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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought.
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foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? development of distant territories, economic development, natural resources and huge opportunities for investment. at an exhibition in the forum, russia discusses the importance of the arctic and far east for our country, and for the whole world as a whole, because this is the subject of our...
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joy and a fertile field for cooperation. if you think about it, 70% of our country is the northern territories. so, january 24 is the day of the far east and the arctic. as the minister for development of the far east and arctic, alexey chakhunkov, noted earlier , in the context of sanctions and economic pressure, a big bet today is placed on snp. the volume of transportation along it has increased 8-12 times over 7 years, from 4 million tons to 36 million. november 1 last year in russia, on behalf of vladimir putin , a preferential arctic mortgage was launched, supplies are only 2%. in essence, this is an expansion of far eastern mortgages to the northernmost regions of the country. regarding the development of the tourism industry, it is noted that since the fifteenth year the share of domestic tourism has increased by 50, from 50% to almost. 90%
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of travelers are attracted by the white and barintsov seas and the arctic ocean. at vdnkh, as part of the day of the far east and the arctic , discussions and lectures are held on the strategically important regions of our country. this key event is a plenary session, attended by deputy prime minister, presidential plenipotentiary representative yuri trutnev, minister for development of the far east and arctic alexey chikunkov, and governors. heads of the largest companies, participants discussed the achievements of the locomotive industries of the northern regions, the development of entrepreneurship, environmental issues. well , today new projects have been signed in the far east in the arctic in agriculture, housing construction, industry and aircraft manufacturing. well, let’s ask my colleague anastasia panko what important statements were made on the sidelines of the forum. she is already in contact with us. nastya, greetings, the floor is yours. artyom,
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hello, the plenary session lasted almost 3 hours, the block of topics for discussion was of course huge, they talked about mining , logistics, development of the construction industry and tourism. the president of russia declared the development of the far east a national priority in the 20th century, at the plenary session it was noted that, according to some indicators, the macroregion is ahead average russian level, for example, investments. fixed capital, volumes of construction work, housing commissioning, mining, industrial production, but still there is still something to work on, and the far east must develop faster in order to catch up with the average russian level, this was discussed at the plenary session, after plenary session there will be the signing of seven agreements on the creation of new projects, this is precisely in the field of housing construction, industry, aircraft manufacturing, also... in
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the center of attention, in addition to the plenary session , today was, of course, the opening ceremony of the thematic day, there were governors of the far east, because it will be very difficult for anyone to talk about the far east. expanded the border of russian land, today we continue this work, millions of people are working on the development of the far east, each in their own workplace, at school, in hospitals, on the bridge of a ship in the cabin of a locomotive, i want to bow to them all.
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the thematic day program is all day today there were plenary sessions, round tables , expert meetings, where they talked about the development of entrepreneurship, tourism, logistics and... urban infrastructure, ecology, and today there will be a meeting with famous people who were born, raised, worked in the regions of the far east, for example , you will be able to meet the world’s first female navigator of a nuclear icebreaker, she will talk about swimming in ice, meeting polar bears in general about her work. the far east and the arctic are 56% of the territory of russia, this is an endless wealth of mineral resources, this bright, expressive, simply amazing nature, this is a place where the future of russia is already being built... if you look at the dynamics of development, one simple example, we are developing the northern sea route, a great project that stitches together the east and west of russia in 2012 turnover by the northern sea route
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carried 1 million tons of cargo, 1 million tons, last year 36,254. 36 times more. to date, agreements have already been concluded and investment projects are being implemented, the goal of which is to reach this level, which is what he is talking about governor, in the next 10 years up to 200 million tons, that is, the arctic, the far east will increase their contribution to the russian economy by 200 times, in general , the day of the far east and the arctic takes place throughout the territory of the vdng, but of course, traditionally , the most people are in the seventy the fifth pavilion and here right behind me. there is a separate stand, which is called we are the far east, and the exhibition provides a unique opportunity, in fact , to remotely get acquainted with the interesting, most beautiful regions of the far east, but at the same time be here in moscow at vdnkh, well, if the regions cause delight, you want
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to go there in person, then here you can essentially get this opportunity, once a month they offer trips to the regions of the far east, and at the exhibition you can also try... squid, okhotsk scallops, cauliflower, and of course, all day long you could enjoy music, national music of local musicians, and this is only a small part of the large-scale program of today. artyom, anastasia, thank you very much, very excellent inclusion informative, we continue, one of the dynamically developing regions of the far east is the primorsky territory, about how national projects are implemented there, youth are employed and...
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the government of the russian federation, those projects that are being implemented in the region are national projects launched on the initiative our president, this is the great work that is being carried out by the plenipotentiary representative petrovich trutnya together with the ministry of economic development together with the ministry of eastern development, that is why the regional policy that supports economic projects, all this together allows us to see the dynamics of growth with each one. year in almost all areas, of course we participate in all those programs that today allow us to build new schools, use infrastructure budget loans, repair various social institutions, build new housing, and, in general
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, develop our region. the sea plays one of the main roles in the economy of the region; here at the russian exhibition near the primorsky territory , marine themes also predominate, almost every second container is processed. ports of primorsky krai, how do you plan to develop the port infrastructure? you know, the growth of cargo turnover continues and uh, we here fully correspond to uh let’s say that. agenda, which was outlined by the president to turn course to the east. we have ice-free ports, we have deep-sea ports, and primorye is the most convenient region for cargo from the people's republic of china, from the countries of the asian ocean region, to be formed here and further, which means by rail passed through all of russia. in addition, we are one of the points on the northern route that is beginning to gain prospects, thanks to our position. rosatom, thanks to the fact that icebreakers are also being built, our plant “zvezda,
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superver”, i’ll call it that, has laid the foundation for, let’s say, such large icebreakers that will subsequently pave the way across the arctic. since 2018, investments in primorye have doubled; funds are invested by residents of the territory and the free port of vladivostok, which is rapidly developing. what conditions do you create for business for what investments? are you counting on this year? well, our investment volume is now already about 350 billion, and indeed we are growing, and the preferential regime of the tori territories and the free portal of voronezh certainly affects the fact that investors go to the primorsky territory, new industrial parks are being built there, we are doing special investment projects, that’s it there is when we provide, well, let's say for... gres conditions for taxation for a long-term period on a preferential basis. this is land, property, but
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profit under the conditions that they invest in the modernization of this country, modernization coal mine. in addition, this is the use of budget loans, which will make it possible to provide infrastructure for, say, facilities under construction. vladivostok was recognized as the youth capital of russia along with moscow. you have the largest university, which is located on... russky island, how do you attract young personnel so that they not only study, stay to work, but perhaps move to you from other regions. we have 470,000 youth, which is almost 1/3. 90 of them are students, some, half in colleges, half in higher education institutions, so we have 28 colleges, included in the professional system, and the ministry of education is actively developing this program, we... are now facing the task of building the second stage of the campus, we see how much demand there is for education in the far
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east, on russky island, where modern technologies, modern educational programs are used, the most important question that concerns further employment, we have the opportunity to find an interesting job, this is shipbuilding the zvezda complex, where we are building residential areas, we represent this housing, this is immediate, and housing construction, where specialists can also be involved, is the tourism sector, this is logistics transport, we are sure that most of the children, having received an education here, will stay with us us to work. oleg nikolaevich, thank you very much for answering our questions and we are waiting for changes, i invite you to visit the primursky region, thank you, well, in continuation of the topic, today is polar bear day at the pavilion of the ministry of natural resources, visitors they will recognize the natural city. what is most interesting about this largest predator on the planet, its habitat and food habits, these animals are
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real giants, sometimes the length of the bear’s body can reach 3 m, the height of the shelf is up to one and a half meters. the pavilion staff also talks about specially protected natural areas, rare species of animals, and the work of employees of national park reserves. yes, very much an employee of the national park. hello. arkhangelsk region is the region of the timber industry, fishing industry, modern shipbuilding and russian cosmonautics, how the region lives today, governor alexander tsevolsky told. at the russian exhibition day of the far east and arctic, what business program do you
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have planned today? today the program is not so much business as official. the most important thing is that today we will be able to present, there is such an opportunity to open the days of the far east and the arctic, the potential and features of the arkhangelsk region, talk about what a unique region it is, how many interesting things it has for both tourists and there are investors in our region, here i am today. the main task is this. you recently had a meeting with the head of the city of severodvinsk. let us remind you that this is the center of russian nuclear shipbuilding. how is the implementation of the main infrastructure projects going?
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very good from a social point of view, since we understand that people receive a salary, a decent salary, on the other hand, we understand that the country’s defense capability is built precisely by these people, our krasnaya kuznitsa plant is now starting to implement a project to build a new floating dock, which will give us serious prospects in the development of domestic shipbuilding and ship repair, which may be even more important in our time, housing in the arkhangelsk region is steadily being put into operation ahead of schedule...
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thanks to the arctic quarter program , a new territory of advanced development is emerging, investments in the arkhangelsk region is already growing, what indicators do you expect and how else are you helping business? this year, i really hope, the decision to create a territory is already in the final stage advanced socio-economic development in the territory of the city of arkhangelsk, and this is precisely the basis for this subprogram, the arctic quarter, which you are talking about... as much housing as possible, what is the arctic quarter? well, besides the fact that developers who go on construction enjoy all the benefits and preferences of a resident of a priority development territory, in addition to all this, they also have the opportunity
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to compensate for part of the costs of constructing engineering infrastructure from the federal budget. according to forecasts: economy the arkhangelsk region will add around 2-3% this year. due to which industries primarily ? we had a very difficult last year; we felt the consequences of the sanctions that were introduced in the middle of twenty-two. this decision hit us quite seriously; it hit, first of all, our timber industry complex, the pulp and paper industry, and the enterprises of the pulp and paper industry. last year we actually restored it. restored this industry, and if we take the overall grp structure, then 35% is industrial production, within this industrial production is about, probably 60% within these 35 are timber processing complexes, pulp and paper industry, so our growth seemed to be only 1% this year, but for us, taking into account the consequences of these
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sanctions, these are not bad indicators, which show the recovery of the industry, we predict this year. airport, we also believe that this is something that will give us a serious increase in grp, since the route network is also increasing, the number of tourists who visit our region is increasing, if take dry statistics on tourism, then over the past year we have had an increase in tourist flow by 65%, more than 7000 people, tourists visited the arkhangelsk region last year, and this is only for 11. thank you very much, learn about the great russian
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and soviet scientists, about the history of development national science, and you can also get acquainted with our contemporaries researchers in the pavilion. 57 there is an exhibition of the decade of science and technology, guests will find unusual exhibits, educational videos, interactive installations, even a real the laboratory, as well as artificial intelligence technologies, will prepare personal recommendations for everyone in choosing a scientific career. well, in the pavilion and stand of the russian geographical society today you can watch a film about nikolai vavilov, a genetic seed bank, which at one time... the legendary scientist, this is one of the largest collections of the world's genetic diversity of plants, rich in species representation, it contains up to 400,000 samples . the film screening will begin at 6 pm, admission is free, as per all events of the exhibition russia. well , let me remind you that the day before, here at vdnkh, vladimir
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putin launched the year of the family, here the family hearth, the heart of russia, was lit , the flame from the family hearth was lit in twelve lamps, which have already gone to all federal districts and new regions. and now it’s time for economic news: revenue from the export of russian agricultural products for the first time exceeded $45 billion, based on the results of the additional calculation , the figure will be even higher, as announced by minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. he noted that in the twenty-third year all productions showed decent results. thus, russia received the second grain harvest in history. livestock breeders sharply increased the production of milk and meat, and fish farmers. set a thirty-year catch record. at the end of the year, china increased imports of russian goods by 12.5% ​​to $129 billion, rbc writes.
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the largest increase was in aluminum and oil; volumes doubled. drak metals were imported by 43% more. at the same time, the overwhelming share of chinese purchases, 73%, comes from oil, gas and coal. mts closed the deal to sell 100% of shares its subsidiary company. the buyer of armenia was the cypriot fedelka group limited. the mts press service reports this. the deal also included the mobidram payment system. the sale price has not been disclosed, but experts estimate it at 17-20 billion rubles. on this news, mts shares grew by 2.5%. and prices in europe could rise by 10% due to the crisis in the red sea. the italian newspaper ill messagero writes about this. electronics, home decoration and fashion items, auto parts and even middle eastern gas may rise in price. it is reported that the cost of transporting a sea container from shanghai to genoa has already increased 4.5 times, to $6,300. it was economic news.
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short. confiscate property, as well as deprive of honorary titles for crimes against national security, including the dissemination of false information about the army. a bill that provides for such amendments to the criminal code of the state duma. adopted today in the first reading. the authors of the document were deputies of different factions. and i followed the progress of the meeting of the lower house of parliament varvara nevskaya. the list of authors of the bill includes hundreds of names, 395 state duma deputies, faction leaders and chairman of the lower house of the russian parliament vyacheslav volodin. the main mission of the document is primarily to prevent crimes by those who openly support the enemy. the purpose of the bill is to protect soldiers and officers from being stabbed in the back,
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to ensure the security of the country, this is exactly what we are talking about in this draft law, having found a legal structure. yes, you will have to answer for this, not just answer with censure, like now. “we don’t have leverage, we don’t have effective norms of punishment, we’ll shake our fingers, we’ll speak out, like here , people constantly tell us, well, what’s next, what’s next, confiscation, criminal prosecution, this will affect everyone who attacks the country , hits our soldiers, the document will introduce amendments to article 104 of the criminal code and expand the list of crimes for which confiscation of property will become possible. we are talking about any activity that poses a threat to the security
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of the state and was committed with hatred purpose. this definition will include assistance in sabotage activities, undergoing training for the purpose of carrying out sabotage activities and organizing a sabotage community and participating in it. in addition, we propose to introduce an additional one. signs will mean increasing responsibility for public calls for activities directed against the security of the russian federation, when they are committed for selfish reasons, for extremist motives, for hire. treason, espionage, sabotage, rehabilitation of nazism, calls for the introduction sanctions, assistance in the implementation of decisions of international organizations in which russia does not participate, mercenarism and other crimes. the duma notes that the law is not a copy of the soviet model, when all the property of a convicted person was subject to confiscation. absolutely, this is not a return to the old soviet
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many committees have decided by the court to deprive persons engaged in sabotage and anti-russian activities of special military honorary titles. in the duma and commissions, an impressive they note that the amount of information about the quantity and quality of crimes committed was worked on the text of the document. the final text of the bill was supported. federal ministries, at the same time, the demand to take similar punitive measures against those who openly discredit their own country, wishing it defeat on the battlefield, as they readily emphasize, has long been coming from ordinary citizens. this measure is necessary, and it is no coincidence that there is such unanimous support from state duma deputies of all factions, but why the fright, man, who at one time was born by someone, had some sick
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titles there, left. from the country , from there he throws mud at his homeland, he throws mud in general, it’s just meso-dirty, and we pretend that it’s still some kind of people’s artist or some other smart person there, the same goes for, many still make money from this, having this or that property here in russia, why bother, if you are a traitor, with you as a traitor, the bill was supported almost unanimously at first, they voted for it.
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gathered the operational headquarters to take stock and discuss preparations for the spring sowing campaign. the minister noted that by the time they enter the fields, each region must be provided with equipment, fertilizers, fuel and seeds. i would like to note that in the country as a whole , farmers are already provided with more than 90% of grain seeds. i ask the heads of the agro-industrial complex to control the preparation of seeds of other crops, sunflowers. special emphasis should be placed on the use of domestically selected products.
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the russian ministry of defense stated that the plane an il-76 was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region. the military department reported that radars detected ukrainian missile launches from the village of libtsy, kharkov region. ukrainian prisoners of war were transported on the plane for exchange, all of them died. details from our correspondent. moscow time , an il-76 military transport aircraft crashed in the belgorod region. according to the ministry of defense , there were 65 captured military personnel on board, three escorts and six crew members. the plane was shot down by a missile fired by an air defense system, belonging to the armed forces of ukraine.


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