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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch . center of belgrade. once again brought its supporters into the streets, the new year's truce is over, serbia's pro-western coalition against violence enters the new year with a new strategy. why didn’t they protest during the holidays? it’s understandable to gather any significant number of people, even a couple thousand people, it would be problematic for the opposition. this time they brought their supporters out on the street on the anniversary of the assassination of oliver ivanovic, the leader of the kosovo serbs, who was killed in 2018. obviously, after the failure of the rehearsal for the seizure of power.
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positions, conclusions and adjustments were made, but in the end the main topic of the rally was not evanovich, they gathered again at the election commission and demanded the cancellation of the election results, this time only from the podium. these images spread all over the world, while most of europe celebrates christmas, the serbian opposition stormed the city council. armed with a flagpole with the serbian tricolor, a representative of the pro-western opposition breaks down the glass doors of the city council, this is what the protesters say a peaceful protest looks like. everything here makes for a beautiful television picture: the protesters are clearly provoking the law enforcement officers who are inside the city hall, throwing stones and beer cans at the windows. and our cameraman managed to catch these shots. at some point, a group of strong men from... middle age
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harmoniously climbs the stairs, clearly with the intention of breaking into the building, in response to pepper gas, one of the men dramatically turns to the cameras, wanting to clearly demonstrate the cruelty of serbian law enforcement officers. in fact, on the contrary , 35 police officers were injured in a supposedly peaceful protest; the pro-western position that brought people to a rally under the slogan “serbia is against violence” completely discredited its own name “assault.”
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became the nodal structure through which western intelligence agencies worked with opposition organizations. yugoslavia then turned into a giant laboratory for testing color revolutions. movement from...
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informal organization struggle, leaders of today's so-called student protest. activist nikola ristic called on his supporters to block one of the intersections in the center of belgrade. take with you tents, blankets, sleeping bags, lamps, food, water, everything you need for an overnight stay. the camp will consist of several zones that will help us stay motivated, warm up stay energetic. this post seemed familiar to many on social networks; the kiev one began in a similar way. koms, this is what is written in his profile on the ngo website. prior to coms, he completed the academy's three-year animation program, which aims
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to train media literacy trainers and media consultants to work with children and youth. what happened after the call to spend the night on the street is also already there. saw. students blocked an intersection a stone's throw from the serbian government and brought several dozens of tents, a generator has been set up, there is a dj here for the protesters, hot food and drinks, board games, but activists are not planning to stay here for a long time, the protest has been announced for only 24 hours. tents for the action were obviously purchased centrally, most were new and the same color, students were singing with a guitar, dancing, playing ball, activists were handing out sweets to everyone. we have one requirement: open the list. voters to assemble a commission to review the lists, because these elections were clearly held according to unestablished rules, and we will be here, until this changes, until we are here for 24 hours, and then we’ll see, this is a question for the belgrade elections or throughout the country, for
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everyone, at the republican, at the local level, subsequently the scarves were removed after 24 hours, i myself saw what activists of non-profit organizations that... are financed from america, which supports such protests, but unfortunately, that is, not unfortunately, unfortunately, maybe for the americans, but the citizens of belgrade really didn’t like these protests because they blocked central street on a working day in order to play football, a public organization tried to organize a mass protest before the new year.
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serbia, so that we recognize the independence of kosovo, agree to admit kosovo to the un,
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so that we give up the republika srpska and impose sanctions against russia. activists demand the creation of an international commission that should identify violations in the last elections. opposition coalition. against violence even appealed to the european institutions with a request not to recognize the results of the vote until an international investigation will be completed under the auspices of the council of europe and the european commission. these maidan parallels that show the similarity of scenarios, not the scale, probably, after all, but the similarity in essence of the scenarios is also obvious, in addition, another remarkable point, if we talk about the fact that a lot of things coincide at once, just yet protests began, there were already people from the european parliament who were ready to mediate.
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although international observers at the polling stations were in belgrade even before the voting, they landed a solid landing party of european officials, even the us ambassador to serbia christopher hill visited the sites, but none of them had any serious complaints either during or immediately after. the osce mission was also pleased. the international election observation mission assessed voting positively in 93% of 1,220 polling stations. negative assessments were primarily related to overcrowding and inadequate measures to ensure the secrecy of the vote. however, the republican election commission, having analyzed the complaints received, appointed re-elections in forty-three polling stations throughout the country, where violations were identified. voting took place on december 30 and january 2. these
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re-elections did not have an impact on the final disposition; they affected about 2,000 votes, but the result of these re-elections was very significant: the serbia coalition against violence gained fewer votes in these areas than initially. firstly, there will be no revolution of non-violent seizure of power. secondly, the people made it absolutely clear who they are... the influence of foreign embassies is not subject to i doubt that a compromise solution is now being sought, that is, the results of the republican
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elections will be recognized, since the majority is obvious, but the elections in belgrade may be repeated, but not because of some theft of votes, but because it is impossible to form a majority in the city assembly, it’s just mathematics, that the government won in the city, but did not receive enough votes to form the mayor’s office, so the opposition chose city elections to shake things up. after the assault, the belgrade city hall was put in order, but the pogroms are still remembered as plywood sheets instead of glass, as well as new metal shutters. the fact is that it is still unknown who will become the owner of city hall; none of the parties received an absolute majority in the elections; coalition negotiations are currently underway. the serbian progressive party and its list received 49 seats in the belgrade parliament, with the opposition in second place and 43 parliamentary seats. the fate of the belgrade city hall can be decided by a force that unexpectedly took over at once.
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against joining the eu and imposing sanctions against our country, but to go into a coalition with nisterovic is not going to join vučić’s party. we stand for friendly relations with russia and want to be, as i would say, a national movement that will fight for the revival of serbia, so that serbia is no longer a hostage to various western embassies.
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it has a special component for ... against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. you have found work and are ready to sign a contract, pay attention to what kind of contract it is, labor or civil law, a lot will depend on this. we will tell you exactly what in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. let's start with the main thing: relations under... labor and civil contracts are regulated by different codes, labor and civil. in the first case, this is the relationship between the employee and the employer, and in the second, between the contractor and the customer. civil law itself does not prohibit the conclusion of civil law contracts character. this could be a contract or a service agreement. at the same time, persons
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who are ready to perform work within the framework of these contracts should remember that their relations will be regulated. list of signs when an employment contract is concluded, and not a civil law one, but from judicial practice the following can be distinguished: the work is performed under the control of the employer’s management. the employee is subject to internal labor regulations, work and rest schedules, and work schedules. the employer also provides working conditions, the employee performs work only in
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a specific specialty or position. there are other signs too. how to protect your rights if it is obvious that an employment contract has been replaced by a civil law one. the procedure is established by article 19.1 of the labor code. relationships that arose on the basis of a civil legal employment contract. in fact, the employer himself can recognize it on the basis of an application from an employee or on the basis of an order from a state labor inspector, as well as a court. moreover, if the relationship that arose on the basis civil law contract has already been terminated, then recognition of such relations as labor relations is possible only in court, and when the court considers the relevant case, all doubts will be interpreted in favor of the existence of labor relations, that is, in favor of the employee. in the case of a civil contract of the performer. executed works. the gpc agreement has a certain amount of work for a certain period of time ; it receives remuneration on the basis of the act by means of its own means of fulfilling
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the advantages: the contractor sets the schedule himself, the main thing is to be on time. you don’t need a work book, you don’t have to constantly go to the office, you can hire assistants. but if the customer’s performers have disagreements regarding payment for the work, its quality, volume, timing, they could not agree, they will have to go to. court, which is why it is so important to prescribe all the conditions you need in a civil contract; it is drawn up in free form. lawyers advise paying special attention to several points: this is, of course, the subject of the contract, and also the case of the financial liability of the performer and its amount. and, finally, the conditions for the terms of termination of the contract on both sides , the procedure for terminating the contract must be clearly defined, so that either...
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the customer refuses, you can go to court, but the costs in this case are often higher than the price of the work, in addition, part of the work is the law demands to pay it, if usually under a civil process agreement the contractor is responsible for meeting the deadlines, if he violates, he pays a fine, the amount of which is determined by the customer, of course, he cannot impose fines indefinitely, but in order to reduce the penalty, again you will have to go to court, only there they can recognize the deal as enslaving and... the end, if the customer went bankrupt and did not have time to pay, there is a risk of being left with nothing. the register of creditors' claims primarily includes those who worked under an employment
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contract. and what will happen to the pension and health insurance for individual performers, neither self-employed nor individual entrepreneurs, the customer pays the contributions himself, or rather, deducts them from the remuneration and transfers them to compulsory pension, medical and social insurance. let me remind you that i have been working since 2023. under the gpc agreement may go on sick leave on maternity leave. there are also contributions that can be prescribed for injuries, then the employer will contribute another 2 to 8.5% for insurance for you, depending on the class of professional risk. the situation is similar with taxes. a gpc agreement is concluded with an individual, then all responsibility falls on a commercial organization, or it is an individual entrepreneur. or it is a legal entity that is obliged to submit all reports, that is, it receives this final remuneration already minus the prepaid
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taxes. if we are talking about a self-employed or individual entrepreneur, then it is a different story. let us repeat the most important thing: the relationship under a civil contract is regulated by the civil code, therefore the contractor is not subject to the guarantees of compensation that provide for labor. he receives for work completed on time; disputes with the customer often have to be resolved in court. the law allows the customer to terminate the contract at any time, without giving reasons, if the contractor is not self-employed or an individual entrepreneur, the customer himself pays from his remuneration are contributions to compulsory pension, medical and social insurance. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to protect your interests in a controversial situation related to work, subscribe to our telegram.
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hello, i’m boris akimov, and i. stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories we can reach people. we
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we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change ? evolution occurs in any structure.
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a deliberate, planned attack, another brutal crime of the kiev regime against humanity and, first of all, against its own citizens. the russian ministry of defense, as the foreign ministry assessed the crash of the il-76 over belgorod region as a terrorist attack. the department established the exact time, 11:15, and the place from where the missiles were launched, the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy near kharkov, only 11 km to the border. the chronology of events was restored by alexander korobov.


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