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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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so that these centers continue to open throughout the country, this is also facilitated by the federal program region of good deeds, thanks to which the constituent entities of the russian federation can receive subsidies to support volunteer initiatives, including the opening of good centers, but unfortunately, in the twenty-fourth year the program is ending, i really want to ask you not to let it stop, let’s do it, thank you very much, you know that, you just said that there are 21 million people working as volunteers in the country and... indeed in the last years, well, starting perhaps from the time of preparation for the olympics in sochi, then further, further, and especially during the pandemic, the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the number of people who voluntarily help others at the call of their hearts, it grows exponentially, and this very cool, because this is such an additional rooting of our national traditions and character. peoples of russia, when
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people are ready to lend a shoulder, to support those who need support, i want to say again, during a pandemic, you a future physician, yes, during a pandemic , of course, well, we just know examples of personal heroism, people actually went, helped others , they themselves passed away in the course of this work, which of course, other than admiration, there is no other feeling here... is supported will be supported, but as for the centers of social development, and in general what you said, of course, we will continue, we will do this, i think we are recording our conversation so that nothing is forgotten, i hope that it will not be forgotten, we'll do everything, so please something else, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich. my name is kira kolobova,
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a second-year law student at the baltic federal university. the year 2023, declared by our country as the year of the teacher and mentor, has ended. so, more precisely, the mentoring system received a new impetus. so, for example, in the baltic federal we are developing both a traditional mentoring system, when , thanks to senior students, first-year students adapt easier and better within the university walls, and a system reverse. mentoring is the interaction of students , university staff and management with the aim of exchanging experience, knowledge to improve professional and other competencies. at our university there are specific examples where students become mentors of teachers or even university administrators. i think that this is a very interesting and promising direction in modern realities, and i would like to hear your opinion, will you go far, do you have a mentor?
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we really have a reverse project mentoring got started, it turned out that the mission of the university is a convention of generations, intergenerational interaction, when not only the older generation teaches the younger, but also the younger ones teach the older ones, for example, the vice-rector for youth policy and international education has a mentor in information technology, this is a master’s student, which helps her to get involved in... we are trying to replicate, this is one of the brands on current topics, here we are now at the university, which is very important for us, well, great, i honestly won’t lie, to come up with something like that, i haven’t heard anything like that, it means mentoring in the other direction, well, of course it’s great, it’s not just feedback, but also support and help, well, in this case, for teachers, who probably, well, in essence, this is like a statement of that. .. what are students waiting for, yes, in this
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case, this feedback, mutual communication, this is very cool, the idea is good, what needs to be done, i am ready to support, i understand that you have this and so it is supported here, well what else, if you need something for some organizational purposes? make decisions, let's do this, no, there's really nothing that i would like to ask for there, i wanted to hear your opinion.
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because my baltic federal student family and i very much empathized with him, so to speak, because our university is really moving in this direction, right now i would also like to note the work of such dialogues as now with you. yes, we do, we have anton andreevich and we regularly meet there with our rector alexander alexandrovich, this helps a lot students, in principle, find themselves , make some decisions, we had such a project in kaliningrad, this is the triathlon of the generation to whom we imagined it as students, it went well, it was a big holiday for the city, and we would probably like how to give in to the idea so that you, too , can look at this project at the federal level and make it possible to somehow mix teams of students and... youth, that is , we have an immense homeland that needs to be involved in all the cities, well, we have, and we really, really want you to watch it, thank you, you mean this is exactly the revised
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reversed mentoring, yes, this all relates to this, that is, mentoring to the convention of generations, as yes said alexander alexandrovich, that is, this is all something to look at and draw the attention of the generation. okay, i’ll talk to the minister, well, with the regional leaders, this is a good idea, yeah, please, i ask you, hello, my name is alexandra starikova, and i’m a third-year student majoring in history at the baltic federal university. at the moment i am the head of the student historical society of albertino, the same university where kant studied and taught. i am also the winner of the fourth grant competition, which took place at our university, and my project just won’t be forgotten. aimed at popularizing historical places of the kaliningrad region, i would like to thank you for facilitating the development of an ultra-modern museum, theater and educational complex, so a branch of the central music school of the moscow state academy of choreography and the russian state institute of performing arts, a branch of the tretyakov gallery will open its doors in june this year, which
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undoubtedly influences the development of our region, as well as attracting a number of specialists, but we should not forget about the legacy of the past: in the kaliningrad region there are about 200 cultural heritage objects, which must not only be combined with modern buildings, but also restored. the whole point is that we have neither educational programs, and not an organization that would train specialists, architects, restorers. there are few specialists in the region who have licenses from the ministry of culture of the russian federation, because of which we can lose a huge number of unique historical places, for example, the istanburg castle in chernyakhovsk can never be restored, so i would like to ask you to assist in the opening of a regional ... how nice it is that lawyers are thinking about architecture, about historical heritage, and you are a historian, and
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sorry, i listened, well, yes, then it’s according to your profile, but well, you’re absolutely right, we ’re trying to do it that way, and it’s probably not working out yet. in the regions they say, well , what will they see and hear there in moscow, everything will be destroyed , they will not pay attention to it, we are always transferring something somewhere, but with these endless disputes we cannot forget, of course, about these objects themselves , and wherever they
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are, in whose jurisdiction they are, we must, of course, pay direct attention to them, which means they are primarily related to funding, but in general in the country there are enough universities that... train specialists - this profile of architecture, which you mentioned, god forbid, in my opinion, there are somewhere in the region of 90 universities, where such, where such is carried out work on training specialists in this area , uh, but, probably, here, here it is in demand, because here it’s still like that - well, put in different directions, styles, but in... in history, in the history of the region, a lot happened, you you know this well, there is both german culture and russian culture here, i mean, that after all, it was even part of the russian state, polish and lithuanian, so, by the way, we,
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unlike some of our neighbors, do not destroy anything, we treat everything with care, that’s why there are elements of german culture here, we ... we carefully study everything carefully and try to save it, even in 2005, in my opinion, it was not by chance that we named your university after kant. also in order to emphasize the historical, cultural ties that connect us in this case with germany, by the way, i suggested calling this your university named after kant, we were here with the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany, mr. schrödor, then we agreed on this with him, so, of course, this... uh, the center that you are the center, yes, you propose to call this center, it is in demand here, yes, we
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are nothing, unlike our neighbors who are destroying monuments, there are heroes of the great patriotic war, and just russian, soviet monuments, monuments to pushkin have already begun to be demolished and so on, uh, this, of course, is stunning ignorance and misunderstanding. togo, where they live, what they do, and what will follow, but, but we repeat, we live and act according to completely different principles and laws, so we preserve everything and will do so, i consider your proposal important, and we will implement it. they have achieved wonderful months, these are, well, wonderful.
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for example, in this castle the stucco molding and dining room of the tefton order are very beautifully formed, so i am now studying ; soon we will go with the guys to the ragnit castle, which is now being reconstructed very well, we will implement everything you want offer, the offer is good, you don’t miss vologda butter, i recently went home to eat, brought it to my classmates, and i recommend the sandpiper in sugar to everyone, it’s good. vologda is famous for vologda oil, not only oil, the region is actively developing
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, actively now, yes, please, i ask you, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is anna sokolovova, i am a first-year student at the central music school of the academy of performing arts, baltic branch, this is exactly the institution that alexandra was talking about, i would like to express my gratitude for the unique opportunity for our residents. cities to receive a musical education of the highest level right where we live, for example, i grew up in a large family, i would not have had the financial opportunity to go to the central cities of our country to study with leading teachers and musicians. now at the branch, moscow teachers invest a lot in my education, and at the same time i already work in the kaliningrad regional symphony orchestra, and i was lucky enough to work as a teacher additional education your almamater, as a teacher. i was allocated a service apartment, which is simply a huge gift for me, because it allows
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me to fulfill my professional and educational tasks at a higher and higher quality level, to spend more time on study, creativity and work, on my own behalf and on behalf of future students of the central music school, i would like to say thank you for the incredible conditions that have been created for us for the great opportunities for aspiring young musicians in our country, and well, these are the centers cultural, large, multidisciplinary , we are creating four, now the girl also talked about this, four, these are kaliningrad, sevastopol, kemerovo and vladivostok, they are truly multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary centers, there is an educational part, and an exhibition part, now someone mentioned that... that in june the construction there was basically finished, so the governor said a branch
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of the tretyakov gallery means they are now working on exhibitions, in june a branch of the tretyakov gallery will open, i think others too the country's leading museums can exhibit there, there are a lot of works of art in the storerooms, really a lot, and therefore it will be very interesting that that that and go nowhere. no, this is very important , it is important that such regions feel part of the country, part of the cultural space, the historical space of the homeland, uh, here - and the musical art is already working, yes, the school is working, we planned it that way will be, and the theater should be completed within this next year, the opera house, the musical theater, i i think that this will - well, significantly change the cultural landscape of the region and
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people will feel like full-fledged citizens of the country, who can and whose children can use everything that will be created here, but where did you come here from? in kaliningrad, yes, it’s clear, well, everything is clear, you just told me that you seemed to have moved here, and you said from a large family, how many do you have - there are only five of us , brothers and sisters, and four girls, one boy, well, myself ... junior yes, i see, i understand, i i wish your family all the best, success and so on, friendship, mutual support
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, what they all do, and the most interesting thing is that all the children in the family received a musical education, no one... but the parents are musicians , the parents are musicians, yes, that is, this is a desire children, now my older sister and i are left in music, the middle one, well, like the middle one, the second eldest is now studying here at a higher education in dentistry, and also, the remaining sister and brother are now taking the final exams of the unified state examination and the unified state examination, so we are not in them have you worked in a symphony orchestra?
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in the orchestra there are exactly 30 people in total, from 30 to 40 people, that is, i mean the whole group, is this a regional orchestra? regional, well, yes, well, regional, yes, under the management it is necessary to increase the number of musicians, yes, we are waiting for children to graduate, yes, we are waiting for everyone, such a classical symphony orchestra, 120 people, yes to the governor. loves music very much, we just found out this, not really, but where do you work, what kind of room is there, keep in mind the base, your base, where are you base orchestra is located on baku 13, this is a separate building specifically for the orchestra, i know that they told me that work began there quite recently, they told me that the building
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was damaged with the money of the musicians themselves, it was their personal desire, they restored everything themselves created. everything is for your own convenience, it’s directly dedicated only to the orchestra, great, but a separate standing building is what you need for imagine, a symphony orchestra will rehearse in a residential building, well, great, i congratulate you on this choice and wish you every success in this way, yes, but then when the theater appears here it will be absolutely great. there will be a full-fledged, good theater, at the level , and maybe better than world standards, yeah, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is rusinova eva, i am a student at the higher school of medicine of the immanuel kant baltic federal university, majoring in general medicine, first course, and i also received secondary vocational education and qualified
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as a nurse at the college of our university, as a person directly related with medicine, i cannot help but note that in recent years a lot has been done both for the region in general and for healthcare in particular. i would like to express my deep gratitude for the creation of a modern cancer center in the kaliningrad region. our university trains both general specialists and specialists in residency, including oncologists. i hope that the cancer center will be able to provide us with a clinical base for internship, since the students really want this. and respected. vladimirovich, have you already been to our new high-tech cancer center? it hasn’t happened yet, but i think we were planning to go there, we...
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billions, that’s right, one of these centers was built here, i don’t remember, we were just now with the governor of the mouse, we talked about it, there , in my opinion, 200 beds in hospitals , 300 visits per day, in the clinic , there should be good modern equipment, well, we’ll come and see, and of course this significantly affects the state of people’s health, because - because here is the fight against cancer, it makes itself felt
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the result, well, for kaliningrad this is doubly three times more important, because well , the main high-tech assistance used to be provided to residents of the region, mainly either in st. petersburg or in moscow, well , the main thing about st. petersburg, now in many areas there will be no need anywhere. the specialists are great, the governor says that people are happy to come, this is always the case when a good center appears, good equipment appears, well, you yourself are already a medical worker, you have received a nurse’s education, now you are improving your qualifications, for doctors, as a rule, the equipment is very important, the conditions in which they work are very important, even everyday conditions are important, of course.
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put their knowledge, their soul into this , they do it with pleasure, i am sure that this will be the case here too, well , in fact, this is already happening, as the governor said, so i congratulate you, i hope that you know too , yes, what else is important, it is important that when such centers appear, yes, immediately the level, the level of the healthcare system in the region as a whole is starting to rise, other medical institutions are starting to rise to this level, trying to rise to this level, of course, people rightly
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say that only they, we and we need to improve the conditions and supply equipment , everything is correct, but still , an incentive immediately appears to raise the level of other healthcare institutions, so this is... important, this is important for the healthcare system as a whole, well, of this or that region, in this case the kaliningrad region. i hope that you will feel it too. please, what else? i ask you to. dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is sergey polushkin. i am a fourth-year student at the western branch of the presidential academy. i’m studying customs affairs, i’m also a representative of the student hockey club west russia, and i have the following question for you:
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how do you like the idea of ​​​​creating a sports complex, such as a hockey city in the kaliningrad region? i’m for it, especially hockey, which is so beloved in our country has a sport, what is it for? to do and what to do this means a hockey city , you said, yes, please take a microphone, a multifunctional sports center, for example, as there is in the city of st. petersburg, that is, the hockey city of ska, maybe, you know, well, so that it is clear, this is the most largest hockey stadium in the world, but i think that even in north, in north america there is no such thing. well, maybe there is one in canada, but in my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion, no, it’s definitely the largest in europe, don’t
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go to grandma’s, that’s 100%. and maybe in the world, one of the largest in the world, you know, what’s the matter , uh, what does this have to do with, you, as a person involved in sports, yes, you understand that - in order for such a sports facility to work effectively, it needs to be loaded, st. petersburg, with its population of five million, can probably provide such a load, this is the first, second - this complex was built exclusively with... private money, it was russian entrepreneurs who implemented this project in the hope that gazprom would join in, gazprom has not joined in yet, well, negotiations are underway, because initially they wanted to call it ska arena, and ska is a team that is supported financially by gazprom, but
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the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is that...
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for holding concerts, public events, this is an enterprise, a large enterprise that is needed, who need be able to manage, we didn’t have such people, well, it’s true, we set up quite a lot of stadiums before the world championship, in general , in my opinion, they are managed well, including at the regional level, but i’m saying all this, i’m saying... .difficulties not in order to say, no, you don’t have to do it, you have to, of course, we just need to look at the location of such, such objects, proceed from the realities of where they are created and will function, well, let's think , let's see, okay, thanks, yeah, we need to, we need to look again, so we'll think together with the governor, who to attract from the business that operates here, maybe be partially
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involved and... and the federal government needs to think, so please, something else , please don’t be shy, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is daria, i also a west campus student presidential academy, recently assistant to a deputy of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation. my question is this: we all know that the kaliningrad region is a special exclave region of russia today. today there are some difficulties in the issue of transport accessibility, we are grateful to you for the measures that are already being implemented at the federal level, and this is ferry transport provision, these are subsidized air tickets , among other things, which is especially important for us as students, but in connection with this what's the last thing while the tourist attractiveness of the region has grown significantly, there is a problem that there are not enough subsidized air tickets, they
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run out very, very quickly. and we are like in 4 months, yes, in 4 months, literally in april, starting in january, they are already running out, unfortunately, and what do you think about providing subsidized air tickets, if not for all residents of the kaliningrad region, then at least add a category of students, because today these are young people under 23 years old, i this year i’m 23 years old, and i understand that next year i won’t have such an opportunity, unfortunately... i won’t, well, we were on our way now, we also discussed it, the governor proposes that this subsidy should not be made for everyone who wants it - but certain categories of citizens, not for everyone who wants to come to kaliningrad or leave kaliningrad, only for those permanently residing here.


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