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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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our happiness is to live such a fate, i sang songs that i really liked, i liked the songs, i liked the artists, i sang along, i sang along, i sang along with the actors, a funny musical family film, i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film just in one breath, the whole movie gives me goosebumps. it looks like your song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny, touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, for leningrad was of enormous importance in the soviet union, aurora shot there, a revolution took place there, its population must be either destroyed. or expelled, the city itself is destroyed
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to the ground, the leningrad volkhov front is destroyed, so that they don’t take a step to the left or a step to the right. a frozen city, eerie images of people who are exhausted, exhausted, but not giving up. here the trucks, which are not yet very strong, are bringing food to this very southern city, they were taking the wounded back, the accumulation of forces began, this is a complete withdrawal. and it it almost ended with the catastrophe of the sowing army group, the heroic red army broke the blockade of leningrad, that my parents arrived, yes, i don’t know what this means, but it’s them, where i’m afraid to ask aglai.
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what men are silent about is that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. recommended course of two packages: lanagitase against prostatitis. when you're speeding down the highway, you'll easily fly past this sign, in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the high-profile victories at the built stadium; you certainly won’t care for it against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; the sign of russia’s national projects is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that it has brought to our lives. national projects of russia. by decision of the president, i pay for
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techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct, i’ve been driving since childhood, i’ve always been supported, everything is fine, it ’s so accepted in our family. everything is fine, now i’m working as a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same day, everything is fine, come, for details call 8 800 367 it’s me, maxim nikitin, the creator of nanocomputers capable of more accurately delivering medicines to diseased cells, and this is the moment when i decided to become a scientist, we were experimenting in a real laboratory, then i wanted to make an important discovery, develop an interest in na... from childhood,
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enroll in scientific specialties at uka.rf, valentina, valemidinina, drops for calmness with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint in volemidinina calmness, only calmness. the co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters, vladimir mashkov, plans to visit about 18 cities and hold meetings with citizens there as an official.
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give me extra energy, so we can handle collecting signatures in support of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, rate it how did this company go, did everything work out, and the activities. was difficult on the one hand, because the activity was new , and we started our central election headquarters, and we, the three co-chairs, maryana anatolyevna losenko, the chief physician of the clinical hospital, and artem vladimirovich zhogo, my friend, a wonderful person, began work in the central election headquarters, this large-scale campaign began throughout the country to collect... let's say in support of our presidential candidate, and you see, during this time, of course, with such amazing activity of people, citizens of our country, collected throughout the country, we literally
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3 days ago submitted 315,000 signatures in support to the central election commission, in total 10 times more were collected, so you can count the number. and of course, this suggests that the rise and activity and the desire of citizens to nominate their candidate, now the current president, is very sincere and an additional fact is that three times more signatures were collected than in 2018, despite ...
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with such precise skillful guidance from our the president, and the fact that citizens are so supportive, this speaks of their sincere feelings, who worked as volunteers, who these people were, who collected signatures, where it was possible, where people went, where these points were located, well, firstly, these points or as they were called, picket points were located all over the country, they were in shopping centers at train stations, in particular in our election headquarters, volunteers, that’s all... adult guys who did this from the heart, sincerely, selflessly, met them, after all, shoulders, what a mission fell out, to get
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signature, that is, check documents , communicate with citizens, clarify everything , help, explain, present, that is, this is a big, big, big job, but there were a lot of experienced ones, there were guys who were doing it for the first time, but they managed it, here is our headquarters in this sense, i worked, we held master classes with them, and of course, this is such activity of the guys, uh, it is sincere activity, of course, it evokes incredible respect, i want to thank everyone, all the volunteers, everyone who.. .worked during this period, but no less awaits us ahead responsible work, so be healthy and so that everything is picture-perfect for you, these are the next steps of the election headquarters and you know what interests you, this is the role of the proxies, your role, what is it in this work?
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well, you know, globally, the goals of the entire company and the goal of the presidential candidates is to meet: who will meet with citizens, talk about activities, what needs to be done, and this will be done throughout the country, in all regions, as part of this activity, i have planned about 18 or 19 cities that i will come
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to meet with citizens, without interrupting my professional activities, i will return to the theater, play, rehearse, work with students, and then again. simple, probably the most acute of all times that have ever been, it seems to me, no matter what, in this situation, i am sure it will be a difficult company, because there are a lot of opponents to the development of russia, but nevertheless, it seems to me that we are together, and we are on a great upswing like never before, because... despite such huge sanctions, industry is developing, education is developing
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, medicine is developing, our guys who are now defending our homeland in the northern military district, they are full of confidence in their victory, moreover, victory will be and will be very soon. thank you very much, we are always happy to welcome you to our small homeland. thank you. republicans in the united states are deciding who to nominate as a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections. donald trump won his own primary. two of his rivals dropped out of the race and called for support for trump. however, he has another rival, more precisely a rival. more about this in the program america with valentin bogdanov. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald trump is moving by leaps and bounds towards the nomination. two
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consecutive primary victories in iowa and newshire appear to have removed the question of who will be the republican nominee in november 2024. so, have the primaries begun in america, or have they already ended? the question of trump's participation in the race as the only republican candidate. but is this enough to become candidate? of course not. the fact is that
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trump is involved in several criminal cases that were opened for a reason. one of the most important of these cases , which concerns the storming of the capitol and the events of january 6, 2021, its consideration should begin just on super tuesday, this is march 5, when voters in the primary will simultaneously vote in fourteen states, including. in such a large republican state as texas, in this dimension for trump what will happen is that then the composition of the participants in the presidential race in the united states in november 2024 will ultimately be determined, so of course the main intrigue is probably behind these primaries, but there is a certain number of other intrigues, the second, probably, most important intrigue for any - the presidential race in the united states is the figure of the vice president, we understand, and especially this was shown by
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trump’s first term in a very dramatic way, that a lot depends on the figure of the vice president, although for a long time in the united states it was believed that vice presidents, well, rather perform such formal function, they partly coordinate the work of the senate, but as the practice of recent years shows, the vice president - obama, who? it was joe biden, the current president of the united states, from mike pence , in turn, trump on january 6, 2021, expected from pence that he would not certify the voting results; it was pence’s lack of loyalty, disloyalty, according to trump, that deprived him of a second presidential term in white house. and on this day, most likely later, trump very much regretted that...
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to contain iran, china, and russia, working in the security council, and yes, today nikiheili is a candidate from the washington swamp, if you like, he is a candidate from the american one.
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it’s not easy with conservative ideas in the state department, now lloyd austin is doing the same work to clean up the pentagon, the system of american power, american public administration is still one way or another migrating towards the democrats, so this is how trump will immediately find people, and for top positions , of course, he’ll probably find it, although we remember there were problems with this, he changed secretaries of state, he was there first tillerson, then pompey.
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administration into the ukrainian conflict, he is very skeptical about the idea of ​​global dominance, which is still popular among liberal hawks in the united states. i am ready to restore normal diplomatic and even economic relations with russia. the us made a mistake by isolating russia, thereby pushing it towards china. instead of a bipolar us-china world, we could create a tripolar world order in which nuclear weapons are super.
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when was the last time you heard the phrase "american dream". you used to hear it all the time, but you haven't heard the term in a very long time because there is no longer any american dream.
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the internal conflict that is currently taking place due to the white house’s support for israel’s actions, here biden is openly losing the muslim electorate, he
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is losing the electorate of minority youth, why is it because young people come out against gas bombings, the white house consistently supports israel, as everyone does american administration, no matter republican or democratic. the same with china, china is a challenge, no one doubts this, the only doubt here is what is the main challenge, according to the democrats, the main challenge now is russia, and we need to focus on europe, so support for ukraine is already being declared something sacred , which should never stop, regardless of the real state of affairs and regardless of strategic and tactical goals, the republicans have a different agenda. main the rival, or even the enemy in their rhetoric, is china, and the problem of taiwan in this sense is the number one problem, it’s not for nothing that in the spring,
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now a delegation of congressmen and republicans will go to taiwan, there are just direct parallels here, but we remember how nancy pilosi, the speaker of the then democratic congress, did the same thing, so what’s the difference? next, we’ll take the situation in world trade and in the world economy in general.
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which you can work with and which can be recorded somewhere from where it will not spread further, well, let it be the oval office, or let it be one of the houses of congress, or let it be washington, but at all levels of american power, trump simply, even if he is allowed to be elected, will not be allowed to let go and implement his agenda, the situation is paradoxical, today it is impossible to be...
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of course, she is in the absolute minority here , but by the way, this is her advantage, because she is the only one, before there was everyone and trump, now everyone is together with trump and nicky haley, they all see in trump the ideology that will exist after trump same. it's clear that most republicans want to give donald trump another chance. we had disagreements with him, in particular on
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the coronavirus, but there is no doubt that trump is stronger than the current president, so i am stopping participation in the election campaign and expressing my support for the republican candidate. that is, by swearing allegiance to trump, they are swearing allegiance to the tomorrow of the republican party, they understand that, of course , there will be no departure from this ideology, and as for the challenge to the deep state, or simply the state, there confirmation.
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on february 3, voting in south carolina is still rather formal, the only real candidate is joe biden, or so far the only one, we’ll talk about this next time. this was america, all the best to you. we’re watching before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s subscribe, watch.
1:00 pm
the rescue operation at the site of the collapse of a pumping station in orenburg was completed successfully; employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped six employees of the enterprise get out from under the rubble. two deaths are known, two more are in hospital. according to preliminary data, the collapse of the building occurred after the explosion of a sour cream cylinder. it was used by a contractor who worked in one of the station premises. excited. criminal case. investigators and forensic experts are examining the scene. a municipal emergency regime has been introduced in the city . the operation of the station itself is now in normal operating mode, so i urge residents not to panic and not to collect additional water in the city. everything works and functions.


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