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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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reflected in our strategy and in our short-term plans, we plan to continue to develop, so we are not an ossified corporation, in the near future we will probably add several more enterprises that we need for the production chain, this gives me a certain optimism and in principle , it gives me strength to continue this work in the future, because i see that we are going the right way, that’s all, thank you very much for the detailed information. thank you. a state of emergency has been declared on sakhalin due to a catastrophic cyclone. traffic is paralyzed. the roads simply disappeared under the snow. there are snowdrifts in the courtyards, almost taller than human height. schools and many organizations have switched to remote work. an avalanche danger has been declared in eleven regions of sakhalin. report by elena zhenchenko. despite the fact that all available equipment is currently being used in the clearing of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, it is impossible to move along the sidewalks of the main city streets. management companies,
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sakhalin residents themselves dig out blocked entrance doors, people still go, someone to work, maybe he’ll come soon, it’s necessary in just one day, a month's worth of precipitation had already fallen, and yuzhno-sakhalinsk public transport simply could not reach the streets. this is despite the fact that the main roads are being cleared, but they again turn out to be snowdrifts of up to a meter, the movement of all intercity buses has been canceled, all highways of the south island are blocked for the movement of other cars. the regional government held a meeting of the emergency situations commission. in order for all life support organs to perform their functions, we need all main roads. cleaned, this
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the main direction, which means that all the equipment is starting to work, which worked at night, now, despite the fact that visibility is poor, this means that the city of yuzhno-sakhalensk will be cleaned, and this also applies to other cities of the sakhalin region. the government of the sakhalin region urges enterprise managers to exercise prudence and not force employees to work without urgent need and transfer them to remote mode. the cyclone made adjustments to the work of the main air harbor of the island, despite the fact that it was strong windy, low visibility, we are counting on a certain weather window to occur. the fact is that if the wind blows along the runway, and while the lighting equipment is turned on, the aircraft commander can decide to land. some residents of yuzhsalinsk remained without power, restoration work is already underway, and most of all the bad weather affected the energy system of the planning area further away. urban. the authorities asked not to take out
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garbage to container sites for now; not all sakhalin residents were able to even buy bread today. many sakhalin residents today did not dare to use personal transport, there was simply nowhere to go, but brave people were still found, digging out cars in their yards so that they would be noticed and not hit by heavy equipment while working. someone is trying to navigate the city on a snowmobile. the cyclone spread its influence to the territory of nine districts of the sakhalin region. according to the forecast, he will leave the islands. the federation council sent a large number of invitations to international observers for the russian presidential elections. the country is interested in this - said chairman of the upper house of parliament valentina matvienko, opening the spring session today. our correspondent anna voronina is working at the federation council today, she is in touch, anna, greetings. so, what are the senators' plans for the next month? yes, colleagues, hello, the 559th meeting took place today.
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we withdraw from certain international agreements that run counter to our state priorities and interests, and we do this without regard to the pseudo-democratic ratings of external
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experts. but at the same time , naturally, no one excludes the international agenda from the work of the federation council for the upcoming session, as valentina matvienko noted, the aggravation of the situation in the world is very serious.
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russian intelligence officers discovered an important target on the enemy side, powerful cameras of the latest supercamp drone made it possible to identify hangars where ukrainian armed forces equipment was accumulated, the coordinates were immediately transferred to the command for the destruction of these objects. our aircraft, by the way, is one of the most desirable targets for militants. war correspondent eduart
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ponegov will tell you why. this footage comes from the russian supercam reconnaissance drone. such drones are on duty around the clock over enemy positions, correcting the strike. tanks and other combat vehicles, for example, an enemy self-propelled artillery installation is discovered, and a precise strike is carried out on it for several minutes. the drones are launched, of course, not at the very line of combat contact, but their operators are still constantly at risk; the enemy perfectly understands the capabilities of supercams and is actively hunting for them. combat crew consists of only two people, they can go anywhere undetected and work from almost any position, in order to fully... deploy the equipment and launch an unmanned aerial vehicle into the sky, it takes no more than 15 minutes. now the fighters are preparing for the next launch to the borders of the dpr and zaporozhye region. the task is to check the enemy’s movements over the past 24 hours, and if necessary, warn commanders about this so that the troops have time to react in time and repel a possible attack. before
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the flight checks the serviceability of all controls . it has a fairly large wingspan, and it is clear that it is impossible to launch it manually in order to transfer it to the apparatus. the initial impulse is used by a special device, the so-called elastic catapult. the drone is electric, almost silent, flies at an altitude of about 2 km, so it is difficult to detect. the collected data is transmitted in real time to this control point. the work of the board is carried out mainly by avionics, we have avionics, since our satellites are on our territory does not exist, all other data is calculated incorrectly, we work mainly on avionics. here.
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since there are tanks, maybe some tractors that are transporting already damaged equipment from the field, drone operators with the call sign arab have already... served in the army for 20 years, came here from buryatia for special operations from the first days, well, you understand that you are a target , of course, we completely understand, well, who is not a target, who is waiting at home, maybe a wife, children, but definitely a wife, a wife, my two daughters, beautiful, how they let you go, well, they have just resigned themselves with this, what we have, but there’s nowhere to go, this kind of work, this kind of work turns out, and combat duty usually lasts about. hours supercam successfully returns to the operators, lands using a parachute,
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another device is sent into the sky instead, surveillance of the enemy does not stop for a minute. eduard ponigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million for tickets, well, debts on credit cards are hanging on interest, you need a handyman, you take credit cards, you transfer debts to the holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota, download the magnet application if you want more advantages, discounts, promotions, bonuses for purchases with a magnit card, profitable, just the way you
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the un security council should call for a ceasefire in the gas sector, sergei lavrov said. according to the head of the russian med, all efforts of the international community to stop the bloodshed are blocked washington and this is causing an aggravation of the situation throughout the middle east. reporting from new york. the last 100 days have been filled with suffering for palestinians in gaza. more than 25 thousand people, mostly women and children, were killed during the israeli operation and more than 60 thousand people were injured; the humanitarian situation in
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gaza is appalling. the arab world perceives what is happening as a common tragedy. as soon as the floor goes to the israeli representative, several delegations rise from their seats and defiantly leave the hall. but senseless sacrifices among the civilian population could have been many times lower if, on october 16 last year, the west had supported the russian resolution on the gas sector demanding an immediate ceasefire. but it was precisely this point that was later deliberately erased several times from other projects.
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hamas and other terrorist groups. colleagues, we and other countries have participated in the development of this project, in good faith, in accordance with what we stand for on october 7th. russia chose to reject it, and this underscores its cynical approach to work in the security council, because it is trying to sow division, instead of uniting the security council to overcome global
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challenges. but russia does not divide extremists into friends and foes, which is why it demands the release of everything. behind is the martian landscape, carpet bombing has already affected soil changes, disrupting groundwater sources, the unknown lies ahead, for decades the palestinians have not been allowed to rebuild their own state, although the entire international legal foundation for this has long been ready. security council is still must fulfill its mandate and call for
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a ceasefire. otherwise, there is no guarantee that hostilities will not resume with renewed vigor.
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now the only member of the alliance that has not yet supported sweden's entry into nato is hungary. north korea launched several cruise missiles towards the yellow sea.
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this was reported by the south korean agency yonhap. according to this information, the launch took place around 7:00 am local time. other details have not been specified. the south korean military said it had strengthened control in the region in conjunction with us intelligence agencies. let me remind you that north korea previously reported a successful ballistic test. hypersonic missile. at least three people have died after a truck explosion in mongolia. the car carried 60 tons of gas. the truck collided with a car and went into the air. the fire quickly spread to a large market, a residential building and other vehicles. three firefighters died. during the fire extinguishing, another 15 people were injured. five are in serious condition. the remaining residents of the house were evacuated to a nearby hotel. local authorities confirmed. 20 cars were burned, the fire has already been extinguished, special services are conducting an inspection. israel and hamas are ready to negotiate a deal for the return of prisoners in exchange for
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a ceasefire in the gaza strip. palestinian officials said they were open to negotiations for the release of some israelis. tel aviv previously offered a pause in hostilities in exchange for all hostages, but hamas representatives refused. according to them , final liberation will begin only after guarantees of a complete ceasefire. i was afraid, but for now the israeli army continues shelling. over the past 24 hours, we have eliminated more than 100 terrorists in western khanyunis. we continue to conduct military operations throughout the gas sector, in the north, in the center and in the south. we are increasing our achievements and continue to act around the clock to create conditions for the return of the hostages. in germany, railway workers began a six-day strike. they will be canceled throughout the country in the coming week. hundreds of passenger trains. this protest is the longest of all that have been organized by the trade union. the main demand of the situation is to increase wages for drivers and reduce the working week.
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we will return to this topic later this hour. a shipment of cocaine worth 13 billion rubles was seized on the big board of st. petersburg. this was reported by the federal customs service. the drugs were hidden in bags of coffee. this was discovered after customs officers scanned a container with cargo from belgium and found it. there are briquettes with compressed white powder. in total, over 1,200 kg were seized. the examination confirmed that it was cocaine. excited a criminal case under an article on drug smuggling on an especially large scale. smuggling was detected, among other things , through the use of technical means of customs control, in particular inspection and inspection equipment. customs officers scanned a container that arrived from antwerp and found rectangular briquettes with pressed white powder among bags of coffee. the examination confirmed that the drug was cocaine. based on this fact, the baltic customs office initiated a criminal case under paragraph b, part four of article 229.1 ukrf, smuggling of narcotic drugs
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on an especially large scale. in the city of alochevsko-lugansk people's republic, almost 70 families received the keys to new apartments. construction of the residential complex began under ukrainian rule, but quickly fell into disrepair. the houses stood frozen for 15 years. with the arrival of russia, the site became abandoned. in modern, cozy housing, alisa khakimova will tell you the details. well, here i’ll make a bed for myself and hang all sorts of pictures on the walls. cool. ilya shows how they will furnish their future room. parents boys work at the alchevsk metallurgical plant. vlas residents supported valuable specialists with a service apartment in a new residential complex. the opportunity to live in such a new , comfortable apartment, bright, beautiful, we are anticipating how we will furnish the apartment, how we will settle in, we are anticipating how we will
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then live here happily for a long time, a residential complex not far from the center of olchevsk began to be built under the ukrainian government, but not managed, the houses stood frozen for about 15 years, abandoned with the arrival of russia concrete boxes turned into cozy housing. the area of ​​this apartment is almost 100 square meters. meters, two bathrooms, three rooms, the highlight of the largest of them, huge panoramic windows. the residential complex has almost 150 apartments, the interior is clean, kitchen plumbing has already been installed, the buildings themselves are insulated, the surrounding area has been landscaped, there are recreation areas and two playgrounds. don’t be afraid, come in, come in, he’s afraid, what do you like here, the golovashchenko family first lets the cat into the new apartment, then runs in. creator can’t wait to see his new rooms, well, this is great joy for our family, we have two children, and well, they lived in the same room, a boy and a girl,
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they gave me a three-room apartment now i’ll live in different rooms. the father of the family also works at the alchevsk metallurgical plant, turning red-hot steel into finished rolled metal. one of the main housewarming traditions is to show the cat a new home. thomas really likes it here, he can’t even sit in his arms, he wants to explore literally every corner of the apartment. highly specialized specialists, parents with many children, fighters. a significant event for the republic, for the first time a service housing program has been implemented, this is a social support measure to attract young professionals to work in our city with pleasure, i think they will work and come home, we are having a family year and we really hope and wish that population growth has been taking place, the new residential complex is less than half populated so far,
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children’s laughter can already be heard here, the yard is never empty, someone is already bringing in their first household shopping, someone goes to see a new home for the first time. for many years, empty houses are filled with family comfort. alisa khakimova, nikita zhuravlev, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk-alchevsk. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all fees for transfers of payments. order a free debit. card, not just profitable, alpha profitable. one application for all sberbank mortgage programs. i wish i had a house, a countryside, or better yet an apartment in the center. or skystrode. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service. what are they silent about? men? about life getting out of control. fears of ceasing to be a man. these are
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