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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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let's invite a gentleman, vasha, if you don't want to, don't dance, what does it mean, don't dance, got up, let's go, the film is positive, kind, bright, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, dude 2, the signal is like, the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply and after that just fly towards the enemy. we have a sapper,
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there is someone watching and there are pilots, we again destroyed one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see what they have there nest, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i take great care of them, they are super fighters, i was very lucky with them.
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hello, the legal program “vesti dezhurnaya part” is on air. tatyana petrova is with you. the operation of a network of illegal casinos was stopped in the nizhny novgorod region. this was a joint operation of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb. it is known that the businessmen worked for more than 3 years, all this time they successfully disguised gambling clubs as legal bookmakers. gambling was disguised as betting on real sporting events. the income from the criminal business was in the millions. part of the profits received was transferred abroad through controlled companies. operatives , with the support of national guard officers , conducted 27 searches in residential premises of gaming clubs in the nizhny novgorod region. the police seized special equipment, communications equipment, computer equipment, storage media, bank cards, cash, documents and other items of evidentiary value. a criminal case has been initiated. cases of four
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the defendants were taken into custody and their property was seized; if their guilt is proven, they face up to 6 years in prison. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, took personal control of the case of the beating of two teenage musicians near one of the capital’s shopping centers. let me remind you that a company of eight people attacked the schoolchildren only because they did not like their appearance; four of the attackers have already been detained and charged. report by maxim. anna sultanova equipped this home music studio for her son, she says, the aspiring composer has not yet decided on a style, that’s why she bought plenty of instruments, he has three guitars, i didn’t expect that a person should have a musician with three guitars, but here’s an acoustic electric, bass, but the room where he usually the riffs do not subside and the beats are empty on the weekend, itjen’s mother is waiting for her son from the hospital, he ended up in a hospital with injuries after a street fight. which occurred
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near a house near one of the shopping centers in the capital's izmailov district. on the ill-fated evening, etienne was returning from a cafe with comrade. the guys encountered a crowd of aggressive people, and a short verbal altercation quickly escalated into a beating. according to the victims, the offenders did not like the appearance of the young people. the confrontation escalated on the footpath that leads from the shopping center to the bus stops, and apparently took place off the sidewalk. this is indicated to us by footprints in the snow, which in size resemble a human figure. the place is very busy, but judging by the videos taken on surveillance cameras among there were no motorists stuck in traffic jams or pedestrians who wanted to stop the execution. etienne's friend sergei, who also suffered at the hands and feet of ill-wishers, could not resist his opponents; they took it in numbers, there were eight of them. two people beat me, kicked me on the head, and at that time my friend. they also
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threw him to the ground, they grabbed him by the arms, they also kicked him , with their hands, in the head, and in the body, it was very strong, it was very scary, when they beat him, they took off his jacket, i heard that, what... they talked about taking off his jacket to make it hurt more. etienne suffered very seriously, with a clump of hair torn out, bloody clothes, a broken nose and bruises, and this is only part of the damage that is visible to the naked eye. we arrived at the hospital, we were sent to the ent department, but since he had a headache, back, that is, he had a chest pain, the doctor said that an mri urgently needed to be done; hospitalization was not an option. hot on the heels, some of the alleged offenders were detained, etienne's parents together with a police squad, they caught up with them in the shopping center, where the altercation initially began. police officers immediately
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arrived at the scene, detained all participants in the incident, identified the detainees and fully documented their illegal actions. it took a long time to guess who was doing the assault. one of them came up to us and said: remember my last name, danya glotkov, if you want to walk in my area, then you should go to the center. danya glodkov, in question, is already known to the police, had problems with by law, was registered, photographs on social networks emphasize the young man’s warm attitude towards gangster romance. on tuesday, danya glodkov was among four detained on suspicion of involvement in the story of beating etienne. the company was taken to izmailovsky. to the district investigative department and interrogated as part of the investigation of the criminal case , confrontations were conducted, video recordings were seized, which recorded the illegal actions of the defendants. during interrogation, the accomplices admitted guilt and were charged with the investigation intends to petition for
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the election of preventive measures against the defendants related to deprivation of liberty. relatives of the victims, meanwhile, intend to ensure that they are brought to justice to the fullest extent possible. specifically. and the first hearing was held in the case of two foreigners who set fire to a city nightclub and almost killed a security guard, which guests from another country did not like so much, ekaterina likhomanova will tell. foreigners in the hall of the kirovsky district court of ufa pretend that they do not understand anything about what is happening,
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meanwhile, they are well versed in the intricacies of the case in which they became defendants, they are accused of attempted murder with particular cruelty. according to the investigation, the friends could have burned one security guard alive. nightclubs of the city, the fact that they set the floor on fire, i admit, yes, the fact that they wanted to kill a person there, i won’t admit that. investigators believe that the man is disingenuous; the fire show staged by the foreigners was caught on surveillance cameras installed in the shopping and entertainment center where the club was located. the recording shows one of the accused doused the guard with gasoline, the second took out a lighter, and the fire broke out instantly. their intention was not completed. since the club security guard managed to move to a safe distance from the source of the combustion in time, and therefore was not injured, and the fire was extinguished by the employees of the establishment, after the crime the defendants tried to fly to moscow, but were detained at the ufa airport. one of the versions wanted to take revenge
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on an employee of the establishment in this way, allegedly he did not let them into the club, hinting that they first needed sober up: friends who were deprived of entertainment decided to arrange their own. after the refusal, they went to a gas station and bought it there. the purpose of this performance is unclear, but apparently, this is how the defendants plan to avoid punishment. the defense considers the accusation to be far-fetched, and the crimes described in it to be artificially formed, in the absence of any evidence of khadzhaev’s involvement in this crime.
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vodel does not have a single piece of evidence objectively related to the accusation presented. allegedly, the investigation had pressure and did not take into account that the detainees do not know russian, despite the lawyer’s instructions. they clearly carry out: look, i’ll now prepare questions for the witnesses for you, i’ll strangle them, and you and i will ask them, okay. true, there is a high probability that the defenders are unlikely to win this case. given the large amount of evidence. despite the fact that the nightclub employee was not seriously injured and has no complaints, the state prosecutor insists that the foreigners be punished because, among other things, they violated immigration laws. they came to russia to work, all this time they lived here illegally without documents. ekaterina likhomanova, yuri marchenko, lead the duty department. the moscow prosecutor's office sent a statement of fact demanding that it be declared prohibited. distribution of video blogger gadzhi-gadzhiev. we talked about the streamer's videos with shocking content
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the day before. the footage shows that the driver grossly violates traffic rules, drives recklessly and drifts on the roads, which directly threatens the lives of pedestrians and other motorists. the video instantly went viral on social media. are accompanied by encouraging comments, and the participants in these videos do nothing to stop violations of the law. from the appearance of such gadzhivukha on the roads. unfortunately, no one is insured. the day before, a traffic conflict in the capital was provoked by a taxi driver, who considered the roadway to be his territory. the police had to intervene in the matter. how to behave with those who are not familiar with driving culture? step-by-step instructions were developed by galina hungureeva. the tverskoy district of moscow is the third transport ring, one of the central highways of the capital. however, with culture not everyone is familiar with driving here. the lady saw the car clearly in the snow-covered windshield and managed to capture it. taxi driver's centric gesture. apparently, the person’s manners were not taught, and knowledge of traffic rules is in
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question. as it turned out, the woman had to call the police; she said that before demonstrating non-verbal skills, the taxi driver beat on the windows, shouted, and demanded that the doors be opened. finally , he threw a bottle at the windshield. and this despite the fact that a resident of moscow has a disabled person’s sign on her car, she was taking her elderly mother to hospital. he overtook us, blocked the passage, got out of the car and started hitting the windshield and side glass with all his might. we. they were simply terrified, okay, also me, my mother has a heart condition, she was very worried , her blood pressure rose, according to the woman, the taxi driver did not let her through the main road, at the sound of the laxson, the impudent and desperate driver completely went berserk and blocked the passage and wanted to show who is in charge on the road, here is actually the hero of the road action movie, he was quickly detained by police officers, in the footage he is no longer so brave, with a drooping head, in a meek voice he explained: i got out of the car, i just glass yes... i left already, in the medical office, shifting from foot to foot, i refused to undergo a medical examination for the presence of alcohol in
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the blood, you refuse, yes, you refuse, okay, for such citizens, as practice shows, there are no speed limit road signs, rush or a bad mood is considered a good reason to avoid a traffic jam on the oncoming side or on the side of the road, park on the lawn or abandon a car in the middle of the roadway, car rudeness, reason many road accidents, and sometimes fatal accidents . years quietly, quietly, quietly, with knives, yes, this is footage of a traffic conflict on the highway of enthusiasts, the driver of a white foreign car provokes, deliberately presses his neighbor in the lane, then blocks the passage, then three aggressors with knives and pistols come out of the car, the impudent young men did not like it, that they did not give way, the married couple who was in the second car managed to get out and contact the police, law enforcement officers announced an interception plan, the rowdies were detained, then according to the classics, hanging head and confused apologies, why was she detained? for this, whoever
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stops my car, admits your fault to the judge, it is remarkable that the auto-boors behave unrestrainedly and aggressively in case of numerical superiority or in relation to those who are weaker, in these frames one of the violators shouts at a moscow parking employee, he is extremely indignant at the fine , which they are going to prescribe to him, who would drop their tablet, no idea? you are from my family 5.00 now you are snatching the creature. version: do not break the rules and thus do not pay for it in blood earned, apparently, does not occur to a man. in cases where boorish drivers and overtly aggressive drivers try to prove their case using force, lawyers first of all advise not to get out of the car, lock the doors and wait for the police to arrive. i would recommend, first of all, actively using a mobile phone to film something that is not entirely legal. behavior, i would like to note that the criminal code
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of the russian federation provides for punishment for intentional damage to property citizen if he has suffered significant damage. protocols have been drawn up under four articles of the code of administrative offenses against a suspect in an attack on two women on a road in the center of moscow. in addition, a criminal case has been opened against him under the article of hooliganism. galina khungureva, sergey ukhvaryonok, news! the results of the past year were summed up by the department of internal affairs for the yaroslavl region. the head of the department , alexey shkolkin, made a report. according to him, the operational situation in the region remains stable. in thanks largely to the work of the security forces , the number of crimes committed against life and health has decreased by 20%, however , attackers, according to yaroslavl police, are moving online; crimes using information technology have increased by 22%. on the other hand , the detection rate on this front has increased; the work of five large
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drug laboratories was stopped in the region, the total production capacity of which was more than 250. ice and water, despite numerous warnings, those who like fishing or drifting in a car on an ice-bound body of water does not become less important, why even extreme cold is not a guarantee of safety on rivers and lakes, how the authorities stop reckless drivers, using the example of the irkutsk region, where baikal turns into a huge skating rink, vlada egorova will tell. on the ice of lake baikal there is only visibility, fortress and safety, here you can instantly. bolitsa - says experienced local fisherman viktor pavlov. there are plenty of people like him here, he says, but not everyone knows the rules of winter fishing. one seems to be going well, the second one is gurgling. by according to the man, it is better to choose places for fishing close to the shore; the farther away, the more dangerous the ice; beginners can easily fall into an ice trap, so employees of the state emergency service and the ministry of emergency situations often go out onto the ice. with the onset of winter, preventive
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raids are regularly carried out. we fine cars for going on the ice, but we mostly have saturday-sunday raids behind us. in this case, in maril the car was not fined for going on a flight, but the retribution for the violation was much worse. divers plunge into the hole over and over again, under the thickness of the ice at the bottom of the volga, approximately at a depth of 15 m, a drowned car. in the depths of the river, rescuers have been searching for the owner of the sunken car for several days, but in vain. they examined the interior of the car, but did not find the drowned owner of the car. according to preliminary data, the driver of the drowned car was valery borulin, the former head of the nizhny novgorod fair. on january 18 , for reasons that are still unclear, he decided to test the strength of the volga ice, but the idea was literally a failure. the ice cracked and the car sank. together with borulin in there were two women in the salon. they got out on their own, after which they were taken to the hospital, but their little one most likely died. and this is footage from bashkiria.
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help, guys. as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the driver drove onto the ice to save time, but... with the weight of his truck weighing 10 tons, the ice crossing could not withstand it, the car ended up at the bottom in a matter of seconds, the man did not have time to get out, the thickness of the ice at this crossing over the beloe river is 30 cm, this size will support a load of maximum 3 tons, anything heavier will inevitably break ice cover, compliance the rules for driving on slippery crossings are regularly warned by the ministry of emergency situations, if we are snowmobiles or motorized dogs, we allowed them to go out in december, january, february, because everyone understands perfectly well that the purpose is fishing. people will still be driving out , then cars are prohibited in any case, because the mass, so to speak, is much larger, but no ban seems to stop some risky drivers, they seem to be tempted to drive onto a slippery slope, in the novosibirsk region, for example , on new year's holidays in on different days, four cars dived under the ice at once, well, another niva entered, well, look, fishermen, come more often in
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cars and dive, for the sake of spectacular shots and likes on social networks , fans of extreme driving will also experience the ice surface. the ice crackled under the wheels of the drifter from pskov as soon as he made a couple of circles. during the next maneuver, the car ended up failing with a loud crash. sasha, get out! sasha was lucky, he crawled out from under the ice along with his passenger, and the car sank. the picturesque ice has seen dangerous maneuvers more than once baikal. you can go out on it only in specially designated places, and walking will become safe only by the beginning of february, because even severe frosts do not guarantee the strength of the ice. coatings, the first ice is dangerous , first of all, of course, its thickness, including its formation occurs very slowly; there are cracks ; ice with a thickness of 10 cm or more is considered more or less safe, but the ministry of emergency situations employees do not advise experimenting with it. according to the department, since the beginning of the year alone, about twenty incidents have occurred on reservoirs, approximately half of them
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them with a fatal outcome. vlad egorova, news: duty department. territory of wolves. in the kurgan region, predators raided the resort village of medvezhye lake. one woman was killed and three other people were seriously injured. according to the hunters, there were at least three wolves, but only one was shot. is it true that an aggressive predator was infected with a dangerous virus and what measures to protect against wild animals will be taken in the region. material by olga zhurenkova. small quiet village of lake medvezhye 170 km from kurgan on the streets not souls. residents try not to leave unless necessary. it was still dark before work, the wolves managed to bite four people, three were in the hospital, one woman died, there was blood in the snow, on the hood on the window, one of the victims tried to escape from a wild animal, i had already gone to rest, i
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heard a cry for help knocking on my window, there was a woman’s voice, i jumped out and looked, a woman was standing, i don’t remember how i took her into the house, well, to the house, and already at the threshold i was already... i dragged him into the house. several hours before the bloody attack, teenagers saw a wolf, they tried to drive him away from the village; many noted the inappropriate behavior of the animal. on the water, it moves back a little and moves forward again. they threw snow, whistled, shouted and barely managed to drive him away. the predator even rushed in a car. it was very scary to drive on the roads now, because they were running out, an ambulance was driving, right here it was an ambulance, and from here a huge wolf was running straight towards them. ambulance, and he was not afraid to go to the ambulance, straight to the ambulance. experts suggest that wolves could become infected from wild roe deer by some disease,
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the migration routes of roe deer run through the kurgan region. according to local residents, there could be sick individuals among them. there is talk of a zombie virus, but little is known about it. some consider it a myth altogether, but experts do not rule out that the pathogen can be dangerous for animals and people. i think, based on my experience, this is also connected with the arrival of wolves. becomes atypical, weight decreases, coordination is impaired, fear of people disappears, wolves allegedly behaved in the same way in the kurgan region. this is the first time wolf attacks on a person in a populated
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area. now the relevant departments, together with hunters , are taking preventive measures to exclude the possible presence of other animals on the territory of the village or near its borders. experts say that an animal that has tasted human blood cannot be left alive. lions, tigers, bears or wolves that killed. people will be attacked again and again, even the inhabitants of the ocean behave similarly, it is no coincidence that after each attack, for example, sharks, predators are not left alone until they are found and eliminated. so the same thing happened in the kurgan region. the wolf was killed by local residents by law enforcement officers. as a result of the animal's attack, four people were injured, one of whom was a dead woman. based on the results of all verification activities, a procedural decision will be made. the body of the beast was sent. will the examination soon make it clear whether the animal had rabies or another disease? three victims due to an attack by forest predators are now in hospitals, their condition is stable, a schoolchild in the area has so far been transferred to
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distance learning, 24-hour patrols are carried out in populated areas, because somewhere in the forests other members of the brutal pack may still be hiding. olga zhirenkova, mikhail shirin, victoria makarova, victoria khairulina, conduct the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels. vesti duty department and. honest detective, follow along with us, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel.
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in general, the troops are unique, firstly, there are a lot of tasks, the tasks are so labor-intensive, i certainly. a group of sappers is preparing for the upcoming task; we are improving our skills in detecting
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and neutralizing spare items in buildings. this was done with the aim of increasing mobility, as well as increasing the survivability of personnel, do it yourself, what a class, what a beauty! for the soviet union, leningrad was of enormous importance, aurora shot there,
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a revolution took place there. its population must be either destroyed or expelled, the city itself destroyed to the ground. shackle the leningrad volkhov front so that they don’t take a step anywhere they didn’t take a step to the left or a step to the right. a frozen city, eerie images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but not giving up. there are trucks here, on the ice that is not yet very strong, they are carrying food to this very ancient city, and they are taking the wounded back. the accumulation of forces began, the complete lifting of the blockade, and it ended almost in a catastrophe for the seev army group. the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad. let's look before everyone else. let's meet veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull. vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four.
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the snowstorm intensified the pressure on sakhalin. now it is impossible to get out of the island either by air or by sea. operations of the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport and ferry crossing have been completely stopped. there are no trains or intercity buses in the region, and roads are closed. in the belgorod region, investigators and specialists are working at the crash site of the il-76. a search is underway for the wreckage and bodies of victims of the attack. the plane was flown by a crew from the orenburg region.


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