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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
it’s not really much easier to control a drone, you just need to sharply raise it and then just fly towards the enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots, we again hid one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see, that they had a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i take great care of them, super fighters. i was very lucky with them.
3:31 am
china, no matter how it says that it is interested or not, sees that it is being prepared for slaughter, china sees how for the first time everything began to be violated the rules of international trade, which previously seemed inextricable, are well aware that the same way they treated our money abroad, they will also treat chinese money. therefore, china understands that especially seeing how yesterday, yes, the americans passed through the strait, isminis passed, passed, yes, and seeing how another delegation went to taiwan again, china understands that the dragon is being pulled by the whiskers, so china will count everything options when we talk about what will happen in 10, 20, 30 and 50 years, let's let's see the forecasts that were made 20 years ago and which countries were named among those that will rise?
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nothing russia vanishing empire 20 years ago yes 10 10 fourteenth year as different forces they don’t have it. they can’t, they are mired in corruption, all the children in the west, it does not and will never pose a threat, i am absolutely convinced that some john smith reported this in washington, who was the president then, you know, well, the situation all the time is changing, it’s naive to think that she, i’m talking about this, we don’t need to be complacent, we don’t need to, firstly, i do...
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that we will conclude a military alliance, he said much more, he said much more complexly and much more accurately, but you, an american, don’t feel the subtle soul of chinese philosophers, what should you do? this is a crude, materialistic , imperialistic in nature , mercantile culture, now we have, when now when we are now discussing china, we are too exaggerating the fact that china, it is guided precisely by its own interests, it now has, while we are fighting with west united, they have time for that, they don’t have time, they don’t have time, look what’s happening, the level of militarization of japan at what speed.
3:36 am
and the militarization of japan, it’s not just a red light there, it’s also a siren at full power, so china is preparing for this, oh, and if it’s preparing, then it’s not about trade anymore, when they look at what’s happening at their border, they think completely different, i don’t think that china is ready to allow another 50 million gesture, as a result of the fact that it will not be ready for the stink announced, oh well, it won’t say, but i love german language, i hate nothing, i can’t help it.
3:37 am
they hit a plane on which there were 74 people, well, then after some time, literally after half an hour, all this had already disappeared, except for the trick, almost no one wrote anything, but it was very symptomatic, because the trick, according to the old tradition, is an organization , everyone in germany knows this, this magazine, which is affiliated with the german foreign intelligence service, the bnd, they very often leak their information to the focus, so we can assume that this the focus information is not just like... some other tape, but this is some kind of information that they had by definition, they kind of used it, well, throughout the whole day, you know, if we read the german press, then i i will have to repeat what i said
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yesterday the day before yesterday, there is nothing at all about what they do in the ssu, in their own region, there is nothing at all, every one of the twelve... in ukraine, from what he said, i would only single out one phrase, he said we must not give ukraine the opportunity to lose, that is the wording of this rhetoric has completely changed, there is no need to give an opportunity, ukraine must win, russia must lose, and now there is no need to give ukraine the opportunity
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to lose, you know, vladimirevich, i ’m interested in this, i’ll still return to the tragedy with the plane, well i was doing a lot of boeing back then because i was studying.
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we can transfer what rosenberg wrote in relation to subhumans, in relation to the slavs, in relation to the jews, to what this one said about man in general, let ’s look at man, these are the kidneys, this heart, and he said the same thing, and someone else said, i free you from the chimera of conscience, from any responsibility, i free you from the chimera of conscience, it was the same thing, it’s basically the same thing, moreover, in fact, these words - this is a complete denial of the divine, of course.
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well, how could it be otherwise, they were chosen by god for both, well, in fact, they were chosen by god only for one thing, to be witnesses that god exists, yes, that is, this is the only purpose, god exists, yes, well, strictly speaking, that's all, now advertising, after i will continue it in a new composition, for the soviet union leningrad was of enormous importance,
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3:45 am
for the exchange the destruction of the aircraft was carried out by the armed forces of ukraine from the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, kharkov region , using an anti-aircraft missile system and radio-action ones.
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for exchange. according to the previously reached agreement, this event was to take place in the afternoon at the kolotilovka checkpoint on the russian-ukrainian border. and yet, the nazi kiev regime took this step, pursuing the goal of accusing russia of destruction of the ukrainian military. by committing this terrorist attack, the ukrainian leadership showed its true colors and neglected the lives of its citizens.
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and what they changed was that ukrainian pravda published an article in which they stated that the il-76 was shot down by the air force, this is their work, they said, then they changed the title, the head of the odessa branch of the right sector, sternenko, hastily deleted the post about the downing of the il-76, the stuffing of the il- 76
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died, previously it was 63 occupiers, well, he and gordon were unlucky. zelensky actually warned yesterday evening address, that’s what he said, and let russia know, let russia know that the ukrainian character knows how to be quite long-range in response, the russian war will definitely return home to where this evil came from and came to where it should
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calm down , so zelensky is not hiding the fact that you scolded the matter, to be honest.
3:50 am
we show it without sound, people filmed it, that’s how the plane fell, well, it’s clear that the explosion, of course, has nothing to do with it.
3:51 am
this plane was just descending towards belgorod, fairy tales have already been invented that this the plane was carrying weapons and surfaced somewhere, that is, a wild collection of nonsense. and at the same time there is colossal panic, some are already writing that it’s horror, horror, bastards, come out and tell the truth, in particular goncharenko, demands that someone take responsibility, but it’s difficult for them, it’s very, very difficult for them, well, people’s deputy gocharenko writes, once again, you can call me names, write whatever you want, tell me how beautiful you are and so on, you can even regionalize the party, but these are also total aunts, that everyone sits and is silent, what a mess, this is not will they change that the minister of defense has disappeared? that the president’s office has disappeared, that everyone has stuck their tongues up their ass and is sitting and silent and just looking and waiting for someone to blame everything on, you are all such saints, but forget that there are people, people
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are dying in your silence, your justifications for the authorities, you you bear the guilt with her , but you owe it for a week, now they will inflate whoever will, and you are whores for 3 kopecks, i have already seen this a hundred times, i saw it when i started talking about demobilization or rotation, all channels said that i was a traitor, of course, sit in warm kiev, lviv apartments, offices, very comfortable, great history, but global. the exchange date may change several times
3:53 am
, approval may take a long time and it’s all waiting, with the understanding that this is about to happen, but just when, and then people understand when they are being taken, either to the place of exchange, or to the airport, that well several yet. and we will give you living people, yes, you will save yours, with this, please, these are possible, and we talked about the cynical attitude of the ukrainian authorities towards their people, and today there is such
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a terrible illustration of this conversation, this it’s hard to believe in this, this is some kind of absolute mysticism, but on the other hand , this is not a coincidence, it had to happen sooner or later, by the way, sergei viktorovich lavrov spoke about this at a meeting of the security council about what has turned into, what has turned into this war is a very cynical business project for ukraine and for the states. in general, not only vasal and i talked about this, many people talk about this, but such a terrible illustration was difficult to imagine. what's so special about cynicism? this, of course, is how they talk about it in in ukraine, they will probably come up with some version, although you know, it’s also an interesting coincidence, about a year ago. there was a story with a ukrainian air defense missile that fell on a house in dnepropetrovsk, it then cost aristovich his career, in the president’s office,
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he then said that our air defense worked so well that all the debris fell on a residential building, well, well, like that we, that’s how we are, these are the gunmen , now it’s not even rubble anymore, now it ’s simple, and i’ll never believe it, i’ll be honest, i’ll never believe that this is some kind of stray bullet, random... team that they didn’t figure it out, again, my experience in organizing such things, it says that there are long approvals, very long, this is a long process in which the ukrainian side takes part i knew perfectly well the route, the routes, the corridor in which i was going, well, there was time, there was a schedule to arrive, they were supposed to, well, according to various sources, he said somewhere the placenta was among these prisoners who were so needed. will destroy, well , let me remind you that there were about 12 azov people there, yes, among those who are on exchange, i just immediately remember the last video of the monastery,
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that is, this... a plane crash is becoming such a ukrainian style, no one can convince you, i think, the death of the monastery after that was an accident.
3:57 am
in general, the troops are unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, of course. a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming tasks. we are improving our skills in detecting and neutralizing hazardous objects in a building. this was done in order to increase mobility, as well as increase survivability personnel. did you do it yourself? what a class, undermining, this is something like that.
3:58 am
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3:59 am
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4:00 am


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