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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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influence for having
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repeatedly stated this last week, do you think the us has the ability to advance a ceasefire or two-state solution? in your opinion, what is us foreign policy on the middle east?
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completely failing with his so -called physical evidence. by the way, after the invasion of iraq, an islamic state appeared when the united states dissolved all structures of the bas party, including the army, the officers of saddam hussein, in order to maintain the opportunity to earn money feeding their families, they entered en masse. composition of the islamic state of iraq and the levant and formed its core, just as al-qaeda, by the way , appeared shortly before as a result of the us invasion of afghanistan, just as their invasion of syria
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led to the creation of the nusra jabhat, which is now called and we know, for example, that in syria in... the united states in the middle east, they , you know, they tell everyone that we ourselves
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will deal with the same palestinian-israeli conflict, they stopped the activities of the quartet , international mediators, took everything into account...
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including the issues of border delimitation, unblocking trade transport routes, and the signing of a peace treaty, appropriate structures were created at the level of deputy prime ministers of the three countries, which deal with the economic side of the issue. lately we have seen how, after reaching all these agreements, our western colleagues.
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recognizes the territorial integrity of azerbaijan within the 1991 borders, which means that the nagorno-karabakh the autonomous region, as karabakh was then called, is an integral part of azerbaijan. this came as a surprise to us , because before that, various options for a final solution to the problem of the status of karabakh were discussed, but the prime minister of armenia did it on his own, since then, in general , the question of the status, that...
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hamas has clearly abandoned this. moreover, you mentioned and criticized
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prime minister netanyahu for his comments and refusal regarding a two-state solution, but just yesterday the hamas leader also unequivocally rejected this government decision and called it a sanist formation. and called for the liquidation of the jewish state, i would like to know, these are the proposals that are being put forward, let’s take a break for 2 weeks or for 2 months, you will return the hostages to us, and the other side says, we will return you, but not all the hostages, this is exactly what is going on bargaining, which distracts from the essence of the problems, and the essence should be an immediate ceasefire, you can argue as much as you like that hamas...
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precisely because - we are interested in long-term solution, we insist on more than just a promise to begin negotiations for the creation of a palestinian state.
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the unity of its people, because without the unity of the palestinian people there will be no foundation for a palestinian state, only pretexts will remain for keeping gaza separate in some kind of special status, where someone will provide a security belt, buffer zones. and keep the western bank of the jordan river also separate, continuing to perforate it like a sieve with illegal settlements and thereby, questioning the very concept of a unified palestinian state, these are the details you need to pay attention to, and what hamas claims is a lot, you read what
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they said. commanders, idf commanders say that palestinians are animals, that they cannot be counted among civilized people, and this is the commander of the headquarters, in my opinion, the chief of staff, the commander of the army, some ministers, that every resident of gaza has achieved. what do you think they teach in schools, what children in kindergartens, in gaza are already told?
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for the third generation in a row, they are probably being explained that injustice is being done, and i said... the single most important factor that allows extremists to be recruited into the ranks of various organizations. they were offended at me then, but i am still convinced of this. if we miss the present moment when everything.
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sergei viktorovich, i have two questions, the first is a continuation of the answer about the palestinian settlement; in general, the world community remembers how such organizations as hamass appeared and how they appear in general, the second is about state of russian-american relations, how do you assess their level, at what point they are now, and whether there are prospects for their complete freezing, on what this ultimately can or will depend, the level is low, period...
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in such a way as not to there was a direct flight from washington to moscow.
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the conversation is so boring, now in one direction, now in the other, proposals are pouring in about how diplomatic missions should work, how many
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security personnel the american ambassador should have, despite the fact that our the ambassador, according to the americans, needs fewer employees to ensure his security, well, honestly, i somehow can’t even believe that these topics are being discussed, and well... another topic that one way or another comes up periodically is american reminders about , that a treaty on strategic offensive arms exists, and russia suspended its implementation, let's resume this work, we answered them many times, that the treaty says that it was concluded based on the principles of indivisibility, security on... the principle of equality, mutual respect, and that everything else, including inspections of nuclear facilities that they so need, follows from these principles, the principles were
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trampled upon by the americans, but in their national simplicity they say, well guys, this is different, there is that, that you and i are waging a war in ukraine, practically the fact that someone there is calling you an enemy, even in doctrinal terms... in the person of zelensky, they have gathered all of europe and are very carefully watching so that no one takes any steps to the side, well, literally
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me... there was a press conference about a week and a half ago, they asked me about this, was there a response to the american paper, unofficial, on strategic dialogue, and we sent them the answer at the beginning of january, all this is stated there, and we are now discussing with there is nothing to them, we are committed to the ceilings on the types of weapons that are fixed in the start treaty, but there can be no inspections , especially since there have already been cases when the ukrainians fired long-range weapons at our strategic facilities with weapons that could not reach these facilities, if the americans had not helped to modernize it, so i will say, okonchino, thank
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you very much, are you calm that north korea will no longer seek unification with south korea and the increased tension on the korean peninsula is causing concern in moscow, can you confirm that president putin will visit kander? well, it’s a strange question, because our relations with north
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korea are developing.
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observing the process


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