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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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conduct the duty department the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels conduct the duty department and an honest detective follow with us that's all tatyana petrova was with you , see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. why did kiev shoot down the il-76? the fight between budanov, zaluzhny and zelensky, which turned into a tragedy, whose agent pressed petrion’s trigger. a walking corpse or a journey through torment? narrow bed, canned meat with stale bread and an impressive supply of alcohol. terrible deprivation of showman zelensky as president.
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why are rodents so attracted to enemy dugouts and how can our soldiers avoid catching the infection?
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and it’s precisely her reaction that deserves special, very close attention, since at first zelensky’s information dumps, well, for example, unian, managed to celebrate a grandiose triumph in the same spirit, as if dozens of russians were killed by air defense systems, but then they began to change their readings on the fly and play it back, arguing that nothing is clear yet, and in general it is necessary wait for comments from the ministry of defense of square. in general, it’s a standard story for the junta, they quickly went from ... a confession to sweeping the topic under the rug, when instead of victory there was a distinct smell of evil. here is a post in the telegram of the well-known bandera member sternenko , who rejoiced at the successful strike, and then simply deleted everything he had written. but in any case, one thing is clear: billy is from the republic of kazakhstan on purpose, knowing full well who the plane is transporting. since his route , as well as the upcoming exchange , was agreed upon in advance with kiev, then, of course, a natural question arises: who needs an enemy in the camp. it was profitable to stage such
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a bloody provocation, anton potkovenko was looking for answers. the fight within the kiev elite turns into a lot of blood, an il-76 shot down by the ukrainian armed forces in the sky over the belgorod region, which was delivering ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange. 74 dead, including our crew and accompanying persons. all this is the result of a showdown between, between whom and whom? where the il-76 was shot down, there was a no-fly zone, the plane was flying along... the corridor, everyone knew what kind of side it was, what was there prisoners, so accidental launch is excluded. in my opinion, the il-76 was shot down by a patriot anti-aircraft gun, because just recently our military knocked out two iris guns in the border area, and they brought up a patriot there. air defense at the disposal of zaluzhny. accordingly, in my opinion, this goes inside the ukrainian one. dismantling in order to remove
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zaluzhny, i am sure that this is budanov’s game, because budanov has a british passport, terrorist kirill budanov, head of the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense, is connected with mi-6 it’s really close, i heard about it even in kiev, there are people, so to speak, who know that budanov is the lover of the deputy, the head of misha from british intelligence, this is where the squabbling now begins, yes, because the armed forces of ukraine. in ukraine, everyone openly says: these are two armies, yes, this is zaluzhny’s army and syrsky’s army. syrsky is zelensky and this is britain. zaluzhny is a pentaon man, that is, a man from the united states. they seem to be preparing a place for zaluzhny to replace danilov as secretary of the nsbu, they want to remove him, yes, but they need some kind of trigger, yes, accuse the poor person of something. why not accuse him of destroying an il-76 with prisoners of war, and then castling. according to rumors , he should become the head of the armed forces of ukraine instead of zaluzhny.
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just budanov, zelensky’s man, the current head of gur. and his department has already confirmed to the foreign agent of radio liberty that the exchange of prisoners of war was indeed planned for the same prisoners of war who... were on the crashed plane, but the exchange has not yet taken place, it sounds extremely cynical, who to exchange if you killed everyone, on the face manner of the sbu handwriting of the mi-6. move anyone nato anti-aircraft missile system, the secret of its placement, where it was possible to strike at il, all this is impossible without western instructors, without satellites, intelligence; the ssu simply would not have been able to pull off such an operation. well, it’s absolutely certain that they knew what kind of side it was, they knew. his route, the story purely and entirely, is designed to shoot down, well, let’s call it that way, the american son of a bitch of the united states, to shoot down in the literal sense, through the shooting down of an airplane, through such a bloody sacrifice, as part of an ongoing due to the intra-ukrainian squabble, which is spurred on by
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western curators, the ukrainian media did not immediately figure out how to present the news about the crash of the il-76. look, the ukrainian truth, a plane crashed in the belgogorod region, the ssu said that this was... their work, that’s what they wrote at first. in propaganda publics, the cry of cannibalistic glee was the thrill of doubters, there are only 143. but there are more of them very quickly. there are already 879 skeptically perplexed reactions, and the buzz signature is no longer there, they have cleared it out. but that’s okay, rbc ukraine quickly changed its shoes in just several hours, from the downing of the plane, work in the ssu, to the plane that crashed near belgorod, supposedly transporting missiles for the s-300. naturally, there is no evidence, and most importantly , they no longer write that the ukrainian armed forces were somehow involved in the crash. further, the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war did not confirm or verify the information about ukrainian prisoners of war on board the ill-76 aircraft and not a word about any alleged s-300 missiles. and as
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soon as objective information came out that the prisoners of war who were being transported there died for exchange. on a number of resources that are affiliated with budanov, arakha and overlooked, remember how in the summer of twenty-two with yelenovka, where the ukrainians burned dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war with khaymars’ blow, they killed their own, because they began to give evidence against the kiev regime and tried to pin it on us . well , the current crash of the il-76, the thwarted exchange
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of prisoners, the part of the kiev regime behind which london is blaming it on zaluzhny for now, from whom, by the way, no special denials have been heard, maybe washington made some new bet on... in connection with the events in the belgorod region of russia , an urgent meeting of the un security council has already been requested, sergei lavrov announced this at a press conference at the headquarters of the world organization, as the minister of foreign affairs noted, now kiev is trying to withdraw accepts responsibility for yet another crime, resorting, among other things, to outright misinformation, but all the evidence of his guilt is already there, as for the question...
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she could tell how it all happened. in turn, the russian ministry of defense called the incident a terrorist attack, on smolensk square they announced, quote, a deliberate and conscious crime, well, that is, the assessments are extremely harsh, but the kiev regime does not deserve any other, at the same time, one cannot fail to note
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the heroism of the russian pilots who, at the cost of their own lives, took the downed il-76 away from settlements. the chronology of events was restored by belgorod state television and radio broadcasting company correspondent alexander korov. the tense silence is continually interrupted by the sounds of flying helicopters. military police are searching for debris at the crash site of the il-76. everything, that left from the bark. in the morning, the first shots are taken by local residents, you can see how the burning airliner goes around the village and falls into a field, there are no survivors , i hear a strong shot, i looked at the sky, nothing is visible, and then i look to the side and it... the plane was already flying across our street, well, a little further
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there, the fire was burning in front, then the ear exploded somewhere behind the forest, local residents saw everything with their own eyes, i saw at the last moment how the wing was burning, it turns out the left one, yeah, that's the wing burning, left side down it was littered, and the right one was up , the plane was flying, and fire was already visible under its belly, it began to fall with its nose... the ground, this is the outskirts of the village of yablonovo, just a few tens of meters away the landing begins, fields are behind it, the vks plane is just was heading towards a populated area, but after being hit by a missile, the pilots decided to turn away the burning side and it fell in the fields, the russian aerospace forces plane took off from the capital 's chikalovsky airfield, there were six crew members on board, 65 captured military personnel in the ukrainian armed forces, three accompanying people, on the border with belgorod region, an exchange of prisoners was supposed to take place, the liner was hundreds of kilometers short, but this distance was enough to
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carry out a missile strike. the plane was destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces from the area of ​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region, using an anti-aircraft missile system. the radar equipment of the russian aerospace forces observed the launch of two ukrainian missiles. on board the plane there were six crew members, 65 ukrainian military personnel for exchange and three russian soldiers accompanying them. military personnel. the list of ukrainian prisoners has already been published. military personnel aged 21 to 58 years. many journalists have already identified them on social networks. personal data is completely the same. the youngest deceased , ivan roy, lived in chernigov and was fond of sports. according to some information, in the army he was a simple checkpoint inspector, and this is thirty-five-year-old reservist oleg kuzma, in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine he was a grenade operator. i'm kuzma miroslavovich, reservist. at the assistant's posad there are grandma service rooms. at the very beginning
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of the northern military district, thirty-one-year-old igor was captured yarygin and intelligence officer denis korchan. and this is the testimony of konstantin danilchenko, who surrendered. he was also on this plane. we are considered meat. everyone understands why it’s so cold with us, our leadership. comparing the lists of dead ukrainians, journalists found out that among the prisoners were azov militants who surrendered in mariupol. all of them died today at the hands of their own. the ukrainian leadership knew very well that, according to established practice, today a military transport aircraft would transport ukrainian military personnel to the belgorod airfield for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint, on the russian-ukrainian border. and yet, the nazi kiev regime took this step. pursuing the goal of accusing russia of destroying the ukrainian military. the bodies of the dead had already been found in a field
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near the village. at the last moment, the crew of the il-76 was able to take the car engulfed in flames away from yablonoye. local residents remembered this trajectory well. i saw that the plane changed course and began to descend, the plane was on fire, then i saw that it had fallen. well, did you see how the guys took that plane away? well, yes, in principle, he was falling sharply, so of course they went there a little, took him away. according to the dead, the crew of the il-76 is considered by local residents to be heroes, with one of their lives, they took it away; it fell already outside the village in a field, not a single settlement was damaged, although the plane fell here, you see, there is a school, a temple, streets, houses, people live, we served in their honor today, and... everyone who died at the port. our lord and god commanded us to love our enemies, so we pray for them
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for our enemies, we pray for all orthodox christians. emergency services and members of the investigative committee will continue to work at the scene of the tragedy. the russian aerospace forces commission also flew to the belgorod region. alexander korobov, ainur vali akhmetov, oksana serzhantova, news: belgorod region. he often complained about the lack of light and fresh air and eventually began to remind himself. a walking corpse, because a living person cannot look like that. memories of zelensky's assistant about the time which he spent in a bunker set up in the government quarter of kiev. he published details about these months in his book. american journalist simon shuster, he devoted a year of his life to write a biography of the leader of independence, in which, according to the characteristics of western publications, the portrait of president komik is presented at his worst and best. the author paid special attention to the beginning of the russian special operation and how the ukrainian leadership met new military challenges. it is alleged that the condition of zelensky, who was hiding under
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land, in those days caused serious concern among his employees. well, first of all, everyone had the impression that... work on the book back in the nineteenth, when zelensky was just planning to become president , he was very worried whether he would succeed, but the author placed the main emphasis on the period of the beginning of the northern military district, when zelensky felt for himself, further quote “the spartan conditions of the underground are deserted and a little creepy.” some interesting quotes from the book are given by two major publications: bloomberg and the telegraph. this is how
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shuster describes his first visit to the bunker scared zelensky. while emphasizing his supposedly heroic attitude. around noon , his guards received a warning of an airstrike and zelensky headed into the bunker, a cold war-era site that looks like a giant subway tunnel converted to look like an office building. zelensky recalls how he inspired himself. they are watching, he told himself. you are a symbol, you need to act as a head of state should act. you can feel the overload of pathos, it could be interesting, probably in the first weeks, but now it’s not for...
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a bed where you can barely roll over from side to side. a sort of napoleon on minimal wages in unbearable conditions on the island of st. helena. there wasn't much to eat. sweets were distributed at meetings, and there was canned meat and stale bread in the common kitchen. one minister told me that for several days he lived only on chocolates. over time, life in the bunker became more manageable. the staff were provided with hot meals, hot dogs, potato dumplings, goulash and, invariably , scrambled eggs for breakfast. but despite. all the horrors and deprivation, zelensky’s second house over time became, although not a piece of paradise, but quite an inhabited den, although zelensky never got into the habit of shaving in the morning, the reason for this may have been alcohol, of which there was plenty in the bunker. zelensky and his team kept a stock of alcohol even after the government banned its sale, occasionally pouring wine for aides who joined him for meals. from
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time to time he invited his employees to watch a movie with wine, most often a new one hollywood release. time for both cinema and wine, all this is reminiscent of the atmosphere in hitler’s bunker in the last days of the great patriotic war, where there was also the characteristic stale air, the smell of mute bodies, alcohol flowed, films for the fuhrer were shown, in general , you will agree, it turns out to be such a fantastic adventure a novel about the fortitude of... a ukrainian leader of at least churchill's level, but with the habits of the fuhrer, according to experts, the book is an absolute order of ukraine's western friends, it is aimed, of course, at the western reader, it seems that the shuster was just too late, because everyone is already quite tired of zelensky. during the day, fighters from the southern group of russian troops repelled two
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attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft in the donetsk direction of the special operation, and also inflicted fire damage on the enemy in the areas of kurdyumovka, kleshcheevka and andreevka. as a result, six brigades of the kiev regime immediately suffered serious losses of up to 220 manpower; another 260 militants, along with a couple of tanks and eight armored vehicles, were destroyed in the krasno-limansky front. and in the kherson region, our artillery covered, among other things, elite national guardsmen and marines of the ukrainian armed forces. latest reports from ruslan bikbulatov and grigory vdovin. it’s no longer night, but it’s not morning yet. we have 15 before dawn. in order to get to the position unnoticed , thermal imagers no longer see and daytime drones don’t fly because they also don’t see anything yet; the drones are sent. before a tank goes into
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combat, its entire route and position are checked by a reconnaissance group during the night , the enemy could have littered the road with mines. there may be explosions, there may be mines... on the way , we look carefully at our feet. the ukrainian armed forces are mining our positions remotely with agricultural drones. the mines descend by parachute, form a combat platoon and wait in the wings. they also fire with nato-style cluster shells. our shore is dotted with such bells. they are shot from a machine gun. they can meet anywhere, they can just on the road, they can meet there.
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with manpower there is such a tactic of driving, that is, we saw a group of infantry, well, roughly speaking, there is a squad or platoon, so we start them
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cover, they run into cover and, accordingly , the spotter directs us to this cover and we work on this target, thereby destroying the enemy’s manpower. as part of the third reconnaissance and assault brigade , all volunteers in tank crews and those who have not served in military service before, and those who have devoted their entire lives... to military affairs, i am a professional military man, i graduated from a military school, where should i be if not here? , although i am no longer suitable for service in the conventional armed forces at age, when i am a beaver, i i think i’ll still be useful here. they trained to work on the t-62m at the training grounds, and already mastered the t-90m breakthrough at the front line. on the most modern tank, volunteers perform combat missions in mixed crews together with a marine unit of the dnepr group of troops. just.
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doesn’t do any mischief anywhere, what we do and he, we’re in the shelter and he’s in the shelter with us too, snow camouflage is, to put it complicatedly, but to put it simply, it’s an ordinary whitewash, as soon as the winter is over , the snow melts, it will simply be washed, and the gun will become green again. these guys have a d-20 gun, it performs combat missions perfectly, with consistently enviable accuracy, we work against enemy manpower, armored targets, and concentrations. from the enemy through shelters, dugouts, trenches. the artillery chief sets the task of opening fire on the target, the opening time is 3 minutes. the crew receives
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targets from the scouts, preparatory fuss begins around the gun, these are high-explosive shells. well, here are the weight signs, as you can see, two pluses plus, this affects ballistics, that is, we work first with one weight, well then we move on to another. everyone in this team is local from donbass. ukraine ended here about 10 years ago, but the contradictions began much earlier, and i never considered that part to be my homeland , that is, this is my homeland, donbass, everything, there was, there will be, there will be, not even once, now i’ll probably have to visit, yes, with pleasure, even tomorrow, only on a tank, from specially equipped cellars they remove shells that are about to fly towards the enemy, everyone is ready to fire, gun, shot, fire fluent. it only takes a few seconds to recharge. shooting is now being conducted in the direction of the city of dzerzhinsky, and enemy activity has been recorded there by reconnaissance. in order for
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a cannon to shoot well, it is, of course, necessary. what will happen next on our airwaves, blood from the eyes and vomiting, mouse fever is spreading through ukrainian positions, what is it about the enemy’s dugouts that attracts rodents, and how can our soldiers avoid catching the infection? go!
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and matra’s grandmother’s house should also be warm, like ours, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello, well, i for fools, at least.
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at some point i began to see clearly and felt within myself the awakened spirit of a patriot, a call to action monologue of the hero of a short film from directors and scriptwriters from the cia. american intelligence has launched its new advertisement into russian space. this time the promo for potential agents is the story of a fictional russian who accepted the job. but an important decision to secretly make contact with american intelligence services, according to the idea of ​​​​the central intelligence agency, such open recruitment should attract some real patriots of russia start sharing data with the united states, and this perverted logic is emphasized by deliberately russian cultural archetypes. for the musical background, the americans chose tchaikovsky, the actor quotes tolstoy, and stills are used as a video sequence.


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