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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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ministry of defense, the plane was transporting prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces for exchange. our correspondent alexander korobov reports from the scene. today , at about 11 o'clock in the afternoon moscow time , an il-76 military transport plane crashed while performing a scheduled flight. according to the ministry of defense, there were 65 captured military personnel on board in usu, transported to the belgorod region for exchange. also. six
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crew members, three accompanying people, well , at least for now the information is coming in that they all died, and there are also a number of ukrainian telegram channels stated that the involvement of the ukrainian armed forces in the incident, well, a little later they began to delete messages, just as the russian ministry of defense clarifies , a vks commission flew to the location of the plane to establish. disaster, yes, now both an investigative team and employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working on the site, well, it is known that the plane crashed outside populated areas in a field. alexander korobov, news, belgorod region. negotiations between vladimir putin and the transitional president of the chat republic, mahamat, are taking place in the kremlin idris debi. the russian leader noted that in recent years relations between... in response
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, the president of the republic of chat called his visit to russia historic, and also expressed condolences in connection with the plane crash in the belgorod region. we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations. through the un we are trying to provide support, including humanitarian support. character, you know about this, we intend to do this further, in the humanitarian sphere our relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students who are studying in the russian federation from chado, in the next 2 years i am still ready to double it , we see the interest from your youth growing, and we will be happy to work in all these areas, i refused. i heard about the plane crash,
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and on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of the chat republic, i express my sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after with this historic visit, we will intensify our cooperation. and before the negotiations, chado’s delegation laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the state duma adopted a draft appeal to the french national assembly in connection with participation.
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to remain a sovereign state, if it wants to remain on the map at all, that’s what the law is about, it is supported by the overwhelming majority of our citizens. this was a statement by vyacheslav volodin about the law on confiscation of property. the state duma today adopted in the first reading a bill on confiscation of property and deprivation of honorary titles for a number of crimes, in particular for spreading fakes about the armed forces. in addition, they will be punished for public calls for action to violate the integrity of russia, calls for the introduction of sanctions, rehabilitation of nazism, and assistance in the implementation of decisions of international organizations. in which our country does not participate, or foreign government bodies, and today the situation about mercenaries from the fifth republic was also commented on in the kremlin. we still insist that we have reliable
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information that suggests that there are french citizens in ukraine, french mercenaries, and we also pay attention to the statements of french representatives. that they cannot do anything about those who want to take part in this massacre in ukraine. we regret this , and of course, we believe that it is much better to treat our citizens more carefully and at least strongly recommend that they not take part in many of the criminal acts of the kiev regime. nikolay paturshev held negotiations with a colleague today from iran. ali akhmediyan arrived in moscow for the first time by invitation.
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is almost completed, i am confident that the conclusion of this fundamental document will give a powerful impetus to the further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation in a comprehensive long-term agreement, work in all areas. the federation council has sent a large number of invitations to international observers for the russian presidential elections, the country is interested in this, said the chairman of the upper house.
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brix, they believe, will justify their refusal to join the group. significant economic damage, because the alliance countries export the lion's share of agricultural products. the position of the argentine congressmen is quite understandable; brix is ​​attracting more and more like-minded people, and the weight of the association in the world economy is constantly growing. now the group includes 10 countries, five whose names i will leave out. these are brazil, russia, india, china and south africa, from this year five new members began full-fledged work in the organization, these are egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, ethiopia and saudi arabia, with the amendment of the latter recently announced that she was taking a break. new participants in
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brix are welcome, for example, how russian president vladimir putin greeted egypt. new, promising opportunities to build up our fruitful cooperation. open in connection with egypt's entry into brix. i would like to emphasize that from the very beginning russia sincerely supported the desire of the egyptian side to become a full member of this. during the russian brix chairmanship this year, we will try to do everything possible to ensure that egypt effectively integrates into the work associations. we have planned to hold more than 200 events along the brex line. brik becomes the largest economic association. the contribution of the g7, great britain, germany, italy, canada, france, japan and the usa to global gdp is about 30%. brix already accounts for 35%, and new members have high
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hopes for the alliance. we are truly committed to joining brix. the united arab emirates is located in the middle of the world, we receive a large amount of business, trade and trade routes that lead further to more southern countries. and being part of brix is ​​beneficial for us not only from a geopolitical, but from a geo-economic point of view. oam here. brix is ​​45% of oil reserves, half of the food produced on the planet, 80% of aluminum; in terms of reserves of rare earth metals, brix exceeds g7 by almost 30 times. what other opportunities does joining the group offer, that's what experts say? first of all, yes, this is an opportunity to coordinate your policies with the most important ones.
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russia already has 95% of trade transactions in rubles and rmb the next stages are the formation of alternatives to the imf and the world bank, the development of domestic debt and credit markets. first, there is an agreement to provide liquidity to central banks. accordingly, brix countries can receive additional loans to form their own. the second instrument is that the brix countries have agreed to create a so-called
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new development bank, that is, it is a development bank that finances projects specifically in the brix countries. it is logical that the appearance of such a powerful player cannot but cause concern on the part of the g7. this is what the wall street journal calls the expansion of brix, an attempt to change the global world order to create a counterbalance to the us and its allies. indicates that brix threatens american interests in the middle east, well, deutschevel states that such a serious threat requires a comprehensive response from the west. yes, thank you anna, anna lazreva spoke about the expansion of bariks. the un security council should call for a ceasefire in the gaza strip, about this on sergei lavrov stated at the security council meeting. the head of the russian foreign ministry noted:
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the united states and its allies, whose military presence in the middle east is like in other parts of eurasia. continent is creating ever new unacceptable risks for international security. we are talking about multiple invasions of americans and their satellites into independent states, which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in iraq, the destruction of the statehood of libya, the war in syria, and a huge flow of refugees. in the southern donetsk direction, russian the scouts discovered an important target on the enemy side. powerful cameras. the latest supercam drone allowed us to identify hangars where ukrainian armed forces equipment was accumulated.
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the coordinates were immediately transferred to the command for the destruction of these objects. our aircraft, by the way, is one of the most desirable targets for militants. war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you why. this footage comes from the russian supercam reconnaissance drone. such drones are on duty around the clock over enemy positions, correcting attacks by tanks and others. combat vehicles, for example, an enemy self-propelled artillery installation is discovered, a precise strike is carried out on it for several minutes, drones are launched, and the lines of combat contact are established, but their operators are still constantly at risk. the enemy perfectly understands the capabilities of supercams and is actively hunting for them. the combat crew consists of only two people, they can go anywhere undetected and work from almost any position in order to fully deploy the equipment and launch an unmanned aerial vehicle into the sky, it takes no more than 15 minutes. now the fighters
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are preparing for the next launch on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region. the task is to check the enemy’s movements over the past 24 hours. if necessary, warn commanders about this so that the troops have time to react in time and repel a possible attack. before departure, check the serviceability of all controls . the drone has a fairly large wingspan, it is clear that it is impossible to launch it manually; in order to give the device an initial impulse, it uses a special device, the so-called elastic catapult. the drone is electric, almost silent, flies at an altitude of about 2 km, so it is difficult to detect. collected data. in real time are transmitted to this control point. the work of the board is carried out mainly by avionics, we have avionics, since there are no satellites on our territory, all other data is calculated incorrectly, we work mainly by avionics, here we show the given speed, given altitude, signal level, the operator finds it in a couple of minutes
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several potential targets, in this area we are already immediately even from the map. it is clear from a large distance that there are already large buildings, that is, here we have hangars, you see, hangars, you can fly up directly to the uav, see the entrances, exits, some accumulations of cars, equipment, tankers, presumably we can assume that here is a point for some kind of fuel and lubricants, distribution or accumulation of equipment, since there are tanks, maybe some tractors, which take away already damaged equipment from the field, drone operators with the call sign arab are already 20 have served in the army for years...he came here from buryatia for special operations from the first days, well, you understand that you are a target for the vso? yes , of course, we completely understand, well, who is not the target , who is waiting at home, maybe the wife, children, will tell you, yes, definitely the wife, my wife, my two beautiful daughters, how they let you go, well, they have just come to terms with it, that we have, well
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, nowhere to go, such work , such work turns out, yes, combat duty usually lasts about 6 hours, perkam successfully returns to the operators, lands with a parachute, and instead into the sky they send another device, surveillance of the enemy does not stop for a minute. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. vladimir zelensky found himself in a desperate situation due to disagreements with the military leadership, corruption and failures in the conflict with russia. observers of the spanish newspaper abc write about this. analysts note that the kiev regime is entirely dependent on the west, but also...
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year, and germany will send a batch to the ssu to transfer the first batch of equipment in the current siing helicopters, the combat effectiveness of which, military experts, to put it mildly, rate it low. germany will supply ukraine with six fifty-year-old sea king helicopters, which will be decommissioned in 2020. we transfer garbage to ukraine. the main problem with this equipment is its age, and if in...
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the us is also under increasing pressure as it also has to deliver ammunition to other theaters of war. as a result, in certain sectors of the front with the ukrainian armed forces, on average, about 2.0 shells are used per day, about 10 are fired from the russian side thousand. we are talking about a five-fold advantage, which automatically reflects the situation on the battlefield. the problems with personnel are even more serious , military personnel spoke to the publication. we see more and more people between the ages of 45 and 47, they are suffocating before they even get to the front line. the average age of a military personnel now. is 43 years old, which is 10 years higher than in march 2022. commanders are increasingly complaining that the combat usefulness of recruits is questionable; some
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of them don’t even know how to shoot because they are afraid of the sound of a gunshot, others drink too much. this information is confirmed by officers with whom journalists from the spanish elmundo spoke. according to them, kiev uses propaganda as much as possible to maintain the morale of soldiers on the front line, but in fact it is no longer possible to go to the front... who doesn’t want to, we don’t have people, there are 50 people in my company, there should be more than 100 of them. zelensky uses the media as a weapon, a single information space against russia. in fact, it's a soap opera. he tells the whole country that everything is going well that we are winning, but in reality no one wants to go to the front. brussels does not like this situation, but provides assistance in the same volume as before; eu countries do not seem to be ready. the day before, the leadership of the european union hinted that they were not yet ready to confiscate russian assets, saying that such actions would lead to... the loss of key business partners, and a new package of sanctions against moscow is being discussed, although there is no agreement on this issue. the representative of the european parliament from the austrian freedom party,
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georg mayer, noted that the list restrictions include a ban on the import of russian aluminum, which will hit european industry even harder. according to him , while officials practice their eloquence and give false signals of hope to kiev, ordinary europeans have to pay for the destructive foreign policy of their leaders. artyom krasulin, ekaterina shamaeva, lead. sweden's entry into the north atlantic alliance will strengthen european security. this is how jose borel commented on the turkish parliament’s ratification of the protocol on stockholm’s accession to the nato bloc. previously such a step ankara was greeted by the white house and nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. the decision will come into force only after the decree is signed by president erdogan. now the only member of the alliance who has not yet supported.
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author of the project for the moscow dostoevsky house museum center, director of the literary museum.
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theaters, cinema halls, libraries, we create conditions for rich and interesting leisure time, so that residents, including our remote settlements, can watch a good film, go to a play, a concert, an exhibition, and what is very important, learn more about history from our native land and our country, especially since the interest of our citizens and foreign guests in what cultural institutions offer in russian regions is growing. and here is an urgent message from the ministry of defense. today at 11:15, the kiev regime committed a terrorist act, as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down, flying along... the route chaalovsky belgorod airfield to transport ukrainian military personnel for exchange. the plane was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​a populated area
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libtsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. there were six crew members on board the plane, 65 ukrainian military personnel for the exchange and three russian soldiers accompanying them. military personnel, crew and all passengers on the plane died. the ukrainian leadership knew very well that, according to established practice, today ukrainian military personnel would be transported by military transport aircraft to the belgorod airfield for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint on the russian-ukrainian border. and yet, the nazi kiev regime agreed to this. the move aims to blame russia for the destruction of the ukrainian military. by committing this terrorist attack, the ukrainian leadership showed its true colors and neglected the lives of its citizens. and now
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it’s time for economic news: russia increased its oil reserves by 550 million tons at the end of the year, and gas by 705 billion cubic meters. the state commission for mineral resources reported this. in total, 43 liquid hydrocarbon deposits were discovered in the twenty-third year. according to the american department of energy, russia is in eighth place in the world in terms of reserves. venezuela ranks first, but the oil there is mostly heavy. japan increased purchases of russian grains almost fivefold in 2023, according to data from the country’s ministry of finance. for other items, a decline is recorded, for example, the volume of fish from russia dropped by 16%. one and a half times imports of vegetables and fruits were halved. in addition, japan did not import soybeans from our country last year. at the end of the year, russia increased its exports of vegetable oil by a third. in total, more than 6.5
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million tons were supplied abroad. this has been said. china and india sent almost 900 thousand tons to these countries. and the russian mining market can grow 23 times to 5.5 gigawatts in 2 years. this was stated by the director of the industrial mining association sergei bezdelov. according to the organization, our country now ranks second place in the world after the united states in bitcoin mining. american market.
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also allow us to actively replace the rolling stock, the zamoskvorenskaya line is one of the most popular, today the rolling stock is not the newest, and after commissioning within 4 years we will almost completely replace the rolling stock with new moscow 20 trains, the next generation of cars.
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in general, this is unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i am, of course, more of a sapper major general, a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming task, we are improving on... the detection and neutralization of spare items in the building, this was done with the goal of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, we did it ourselves, class, detonation, what a babble.


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