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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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and the arctic is growing significantly, thank you, thank you, well, continuing the topic, today polar bear day was held at the pavilion of the ministry of natural resources, visitors to the natural city learned all the most interesting things about this largest predator on the planet, its habitat and food habits, these animals are real giants, sometimes the length of their body a bear can reach 3 m, and the height at the withers is up to one and a half meters, and the pavilion staff also talked about special...
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you could get acquainted with our contemporaries and followers in pavilion 57, an exhibition of decades of science and technology is open there, guests will find unusual exhibits, educational videos, interactive installations, even a real laboratory, as well as artificial intelligence technologies to literally prepare personal recommendations for everyone in choosing a scientific career. in the pavilion and stand of the russian geographical society, today you can watch a film about nikolai vavilov.
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genetic seed bank, which was once collected by a legendary scientist, is one of the largest richest in species representative of collections of the world's genetic diversity of plants, it contains up to 400,000 samples. the film screening will begin at 6 pm, admission is free, as for all events of the russia exhibition. well, let me remind you that yesterday, here at vdnkh, vladimir putin launched the year of the family. here the family hearth caught fire. the heart of russia, from the family hearth the flame was lit in twelve lamps, which have already been sent to all federal districts and new regions. see you tomorrow, see you later.
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there are a lot of tasks, and the tasks are so labor-intensive, of course, i am more of a sapper, major general. a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming task. we are improving our skills in detecting the disposal of dangerous objects in a building. this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel. themselves with class, undermining. what a joke!
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of prostate adenoma. do we take out loans, is it easy to apply for? we are all in the commercial bank. we take loans. large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading and signature sauce. also try a new product: big chicken mushroom burger. prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for food market professionals. food drinks for retail and horiki. we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the bekspo center on krasnaya presnya. ticket on the website. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? what kind of coverage is wide? where does this go? to a place where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. discover more new buildings
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platinum forever has become even more profitable, get a supercake every month, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? and what is it possible? you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can, iota! russia will assist in every possible way republic of chat, stabilization of the situation in the country, vladimir putin stated this during negotiations with his african counterpart. the russian leader also noted that in recent years relations between... countries are developing particularly intensively, contacts continue through the ministries of foreign affairs
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and parliaments. in turn, the president of the republic of chat called the visit to russia historic, and also expressed condolences in connection with the plane crash in the belgorod region. we have great opportunities to develop our bilateral relations. along the line we are trying to provide support to the un, including of a humanitarian nature, do you know about this? we intend to do this further. in our humanitarian sphere. relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students studying in the russian federation from chad, we are still ready to double it in the next 2 years, we see the interest from your youth growing, and we will be happy to work in all these areas. i heard about the plane crash, i express on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of the republic of chat and... sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen
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relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit we will intensify our cooperation. and now this is a broadcast, a speech from a press conference of foreign minister sergei lavrov and the un headquarters in new york. good afternoon, i welcome everyone who continues to show interest in russian foreign policy, in our work in the united nations, we wanted to start right away with questions and answers, again a surprise that i speak russian, but we wanted to start with questions and answers, but i...
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was on a transportation flight from the moscow region to belgorod, sixty-five military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces, who were accompanied by three russian officers, and a crew of six people, all of them died, ukrainian prisoners of war were transported to the belgorod region in order to carry out the next exchange agreed upon between moscow and...
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that the french presidency will fulfill its responsibilities in good faith and schedule such a meeting as soon as possible. i wouldn’t want the story of april 2022 to repeat itself, when after the staging in bucha, where the bodies of people were shown whose names we still can’t get, and so after that staging, the british chairmanship, which in...
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on behalf of the association of correspondents un. my question is about the middle east. the majority in the world community. i agree that a two-state solution is the only way forward to achieve peace between israel and palestine. in the course of your conversations here in new york, did you get the impression that there is a chance of concerted action by all parties, including israel, regarding a two-state solution. and what time parameters are possible for starting
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such a discussion. what options are available if prime minister netanyahu continues to object?
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unfortunately, the quartet of international mediators no longer exists, the united states has done everything to undermine its work, having announced that they will independently engage in mediation, we all know well what this led to, and of course, we will firmly advocate for the initiative to create such a mediation mechanism that will ideally prepare an international conference on...
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those who are them, who are working with them from abroad, came together and announced the restoration of the unity of the palestinian people as a solid foundation for the future palestinian state, without this, all the schemes that you mentioned, which are in the air here conversations, they are not viable, they are aimed only at creating the appearance of change. in gaza without its unification with the west bank within the framework of a single state, again keeping the palestinian side split and ununited will buy time, and of course we were very concerned by the statement of the israeli prime minister that
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there is no talk of creating a palestinian state, well, since in any case. .. do you think kiev did this intentionally and what goals does ukraine pursue by committing such actions and terrorist attacks? and the second question concerns the situation in the middle east, many journalists. in search of an answer, how could this be and could it be that the united states did not know about the impending hamas attack, especially since it had been preparing for years using heavy
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weapons, what thoughts do you have on this matter and what do you think about the situation in general? in the middle east is projected onto the domestic political situation in the united states for the upcoming elections? thank you, regarding the question about the downed il-76 military transport plane and...
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i hear the same thing that you hear, such reasoning appears in the public sphere , no one has seen any evidence, i would not like to speculate about whether this is true or not, minister lavrov, welcome,
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violations of all precedents have been recorded on the ukrainian side, therefore the fact that this process will be extremely politicized, there are no doubts, now the composition of the international court, we know that all judges are obliged to be impartial, except, probably, the judges of the international criminal court, who have their own rules, the international court has always had a high reputation, we will we hope that he will be guided by the letter of international law, including international humanitarian rights and in the judicial
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system, we, as you know, are in conflict, well, that means, if this is so, then attention, supposedly it is being paid, but it is being distracted, we do not see any attention from on the part of the united states, except for an attempt to talk over this whole situation, to prevent in any way the security council from making a direct, unambiguous decision on a cessation of hostilities, and we see...
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instead, attempts to use language that essentially gives carte blanche to continue the collective punishment of the palestinians. let's see, the court has its own responsibilities, its own statute, which sets out its powers.
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this happened six months ago, everything was, everything was, everything was explained by the president of russia, the president of belarus, it was said from the very beginning that given the measures taken by the united states and its allies to modernize those nuclear weapons that, in violation of the non-proliferation treaty, are in ...
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that every opportunity to avoid escalation was the americans have consistently neglected, destroyed almost all treaties and refuse to bring their tactical nuclear weapons within the framework of the non-proliferation treaty, which they have not yet violated. there is no evidence that the united states has deployed tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of ukraine or belarus? there is no evidence that the united states is stationing tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of ukraine or belarus.


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