you, dear colleagues, must clearly understand your role for this period, your goals, your responsibility, at this important time for the country. i really hope that we will all work together amicably, actively, and most importantly, effectively. in
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conclusion, i would like to point out. romanovich derzhavin, who was not only an outstanding russian poet, but also a prominent statesman, senator, and our colleague. he wrote: state a person, more than others, must be animated and driven by love for the fatherland, he must live by love for the fatherland, pour it into his subordinates and... be an example in it to the entire state, let's be guided by this parting word spoken 2 centuries ago, but not lost relevance today. good luck, colleagues, all the best. this was a live broadcast from the first spring session of the federation council meeting.
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we are getting a new, let’s say, competitive world artery, which, in general, is quite capable of pulling out some of the volumes soviet canal, now many shipowners do not use the northern sea route simply because the cargo is not insured, but
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it needs to be insured. at a meeting with the leaders of the people's republic of china, we talked about this, because china has a very powerful banking system, they would be quite capable of it. 22 years ago , a tactical missile weapons corporation was created in russia; during this period, the organization’s revenue increased 93 times, product production for 2023 increased several times in relation to the year before last, well, in the near future... the corporation plans to incorporate several more enterprises, the general director of the corporation, a member of the world board of the union of construction machines of russia, boris abnosov, spoke about this in an interview with our channel, watch the interview after the advertisement. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable,
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