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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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with the same pilot, navigator or commander of a boat or ship, but what do you see, what seems good or bad to you, we have such interaction and today’s experience, well, it is huge, any mathematical modeling, semi-natural modeling , this is of course very cool, it allows you to reduce experimental work, but it is always a criterion for efficiency. practical use. ukraine lacks artillery shells, but the west is not always ready to replenish the vsso supplies. about this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba in an interview with the german newspaper welt. he also cited delayed deliveries of missiles for petriot anti-aircraft missile systems as a problem. alek komarova will tell you how the west reacted to such statements. slovakia is tired, germany is powerless, the americans are silent. this is how the west now supports kiev. in bratislava, vice. the speaker of parliament said:
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assistance to ukraine leads to poverty and death. according to the politician, the citizens of his country are tired of sacrificing their own interests for the sake of neighbor in berlin, the minister of finance called on his colleagues in the european union to donate more actively to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. christian lindner is confident that if other countries of the old world tense up now, then ukraine will have a chance to win. the day before, germany announced the delivery of six helicopters. at the same time , berlin noted with regret that their neighbors are not so active in helping kiev. after all, it cannot be that... germany is doing more financially than other countries, because then other countries are putting less effort into preserving ukrainian sovereignty. it is becoming increasingly difficult for the western community to ignore the reverse effect of anti-russian sanctions. on this occasion, i want to say that prosperity depending on russia is useless. meanwhile, the leadership of the european union stated that they are not yet ready to confiscate russian assets. there is no agreement between the members of the alliance. according to ters , european officials consider this step too much. there is a great chance of losing absolutely all
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business partners, while belgium is ready to send kiev interest income on frozen assets of russia, this is 611 million euros, but when the money will be transferred is still unknown. in such an atmosphere, americans appeal to team spirit; pentagon chief loy dostin took part in a video conference for the first time after hospitalization and immediately called on his colleagues to rally around ukraine. if we lose our composure, if we shy away, if we fail to restrain the aggressors. we will only get more blood and chaos. western countries should not, simply do not have the right, to hesitate on the issue of supporting ukraine. however, about new supplies from washington against the backdrop of such speeches austin did not report, but the publication of the politician , citing sources in the pentagon, claims that the armed forces of ukraine are increasingly feeling the need for shells, while american congressmen are in no hurry to approve new arms supplies. the white house cannot come to an agreement with the capitol. at the same time, the asian media are confident that kiev will soon be castling, according to sources from...
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allegedly, now the ukrainian army is intensively preparing for defeat, trying to do this with the least losses. journalists note that even the transfer of the capital from kiev to lviv. alek komarov, lead. my group is called temporary musicians. and most importantly karoki. songs that i liked as a child. i liked the songs, i liked the artists. i sang along with the actors.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. israel and hamas are ready to negotiate a deal for the return of prisoners in exchange for a ceasefire in the gaza strip. palestinian officials said they were open to negotiations for the release of some israelis. previously tel aviv offered a pause in hostilities in exchange for all the hostages, but
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hamas representatives refused. according to them, the final liberation will begin only after guarantees of a complete ceasefire from the idf, but for now the israeli army continues shelling. over the past 24 hours, we have eliminated more than 100 terrorists in western khanyunis. we continue to conduct military operations throughout the gas sector in the north, in the center in the south. we are increasing our achievements and continue to act around the clock to create conditions for the return of hostages. in in germany, railway workers began a six-day strike. hundreds of passenger trains will be canceled across the country in the coming week. this protest is the longest of all that have been organized by the trade union. the main demand of the situation is to increase the wages of drivers and reduce the working week. donald trump won the republican primaries in the us state of new hampshire. his only rival, niki halley, congratulated the ex-president on his victory. despite the defeat, she is not going to quit
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the race. the election campaign is far from completion. about the election battle in the states dmitry melnikov. despite the fact that throughout the last week the country has only been discussing the upcoming primes. among the republicans in new hampshire , the polling stations are empty and quiet in the morning. in the state , this is a normal working day. and voters waited for the evening to fulfill their civic duty. this is how voting takes place in the cafeteria of a new hampshire school. moreover , the primaries of both republicans and democrats are in the same place. the voter must first select a queue based on the first letters of your last name, then receive one of two ballots: red for republicans, blue for democrats, and then delete. trump is confidently outperforming nicky haley, and what is called a surprise is the unexpectedly large percentage of those who voted for the former
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president’s rival, 44% with a forecast of about 30. everyone was wondering if she would withdraw after voting in newmpshire, but having received such support in the first place... it is already noticeable tired, since the beginning of the election campaign he has lost 10 kg, at the same time he has to participate immediately in several trials, but the magician’s activists, the backbone of his supporters on the contrary, received another powerful impulse, everyone’s mood was approximately the same. after
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new hampshire, donald trump is the main and only republican presidential candidate. now anyone who is against trump is against the party. but let's not let anyone celebrate when she had a very bad night, she had a very bad night, former rivals now active trump supporters, businessman vivik ramaswamy and south carolina senator tim scott. overwhelmed by the importance
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of the moment, scott interrupts trump for a confession. i just want to say that i love you. this is a good politician. joe biden also won on his own in new hampshire. democratic primaris, however , almost no one noticed this, the name of the current president this time was not even on the ballot, those who wished could write it in by hand, the leadership of the dim party decided to... begin their primaris season only on february 3 from south carolina. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from new hampshire. what are they silent about? men, that life is out of control. do fears stop being a man? these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packages of langidase against prostatitis. this is me, maxim nikitin,
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800 300 677. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. calm, only calm, valentina, valemidinina, drops for calm with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint, husband, well then i ’ll fly, volimidin, calm, only calm, we’ll play at home in january, cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million. hurry up for tickets, win when you give joy to your loved ones, order. hello, i am your
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stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are without strength, like a spent lemon, stress leaves you without strength. elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elkar - i can fight stress in mm. i saw a sign in the sky. in the harsh winter, it will appear here, which has never happened, the stars of the worlds will converge, where east and west meet, they will converge big and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands, but who will take the heavenly trophy, no one knows, games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks, apartment in moscow counting five, only five purchases. from a thousand rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can
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be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free sberbank credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country, ismigen, i will quickly treat colds, telephone machines. the bill that paused publication in the open access to personal data stolen by hackers, kaspersky lab specialists conducted an investigation, it showed that a significant part of the information stolen from russian companies has not yet been published, according to security experts, hackers are waiting for the final... the corresponding bill was adopted on tuesday in the first
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reading, it suggests that the punishment will depend on the scale of the leak, in some cases the fine could reach half a billion rubles, this should force companies to take data security more seriously users. according to kaspersky lab , 133 data sets were published last year, containing 315 million rows of user data, an increase of one third. new fines, the other side of all this is that the nature of attacks on russian companies has changed again, or rather their logic has returned to its usual course, hacktivism and political motivation, which came to the fore 2 years ago, are no longer in the first place. attacks that were on the company there starting in february twenty-two, if they were purely destructive in nature, and
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accordingly, the criminals had some kind of access to the company; they could not monetize it in any way, because the method... of monetization, the withdrawal of funds abroad, it was simply absent, then at the moment, given that there is work with cryptocurrencies, there are exchangers, it turns out that we have such a situation that the current attacks are being monetized by attackers, so we now have a rollback towards financially motivated attackers who are trying to make money just with the help of its non-authorized access to a specific network, so if we say that there is now more distribution. or making money, making money. another big threat according to kaspersky lab: the number of attacks on android smartphone users in russia increased by 47%. security experts again attribute this to the changes that have occurred recently. firstly, some important applications have been removed from the official google app store, users
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let's go look for them, including on dubious resources. actually, one of the popular distribution methods. attempts to install it from compromised sources also give unpredictable results, but the number of cases of telephone fraud has stopped growing, including thanks to the actions of the regulator. the antif system, which has already been introduced on the territory of our country and is now gradually being introduced by the mobile operator. connect, this is of course a good thing, in fact, it is prohibited to spoof a telephone number in the time of the call is naturally the bread that attackers used there several years ago, given that now , in fact, this is practically becoming impossible, attackers have two ways, the first way is to leave, in fact, to messengers, this is exactly the very same voice messages that we now see
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from fake directors, the second way out is precisely the use of those same sim cards, gray sim cards that are already beta... using voice cloning technology, the message, because to fake voice in a live conversation is still difficult and expensive, but in the next couple of years, as they say, scammers will also master this, and the story is about how the disappearance of one link to one document from the internet increased the capitalization of a couple of the largest. by almost 10%. we are talking about the plans of the chinese authorities to tighten regulation of the computer games market. china has been steadily cracking down on the gaming industry over the past few years, including limiting the amount of time children can spend playing games and revising requirements for publishing new games. titles. a month ago, the regulator published a draft set of rules for the distribution of video games in the country, which, in particular, contained
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a ban on provoking players to enter into battle with each other, which is the main mechanic. most multiplayer games and the requirement to limit players' spending on their hobbies. after the publication of the document, the capitalization of the two largest chinese and global publishers and net is immediately decreased by $80 billion. and now, when the draft new rules have disappeared from the regulator’s website, their shares crept back up. large-scale projects. modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs,
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concerts and dozens of other events. russia fascinates you, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition, russian regions have received hundreds of hectares of land for construction.
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alisa kryuchkova studies at the commonwealth educational center, the largest school russia, opened last year in voronezh. now there are 2,500 students, there are more than a dozen parallel classes, they have unusual names. and even our own planetarium, by the way, the changes here are unusual, our school activists organize musical breaks once a week, we select the music, and the children during the breaks, on two
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large ones, can spend time in the atrium in our largest auditorium, such a central point, can dancing, singing, jumping, generally great. the school has become a point of attraction for parents, students, says the director of education. on one of the sites that the housing development institute, the house of the russian federation, is preparing for development and transferring sub-social projects to the regions. since 2010, the government commission for
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housing development has transferred a total of 527 hectares to the regions for management and disposal. in addition to schools and kindergartens, parks, squares, and boulevards also appeared on them. in irkutsk there is the baikal ice palace, in tatarstan there is a center for pediatric oncology, hematology and surgery. the opening of the latter took place in... the latest equipment, timely diagnostics, high-tech treatment, early rehabilitation are carried out here, the center can simultaneously accommodate 100 small patients. in 2019, we at home in the russian federation applied, and a 3-hectare plot of land was allocated for pediatric oncology, and thanks to this land, there are lands everywhere, but it... geographically was very necessary and was located where it should be , so it allowed us to solve a very large social problem. for 15
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years since 2008 development institute free of charge transferred hundreds of hectares of land to the regions. 151 kindergartens, 101 schools, 20 sports facilities, 10 hospitals and clinics are being built on the site of vacant lots. unused lands are either transferred for management, or without... compensation, into ownership, the main conditions are the construction of social facilities. any territory under it requires the creation of a territory planning project, within the framework of which it is necessary to create social infrastructure facilities: schools, kindergartens, clinics and other necessary facilities that are useful and necessary for any family. we have developed a standard for the integrated development of the territory, which actively shows how to properly... place these objects within the microdistrict; our task is not only to provide land plots for social facilities, but also to synchronize the construction of housing with these
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objects. this social focus of work is part of the domrf policy in the field of sustainable development. the volume of investments in social loans alone as of july 1 , 23 is already about 238 billion rubles. and this without accounting for loans under preferential mortgage programs. with this funding , social infrastructure is built. and here another important mechanism comes to the rescue: infrastructure bonds. for the house of the russian federation, this agenda is very important, because it first of all speaks about the quality of life in general, a high-quality yard, a high-quality microdistrict, all our projects that the house of the russian federation is involved in, regardless of the direction of project financing or the provision of land plots for the integrated development of territories, everything this is somehow related to eug agenda, because the area of ​​activity that... is aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens is our main direction. another area is financial literacy. anyone can do it at the domrf consultation center.
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get detailed answers about support measures in the housing sector. first of all, we are engaged in supporting our citizens in the field of government programs, starting from regional programs and moving on to federal and state programs. when people contact us, we don't just say, we answer customer questions, but also offer all the options that a citizen can have in a given situation. you can call or write to the center at any time 24:7 a day. here they process up to one and a half thousand requests, we have already provided more than 25 million consultations to citizens, and accordingly, the main questions that we receive are precisely what measures are there, how to use them, where to find them, where to apply for them, and what else can be done to buy housing there cheaper, to reduce the burden on existing loans, these all requests come to our hotline, our experts process them and help
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people. the country already has a variety of mechanisms for improving housing conditions, from preferential government programs and building cooperatives to affordable rental payments to large families. in the first quarter , the state-owned company will present new proposals for targeted support for russian families. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business. take part in the competition for growing russian brands, know ours. know ours - a good chance
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advance. clear terms and impressive effect of victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the idea platform. rf/brand.
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a military transport il-76 crashed in the belgorod region; as reported by the ministry of defense, the plane was transporting prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces for exchange. there were also attendants and crew members on board. and now our correspondent in the region, alexander korobov, has come into direct contact. alexander, hello, how many people were there? on board and what was their fate, did they all die, what is known about the crash? friends alexander, yes, today at about 11 o’clock in the afternoon moscow time, an il-76 military transport plane crashed while performing a scheduled flight. according to the ministry of defense , there were 65 captured military personnel on board in uisu, transported to the belgorod region for exchange, as well as six crew members and three accompanying persons, well, at least.


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