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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, karen georgivich. i must say that lavrov’s strong speech, in general, of course, lavrov, i think that in the entire history of russia is one of the most brilliant and generally such strong foreign ministers, we must give sergei viktorovich his due, yes, but this is firstly, and about this tragedy, of course.
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successes, all this is correct, but there is no need to be complacent at all, we are really dealing with a very cruel, merciless and a well-organized enemy, and we are in a situation, with everything external , so to speak, the stores are full, it seems, czech beer is sold in our stores, everything, everything seems like this, everything is here, uh, here it’s like there are nightclubs working . everything, everything is in order, of course, it doesn’t seem like some kind of november of 1941, but in general it is no less dramatic, we must understand this, because in my opinion, the threat before us is very serious, the west has never been so united, there have never been such principled campaigns against russia, napoleon, hitler. these have always been
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large coalitions, but still not to such an extent, now it is completely united, i must say, the americans succeeded, about the fact that this...
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i absolutely agree with you, of course, we must look for allies, namely to create military -political alliances, the fact that today the chinese are thinking there, well, today they are thinking, and tomorrow they will stop thinking, or the day after tomorrow, but this is inevitable, because they inevitably must face this threat, they have no other choice if understand all their trade there.
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really the president, yes he knows 100% he should, maybe he doesn’t know the nuances, but he knows the essence, well, it’s known, this is the democratic
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republican party - it’s one establishment, it’s one family, so by and large there is no difference, america is ruled by a financial oligarchy . those who own the federal reserve system, those who print money, they own it, they determine the course of this war, by the way, this can be seen in the middle east, this is obvious. may change, quite possibly, may get worse become, trump is good, he has had
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six ministers of defense in 4 years, well, actually five, but the expert came twice, a man who brought the whole country into chaos, well, if from the point of view that he will lead the whole country into a mess, maybe, but count on this, you know, we always count on someone doing something for us, trump will create a mess. he brought, he brought the whole country into chaos, but under trump all the main sanctions were introduced, laws were passed and these sanctions were shot when they stopped fighting, wait a minute, be afraid of these fats, these sanctions, yes he led, he passed the law, and volodya, volodya, the economy grew, and by the way, not ours, but their advertising.
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why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended.
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technical details, and then we will move on to the operational level, perhaps even the political one. the military-technical details are as follows: the regional technical troops of the aerospace forces, the armed forces of the russian federation, precisely determined the launch site of anti-aircraft guided missiles, that is, where the launch position was. why? because standby radar, they are, as a rule, meter long, they are, to put it in the jargon of air defense warriors, very good.
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hundredths, the rest is only in centralized control mode, but here the range is 98 km, at this range the lower limit of the affected area is, well, 7-8 km, no less, but what kind of target suddenly appears here? the next point: imagine at what level the decision was made to redeploy this anti-aircraft missile
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battery, that is, to remove cover from kiev from the highest echelons of command and control. most important facilities of the state and send this battery to the front line, well, at what level was this decision made? this was a decision made at least at the level not even of the commander of the ukrainian air forces, but of the general staff and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, but this is the only way i imagine the situation, that is, by and large, this is almost an operation, again to carry out a redeployment from - near kiev or or from dnepropetrovsk, i call it according to the old style, this... at the site of the starting position from where she fired, well there, almost a third of the ukrainian army needs to be used for this, again the cost of the issue is high. further, fire was fired at a military transport aircraft, an experienced
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commander, and he is probably an experienced one, he should be able to immediately determine it by the mark from the target . from the moment it was broadcast, that it was a military transport plane or a passenger one, because it can be seen from the speed, the altitude , the nature of the mark, and in general, well , there were no military operations at that time, that is, it’s all again does not suggest that this, well, the idea, however, was that it was to relocate, it was there at that moment that this military transport plane would appear, to open fire on it, probably all the senior commanders of the corresponding level were there at... now let’s move on to some political , i would say conspiratorial aspects, i’m not a fan of them, but nevertheless , well, as it was indicated that in the message of the main intelligence directorate, that this military transport aircraft transports either
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anti-aircraft guided missiles or the s300 system in general, well, the s300 system. her, of course can be transported by military transport aircraft, but it is not the il-76 that needs to be brought in, but the an-124 and it needs to be transported there with shelves, because there are elements that weigh 70 tons and the dimensions there exceed the size of the cabin of the l76 military transport aircraft, and to transport missiles now by military transport planes, well, what’s the point of urgently delivering something to the launch position, but there is no such need now that it won’t fit right there. this is more than several missiles, since the il-76 aircraft was initially was created for the needs of the airborne troops, again, the best way to transport missiles is in gondola cars, 62 or an unloading station, there to reload them on a tbm, transport-reloading vehicles, to take them to the starting positions of nito-missile divisions,
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what would you transfer there by plane, what’s the point, so here somehow this plan also looks unconvincing, so excuse me, also about attracting countries such as iran, north korea to this union, i must note that in general the chinese are completely unwilling to formalize in any way the current existing quite close, by any international standards, military, political, and economic ties between
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china and the russian federation, well, when... in beijing and moscow they talk about an unprecedented, so to speak, level of cooperation between our two countries, this is the absolute truth, perhaps this has not happened, well , since february 1950, when this agreement on friendship and mutual assistance was concluded with the people's republic of china, under comrade stalin, well , the level was somewhere around such, besides, at that time there was a war in korea, so to speak, where our and chinese military fought shoulder to shoulder against a common enemy, but then, as you know , serious problems arose, so to speak, and this alliance.
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why are these types of agreements actually concluded? the chinese are not going to wage war with the united states, with the united west, despite very serious problems and contradictions in relations. the chinese proceed from the fact that the natural course of events, so to speak, will sooner or later allow china to achieve its goals in the international arena, without resorting , so to speak, to the force of arms and using , so to speak, this very force of arms, only to pursue a policy of containing the collective...
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so in recent years they have been able to achieve that iran, which until quite recently was a rogue country, but now it is a worthy, respected member of the international community , a reliable partner, so to speak, of the arab world, relations between arriyadh and tehran have been restored with chinese mediation, so the system works, why, so to speak, add anything else there i'll explain the nuances. yes, well, as for the same united west, the situation is changing not in favor of this united one, in the military sphere, in
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the economic sphere, in other spheres, here, the largest economy in the world is china, third place is occupied by india, fifth place already the russian federation, literally on par to buy abilities, yes, absolutely true, but this means that in another couple of decades there in this... so to speak, the first tens of the world's largest economies, well, probably, maybe, the united states will succeed somehow to catch on, so to speak, in this big ten, everyone else simply won’t be there, and this also applies to changes in the strategic balance at the present time, if we compare, for example, what happened 50 years ago, here when all this detente was just beginning, yes, then america had very significant military-technical and geostrategic ones.
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time, so to speak, the deadlines are shifting to the right, so, that means, as for the submarines on which development is going on, they are all missile carriers, yes, the americans have an underwater, new , so to speak, version of the submarine missile carrier columbia is being developed, the british there, they remembered about the drednot, so to speak, that ’s what the british submarine nuclear missile carriers will now be called, but they have missiles for... in that other case, this is the one the same good old trident, which was an excellent rocket in the eighties of the last century, but they are going to keep it almost until
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the middle of this century. uh, this is what the situation looks like now, and uh, in general , here i could name a number of areas, for which this arms race , including nuclear strategic weapons and non-nuclear strategic weapons like the same hypersonics, america and its western allies, they are clearly losing it to both moscow and beijing, so this is the current... the situation is in in general, at least now it looks like it is quite acceptable for this very collective non-west, and i think that in general it will remain so in the foreseeable future, i will object in order, yeah, china is undoubtedly making a bet not at all only for trade, otherwise he would not have invested crazy amounts of money in rearmament of the army, in the creation of national islands, in the creation of the world's largest fleet, in the creation. that is
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, based on the logic that you proposed, these would seem to be completely non-productive costs, they do not lead to trade. our relations with china have reached the level of joint military exercises, and we are not afraid to upset india by this. our arms trade relations with india are very important, but let me remind you that india has quite seriously increased the volume of trade with america, the influence america is there too, that we... china and india, it is easier for us to resolve within the sco, but this does not mean that in the form of a threat to russia, we will sacrifice relations with china for the sake of india, or vice versa, that is, we are balancing quite confidently here, why does china not at all rely only on trade, because the philippines showed china that it can be attacked at any time,
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after the americans said that they would... china does not want to be left alone with taiwan, because there is no one on one no. china understands perfectly well that aucus is directed against it, having next to it such a partner as russia, which , let me remind you, is also located in the far east, they directly need us to provide their flank, including with our air defense systems. the possibility of placing our attack systems on... islands, which the japanese for some reason naively consider to be theirs, solves many of china's problems, removing the threat from japan, which will undoubtedly be perceived as one of the lines of attack on china. our boy experienced anger from social injustice, wanted to fight this, then give him
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a medal. yeah, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let's go, paris, let's eat an oyster and napoleon really liked it, napoleon bonapart welcomes you, carriages, adventure, exciting, it was unpredictable, where, say, like where, in an attack, just on a large scale, this is how it was done, especially the battles, all these battles, this is right for you, very good directing.
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easier, you just need to sharply raise it and after that just fly towards the enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots, we again hid one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i am very them i’m proud, super fighters, i’m very lucky with them.


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