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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the russian ministry of defense stated that the il-76 plane was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region. the military department reported that radars detected ukrainian missile launches from the village of libtsy, kharkov region. ukrainian prisoners of war were transported on the plane for exchange. died. our correspondent in the belgorod region, alexander korobov, has details. today, at about 11 o'clock moscow time , an il-76 military transport aircraft crashed in the belgorod region. according to the ministry of defense on board there were 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, three accompanying persons and six crew members. the plane was shot down by a missile fired outside the republic of kazakhstan belonging to the ukrainian armed forces. at
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11:15, the kiev regime committed a terrorist act, as a result of which a russian military transport aircraft was shot down, flying on the chkalovsky-belgorod route to transport ukrainian military personnel for exchange. the aircraft was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of libtsy, kharkov region, using anti-aircraft missiles complex. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two (ukrainian missiles. the fall of the il-76 did not affect the nearest populated areas. everyone on board died. the tragedy occurred in front of the local residents. i heard a strong shot. i looked at the sky, nothing was visible. and then i looked in this direction, there the plane was already flying across our street, well , a little further there, a fire was burning in front. then
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there it exploded somewhere behind the forest, black smoke was visible to us here, and i heard it buzzing, the roar of an airplane, then three strong bangs of an explosion, the windows shook and the house, so to speak , a strong wave, that’s what it was, yes, that’s how i realized that he fell in a field, now teams of investigative agencies and emergency services are working at the scene. alexander korobov, denis podzolkov, news from belgorod. from the first minutes, as it became known, the ukrainian media and public pages became animated about the disaster in the belgorod region. there immediately appeared reports that the ukrainian armed forces had won another victory and shot down a military plane. some even rejoiced at the large number victims. however, as soon as it became clear that ukrainian prisoners of war had died, users began to change or even delete messages about ukrainian media and rewrite headlines. anastasia efimova will tell you all the details about this story. let's return
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a little later, for now to other news and now about the progress of a special military operation, russian troops over the past 24 hours have taken more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, repelling two enemy attacks, the ministry of defense reported this. also, attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repelled in kupinskoye and krasno-limanskoye directions. now a short advertisement, we will continue further, stay with us. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation, and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgen extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. i've been driving since childhood. i was always supported, everything is
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interested in him against the backdrop of great talents in the renovated cultural center, the sign of russia’s national projects is easy to miss, but it’s impossible not to notice the changes that he brought to our lives. national projects. russia, by decision of the president, i buy profitably, pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, megamarket, buy profitably, pay for techno, buy a de longhi carob coffee maker. for only 14,990 rub. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce. also try the new big chicken mushroom burger.
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a warm drink. the tape guarantees the best prices on everything with red price tags, we found it cheaper, we will refund the cost of the goods with points. splat toothpaste 148 rub. stable, low ec. vlente! let's return to today's catastrophe in the sky over belgorod, ukrainian publics were analyzed by my colleague anastasia yafila. even in the morning, not only did they not doubt, they almost boasted, but right on television they claim, as a quote, that ours worked, in other words, the russian il-76 was shot down. ukrainian pravda was indeed the first to reveal
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exclusive wednesday january 24 11:04 exactly, headline, an il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces said that this was their work, as if. it is this message that will be widely disseminated by all public and tv channels in ukraine, where, according to a long-standing tradition, they immediately rushed to celebrate the victory. what is it that we, friends, are close to, that here, friends, about 11 o’clock, an hour ago, it became known that a russian military aircraft il-76 had crashed in the belogorod region. russian media write that the regional governor and the ministry of emergency situations went to karachansky district, where it was likely that an unsuccessful landing could have taken place, in quotes. in the field this is an aircraft, as you can see, it was an unsuccessful landing with an explosion, complete mincemeat, as they say, they were officially rejoicing, not so much because of the downed plane, but because of the cargo that was allegedly on board, in messages that were dozens ukrainian media disseminated this and especially relished it, saying that
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the il-76 was supposedly transporting weapons, and therefore was a legitimate target for the ukrainian armed forces. a military transport plane crashed near the belgogorod region... an il-76 plane. local telegram channels publish the first footage. ukrainskaya pravda, citing influential sources, reports that the plane was delivering missiles for the s-300 air defense system. but while kiev journalists were enjoying the details, it became known which flight the plane was taking. the il-76 was traveling from the chikalovsky airfield to belgorod and bringing ukrainian military personnel for exchange. 65 people who could return home, and whom the ukrainian...
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norwegian-american complex nasams. as soon as it becomes known who exactly was on board, the tone of the ukrainian media will change radically, it’s still the same tv channel, the same tv channel, only no more fun. ukrainian coordination. the ukrainian coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war collects and analyzes information about the crash of the russian il-76 aircraft. they urged to wait for official statements and recalled that russia is actively conducting disinformation operations against ukraine. the armed forces previously stated that they could not now confirm that a russian il-76 was hit by ukrainian
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air defense systems. previous the message that this was the work of the ukrainian armed forces was distributed by the ukrainskaya pravda publication, citing informed sources. ukrainian truth, meanwhile, is burning bridges, deleting the previous version of the message and issuing a new one, but what is called retroactively. please note that the time of publication seems to remain the same, here is a direct indication of the guilt of the ukrainian armed forces in the death. not just to replicate kiev’s confession of the targeted murder of its citizens, but to fall into euphoria over yet another of its crimes, now tinder hysterically messages, telegram channels, news agencies are doing their best to pretend that the plane fell on its own, everything else they say is russian disinformation, but even old friends don’t seem to believe it. bbc: the revelation about the involvement of the ukrainian armed forces was apparently read even in london. one
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well-known ukrainian website, called ukrainskaya pravda, initially cited a general staff source confirming that ukraine had shot down a russian military transport plane, but this claim was later removed. it seems that the only journalist on ukraine, which understands that it is impossible to destroy information published on the internet, the unknown roman tsymbalyuk, the same special correspondent of the unian agency, who lived for 14 years in... the line of his own soldiers, and a criminal order or a death sentence, the difference for ukraine, apparently , is small. anastasia efimova, news! vladimir putin today held talks with the president of the transition period
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of the republic of chat. mahammad idris dzebi did not ignore the topic of the il-76 crash near belgorod and expressed condolences in connection with the death of russian soldiers. at the meeting in the kremlin, the leaders discussed prospects for the development of bilateral relations, regional and international issues. welcome guest. vladimir putin recalled that this year marks 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. humanitarian nature, you know about this , we intend to do this further, we try to provide support in the humanitarian sphere, including in the sphere, our relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students who study in the russian federation from child, we are still ready for the next 2 years. double it, we see growing interest from your youth, and we
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will be happy to work in all these areas. i heard about the plane crash, i express on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of the chat republic: sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit. that there will be representatives from no less than 13-14 international organizations, well, in general, we
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also have the right to send invitations, that is, to independent observers, say, those who have observer status, i am now talking exclusively about those who have the status, right international observation, observers from other countries can visit polling stations to monitor how voting is taking place in different regions, from 57 to... thousands of international observers from 100 countries are expected in russia at the presidential elections, and this is very important for our state, since the main principle of any elections is legitimacy and transparency. the format of the ballot was approved in the cycle with the surnames of the candidates in alphabetical order: white paper on the front side, a background protective grid, special markers are provided for ballots for the kaibs, which will ensure correct reading of the information. the entire process will traditionally be transparent and open with the help of 40,000 video surveillance objects. in four regions the system will work in test mode,
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the areas will be equipped with video recorders, within the visibility range of which there will be stationary boxes and cabins. we s.
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95 people received certificates of authorized representatives of leonid sludsky, the ldpr presidential candidate. the participant meets with them in different regions of russia. the team will help shape the people's program. one of the priority areas is supporting small businesses. small business is a kind of social elevator for young people. today we are launching simultaneously with our meeting the second creator prize, which is wonderful worked last year. the creator prize is assistance to business, small business, first of all, but large business. for the self-propelled candidate for registration, presidential race participant vladislav davankov from the “new people” party put his signature. the politician advocates open competition. russia needs this kind of real, honest competition, political competition. and of course, i am always pleased to sign
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for a girl, for a woman, a third of our faction. this is a girl, they have a very open, honest look, a new look at what how our country is developing, who will ultimately take their place on the ballot will become known after february 10, while self-propelled activists still have time to collect the necessary 300,000 signatures. margarita semenyuk, vladislava musatova, victoria dadayan, alexander smychik, danila kuznetsov, lead. artyom zhoga, co-chair of the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin, arrived in lugansk today. he met with...
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amendments to his election campaign, already on the basis of these aspirations of the people, the orders of the people, an election campaign will be organized, where the wishes of our citizens, the problems of our citizens, which we heard directly in live communication, will be taken into account. and the co-chairman of the election headquarters of presidential candidates vladimir putin , vladimir mashkov, visited novokuznetsk today, the people’s artist held creative and working meetings, took part in a rehearsal with...
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as never before on a great upswing, what awaits russian citizens in the year of the family was discussed today at a round table at the expert institute for social research,
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maybe two children, this is about the future, this is about the guidelines that every family should strive for and about the support that a large family will receive, the presidential decree very clearly outlines all the priorities, everything that is needed for a family, for a large family, the state will provide large families with government awards in the field of culture. the 2023 laureate included the renowned violist and conductor yuri bashmet. he and two of his colleagues received an award for the requiam concert, which took place
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on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. the authors of the projects dostoevsky's moscow house and the village children's circus were also awarded. representatives of the obraztsov puppet theater, artists of the chechen dance voinakh ensemble and organizers of the folklore festival. to all the beneficiaries of the pushkin card, i ask you very much, set up your teams for creation, since it is very important for us to both preserve our historical and cultural
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roots, and create something new, create, take an example from our great ancestors. in russia in last year, almost 150 million tons of grain were harvested and agricultural exports exceeded $45 billion, and livestock farmers significantly increased production. milk and meat, the head of the ministry of agriculture dmitry patrushev spoke about this today. he gathered the operational headquarters to take stock and discuss preparations for the spring sowing campaign. the minister noted that by the time they enter the fields, each region must be provided with equipment, fertilizers, fuel and seeds. i would like to note that in the country as a whole, farmers are already provided with more than 90% of grain seeds. i beg control the heads of agro-industrial complex bodies. preparation of seeds of other crops, sunflower, corn, sugar beets, vegetables. and, of course, do not forget that when forming a sowing plan in the regions, special
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emphasis should be placed on the use of domestic selection products. a digital marathon has been launched in russia, it is designed both for programmers and for those who have just sat down at a computer for the first time. the competition will last about 5 months for the victory, the organizers of sberbank and school 21 promise.
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you will be able to play the game, take tests and digital dictation, whoever shows the best results will participate in the finals, which will be held from june 27 to 29 in moscow, among the prizes is a million rubles and trips to russian resorts, this is also an opportunity to get into the field of view of large companies that are engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. chairman of the board of sberbank german grev, during lectures at school 21, noted that smart technologies make it possible to achieve incredible things. results, invent medicines, create new materials, protected days, although earlier it took years. people are making huge investments in improving their
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artificial intelligence. bye. instead, in russia, at almost any age, a social project is implemented by sberbank absolutely free of charge, everyone can try to enroll in school 21 from the age of 18, many combine study with work. eduard tsov decided to become a school student at the age of 58, a former economic security specialist, worked in russian railways, now in retirement they are trying from scratch, there is no knowledge of programming languages, but there is an incentive to master it. in 2 days of study already started writing algorithms.
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"very good directing, design, costumes, the ball was gorgeous, white dance, they invite a gentleman home, pasha , if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, demonic, you saw it, you saw it, i it seems that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2, how is the signal, the signal is normal, stable, in combat"? in reality, it is much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply and after that just fly towards the enemy, with us there is a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots , we again opened one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i am very proud of them , super
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fighters. i was very lucky with him. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations, clear conditions, impressive the effect of victory.


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