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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 24, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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responsible for the spiritual life of the people, because to test maturity, it tests the maturity and depth of our faith. therefore, there is no need to think that everything important is in the past, all the fateful achievements in the past and the current era are fateful for our church and for our country. unfortunately, we were on this path.
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calls on everyone to join in the treasure of eternal life, which is hidden with christ in the gods. now i would like to say a few words about the most pressing issues of a practical nature. well, we talk a lot about protecting traditional family values, here are a few words on this topic.
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this is who this topic concerns, therefore it cannot be on the periphery, including church consciousness and church actions in relations with the state and society. the current year 2024 has been declared by the president of russia as the year of the family. i hope it will be a time for important government measures to be taken to protect family values. and what, from our point of view, is necessary for it to take place, so that.
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the legislation allows medical intervention aimed at gender reassignment, gave away a boy, and made a girl out of him , it is unacceptable that something that is strictly prohibited in our country is implemented in relation to our little citizens, because we have given the opportunity to adopt a boy or girl to those, in quotes, parents who are ready to give up the child, including including holding these terrible...
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exhibitions, all this is good, but are we always responsible enough about the choice,
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go with our students to theaters, museums, where exactly to go and what to watch. unfortunately, some cultural figures believe that the freedom of the artist should be expressed in challenging the traditional. works, some of which suggest, well
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, it suggests presenting as positive heroes those about whom i spoke, it is deduced, in addition, not only those about whom i spoke, but also others...
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the language promotes high morality, deep rootedness spiritual tradition
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of our people and true love for the fatherland and its history. great harm to education is caused by holding cultural events in schools on the occasion of halloween. let's rid our cultural space of this ugly bacchanalia brought to us from abroad. completely alien to our traditional values, generally a contradiction to our principles, historical, spiritual, moral, religious, why is this being introduced into our cultural space, we need to ask the question, first of all, to those who assist in introducing all these media products into our information environment . i would like to pay special attention to the speech cultures of the younger generation. unfortunately, the sin of profanity
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i was struck by some of our children, who sometimes swear so much that even adults feel ashamed. it is necessary to persistently fight this shameful phenomenon for our culture, patiently explaining to young people the inadmissibility of swearing, and setting an example of pure cultural speech. this is during my childhood. when our parents raised us like that , they said, you’re going to swear like a cab driver, why are you behaving like that, although of course we didn’t swear, but if we said something that didn’t quite correspond to the cultural tradition from the family, then for some reason we were equated with cab drivers, and not by chance, because cab drivers, then there were a lot of freight car drivers in the city of leningrad , too, but...
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shows that in this course the fundamentals are in the lead monitoring in the twenty-third year
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of the orthodox culture, secular ethics. the choice of other modules does not even reach 4%. this proves the high interest of parents and schoolchildren in the desire to introduce their children to orthodox cultures. in large cities there are many schools where many children study, for whom russian is not my native language. at the same time among. there are many visiting people who respect our people, our culture and our traditions, and we heard statements from parents, even some representatives of the clergy of other religions, about the importance of teaching children... migrants the basics of orthodox culture, because for russia this is a unifying principle, an important way of integration and not only for children, but their families, in addition, it helps people of other faiths, who came to us with what is called good thoughts, to integrate into our national culture into tradition, and
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many of the representatives of other religions say, let it be more... our children learn about traditional russian spiritual and moral values ​​in our schools, that’s why, when we are told, we should not teach the basics of orthodox culture, because there are muslims in the class, and the muslims themselves were asked, but according to my information, many, including muslims, are interested in learning the basics of orthodox culture, because they, their parents, are already integrating into the russian society, they want to know, among other things, about... emphasize, over the last one and a half years, the foundations of the spiritual life of the russian people. i want decades, it was the russian orthodox church that developed an innovative methodological basis for teaching not only the fundamentals of orthodox culture, but also other religious cultures within the framework of this course. and the process
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of methodological support is developing. synodal department of religious education and catechesis. created, successfully operating for the third year, an effective tool methodological assistance to teachers working in these areas, this is a digital educational platform, a clover laboratory, the main mission of which is to help teachers improve their qualifications, and the younger generation to choose the right values ​​​​and value guidelines for life, yet in conditions where teaching the subject is limited to one year, which is very sad. it is extremely difficult to achieve the required result; it is necessary in other classes to develop value-oriented teaching, the transfer of spiritual and moral values, primarily in the subject of the humanitarian cycle. i am convinced that every subject in the school course, as well as extracurricular conversations, can have deep moral and educational content
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and have a great influence on the younger generation. education, these are orthodox schools and another important aspect of the orthodox gymnasium, today there are just over 200 of them, but it would seem that 200 is a lot, in fact, quite
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a bit for a huge country. it must be said honestly. this is simply not enough, your eminences, i am addressing you now, you first i am in turn responsible for the opening of orthodox schools in dioceses, i ask the synadal department of religious education, together with the ministry of education, to work out mechanisms for supporting confessional educational institutions, so that these schools do not survive, but develop, into the program of activities of the eminences and...
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into annual reports all diocesan bishops, a special section concerning orthodox schools and information about the work of such, i would like to thank the minister of education of the russian federation sergei sergeevich krovtsov, who in may of the twenty-third year, he organized and headed the first forum of orthodox schools and gymnasiums, held in nizhny novgorod, this is truly a very important event, and it seems to me that the work needs to be continued. now, in conclusion, i would like to say a few words about church art, as, in general, an instrument of the orthodox mission.
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russian culture, the source of which was orthodoxy. once again, i welcome everyone gathered in this room and those who joined
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us from other regions thanks to the broadcast. i invoke god’s blessing on all of you and thank you for your attention. daughter. the body is the best again, these are the five actions of oralsepto for a bacterial fungal infection, the five actions of oralsepto for pain in throat pain , i pay for cyberweek techno at the megamarket, buy a de longhi carob coffee maker for only 14,990 rubles. the tape guarantees the best prices on everything with red price tags for more than 20,000 products. we found it cheaper, we will refund the cost of the product with points. conditions on the website guarantee. the best prices are valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how
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11:57 pm
we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail , it is not difficult to understand them, it is important to be honest and convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks that the vacation can wait, because he wants to these days to vote, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i’m already on... by the way, i wrote a statement: the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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hello, i'm boris sakinov. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories.
12:00 am
the stone defense department established the exact time of 11:15 and the place from where the missiles were launched, the area of ​​​​the village of libtsy near kharkov, only 11 km to the border, that is, the ukrainian armed forces were waiting for the plane and specially pulled up an anti-aircraft missile the complex was closer, although the humanitarian missions knew. the chronology of events was restored by alexander korobov. the tense silence is then interrupted by a sound.


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