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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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deny a great future. at the age of 16, she reached the fourth round and already received the unofficial title of being the youngest athlete to win the opening set with a score of 6:0 against a tennis player from the top ten in the world ranking from tunisia, on jaber. last year, it was mira andreeva who was recognized as number one among all newcomers by the women's tennis association. daniil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, the most important thing is karaki, you can just sing the whole movie, i sang songs that i liked as a child, songs i liked, art...
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i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, the apple, the bremen town musicians, leningrad was of enormous importance for the soviet union, aurora shot there, it happened there revolution, its population must either be destroyed or expelled, the city itself must be destroyed to the ground, the leningrad volkhov front must be shackled so that they do not take a step to the left or a step to the right.
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that my parents have arrived? yeah, i don't know what that means, but this is them, holob 2, where i'm afraid ask,
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taste has a name, mark, dine, mom, dad, ready, sasha, polya, max, at the table, guys, dine, they call you to try, shibekinskie. taste has a name, now it is yours. so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rubles. down payment, 0% overpayments, narrow washing machine "haire for only 29.99 and also in installments in emvidio and eldorado." beloved chmona, ruler of the screwov universe, maria the mistress, either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the braid. vika
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sherstenika, it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free debit alpha card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. and now in the krasnodar region, it happened there. magnitude four shaking. the tremors were quite clearly felt by residents of the city center. they sent numerous messages to emergency services. the last time there was a noticeable earthquake in kuban was in 1998 . and andrey is in direct contact with us malyovy. andrey, i greet you. tell us, are the tremors felt right now and how did residents perceive what happened? yes, greetings colleagues, but an earthquake is probably still a strong word.
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floors, not only felt the tremors, but were also forced to evacuate downstairs to the street, like many other krasnodar residents, who not only felt, but also saw with their own eyes swinging chandeliers in their apartments, shaking dishes in the kitchen, and all the typical signs of light earthquakes , as for... criticism, and according to obninsk seismic station and the force of the tremors was approximately four points, the epicenter of the earthquake was registered approximately 30 km southwest of krasnodar, this is approximately, and the village
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of ilskaya is a populated area, depth - the epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of approximately 10 km, tremors were felt in addition to krasnodar in the suburbs of the regional... capital, and also messages came even from the black sea coast, for example, in novorossiysk. according to the regional operational headquarters , there was no damage to those affected by these tremors, and as a result of these tremors there was no damage, but well, in conclusion, let me remind you that the krasnodar region is, after all, the foothills of the caucasus, and here there are mountains, so such light tremors are felt quite regularly, the previous time this was observed in the summer. last year, but as of now, no serious consequences were recorded, colleagues, andrey, thank you, andrey malevin spoke about the earthquake in kuban, now we will contact the cleaning agency, here are the messages that come with a note urgently from
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the ministry of defense, in the donetsk direction, with active actions of units of the southern troop groupings, the situation along the front line has been improved, and the ministry of defense reports that two attacks by the armed forces of ukraine were repelled in the krasnolimansky direction. enemy losses amount to up to 260 military personnel. this was news from the ministry of defense. vladimir zelensky refused in a desperate situation due to disagreements with the military leadership, corruption and failures in the conflict with russia. observers of the spanish newspaper abc write about this. analysts note that the kiev regime is entirely dependent on the west, but its partners are tired of spending on needs.
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as for the supply of f-16 fighters, western partners plan to transfer the first batch of equipment this year, and germany will send to the ssu a batch of siing helicopters, the combat effectiveness of which, to put it mildly, is assessed by military experts as low. germany will supply ukraine with six fifty-year-old sea king helicopters, which will be decommissioned in 2020. we transfer garbage to ukraine. the main problem of this equipment is its age, and if in 2006 to provide one , colonel of the austrian armed forces markus reisner, in turn, pointed out the acute lack of ammunition. in his opinion, in a war of attrition, russia now has a five-fold advantage,
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which will inevitably be converted on the battlefield. ukraine faces a dilemma; it needs ammunition. remember the eu's promise to deliver 1 million shells by the end of the year. this did not happen. the us is also under increasing pressure to deliver munitions to other theaters of war. as a result, in certain sectors of the front with the ukrainian armed forces, on average , about 2,000 shells are used per day, with the russian about 10,000 are fired from each side. we are talking about a five-fold advantage, which automatically reflects the situation on the battlefield. even more serious are the problems with personnel . in an interview with newsweek , military personnel spoke about the real state of affairs. ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we are seeing more and more people aged 45 to 47 years old. they are out of breath before they even reach the front line. the average age of a military member is now 43 years old, 10 years higher than in march 2022. commanders are increasingly complaining that the combat usefulness
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recruits are doubtful. some of them don't even know how to shoot because they are afraid of the sound of a gunshot, others drink too much. this information is confirmed by the officers with whom... journalists from the spanish elmundo spoke. according to them, kiev uses propaganda as much as possible to maintain the morale of soldiers on the front line, but in fact no one wants to go to the front anymore. we don't have people. “there are 50 people in my company, there should be more than 100. zelensky uses the media as a weapon, a single information space against russia. in fact, this is a soap opera. he tells the whole country that everything is going well, that we are winning, but in reality no one wants to go to the front. brussels does not like this situation, but the eu countries do not seem to be ready to provide assistance in the same volume as before. the day before, the leadership of the european union hinted that they were not yet ready to confiscate russian assets, saying that such actions would entail the loss of key business partners. but a new package of sanctions against moscow is being discussed, although there is no agreement on this issue. representative of
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the european parliament from the austrian freedom party, georg mayer noted that the list of restrictions includes a ban on the import of russian aluminum, which will hit european industry even harder. according to him , while officials practice their eloquence and give false signals of hope to kiev , ordinary europeans have to pay for the destructive foreign policy of their leaders. irina shamaeva, vesti. and news from the ministry of defense continues to arrive. it is reported that in the kupinsky direction , up to 175 ukrainian military personnel and two tanks were destroyed per day during even attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. also the military department reports that in the donetsk direction two attacks by ukrainian armed forces attack aircraft were repelled in the area of ​​the village of shumy. the enemy lost up to 220 soldiers per day. the ministry of defense also states that in the zaporizhzhya direction, attacks on the armed forces of ukraine destroyed up to... 50 ukrainian military personnel and two armored vehicles, this is urgent news from the ministry of defense. it is also said that in
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the kherson direction, up to 60 ukrainian military personnel were destroyed per day, and in the southern donetsk direction, enemy losses amounted to up to 105 military personnel. howitzer hit made in great britain. in the united states , the results of important primaries in the state of new hampshire are being discussed. among the republicans, donald trump strengthened the leadership, but no one. haley is not going to give up, she says that only she can defeat joe biden. new hampshire is a small state, with only 22 delegates up for votes, although in order to secure the party's nomination, a candidate needs to collect more than a thousand throughout the country. but the symbolic meaning is important. new hampshire is traditionally one of the first to vote, giving the winning candidate a distinctive acceleration plus the context of the republican candidates there are only two left, donald trump and nicky haley.
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state, you know, we won new hampshire three, three, three times, in the last 3 months we won almost every pool against corrupt joe biden, and haley never managed to do it, this is not a typical victory speech, but let's not let anyone something to celebrate when she had a very bad night, she had a very bad night, niki haile however. declares that she does not intend to give up, says that she is the only one republican who has a chance to defeat
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joe biden in november. moreover, the gap in numbers is not yet so critical; there is an equally important prime minister ahead in south carolina, this is her home state, where she, moreover, 6 years ago served as governor. the press writes that trump has even allegedly already decided on a candidate for the post of potential vice president, this is conservative senator tom scott. he's also from south carolina and that's it.
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now footage from the government house, dear friends, good afternoon, i am glad to see you all welcome to... the solemn ceremony of presenting the government prize of the russian federation in the field of culture. the significance of this sphere for a person is enormous, it makes it possible to feel the interconnection of the past and present, to create a solid foundation for the future, to feel belonging to
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a single spiritual space of one’s country. an outstanding scholar of literature. culturologist, academician dmitry sergeevich likhachev said that culture represents the main meaning and main value of the existence of both individual peoples and states outside of culture , their independent existence loses all meaning. it is very important to take care of our heritage, preserve such objects as temples, historical estates, and the government. carries out work to restore hundreds of architectural monuments every year, we put in order and equip galleries, theaters, cinemas, libraries, we create conditions for rich and interesting leisure time, so that residents, including our remote settlements, can
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watch a good film, go to a play, concert, exhibition, and what it is very important to know more... about the history of your native land and your country, especially since the interest of our citizens and foreign guests in what cultural institutions offer in russian regions is growing. last year , about 45 million people visited various exhibitions, which is almost 6.5% more than the year before. this is largely the result of something serious. the work of museum employees, in order to support them, to express respect for their work, they recently established a national award named after likhachev, well, we plan to present it this spring, we will continue to develop domestic cinema, over the past few years it has reached a qualitatively new level, i think
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you will all agree with me, the additional funding that has been allocated. for the production of films on behalf of the president in discussion with the community, which they say has worked, viewers willingly go to russian domestic films, about 90 million people came to cinemas last year, just recently we discussed that in the first week of twenty-four, over 14 million man, it’s very nice that our youth lead an active cultural... lifestyle, this is largely facilitated by the pushkin card , which we launched, you know, on behalf of the president, almost 10 million children use it, more and more events are becoming available thanks to this program. the head of state noted that diversity and interaction in the field of culture is one of the conditions
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for stable, peaceful development. russia will always lead those. working with those who are committed to it. at the end of last year in a forum of united cultures took place in st. petersburg. representatives from 73 countries of the world took part in it, and accordingly, dozens of different events took place on its sites over 3 days, more than twenty agreements were signed, and the armitage prize was established as a sign of recognition for achievements, including in the field. art in strengthening international dialogue. also, over the next two years, cross-years of culture between russia and china will take place. a program of events is currently being developed. the main task of which is to build straight lines contacts between people, acquaintance with the rich history and traditions of our states.
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culture is closely intertwined with the fate of a people. what is happening in the country, in the world, is often reflected in the work of writers, artists, musicians, and painters. this year, seven projects were awarded government awards, each of them is a real event for adults, for children, for professionals, for amateurs, in which the authors turn to the classical heritage of folk art, preserve the memory of difficult times, history finds, if you want, the exact words and bright images to tell people about the main thing in their lives, and today i am especially pleased that... this ceremony coincided with the birthday of one of the laureates, yuri abramovich bashnet, a virtuoso violist and conductor, who is known in russia and far beyond its
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borders, you have achieved great heights in your skill, it is important, i would say, priceless , that you also share your talent and knowledge with aspiring musicians, and implement dozens of charitable educational projects. your active civic position evokes sincere respect. more than 10 years ago, by the way, under your leadership, the all-russian youth symphony orchestra was created, uniting the best young performers. thanks to him , hundreds of children had the opportunity not only to develop their talent, but also to realize themselves in the profession; all of them serve today in leading orchestras. of our country, i know how much strength and energy you have invested in this, on behalf of the head of state, the government has prepared and signed a corresponding decree
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that the all-russian youth symphony the orchestra will now become a federal state cultural institution, but this means that young musicians will receive appropriate state support in rehearsal sessions on... tours, at concert performances and other events. dear yuri abramovich, i hope that this decision will be such a kind gift for your birthday. and i congratulate you with all my heart, i wish you new projects, ideas, inspiration, as for a great artist, and, of course, good health and prosperity. i would especially like to note that one of the works nominated for the prize today, a requiem concert performed by the all-russian youth symphony orchestra under the direction of yuri abramovich on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war on june 22 at 4 am,
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is an expression of a feeling of sincere gratitude and respect for the people who bravely stood up for protection of their homeland, who suffered hardships, who gave their lives. the broadcast of the concert was seen by millions. citizens and such folk memory turned into eternal music, a striking event in the world of theater became play "i, sergei obraztsov". sergei vladimirovich lived a long, fruitful life. for 60 years he directed the puppet theater, which is still one of the largest and best in the world. the production is not only an excursion into the biography of the master into... the history of their country, its authors, our laureates today are elena nikolaevna balukova, ekaterina mikhailovna obraztsova and sergei aleksandrovich alimov, who,
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unfortunately, is no longer with us, made a kind of theatrical statement about nurturing love for the homeland, for people, for one’s business, and also pride in a rich national treasure, which, without a doubt , is creativity. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky. today , the creator of the moscow house of dostoevsky receives a government award; this is the first museum center in russia and in the world that is dedicated to the life and work of the great writer as a whole. among the nominees is another significant project - a circus for village children. we are doing a lot to ensure that quality education and medicine are available in all corners of the country, but cultural ones are also important. activities that, if you want, they fill children and adults with bright emotions; they usually go to circus performances for a good mood and,
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as a rule, go with the whole family. the artists of this project visited about 300 villages and remote settlements, and brought great joy to tens of thousands of spectators, girls, boys, and their parents. our culture is rich and multifaceted, for its contribution to... the preservation, popularization and development of folklore and traditions of the peoples of russia, the unique world folklore festival, the largest international festival, it was attended by delegations from almost 40 countries and national groups from 18 countries. such events help strengthen friendly ties, introduce residents and guests of russia to the culture of creative and... foreign ensembles. another laureate was the gortsi festival; it has been held annually in our country, in the republic of dagestan,
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for almost now. years, during which time it has united dozens of groups from almost all over the world, and more than 100 russian ones; today artists have also been awarded government prizes a dance performance under the vainakh sky, which tells about this people, thereby introducing young people to the national culture, to the original choreographic art. dear friends, with your talent you strengthen the traditions of our country, which... make us a single, great nation, i hope that this state award is not only recognition of your professionalism and high level of work, it will become an incentive for you to implement further plans, i would like to wish you on this path, always waiting for you all success, health, good luck, inspiration, let's start presenting the awards.
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by order of the government of the russian federation, the 2023 government prize in the field of culture was awarded. for holding a requiem concert on the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war, june 22, at exactly 4 am. bashmet yuri abramovich, the author of the project artistically. grinchenko dmitry vladimirovich, co-author and general producer of the new russia orchestra project. i'll try to be very short,
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but i'm filled with a feeling of joy, because, firstly , everything happens fairly, sometimes some kind of title, in the old days, a person received awards, and no one... people even know who it is, and then they find out thanks to this, and this often coincided , and here, it seems to me that, in general, this youth ensemble is being awarded very deservedly, because what you just talked about, mikhail vladimirovich, this was precisely the youth, all-russian orchestra, i
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mean the project, this means so much to them, they come from anad there, from i don't i know, yaroslavl, sochi, rostov-nadon, all regions are participating, which means they are getting help locally, their parents are happy, happy, they are determined, they receive confirmation that they have chosen a profession in life, and then they get accepted.
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this is not the only such powerful project on the floating bridge, it was also our anniversary of the flight of the first cosmonaut , they set up a stage right there at baikonur, they all came there, they saw it all for the first time in their lives, these young musicians, this is a victory from the battle of leningrad , well, you can list a lot, but of course what for...
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well, that's me for you.


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