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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2, the signal as a signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control the drone, you just need to sharply raise it and after that just fly to the side enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching and there are pilots, this is mine again , shooting one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there. i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i really admire them, they are super fighters, i really like them lucky.
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hello, dear friends, studio 5 is on the air, we are talking about important things, international affairs, which, of course, will continue. more interesting, unfortunately, and of course , worries us all, and firstly, we offer our condolences to the families of the deceased pilots, the guys who accompanied the military, the plane, of course, is an important thing, an expensive thing, needed in military affairs, but it was military -a transport plane, it did not shoot, did not bomb ukrainian territory, but it simply flew to belgorod, to the airport, which was closed at first by the northern military district, it was specially open for this,
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the ukrainian authorities knew all this very well and deliberately destroyed their people, it is clear that this is a provocation, this terrorist act on the territory of our country has far -reaching consequences, reasons, and so on, but at the moment the most important thing about this is pathetic our guys, honestly, when i learned this news yesterday, everything else is secondary, because when the guys go on the attack, everyone feels sorry for them when people die, but at least it’s clear. scene, the situation is clear there, here it’s a sneaky stab in the back, like usually, this is the whole kiev regime, this is the meanness into which it plunged our brotherly ukrainian people, and the people who live there now are in this terrible situation, but this was a kind of remark, and now let’s talk seriously about those consequences and political consequences that happened, let me emphasize again, what was it called? westerners are historically our
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territories, they do not recognize our territory, this is their problem, but nevertheless, they always said that this is taboo, this cannot be done, we see shelling on december 30 belgorod, and at the same time, we must pay tribute to us, we said that this was unacceptable, we drew red lines, but so far nothing has changed, unfortunately, for the big one, and grigory karasin has connections with us, the head of the federation council committee on international affairs , grigory, i started this conversation with you a little emotionally, i understand that you are a high -level diplomat, you shouldn’t get emotional, but we journalists can, but i wanted to ask you about this, it’s clear that we have you had a conversation plan, a certain conversation, but this the situation with the plane, it changes the paradigm a little, and i will literally say two more words on my own behalf, but it is clear that purely... ukrainian
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abilities for this, i read experts now, they say this is a very serious, well-thought-out act, purely technically it it was extremely difficult to do, but it is possible , and i will not go into these details now, but the fact remains, it is clear that with launchers of this level, and most likely it was a patriot, an investigation is still underway, maybe our s-300, but it doesn't matter, it's serious equipment, this equipment is usually supervised by western specialists. this is a fact that is already obvious to everyone, we know this, we know this from the situation in paris, in paris, i wanted to say, in kharkov, where there are mercenaries from paris, and accordingly, this fact also takes place, we talk about this a lot now, what do you think, will there be political consequences of this terrorist attack in belgorod, or will the westerners put the brakes on it again, alexander, first of all, i want to join in with
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the condolences that you expressed, to say that emotionality in this case not superfluous, uh, this is certainly an act of international terrorism, it will... this is exactly how it will be investigated, we, the russian federation insists on a very early discussion of this act of terrorism in the un security council, unfortunately, the french presidency postponed it there for a couple of days, but in any case, this will be considered, and we as a country will draw conclusions from this, the conclusions are direct and they will be directed against those who...
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there is nothing to worry about, they will have wide-range, long-range weapons, they must understand that they are playing a very difficult , bloody game, we will not hold back and call a spade a spade, as sergei lavrov actually did now at a meeting of the security council, where he confidently and convincingly showed where...
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they are not going, but now they have come up with a knight's move, they are ready to sell the taurus to britain, and they will supply stormshed in large quantities to ukraine, that is, as if germany is so clean , everything will be a little, the british are people without brakes,
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they will do all this , i'm in connection with with this i would like to ask a question, we are constantly talking about the fact that the anglo-saxons, well , in fact, let’s say this, i would call it that, they declared war on us, they already spoke about it openly, but they moved from words to deeds, what would our reaction be here? we can say that the anglo-saxons are fighting with us, and we allow them to fish in the barents sea, we allowed them until now, how can we even understand all this? no, well, grown men from washington and london, uh, and some european capitals, of course, including nato members, play
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people, but the fact is that these arguments are followed by some crazy decisions, people do not understand that this will end badly, first of all for them and for europe. and for well, england is a special article, because you said, they don’t have brakes, they have brakes, but they turn on these brakes only when they consider it necessary to turn on these brakes, in this case they act absolutely recklessly, but they act cunningly, is vile, and we must understand this well in our real contacts with international organizations, primarily with the organization united nations, speaking... yesterday, i think, at a press conference, lavrov said that contacts are limited, but we continue
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to calmly and convincingly prove that we are right and prove that with the hands of kiev people are trying to strangle russia and are actually leading the matter towards a world peace conflict, the conflict itself has already begun, but give it such a bloody, acute form. this is criminal, and the public in europe and the world as a whole is slowly beginning to understand this. and we will strengthen our own argumentation and our own explanation on this matter for everyone, without exception sites , there is no need to do this in our own country, because our people are already mobilized to fight back and give a hard time to those who are trying to question... our independence, sovereignty, in a word, we are at a new
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stage of confrontation, yes, grigory, and this stage is developing very quickly, it is connected with what, failures at the fronts, in these conditions, and today it was said about this, sergei naryshkin, he is the head of the foreign intelligence service , today he stated that that the more there will be, strictly speaking... failures at the front, the more there will be these vile actions on the part of the west, the anglo-saxons and so on, we have this understanding, the question is: what to do about it, now they are already hitting our infrastructure, service - this is a serious thing, everything is serious, but there are some assumptions so far that the launches were actually from estonian territory, this is not yet a proven fact, but i think that ours...
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noryshkin is absolutely right - this is a reasonable statement on his part, from side of our foreign intelligence, but no need now to become like our western neighbors and, so to speak, former friends and colleagues and engage in such seemingly untethered propaganda, we are still on our nerves.
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we have strength, anger is growing towards those who act vilely towards our objects, towards our people, and first of all towards our people, and they will bear an answer, they will bear an answer both physically and legally, work is already underway on this, not we need to talk about this a lot, we just need to work, accumulate materials, over time the tribunals will all, so to speak, draw their own conclusions, but grigorievich, well, i i understand, probably all these provocations here
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you are absolutely right, we, as experts, journalists, can experience these emotions and as ordinary citizens of our country, here responsible politicians usually behave differently, but nevertheless, some kind of balance is probably needed here, in this case , all these provocations are precisely aimed at bringing out our top leadership. without patience to provoke rash steps, this is all understandable, but on the other hand, if we swallow all this all the time, well, they they are shooting soon...
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will continue to increase, we will respond adequately. come on, it’s a difficult situation , it’s clear that there are no simple solutions here, and emotions are probably not the best adviser, especially in such serious matters, but nevertheless, the logic of the development of events so far follows, unfortunately, this is what you’re talking about, to an increase in conflict, an increase in
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involvement in all this, we know how, we know how to react calmly. to meanness, but we remember everything, and retribution will come, there should be no doubt about it, but grigorich, come on we will still discuss our diplomatic, purely diplomatic affairs with a cool head , i mean, this is the un security council, you have already said that the french presidency postponed consideration of the issue of the plane that was shot down in belgorod, they committed this terrorist attack, how...
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yes, grigory, but i think that this diplomatic battle, which cannot be said differently, which is now going on, it is clear that it is in the midst of this battle, and there is no end in sight for it, and in general this whole situation, because one gets the feeling that after all, we are really just entering into this global confrontation, well, unfortunately, we no longer have the opportunity to discuss this, i think next time we will definitely do this, thank you very much for co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, vladimir mashkov plans to visit about eighteen cities and hold meetings with citizens there as a proxy of the president.
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during a trip to novokuznetsk, he told our colleague about how the collection of signatures in support of vladimir putin went maxim kutrunov. vladimirovich, first of all, welcome to kuzbass in novo-kuznetsk, thank you very much. the collection of signatures in support of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin has been completed , rate it as... yes, the activity was not easy, on the one hand, because the activity is new, and we started our headquarters, the central election headquarters, and we are three co-chairs, maryana anatolyevna lusenko , chief physician of the clinical hospital and artyom vladimirovich zhogo, hero of russia, my friend, a wonderful person. started work from 23 december at the central election headquarters, this large-scale campaign began throughout the country to collect signatures in support of our
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presidential candidate, and you see, during this time, of course, with such amazing activity of people, citizens of our country, we literally collected 3 days back to the cycle... we submitted 315,000 signatures in support, in total 10 times more were collected, so you can count the number, and of course, and this indicates that the rise and activity of the desire of citizens to nominate their candidate, now, now the current president, it is very huge, sincere and even more.
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shopping centers, at train stations, in particular at our election headquarters, and signatures were collected by the popular front and united russia, that is
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, they were all over the country, they were all over the country, they worked from 9 am, in my opinion, until 18 to 19 hours, volunteers, these are all adults who did this. from the heart, sincerely, selflessly, they met them, after all, what kind of mission fell to them, to get a signature, that is, to check documents, communicate with citizens, uh, everything clarify, help, explain, present, that is, this is a big, big, big job, but there were a lot of experienced ones. guys who were there for the first time, but they managed it, our headquarters worked in this sense, we held master classes with them, and of course, this
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is the activity of the guys, it is sincere activity, of course, it evokes incredible respect, i want to thank everyone, all the volunteers, everyone who worked during this period, but no less responsible work awaits us ahead, to hear suggestions, orders, in general feel, feel the people, our president, our candidate and the current
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president, probably his...
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difficult, probably the most acute of all times that have ever been, you see, wars are going on in different parts of our country, and wars are going on around us, the ring is shrinking, enemies, you know, here are the countries with which we were friends.
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industry is developing, education is developing, medicine is developing, and our guys, who are now in the northern military district defending our homeland from the greatest evil and satanism, it seems to me that they are full of confidence in their victory, moreover, victory will be very soon. thank you. we are always very glad to welcome you to our small homeland, thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts.
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for the next 2 days, weather forecasters have declared a strong avalanche danger in... the territory of eleven urban districts of sakhalin, the island is experiencing the strongest snow cyclone in recent years, the airport is closed, schools and organizations have been transferred to remote work, the snowfall is expected to weaken only by friday evening. report by natalia kharoshenka. at night, the streets of yuzhno-sakhalinsk were not deserted; they were cleaned by more than 90 units technology. first of all , the roadway was cleared of snow so that the operational services could


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