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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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and yet, more than 2,000 tons were delivered to their destinations in donetsk and lugansk. following the columns of the ministry of emergency situations, which stopped counting when their number exceeded a hundred, russian regions, public organizations, and ordinary citizens of our country began sending humanitarian aid, because helping in trouble is so natural. construction materials went to donbass for restoration.
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not only to the donbass, but to the kherson and zaporozhye regions, to all liberated territories. here are the dry numbers: from february to october 2022, until new ones enter regions within russia, customs posts of the rostov region at checkpoints have processed more than 5,000 vehicles with humanitarian cargo, their weight is about 89 thousand. the flow went on around the clock, today, when there are no longer borders , the help is not getting smaller, it is sent not only to the residents of novorossiya, but also to the soldiers of the northern military district, they are carrying the things they need, equipment, support for those who are in the trenches at the forefront of tradition since the times of the great patriotic war, but the main focus is still on civilians, on the anniversary of their acceptance into the russian federation of new regions vladimir putin emphasized: that’s it. russian regions provide
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truly fraternal assistance to the donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions. today we are also creating our common future together, restoring and building schools, hospitals, houses and roads, museums and memorials. all our regions provide truly fraternal assistance to the cities and towns of donbass and novorosiya. in this work, in this common cause. and religious organizations, parliamentary parties, entrepreneurs and labor collectives, the whole large, united country, everyone does the same the case is about how helping novorossiya became a conscious choice of a large number of different people in the plot of anna efimova. moscow is a warehouse
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where sorting and packaging of all the various cargoes that will soon be sent to donbass is underway. here are food, books, warm winter clothes, both for civilians and sponsored military units. we write down once in the inventory what it is for, so that the goods do not get lost. svetlana mikhailovna, a former successful screenwriter and journalist, today the owner of two state awards of the dpr is one of main devotees of the volunteer movement in donbass. she started helping when it was not yet mainstream; in 2014 it all started with several parcels from ranin. today , not only professional volunteers, but also the families of those who are now on the front line help cope with the volumes much more significantly. i want to say for all mothers, on behalf of all mothers, hold on sons. every month a truck loaded to capacity leaves in the direction of donbass, the movement is moscow, donbass is just called that. in fact, it united all of russia, hundreds of volunteer organizations. the moscow energy
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institute, for example, is making bourgeois boots, which are much needed in the cold winter, several volunteer groups are knitting camouflage nets and preparing dry rations, but most of all the parishioners from the church of st. alexander nevsky in lionozovo were surprised; from scrap materials they made a folk analogue of an expensive reconnaissance trumpet. this pipe is built up as much as necessary, you are in a shelter in a dugout or in a pay zone, and 2 meters up there are snipers who are on you.
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this is where we help in a targeted way the state machine does not have time to turn around. this is aleksandrovka, one of the front-line villages of the dpr. in fact, it is considered the outskirts of donetsk. they remained in the populated area under fire. mostly lonely old people, we are bombarded from the center every day, sometimes there is no one to take care of them, so the delivery of humanitarian aid, food and personal hygiene products is an essential necessity. well, here , objectively, we started learning for ourselves first, because history is unlike anything else, well, let’s face it, probably since 1945, there haven’t been conflicts of this level. every month volunteers of the russian humanitarian mission go. on a week-long business trip to deliver everything needed and collect information on the ground about what is still missing. the volchava spiritual clinic treats children and adolescents with mental disorders. now, thanks to volunteers, there is a modern interactive panel for classes and special rehabilitation equipment. weight vests, exercise bikes, hanging
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swings. help is also coming from abroad. one from italian funds, for example, he purchased neonatal cribs, stethoscopes, glucometers, pumps for... dermal nutrition of newborns for the mariupol maternity hospital, in short , there are still people in the eu who put humanitarian issues above political ones. the activities of the sos-donbass volunteer group began with rallies against the oppression of russians abroad and resulted in the creation of an extensive volunteer group providing assistance to the residents of donbass. the leader of the group, anna novikova berne , first came to donetsk in august 2022 to verify what was being written about french media with what is really happening . now she is preparing another european one for shipment. humanitarian convoy , we have eight participating countries, and 30 collection points , this time a slovak who lives in austria will go with us, he offered his help, offered his truck, and most likely the french will go, and i will join them at the border ,
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however, assistance is provided not only to people, zoos, equestrian clubs, animal shelters, veterinary centers also need supplies and rescue, abandoned hungry four-legged animals are rescued from... destroyed houses or locked apartments and then placed in safe hands; with the support of volunteers, the mariupol zoo was also restored. being here in moscow, you can philosophize about what kind of animals, when people need help there, mostly people who haven’t helped anyone philosophize like this, so we sent 20 tons of a truck, and where will it be located, who will unload 20 tons, however, humanitarian assistance gradually goes beyond... beyond just material support, along with it a huge cultural and spiritual ties are also gaining importance, as well as interaction in such an important area as education. sirius is the first federal territory in russia, where the largest unique educational cluster in russia is located.
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gifted children from all russian regions come here to improve their knowledge and skills; it was here, on behalf of president vladimir putin , that assistance measures were developed for talented... youth from the dpr and lpr, many of them have already become participants in various thematic shifts: the very first days of the complex project of the all-russian popular front to help new regions, sirius got involved in this work, our volunteer center is constantly gaining momentum, taking into account the expansion of students who come to us, and targeted assistance, it is connected with including preschool and primary education. education, continuing to work with schoolchildren and teachers, we have opened appropriate training programs in our sirius courses, we conduct fourteen subjects in new territories, the all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren, i mean the school and
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municipal stages, so more and more children come to our specialized programs, teachers to the advanced training program, all volunteers participating in humanitarian missions are united: but these are people of action, while some are thinking about the root causes what is happening and shift responsibility onto each other, they really help when you are sitting there in this dampness, you have enemy drones flying above, they can fly in at any moment, then there is life there, it is felt that it is of course so acute, they need support, moral support, the knowledge that there is a whole country behind them, and this is a huge country with a huge heart, a country of caring and empathetic people, ready to help in any way... oh
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we will talk with our permanent expert about how important humanitarian assistance provided to new regions remains to this day, about the first convoys of the ministry of emergency situations, about how the process of supplying humanitarian aid began, about everything related to this concept. and with my own eyes, a city destroyed by war , yes, when people who had lost everything, who really needed the most necessary things, it was 2008 skinval, then it was still ukrainian times, and in odessa we collected several trucks of humanitarian aid and sent them to south ossetia , why did this cause such a huge response from the townspeople of odessa, in general, then i saw how, firstly, it is, in fact, a difficult process, yes, on the other hand, events were carried out with the ministry of emergency situations in this... area, i saw how much it is a well-functioning, fantastic machine inside, people who have seriously devoted themselves
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to humanitarian work, you need to understand how much work this is, work - this is also because you also have to interact with people, with people in need, yes, and this is actually psychological not easy, not easy organizationally, that is, this is a very big deal, those same white convoys of 2014, they remained in the memory in a very powerful way, even immortalized - in the donbass, in what?
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scattered in front of them, so to speak, these the ukrainian order, and these property owners went on , it was of course a huge risk, and it must be said that these are also absolutely crazy things in ukrainian propaganda , those who encountered this were amazed, it means they published photographs, for example, here is a truck, yes tented, there are some angular shapes sticking out from under the awning, well, there are some boxes with something there, and there, that means they drew such infographics that it is, for example, a tank in this truck . hidden, and they, that is, they declared to their population that
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in these trucks there is no humanitarian aid, and there are shells, i don’t know, there is crust instead of flour and so on, and the mass population there perceived this, they still think that they were sent there under the guise of humanitarian aid, believe me , everything that needed to be sent was sent there in the usual manner, with such things, but it’s never disguised as an ambulance, as the ministry of emergency situations, right? and of course, then it was just such a salvation for a huge number of people, for the whole city, because i repeat, the general was brought there right away , that is, it starts right away, that’s when the ministry of emergency situations gets involved, immediately this is an integrated approach with already enormous experience in humanitarian missions around the world, you need to understand that this front is going through one of the most urbanized regions in the world in general, there people literally live everywhere, yes, if it seems to you that there is really no landing in the steppe, that is, there is everywhere, everywhere, maybe there will only be a gas shortage, yes, yes, yes, yes. and this tragedy is huge for the people who live there, they find themselves absolutely
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defenseless, and well, i’ve also encountered this more than once, that of course the military there begin to eat food there, so the military is always very cooperative in this sense, yes, because they understand, because well, it’s like people come to them, help there, well, with some , not even with security issues there, but with humanitarian issues, first of all, with the annexation of new regions, the nature of humanitarian assistance, of course, me. what has changed, logistics, necessity, assortment, the most important thing is, well, the border, because, unfortunately, yes, this area is structured in such a way that customs, yes, it generally lives its own life and its own idea, and the humanitarian workers fought, fought against this customs, all the time and there they went to a meeting, again there is always the central office in moscow, but they called there, well, but it’s all in a manual mode. and this complicated everything very much, of course, yes, that is, we know
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that there are still controls at checkpoints there, that there is no entrance yard there, and so on, but this is it there is the need to declare customs there and so on and so forth, this is of course very much the difference between then and now is significant, and then we know that each populated area and district of the administrative unit is assigned its own curators, not from the central departments, so to speak, yes, but from a regional chef. line, but the region can always attract additional resources, help people, for example, last winter, yes, mariupol faced such a heating problem, because the entire system there was simply destroyed housing and communal services, and it was impossible to restore it, so to speak, there on monovenium, and it’s just that, including my good, good
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friends, they just understood this problem and began to simply supply the city with humanitarian aid for... so to speak, here just find manufacturers there who are ready to sell heating devices there at some minimum, so to speak, price, yes, find people who are ready to provide this, including, of course, the authorities of the donetsk people's republic are very much involved in this too, so there on the level pushilin’s advisers helped unconditionally, but in the end the city was simply so provided with these electric heating devices that at some point the local management of the energy networks, they just came to the humanitarian people and said, guys, they say, you know, if you bring us a truckload of these. .. heaters, yes, then the networks will simply go down, because all this, too , was restored in earnest, so to speak, so people quickly switched, they said: yeah, i see, that’s it, electrical appliances mean more no, but there was still a problem with insulation, yes, that is, some blankets began to be removed, so to speak, simatically, that is, this is such a quick opportunity to respond to the problems of ordinary people,
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which is why here humanitarian workers find themselves literally on the front line is often and they arrive earlier than some kind of government... structures, so to speak, so we can often see that a person is absolutely carrying civilian cargo, there he is simply helping the civilian population, but he will be wearing a helmet, will be wearing a bulletproof vest, and such people and they also get wounded, and ukrainian troops in some advanced positions can hunt for such people, and not only those who help the front, these people take very serious risks and sacrifice themselves. thank you sasha for an interesting story.
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khadzhibey was not just a new fortress, but a port city to be founded. according to admiral mardvinov’s resin plan , ochakov was to become the main trading port. with this alone, platon zubov earned himself a place not only in the history of novorossiya, but on the monument to the founders of odessa, next to catherine the great, deribas and potyonkin. the ukrainian authorities demolished the monument in 2022, but it’s unlikely... in this way it will be possible to rewrite history, about what trace platon zubov left in it in the plot of olga mokhova. according to historians, platon zubov really deserved a place on the monument to the founders of the city opened in odessa in 1900. not being generous,
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on the contrary, excessively wasteful, he not only supported the ideas of the mayor de ribos and the military engineer devolan. construction of a harbor, a shipyard and a hospital, precisely on the site of the tatar khadzhibey, but also petitioned the empress to allocate significant sums from the treasury for these projects, but there was no place for him on another monument in honor of catherine ii, erected a little earlier than the odessa one, in 1873. the monument that is behind me, on it , the question was discussed whether the figure of zubov should be depicted here, but zubov did not pass the strict selection process. he was not among those comrades of catherine who surround her on this monument in st. petersburg. well-mannered, fairly educated, not particularly talented, but and not untalented. such characteristics were left on... a contemporary about platon zubov. he was brought closer to the empress by court intrigue against the so-called potemkin party, which had held power too confidently and for a long time. and after the sudden death of grigory
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potemkin, catherine the great set out to make zuby a worthy successor to his serene highness. therefore, she endowed him with the same positions, powers and generous gifts. look how long a period of time it will cover practically. all the later years of catherine, until death he will be next to her, for this it was necessary to have not only a beautiful face, not only a beautiful figure, but , of course, a certain skill and certain ideas about the arrangement of the state mechanism. and the matter, of course, is not only about the empress’s sympathies. eighteenth- century russia is an absolute monarchy, where power belongs entirely to one person. to that. the state apparatus does not
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work automatically, so close assistants are needed who would be very trusted representatives of the monarch and at the same time quite energetic statesmen and intelligent executors of the orders of this monarch, menshikov played this role under peter the great, and then under catherine the orlov brothers... globe, books, map of lands, writing instruments and a dressing gown. in the second half of the 16th century in russia, this was the traditional setting for a male portrait, they say, the person depicted cares about the good of the fatherland not only in the service, but in the home . this is how plato zobovo was depicted by the court painter johann baptist lampi the elder. he is not an independent figure. he occupies high positions, he has a straight line. access to the sovereign and so on, that is, he is an important figure, but not an independent politician ; before doing anything, he asks the sovereign whether we can or cannot
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do this, the sovereign says: yes, then we will do it. platon zubov served as governor-general of ekaterinoslav, voznesensk and tauride from 1793 to 1796. the last decade of the 16th century saw the third stage of territorial expansion at the gate. in january 1792, according to the results of the yasky treaty with ottoman empire, the ekaterinoslav governorship included the lands between the dniester and the southern bug, and a year later the regions received by russia as a result of the second partition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth would be on its borders . the south begins gradually, we take, in fact, the northern one near the black sea, the territory of novorossiya, to give it to the empire, which is quietly. has invested quite a lot of money in the development of the south, it begins with the plowing of these southern lands, and begins something that, by the way, is extremely rarely
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talked about: a gradual economic recovery empire, which will last until the beginning of the 19th century and a little further. in 1795, the port of khadzhibey, by decree of catherine ii, was renamed odessa, in the same year the empress ordered... expeditions to evaluate deposits of coal and iron ores discovered on the territory of the present donbass were carried out on the initiative of grigory potemkin, and under plato zobovi beneficial cooperation was established with the british. it became possible to invite a large number of specialists from england, even the nevros fleet, as was the case there before a whole diaspora'.
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his main historical merit is that he did not kill him; on the contrary, he promoted the progress of the work begun by his predecessor. emperor paul i, and then became involved in a conspiracy against him in his murder. under alexander i, novorossiya was divided into three provinces: ekaterinoslav, kherson and tauride. in this form they
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existed until 1920, and the governors-general of these lands were completely different people. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join the megamarket. megamarket -
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residents heard the crash several times. fires broke out in the city. authorities said an industrial plant was damaged. similar messages came from kharkov and the kharkov region, there were explosions in warehouses there. in the dnepropetrovsk region, after a strike , a fire occurred at one of the enterprises. in the nikolaev region, as well as in those areas of the zaporozhye region that are still under the control of the kiev regime, infrastructure facilities have been destroyed.


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