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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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now one second, and russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council because of kiev’s strike on a military transport plane in the belgorod region, amit in this regard emphasized that quote zelensky’s criminal regime poses a real threat not only to russians, but also to citizens of ukraine . at first, knowledgeable media greeted the news of this terrorist attack with wild jubilation, but very quickly changed their shoes as soon as it became clear that bord was transporting dozens of ukrainian prisoners prepared for exchange. details in material by anastasia efimova. even in the morning , not only did they not doubt, they almost boasted. here , right on television, they say in a quote: ours worked, in other words, the russian il-76 was shot down by the ukrainian armed forces. the khitans are in the cities, the debris is scattered in the gardens. beauty, we still don’t know for sure who shot it down, but the ukrainian truth, citing sources in the general staff. reports
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that our, our air defense systems have worked. ukrainian pravda was indeed the first to release an exclusive. wednesday january 24, 11:04 sharp. heading, in an il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces stated that this was their work, literally. it is this message that will be widely disseminated by all public and television channels in ukraine, where, according to a long-standing tradition , they immediately rushed to celebrate the victory. we have a show, friends... what do we have here, friends, about 11 o'clock, an hour ago it became known that a russian military aircraft il-76 crashed in the belogorodskaya region. russian media write that the governor of the region and the ministry of emergency situations went to the karachansky district, where it was likely that they could carry out an unsuccessful landing in quotes. field, this is an aircraft, as you can see, it was an unsuccessful landing with an explosion, complete mincemeat, as they say, they officially rejoiced not so much because of the downed plane, but because of the cargo that... was allegedly on board, in messages,
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which were disseminated by dozens of ukrainian media, this was especially popularized, as if the il-76 was supposedly transporting weapons, and therefore was a legitimate target for the ukrainian armed forces. an il-76 military transport plane crashed near the belgorod region. local telegram channels publish the first footage. ukrainian truth with reference to influential sources report that the plane was delivering missiles for the s-300 air defense system. the journalists enjoyed the details; it became known which flight the plane was on. the il-76 was traveling from the chikalovsky airfield to belgorod and bringing ukrainian military personnel for exchange. 65 people who could return home, and whose ukrainian homeland was killed by the launch of two missiles, were recorded by the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces. unfortunately, several variants of complexes are possible, which can
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be used by the armed forces of ukraine and which are at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine and which can do such bring down the range. the first fairly old complex from soviet times, the s300, can reach such a target as the il-76. and at least three foreign complexes that the armed forces of ukraine have at their disposal. which one is the question? this is patriot, american. this is the german arist. and
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ukrainian truth, citing informed sources. ukrainian pravda, meanwhile , is burning bridges, deleting the previous version of the message and issuing a new one, but what is called retroactively. please note that the publication time remains the same, here it is a direct indication of the guilt of the ukrainian armed forces in... or the ukrainian military magically disappears, however, not from this publication alone. the media, without realizing it, managed not only to replicate kiev’s confession of the targeted murder of its citizens, but to fall into euphoria over yet another of its crimes. now they're hysterically tinder messages. telegram channels and news agencies are doing their best to pretend that the plane fell on its own. everything else they say is russian disinformation. however, he doesn’t even seem to believe it. old friends of kiev at
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the bbc apparently managed to read the revelation about the involvement of the ukrainian armed forces even in london. one well-known ukrainian website called ukrainskaya pravda initially referred to a source in the general staff.
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shoulders, saying that anything can happen in war. indeed, this is not the first time for kiev to send its own soldiers to certain death, but a criminal order or a death sentence, the difference for ukraine, apparently, is small. anastasia efimova, lead. negotiations between vladimir putin and the transitional president took place in the kremlin today period of the republic of chat, who arrived in russia on an official visit. the russian leader noted that this year marks the 60th anniversary of its establishment.
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our relations are also developing, we have doubled the quota for students who study in the russian federation from chado, we are still ready to double it in the next 2 years, we see the interest from your youth growing, and we are pleased we will work in all these areas. i heard about the plane crash, i express on behalf of myself and the people republics. chat sincere condolences for the death of russian soldiers. i come from a friendly, brotherly and sovereign country. we wish to strengthen relations with friendly russia. thank you for the invitation. our people hope that after this historic visit we will intensify our cooperation. a robotic-technical
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complex for evacuating the wounded and delivering cargo, dynamic protection for tanks and pillboxes that will protect our military from enemy shelling. this whole invention is for the needs of special operations that are being implemented. being implemented within the framework of the kulibin popular front club. onf helps developers go all the way from testing a product to sending it to the front line. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you what else the kulibins of our time have come up with. armored, passable and invisible to thermal imagers. the brg-1 robotic complex is an advanced development for the needs of the northern military district. with its help, you can evacuate the wounded faster and without outside help by attaching a rescue stretcher to the platform or transporting ammunition to positions. if necessary, on the robot is equipped with a turret and the vehicle is ready to engage in shooting combat. it will be possible to storm trenches and buildings, cover people when changing positions in cities, various types of weapons can be installed on the turret, which will also be controlled
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completely remotely. the video will be displayed either on the tablet, to the operator, or on glasses. the production and testing of such developments is carried out by the kuliben club of the popular front. inventors from all over the country are working for the benefit of the russian army, taking into account the needs of different branches of the military. for armor is important for tankers; the rostov kulibins took over the manufacture of dynamic protection hulls. the essence of the product is that an explosive is installed in it, which detonates when a charge hits and throws it back, thereby protecting the tank’s armor and the entire crew. for infantry, reliable shelter from bullet fragments is important. this role is played by long-term firing points made of durable dota alloy; they are installed in the trenches and allow soldiers, while in safety, to fire at the enemy from any small arms. before as send pillboxes to the front, their reliability is tested at testing grounds. fast, reliable
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transport is also necessary on the line of combat contact. experienced designers of the presidential movement made special buggies and cars. in which there is nothing superfluous, so the driver and passenger are comfortably accommodated in full equipment, while the power trunk allows you to transport up to 150 kg of cargo on the buggies, the strength is passable. speed, these are the three main points, that is, we have a frame with a built-in safety cage, various amplifiers, these are the hinges for airmobile transportation, that is , the car can be transported on the external sling of an mi-8 helicopter, even if the car turns over or rolls down there and the crew is fastened, then 99% is that there’s nothing wrong with it it won’t, the rostov kulibins send their developments to drone operators, we’re talking about cap shanks. for ammunition dropped from drones. products are printed on an industrial scale using 3d printers.
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50,000 kits have already been transferred to the special operation zone. special shape the shanks of the shanks allow for more precise work on strengthening armored vehicles and enemy manpower. we received feedback from one of the divisions; they asked us to develop exactly such a model without a shank circumference, since they believe that it can plan more accurately. the error from the affected area is minimal. each development of the kulibin club is tested in conditions as close to combat as possible, and only after passing all the checks is it sent to the aid of russian fighters. thanks to the presidential movement, on thousands of innovative electronic warfare equipment have already been sent to the combat contact line to counter enemy drones, as well as fire-resistant suits for tank crews and much more. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. the secretary of the russian security council today held talks with the secretary of the supreme national security council of iran. the main topic was the preparation of a new
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long-term cooperation agreement between moscow and tehran. in addition, nikolai patrushev and his interlocutor discussed cooperation in the security sphere, including economic, which is subject to intense sanctions pressure. we are monitoring the development of a new bilateral comprehensive long-term agreement. work on it is almost complete. i'm sure . for helping iran become a full-fledged member of the brix organization. protests by french, german and dutch farmers earlier. were , albeit large-scale, but still disparate phenomena today consolidated in the
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eu capital in brussels. a crowded demonstration was held directly in the building european parliament to get legislators to maintain benefits for agricultural workers. and the solution to other economic problems, including those caused by the endless financing of the kiev regime. report by our european correspondent regina sebastianova. european farmers are angry. they organize mass protests and block roads. to the entire association from romania to germany, the louder the better, for example, today’s symbol of protest in brussels is definitely this milk cow, hung agricultural machinery. the protest at the european parliament building on wednesday brought together representatives of a number of european countries; italy, belgium, germany, and france were represented here. the leaders of the trade unions who called agricultural producers here said that maybe the requirements are slightly different, but the root of the problem is always the same: this is inflation, this is... additional funding, this is excessive regulation on the part of the european union, and of course, the reluctance of politicians, like at
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the national and at the european level, listen to farmers' demands. europe and individual countries, one after another, are canceling financial support measures for agriculture, this against the backdrop of rising costs of work, competition, which they call unfair, the ever-increasing burden of the green transition, ultimately leading to the bankruptcy of farms. you know, the farming community doesn't. must pay bills for inflation, bills for the war in ukraine. it's not that we don't want to help, we want people to have food. the union proposed food vouchers. come on, let's help those who don't have money to buy food, but it's not up to us to pay for it. if we don’t have money, if france doesn’t have money, if europe doesn’t have money to help ukraine, let them borrow somewhere or something else, but it’s impossible that at the expense of the supply of agricultural products, they can subsequently buy weapons, not at our expense. the year began with week-long protests in germany, farmers rose to... barricades in romania, belgium, the netherlands, and france, tractors have been blocking highways for several days now,
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angry farmers fill the streets and railway tracks with manure and garbage, unload tons of waste onto administrative buildings, the strike was marked by tragedy; near toulouse, a thirty-five-year-old woman from among farmers and her fourteen-year-old daughter died after a car drove into a demonstrators' checkpoint. the head of the french farmers' union promises to continue the action as long as necessary. we want the authorities to understand that farmers should be able to do their business, and the lack of freedom entrepreneurship makes us very angry, so the strike will gain momentum by the end of the week. all we want is the return of common sense. we don't understand why so many new standards, so many rules are being imposed on us when today almost a third of french food is imported. we simply want
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to restore the dignity of our profession. it was no coincidence that farmers spoke outside the european parliament on wednesday. there are less than six months left of the presidential elections, election campaigns are gaining momentum, we have the luxury of not listening to farmers, politicians are no longer they can. representatives of the right wing of political factions of the european parliament were seen at the rally. the leader of the french right in the european parliament, jordan bordela, demanded the introduction of an agricultural state of emergency in france, as well as the withdrawal of the fifth republic from free trade agreements. the response of the country's new prime minister, gabriel atal, was considered unconvincing by the french media. claims the government is listening to farmers, has proposed a meeting with their leaders, but experts are convinced the farmers' movement may soon catch up in scale with the actions of the yellow vests a few years ago, which caused a lot of problems for emmanuel macron. representatives of the right are already ahead of the president's supporters in the european parliament by 10% in polls. paris adheres to the rhetoric of the european union.
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the european commission also says that it hears voices. we are very careful. we listen to the voice of farmers, and i can say that we will take this voice into account in our work, for the sake of the future of our agricultural policy. we need an approach based on four principles: security, stability, sustainable development and solidarity. we must avoid rules that conflict with food security. for the sake of stability, we need a decision on the future financing of agricultural policy. on thursday, the european commission promises to begin a discussion with representatives of the sector in an attempt to find consensus.
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their proposals are instructions, a goal that vladimir mashkov has set for himself in the near future, as co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, the actor today works in malaya rodina in novokuznetsk. in the people's artist's busy schedule also included theater master classes, meetings with volunteers and leaders of social movements. with details, maxim kutrunov. the novokuznetsk drama theater and vladimir mashkov’s working day began with applause. they call their boyfriend a national theater and film actor in the city. carpenters and miners. the mashkov family came to kuznya in 1969 from frundze. “i’m home,” says moshkov, getting ready for kuzbass. nothing just happens in kusbas. first meeting, creative, full house. the stage hall breathes in unison. everyone here directly connected to culture. teachers, creative workshops, universities, students, specialists from cultural departments of south kuzbad cities and regions. gradually
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, the monologue turns into a dialogue, they ask about life, work on stage at the election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir. the future of the country and my own, i’m 31, i ’ve been asking myself the question and desire to master the acting profession for 10-15 years now, is it possible for me at this age for the acting profession to enroll in training, and where have you been before? it turns out he sang, a recommendation to enroll in in absentia, these guys are already in business, the puppet theater-skaz is going on, the reading of the future performance, i have to sleep through the night. it's very hard, eh. moshkov connects, masterfully, easily, he first appeared on stage in a puppet theater as a very young boy, his father was an actor, his mother a director. then the theater was in a different place, now in the most dignified building in the city, the restored historical building of the kommunar cinema, and the play will be about leningrad during the siege. set goals, so here i live, i live, i live, no matter
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what, to make me feel like i’m alive the worst thing, despair, despair. loss of purpose. so, in one go, the entire acting lesson was, of course, not enough. it would be nice to get some more comments in this direction. this is truly a master of his craft. and here is the green final meeting, especially in the hall , the most caring residents of the city are volunteers, social activists, leaders of youth and veteran movements, again questions and suggestions. bring to our noznetsk at least one, two, three performances of your tabakov theater. what advice would you give to a modern generation, modern youth? what needs to be done to show political awareness of the generation? i come to my native kusbasy, to my beloved, native novokuznetsk, of course, there is land here. and people give me additional energy, the goal of the task is to meet as many people as possible, hear suggestions, orders, without interrupting my
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professional activities, i will return to the theater, play, rehearse, work with students, and then again go to citizens all over the country. and on my small the homeland of vladimir mashkov is already expected in kemerovo, the program includes meetings in educational and medical centers, communication with theater figures, veterans of labor wars, leaders... patriarch kirill proposed ridding the cultural space of russia of alien foreign values ​​that contradict the historical and moral principles of our countries. the head of the russian orthodox church spoke about this when speaking at the opening of a meeting of international educational christmas readings in the kremlin palace. in particular the patriarch celebrated imported holidays such as valentine's day and halloween. instead, he proposed teaching a course in schools. and family science, especially since both the state and the church are making enormous efforts to protect traditional family values,
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the special efforts of the church are aimed at protecting traditional family values ​​today, in this matter it seeks the support of all healthy social forces. for a number of years, the family policy of our state was largely formed under the influence of alien, externally specified guidelines. incompatible with domestic traditions, culture, including the culture of family education of children, it is necessary to develop such approaches based on our traditions, on genuine respect for the family and parents, their role in raising children, in order to truly strengthen the family hearth. patriarch kirill's full speech at the plenary session of the international educational christmas readings, watch on our channel after 23. million rubles for first place, half a million for the second, vacation trips, training certificates, smart devices, this is not a complete list of prizes for the laureates of the digital
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marathon from sberbank. everyone is invited to participate in the competition, regardless of digital skills; it will be possible to test yourself at different levels of difficulty, so that beginners and experienced experts have a chance. details in the material by taras kucheredok. about 70 thousand developers. everyone, all people who want to update themselves on this topic, because the competition itself includes three levels of expertise,
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the competition will be held for 5 months until the end of june, three levels of difficulty for beginners - those who already know the basics of programming and experts. first , you will need to play the game online, take tests and digital dictation; whoever shows the best results will become a participant in the final, which will take place. from june 27 to 29 in moscow, among the prizes are a million rubles, trips to russian resorts, this is also an opportunity to get into the field of view of large companies that are engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. chairman of the board of sberbank german gref during lectures at school 21, he noted that smart technologies make it possible to achieve incredible results, invent medicines and create new materials in a matter of days, although previously it took years. huge investment. is investing in improving its artificial intelligence, while we were celebrating the new year, our models became
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about 30% smarter compared to the end of december, that all this time the models were being trained, their architecture was being optimized, progress is no longer measured in years and not in decades, progress is measured in months, not just a competition. in russia encourages people to study in-demand professions. becoming a programmer in russia at almost any age is absolutely free. the social project is being implemented by sberbank, everyone can try to enroll in school 21 from the age of 18. many people combine their studies with work. eduard tzoim decided to become a school student at the age of 58, a former economic security specialist, worked in russian railways. now in retirement they are trying from scratch. there is no knowledge about programming languages, but there are incentives. i think it should
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work. school branches open today in different regions of the country, there are plans to create a network throughout russia. taras kucherenko, dmitry vishkevich, yuri lepatnikov, news. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will be received. large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. apply on the forum platform possible until january 31, 2024. the western nato countries, they set up a training ground in ukraine and dragged us into this war. i believe that they need to be taught a lesson, behind us, our families and the memory of our ancestors. we all do not want to let
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this war enter our country, ours. people , we are all ideological here , we don’t have any non-ideological ones here, whoever is new comes, we train them, they catch on quickly, serve under a contract, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly it’s convenient, why are there cameras in elections? today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote , choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard, if there is a suspicion of what happened violation, this case will be recorded instantly, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, alfabank was the first in
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